Main Event Mafia gonna become as Crazy as the NWO was

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Ok I'm not saying this will happen for sure but I have been watching TNA lately & I have got to thinking that MEM will become TNA's down Fall just like the nwo was one of WCW's down fall.
What I mean by that is when the NWO split to Black and Red wolf pack , I see the main event mafia splitting up and TNA to try to make it like to gangs fighting each other for turf and we will probably see people jumping ship to one mafia to another and will get just as confused as we where back in wcw.

Also look at the NWO in comparison to MEM they all had big main event people on there side /NWO(hogan, hall, nash ect.) MEM( Angel , Steiner sting ) Tna should take a lesson from wcw's fall and try to end this before it gets to out of hand.

any one else agree that this could possibly happen and that tna should try to end the whole stable now or soon.
One of the things that made the NWO was the at least for a few years there wasn't (The Giant is the exception) any in-fighting within the stable. MEM is not that old & they're already fighting for leadership amongst its members. TNA writers should have kept the MEM on the same page at least a year. Have them capture all the belts. They seem weak now.. Put old yellar out to pasture.. end it..
I dont think they have enough members to break the MEM into two different factions unless they are going to add Raven and Shane Douglas to the group. I have to agree with instantkarmaVA, they should have been pushed as a unite longer instead of having tension so soon. However, I think that if they broke into two factions it would be entertaining, at least for a month or two, as long as in the end they didn't reunite like the NWO did. I think Angle needs to win the world title and Sting needs to retire so that the MEM can move on and become what it should have been from the start.......ALL POWERFUL!!!!! muhahahaha
I'm gonna go against the grain a little bit here. I really don't see it splitting into two factions. This thing with Sting as the leader is gonna play out for a while, until Angle ultimately turns everyone against him and they throw him out, with a complimemtary beatdown. Then after a while, more animosity within the faction will eventually cause a small split until all parties go their seperate ways. Its on its way out, there's only so much they can do with this angle. But I have been fooled before.
There are still a million ways to take this storyline. They could have, for example Kurt try to mutiny the rest of the MEM against Sting. The rest of the members "play along" until it comes time for a big attack on Sting. At which point the MEM decides to side with the older, wiser Sting. Thus booting Angle from the Mafia.

From there the MEM could look to secure some young talent to bring up in their shadows. Perhaps go for a big change and bring in the MCMG, Creed, Young or any other number of young talent. You know, throw a MAJOR swerve our way. I think the MEM adding younger talent to their stable would be a very wise idea. Similiar to the way HHH/HBK made the New Age Outlaws prove themselves before they could join them. It might have been done before but guess what. An angle/storyline can be done multiple times with different players and still be as successful if done properly.
The thing with the main event mafia is that there is no basis for their group.

What I mean by this is that, as with almost every story in wrestling, there is no sense of equilibrium at the start of the story. I think you have to have this group getting on well for a few months, doing well, no troubles and showing it makes sense for them to be together. MEM has been plagued by nothing but internal problems, leadership disputes and rumours of new people joining.

As Instantkarmava pointed out, this made nWo a great stable, and really brought along character development. I think this is why MEM will eventually fail. Also the fact that is is only older wrestlers in the group (I know its the gimmick). It makes no sense for them NOT to take on the younger breed, bring them up, tutor them and keep it going. At the moment TNA's main events seem to be made up entirely of 40+ wrestlers whose abilities are dwindling to their lowest point. They have the names people like to see, but none of the athleticism, or spots they need, and to be honest, the whole reason I started watching TNA was because of the better in ring wrestling. Foley for example can do next to nothing in comparison to his peak. He's terrible and I just don't want to see him wrestle anymore (maybe I'm alone there), especially not in a main event where every other wrestler is a) already as over as they ever could be, and b) a lot more restricted than they were a few years ago. Surely the Main Event status is made for wrestlers at their peak, or is the advertising culture leading us down a different path this week? This is the reason TNA will fall, as opposed to WCW who relied on an untalented younger generation who stepped up too soon.
MEM will contribute to the downfall but ultimately it will be the fact that they are not live and do not tour the country.
But, TNA is starting to look a lot like WCW in regards to the fact that you have older, established talent holding down the younger, better talent.
I would “End” the M. E. Mob (cause it’s all about “ME”, the Main Event) with the split similar to the N. W. O. Hollywood / Wolfpac, and not put them back together like the N. W. O. Elite. I would have Sting retire, first and foremost, to give him the “standing ovation” like he’s leaving the game. Then I would split the rest into 3 groups with new stables formed. Okay, here’s the break down.

Team Angle (Team USA sounds okay for this, sort of):
Kurt Angle (Face turn)
Brother Ray
Matt Morgan (Face turn)
Jesse Neal

Team Booker (TNA’s version of the Nation of Domination, but with a “King’s Court” feel to it):
Booker T.
Brother Devon
Jay Lethal
Consequences Creed

Motor City Mafia (Something for Big Daddy Cool and Big Poppa Pump to do before retirement. This stable could even fall apart before it starts and Nash and Steiner could put the Guns over)
Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner
Alex Shelly
Chris Sabin

And there you have it. The end of the Mafia, but far from the end of TNA.
I would “End” the M. E. Mob (cause it’s all about “ME”, the Main Event) with the split similar to the N. W. O. Hollywood / Wolfpac, and not put them back together like the N. W. O. Elite. I would have Sting retire, first and foremost, to give him the “standing ovation” like he’s leaving the game. Then I would split the rest into 3 groups with new stables formed. Okay, here’s the break down.

Team Angle (Team USA sounds okay for this, sort of):
Kurt Angle (Face turn)
Brother Ray
Matt Morgan (Face turn)
Jesse Neal

Team Booker (TNA’s version of the Nation of Domination, but with a “King’s Court” feel to it):
Booker T.
Brother Devon
Jay Lethal
Consequences Creed

Motor City Mafia (Something for Big Daddy Cool and Big Poppa Pump to do before retirement. This stable could even fall apart before it starts and Nash and Steiner could put the Guns over)
Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner
Alex Shelly
Chris Sabin

And there you have it. The end of the Mafia, but far from the end of TNA.

That's actually not a bad idea at all, but the only thing that TNA wouldn't do is to split Ray & Devon apart cause they're basically the glue to their entire tag team division. I wouldn't really know who exactly should be added to Angle's stable & Booker's stable if this were to happen though, but still not a bad idea at all though.
You’re right. They wouldn’t split them. Only Vince would do something as stupid as that, but by splitting them, gives the other Tag Teams in TNA’s deep Tag Team division some room to work with and come on, 22 time Tag Team Champions?? That’s enough already. Also, by splitting them adds more to the Angle vs. Booker storyline and makes this very multi-dimensional. I can see a lot of comedy interactions between Kurt and Ray as well as Booker and Devon with the other members of their respective stables being the serious ones.
You’re right. They wouldn’t split them. Only Vince would do something as stupid as that, but by splitting them, gives the other Tag Teams in TNA’s deep Tag Team division some room to work with and come on, 22 time Tag Team Champions?? That’s enough already. Also, by splitting them adds more to the Angle vs. Booker storyline and makes this very multi-dimensional. I can see a lot of comedy interactions between Kurt and Ray as well as Booker and Devon with the other members of their respective stables being the serious ones.

While it may add on to the Angle/Booker storyline & add more depth to the tag team division. I don't exactly know if splitting 3D up would help TNA at all & knowing TNA's booking, they can't really book for shit, so if this actually happened, I'd be split 50/50 on what direction they would take that storyline in.
I would “End” the M. E. Mob (cause it’s all about “ME”, the Main Event) with the split similar to the N. W. O. Hollywood / Wolfpac, and not put them back together like the N. W. O. Elite. I would have Sting retire, first and foremost, to give him the “standing ovation” like he’s leaving the game. Then I would split the rest into 3 groups with new stables formed. Okay, here’s the break down.

Team Angle (Team USA sounds okay for this, sort of):
Kurt Angle (Face turn)
Brother Ray
Matt Morgan (Face turn)
Jesse Neal

Team Booker (TNA’s version of the Nation of Domination, but with a “King’s Court” feel to it):
Booker T.
Brother Devon
Jay Lethal
Consequences Creed

Motor City Mafia (Something for Big Daddy Cool and Big Poppa Pump to do before retirement. This stable could even fall apart before it starts and Nash and Steiner could put the Guns over)
Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner
Alex Shelly
Chris Sabin

And there you have it. The end of the Mafia, but far from the end of TNA.

Great, GREAT idea. It's thinking outside the box when it comes to TNA, and that's exactly what they need. The promotion's too small to have only ONE legit faction. And splitting up Bubba Ray and D-Von would be priceless... because it's rarely if EVER been done. The Motor City Mafia looks the best with Steiner and Nash and the Motor City Machine Guns. They'd be a great faction and like you said, THE MCM could get a great rub from Steiner and Nash in a tag match.
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