Macho Man Randy Savage.

ECW Sandman

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This topic is very simple and easy What was your favorite moment or memory of Macho Man Randy Savage.

I was a long time Savage fan when he passed away it hit me very hard and I could not speak for 3 days, But one of my favorite memories of Randy Savage was at a house show in 1993 I was 10 or 11 and I was sitting front row and his music hit and I just went nuts this was when he was still in the WWF he was coming around shaking hands he shook my hand and I had the biggest grin on my face to see my wrestling hero in the flesh and shaking my hand I will never forget that moment as long as I live.

So my question to you all is What was your favorite moment or memory of Macho Man Randy Savage.
That second sentence was the longest in the history of life. ;)

But anyway, I would have to say his match with Ricky Steamboat at WrestleMania III was probably my favorite. That was back when the smaller guys weren't given the credit they deserve, then this match happened and people were like, "Yeah, these kids have got it." It definitely changed the landscape of professional wrestling.

God, I miss Savage. I know he retired forever ago, but just the fact that he's not on this earth anymore is sad..
If I had to pause a single moment in time, it would be Macho in mid air as hes delivering the elbow on Ted DiBiase at WM 4. He was the man. Nothing more I can say. Actually, I could talk for hours about how great Randy was...but as ADR would say, "We already knew that."
either that moment were i think he won World War 3 and Hogan leaves the ring by choice and i think he won the title or the most epic moment in wrestling when he got leg dropped by Hogan at Bash at the Beach '96. Only Savage getting leg dropped could have such an impact.
I hope I'm not seeming like a sentimental mark, even though I am, but his WrestleMania VII match against The Ultimate Warrior was my favorite Savage moment.

But, more to the point, it was the post-match that I loved most. I know it was cheesy and hokey, but I still got emotional when I saw it on tape (I didn't watch a WrestleMania live between II-XII,)...even though I was 17 when I saw it. It was really sweet, even for Savage and pro wrestling, and when Savage held the ropes for Elizabeth instead for the first time, I thought, "Someday, I hope to find a woman like Elizabeth so I can be as sweet to her."

As cheesy as it all is, I still got a little choked up. It was genuinely sweet when he held the ropes, and it's the only time that I ever got choked up from wrestling, minus when people have died. It had a Rocky/Adrianne feel to it, you know, at the end of Rocky 1 when he's lost the match, but he's won in life because he's walking away with the woman he loves.

I loved it and it endeared me to Savage greatly. For the first time, we saw Randy Savage act like a normal person who had a heart, and I loved that.

Randy Savage is probably my all-time favorite performer, and I couldn't help but think that maybe he and Elizabeth are still together, somewhere. You wanted to believe that they really loved each other, that they were sharing their real love with us, and it was hard not to fall for that. RIP Savage. He was one of the very best there had ever been.
Ok, now I grew up in savage's era and when he died I was sad, and I will address the thread in a second. However we have touched on a major problem in today's society and I have to comment on it. To say that you did not speak for 3 days after his death is amazing to me. I live in Pittsburgh where everyone are rabid steeler fans and its this attitude that made me not be a steeler fan anymore. Do you think Randy Savage would have pissed you out if you were on fire. The answer is no he wouldn't have. Just like when steeler fans wanted to pay james harrioson's fine for him. My God people these stars are not your family please get a grip. It is ok to feel bad maybe even shed a tear, but please remember these stars do not care if you are alive or dead. Take the passion you have for these sports figures and put it in to your own family and your jobs and maybe you wouldn't have as much time on your hands that you would let a stars death make you incapable of speaking for three days. I will say again get a grip. Enjoy what you enjoy but for the love of god dont take it that far. As far as my fav savage moment it would be him winning the title at mania 4. All of his hard work finally pays off and after a grueling night he gets to raise the belt high with elizabeth on his shoulder
I hope I'm not seeming like a sentimental mark, even though I am, but his WrestleMania VII match against The Ultimate Warrior was my favorite Savage moment.

But, more to the point, it was the post-match that I loved most. I know it was cheesy and hokey, but I still got emotional when I saw it on tape (I didn't watch a WrestleMania live between II-XII,)...even though I was 17 when I saw it. It was really sweet, even for Savage and pro wrestling, and when Savage held the ropes for Elizabeth instead for the first time, I thought, "Someday, I hope to find a woman like Elizabeth so I can be as sweet to her."

As cheesy as it all is, I still got a little choked up. It was genuinely sweet when he held the ropes, and it's the only time that I ever got choked up from wrestling, minus when people have died. It had a Rocky/Adrianne feel to it, you know, at the end of Rocky 1 when he's lost the match, but he's won in life because he's walking away with the woman he loves.

I loved it and it endeared me to Savage greatly. For the first time, we saw Randy Savage act like a normal person who had a heart, and I loved that.

Randy Savage is probably my all-time favorite performer, and I couldn't help but think that maybe he and Elizabeth are still together, somewhere. You wanted to believe that they really loved each other, that they were sharing their real love with us, and it was hard not to fall for that. RIP Savage. He was one of the very best there had ever been.

Have to agree as far as moments go that was the most emotional moment to date, i am not ashamed to admit i balled my eyes out thinking he lost a retirement match and the fact he reunited with Elizabeth aswell

I was always on the Macho Madness bandwagon, how could you not be? he was just so damned talented whether he was a heel or a face.

as for matches, can't comment on WCW cause i saw next to nothing of him there, but in WWE WrestleMania 3 will always go down as one of the finest matches from a WrestleMania standpoint and the fact it gets that praise when it was on the same card as Hogan vs Andre sais alot.

The match at WrestleMania 7 was great, it was also imo Warriors best match too. But anytime Savage stepped in the ring, much like a HBK or a Jericho you knew you were gonna get a show.
My personal favorite moment of Randy Savage is probably the retirement match with Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VII. While it may not be Savage's best match, it showed that he can carry a very limited, stiff Ultimate Warrior to a phenomenal classic. Two of the most over guys to have ever stepped foot inside a WWE ring; "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior was without a doubt a great moment in both of their respective careers. Best moment of the match which made it so damn special was the unbelievable kickouts.

With the ref down, Savage goes to the ropes to hit one of the best flying elbow drops he's ever hit...ever. Any sane human being knew it was over. With the ref down, Savage took to the ropes again. Another beautiful flying elbow. In fact, he would do this another 3 times equaling a total of five fucking ebow drops. Warrior layed motionless. The ref got his shit together, counted the pin....and Warrior kicks the fuck out. The crowd erupts in cheers as Savage sold it like only he could do. Warrior shakes the ropes, delivers his clothelines and the splash. But this time, it was Savage who suprised the crowd with his kickout. Fucking amazing moment if you haven't seen it. Savage's expression makes him one of the best storytellers in WWF's history.

Rip Randy Savage. If only I was alive to see you perform day in and day out. I've watched numerous matches and he is without a doubt, in the top three performers to ever step foot in a WWE ring.
For me this was easy, it was my first wrestling show live it was a WCW Monday Nitro. I was six at the time, anyway after it ended he was going around signing autographs and my stepdad had him put me on his shoulders while my stepdad took a picture. As a long long fan of the Macho Man it hit me hard to hear he died in a car wreck all i could think was another great gone too soon.
Randy Savage, legend, icon, great worker and technician. For me it has to be WM 3 against steamboat, one of the most exciting topsy turvy matches for that era.

Most of us "oldies" believe that match (despite the main event of course)- was the most exciting that night. Add his sometimes erratic and insane pro'mos's and you had the complete package. Randy savage.. RIP
I am a long time fan of the Savage/Steamboat match at Wrestlemania III, and mention it every chance I possibly can (like here)...but, if we are talking strictly about Randy Savage's career, I would have to go with Wrestlemania IV, and winning the WWF title.
My all-time favorite Macho Man moment has to be his feud with Ricky Steamboat, like someone else mentioned. It was great from start to finish... When he draped Steamboat over the guardrail and jumped from the top rope to the outside and hit him, then hit him with the ring bell from the top rope... nobody was doing stuff like that back then. Here's a link to Part 1 of the feud... sure brought back memories.
That second sentence was the longest in the history of life. ;)

But anyway, I would have to say his match with Ricky Steamboat at WrestleMania III was probably my favorite. That was back when the smaller guys weren't given the credit they deserve, then this match happened and people were like, "Yeah, these kids have got it." It definitely changed the landscape of professional wrestling.

God, I miss Savage. I know he retired forever ago, but just the fact that he's not on this earth anymore is sad..

I'm glad they gave Savage an eventual title run, but I loved him as the heel/IC champion better. I had so many more memories of him with that title.

The WM3 match was hands down top 3 best matches ever. When I was much younger, we didn't have cable and DEFINITELY not internet, so I had to rely on the weekend shows to see what happened after the PPVs. I cared more about that match than what happened with Hogan/Andre because that got some mainstream publicity the night after. So I had to wait a whole week to find out what happened.
Randy savage+Icon+legend=God as what ric flair already says!! To me his match at WM3 against the dragon my absolute favorie match of his of all time!! That match had it all everything you could ask for and IMO the match is still in the top 5 of all time!! He could talk on the stic as well as anyone better than anyone actually. Randy thank you for the memories in WWE and WCW!! RIP sir take a bow you should have been in HOF already!!
Let's see my favorite memory of Macho Man is really hard to pick.. I have so many of them.. I would say one of them is when he went up against Ricky The Dragon Steamboat at WrestleMania 3. Another one is WrestleMania 4 when he won the World Title against Ted DiBiase... Another one would be when he got back together with Miss Elizabeth. When I still watch that one I sometimes cry it was so well done. But if I really had to pick my all time favorite memory of Randy would have to be back in April of 1994. It was a Monday Night Raw taping. I was on the railing and both Vince and Randy were doing the commentary back then. Randy looked at me and asked me if I have seen The Undertaker since he was missing so to speak. I said no Randy I haven't.. Then I asked him Have you? Randy just looked at me and did alittle chuckle about that and answered me no I haven't. Each time Vince and Randy came out that night for a taping of RAW they would talk to all of us down there. But every time Randy would see me and just smile and ask me how I was enjoying the show so far. I would say it is great. Randy would say I am glad you are enjoying the show so far. Randy even shook my hand every time he came out. Now to a 14 year girl growing up watching him during this time it was a great honor.. When I heard he died I was in total shock like I lost a family member. I am still in shock that he is gone.. I just hope that they will induct him into the Hall of Fame he so richly deserves it for a long time.. May he rest in peace.. We will always keep our memories of him close to us..
The Saturday Night Main Event in which the Mega Powers came together. Savage was being gang-beaten by the Hart Foundation and the Honky Tonk Man, with Macho Man getting a guitar smashed over his head. Elizabeth led Hulk Hogan to the ring, where he made the save of Savage, cleared the ring......and the partnership was formed.

The great thing was in the execution of the scene; it didn't seem as if Savage was subordinate to Hogan, as every other performer seemed to be in those days. Savage and Hogan shook hands as equals.....and the era of Hogan being a solo attraction to the exclusion of everyone else, was over.

A lesser performer than Randy Savage wouldn't have been able to command our respect that way, and the scene might not have worked as well. It was my favorite Macho moment.
Ok, now I grew up in savage's era and when he died I was sad, and I will address the thread in a second. However we have touched on a major problem in today's society and I have to comment on it. To say that you did not speak for 3 days after his death is amazing to me. I live in Pittsburgh where everyone are rabid steeler fans and its this attitude that made me not be a steeler fan anymore. Do you think Randy Savage would have pissed you out if you were on fire. The answer is no he wouldn't have. Just like when steeler fans wanted to pay james harrioson's fine for him. My God people these stars are not your family please get a grip. It is ok to feel bad maybe even shed a tear, but please remember these stars do not care if you are alive or dead. Take the passion you have for these sports figures and put it in to your own family and your jobs and maybe you wouldn't have as much time on your hands that you would let a stars death make you incapable of speaking for three days. I will say again get a grip. Enjoy what you enjoy but for the love of god dont take it that far. As far as my fav savage moment it would be him winning the title at mania 4. All of his hard work finally pays off and after a grueling night he gets to raise the belt high with elizabeth on his shoulder

I get what your saying but man chill out! Its ok for people to be fans of teams and icons. The guy saw Savage when he was 10 years old, it was obviously a memorable moment for him in his life which he carried with him for years so he was sad when he passed away. I dont think its the sociological problem you make out. You seem to assume that the guy is some kind of loser just because he's a super fan of someone, its perfectly possible that he is also a normal functioning member of society. Plus lets face it, we are all posting in a forum about wrestling so we must all be a little bit 'super fan'!

Now, in answer to the OP's question. I was going to go for WM 3 as its one of the greatest matches in history but I think it has to be the WWF title win v Flair at Mania. Not only was it a great match but the build up and storyline heading into the match were brilliant, everyone played their part that night Savage, Flair, Perfect and Heenan was awesome on commentary. So Im going to go with that.
I would have to say that my foavrite moment in the career of Randy Savage and this is hard since there are so many damned memorable ones had to be when he and Hogan's Mega Powers team dissolved. The way Savage was getting fed up with Hogan's exuberance and closeness to Liz was golden, the fact that Macho Man also say that Hogan was becoming a threat to his WWF Title was another great touch, in the confines of kayfabe Macho Man had every right to be concerned about Hogan's closeness to Liz and his title reign.

The edition of The Main Event where we see The Mega Powers have their final tag team match in their original incarnation against The Twin Towers sticks out greatly in my mind. Having had enough of Hogan, Savage just smacks him in the face and shows he's had enough, mind you Miss Elizabeth was taken out by accident during the course of the match and Hogan rushed her to the backstage area to get her to safety, which only served to infuriate Savage even more.

The capper to this though was when Savage knocked Hogan silly with the title and started pounding on him. In my mind this was a great story that was being built right off the heels of WrestleMania IV and it took us right into the next WrestleMania. While I wish Savage had gotten to get more than just DQ and countout wins over Hogan, the match itself was still a classic and the moments Savage and Hogan (more so Savage in my opinion when discussing this storyline) is the stuff that pro wrestling is made of.
I'm not sure if I can pick a favorite moment. He's one of my all time favorite pro wrestlers. His matches and his promos always delivered. RIP Macho Man.
If I had to pick a favorite memory it had to be the feud he and Lanny had vs the Rock n Roll express in Memphis. The highlight was when Randy took Ricky Morton and gave him a piledriver through a table ! This was around 1984 and u didn't see moves like that anywhere !!!! Just an awesome moment !!!
It's hard for me to pick just one Macho moment, as he was my favorite of all time. But if there was a gun to my head,I would have to pick his WCW feuds with Flair. Macho seemed certifiable during this time. Crazier than usual anyway. RIP Mach.

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