LUNATIC HIGH Pro Wrestling Thread

If you spelt it Right I would Have posted some New ones that I found, But No INDYjon22 Chose to Spell Natalya Wrong Today :disappointed:

But Here You Go :icon_mrgreen:
HOLY CRAP. Insane moment of clarity on a quick edit to the next match. Macca, PMing you, FUCKING READ IT.

Edit: Can't PM a prisoner, grr, get on MSN/Supply me with an email, trust me, this is fucking brilliant
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullf**k Tournament: Macca (w/ SMB) vs. wwetributes vs. Doug Crashin

Doug Crashin comes out to no pop. wwetributes comes out to boos. Pedobear signs are visable. One fan is heard shouting "You rape that chick yet?!" which sends tributes into a spaz. Finally Macca and SMB come out to a great pop. Macca acknowledges his Sheep while SMB, who incidentally, is dressed as Charlie Pace from Lost, is asking fans where to find some good heroin. Macca appears to be carrying some sort of box with a sheet over it.

Onizuka: While it's great to see Macca here tonight, I have to wonder: what's up with the box and the junkie following him?

Macca puts the box in a corner and grabs a mic.​

Onizuka: Uh oh. Macca has a mic. God knows how many people he'll piss off tonight...

Macca: Fear not, my sheep, for the sheppard has come home!!

The crowd pop for ya boy.​

Macca: Now my little lamp-chops, tonight yours truly has the opportunity to become the King Of Iron Fist Champion. However, I am a giving man. And tonight, I see two knobjockeys who severly need my guidance.

Doug Crashin steps forward.[\CENTER]

Doug Crashin : I don't need your help! I think you're shit!

Macca: Yes you do. And you loved me when I first debuted.

Crashin: Oh, ok. My bad.

Doug Crashin steps back, confused like a senior citizen lost in the supermarket.​

Macca: That's one down. Now wwetributes, I realise that you have a certain inkling for girls of a certain age limit...

Macca points to the crowd as a "Pedo" chant breaks out.​

Macca: Well tonight, Im gonna give you the chance to choose what you leave this arena with. Now...

Macca lies down on his back in the ring.​

Macca: can either take this free opportunity to get the only kind of win you'll
ever get over me and get a chance to be a champion. Great opportunity btw. Or, you can follow your libido and...

Macca points to SMB/Charlie and he pulls the sheet off the box, revealing a cage with a 11-year old girl locked inside. A strange vibration is seen inside wwetributes' tights.​

Macca: ...or you can take this little pre-pubic beauty home with you. One or the other buddy. So make your choice...

wwetributes is in tears at this point making his decision. He stares at Macca lying on the mat and then at the frightened girl in the cage. Finally he can't take it anymore and rushes to the cage, trying desperately to bust the lock.​

Macca: Enjoy your prize.

As Macca sits up, Charlie Pace/SMB throws a while substance into wwetributes' face from ringside. tributes tries to catch his breath but suddenly is affected by what he just inhaled and drops to the mat, shivering and itchy.​

Onizuka: Bitch be trippen' balls.

As Macca stands over wwetributes, Crashin comes over and pats Macca on the back.​

Crashin: You know what, if I was him, I would have picked pinning you...

Macca superkicks Crashin and follows it up with the Air Raid Crash for the pin.

Winner - Macca

As Macca's hand is raised, Charlie Pace/SMB fishes under the ring and puts out a baby.​

Onizuka: Oh, for God's sake!! SMB's got that Australian chick's baby from the island!! He wouldn't!! Would he?

Charlie Pace/SMB enters the ring , grabs the baby by the leg and proceeds to beat Crashin's lifeless body with the little nipper. After SMB whips Crashin like a Guantanamo Bay inmate, he flings the bastard child into the crowd and raises Macca's hand as the crowd once more erupts for the Widowmaker​

Onizuka: Thank you Jesus that this is broadcast on the Internet, otherwise the Feds would have shut us down 5 minutes ago.

UP DOWN - Xfear vs. IC25 vs. HBKHolic
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullf**k Tournament Match: Xfear vs. IC25 vs. HBKHolic

X comes out first to a puro megapop(mostly clapping and Japanese girls screaming X a lot). IC25 comes out to a nice pop also. HBKHolic comes out next to plenty of men wolf-whisting and general horny comments. Once inside the ring, she gets a mic and puts on a sad face.​

Onizuka: This woman may be trying to shake her hips out of trouble, but will they be accepted?

HBKHolic: You naughty boys aren't going to hurt poor little old me now are you?

IC25, despite his best efforts, can't overcome her will and shakes his head to say he wouldn't hurt her. X, in the meanwhile, grabs a mic.​

X: I wouldn't hurt little old you?

X turns to the crowd and they roar in approval. A "Tits or GTFO" chant is started. X turns back to HBKHolic.​

X: Sorry bitch, but your sex appeal just 404'd.

X hits HBKHolic in the face with the Burning Hammer. The crowd goes nuts and IC25 goes from shock to anger and rushes X. He lifts him up for a back suplex but X reverses it and nails him with a big Misawa forearm smash. He lifts IC25 up and irish whips him but IC catches him with a spinning wheel kick. IC lifts X up and puts him in the turnbuckle. IC begins choking X with the sole of his boot. He relents and X slumps back into the corner. IC rushes back and goes for a turnbuckle clothesline, but X moves out the way. X starts whaling on IC's chest with the Machine Gun Chops. He completes those and flings IC to the mat. He goes to the top and lands a Moonsault. Pin attempt but a kickout. X calls for an Emerald Flowsion but IC counters and hits a belly to belly. IC locks in the Sharpshooter. X struggles for a while but manages to kick his legs out of it. X crawls to the turnbuckle and as he stands up, IC hits him with the turnbuckle clothesline. IC sets X up on the turnbuckle but X fights out. He hits a double axe handle from the top. Now X hoists IC to the top. He grabs IC from the top and sets up a reverse death valley driver which connects. Pin, and a kick out, much to the shock of everyone. X has a look of bewilderment on his face, before getting up and screaming to the heavens. IC gets up and X hits the legendary Orange Crush on IC for the pin.

Winner - X

Onizuka: What a match we just witnessed there! IC and X gave everything they had but in the end, X pulling out the Orange Crush for the win! You have to believe that X will be one of, if not, the favourite in this tournament!

As medics attend to IC and HBKHolic, X climbs the turnbuckle to celebrate his much deserved win with his fans.​
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullf**k Tournament Match: Tdigle vs. Matt Fox vs. Scotty

Tdigle comes out first to a good pop. Matt Fox comes out to a decent pop also, as does Scotty. Once in the ring, all three men shake hands. Bell sounds and we are underway. Matt Fox with right hands straight away to Scotty who backs off into the corner. Tdigle comes over and shoves Fox away and starts laying right hands of his own. Fox grabs Tdigle away from Scotty. Both men stare each other down. Scotty leaps to the corner and hits a B.M.E on both men. As Fox rolls out, Scotty locks on a Camel Clutch on Tdigs. Fox motions to Scotty and he releases the clutch and applies a surfboard to Tdigs. Fox hits a springboard legdrop on Tdigs' head while in the surfboard. Scotty hits an STO on Fox as he reaches his feet. Pin attempt on Fox but a 2 count. Tdigs gets to his feet and hits a cactus clothesline on Scotty, sending both men over the top. Fox begins to climb on the top rope but Tdigs meets hi
there and hip tosses Fox to the outside onto Scotty. Crowd is throughly into this match, chanting "This is Awesome". Tdigs acknowledges the fans and then a Shooting Star Press onto both Fox and Scotty onto the outside. Tdigs hulks up, and flings Scotty into the ring. Pin on Scotty, but a kick out. Tdigs turns to find Fox on the apron and tries to clothesline him. But Fox hangs him up throat first on the ropes. Fox pulls tdigs through the ropes and hits a Falcon Arrow from the apron to the floor. Fox rolls in the ring but is met by Scotty who lifts Fox up for and hits the double knee gutbuster. Pin and 2 count. All three men are physically drained. Scotty goes to the top rope and hits a double foot stomp to the ribs of Fox. He goes for a pin, but Tdigs breaks it up. As Scotty gets up, he gets a boot to the gut and gets hit with a enzuigiri. Pin on Scotty but this time Fox breaks it up. As tdigs rises, Fox busts his chops with a Chono kick. Pin but Scotty makes the save. Scotty goes for a bulldog but reverses and runs to the ropes for a Clothesline From Hell. However Scotty turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Scotty stalks Fox as he gets up, but Tdigs grabs him and hits a Brainbuster. Scotty rolls out the ring. Tdigs grabs Fox in the corner, puts him in the piledriver position, hoists him up, starts running and nails the Liger Bomb for the finish.

Winner - Tdigle

The fans give a standing ovation to all three men and their effort. Tdigs, exhausted, lifts his arm in victory while still lying on the mat.​

Onizuka: A spell-binding performance by these three men here tonight... At Pedo Champloo! But it was Tdigs who won the war and advances onward in the tournament...
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullfuck Tournament Match: FromTheSouth vs. Razor (both w/Thriller) vs. Mysteriofan

FTS and Razor both come out together with Thriller (with camera in hand) to a good pop.​

Onizuka: Well, FromTheBack are in attendance! But only one of them can take the spotlight tonight! I wonder what the match strategy is looking like for this match...

Mysteriofan comes out to some major heat, prancing about and singing to his theme song "Obsessed" by Mariah Carey. He enters the ring, but the prancing stops when he comes face-to-face with FromTheBack. As Mysteriofan backs off in his corner, FTS and Razor get mics.​

FTS: Now it's pretty clear that tonight FromTheBack faces a dilemma of epic
propositions. We are both entered into the same qualifying match where there's only one spot in the finals. Now to the mentally inept; it may seem like we're fucked one way or the other. However we, being the smartie pants that we are, have found a way to make this a win-win situation. Brother Razor, preach.

Razor: It's true, folks. Both myself AND FTS will be progressing to the finals after this match, all thanks to a loophole in the rules. See, the rules state that in order to advance, you must not lose your qualifying match. However, they never said anything about how many people can advance from each match... So, say if "somehow" myself and FTS were to, I don't know, BOTH pin mysteriofan or make him submit, then the match would be considered a draw. And seeing as we both won't lose, they'll have no choice but to let us advance. Then we'll dominate the finals and, at the end of the night, one member from FromTheBack will be a champion. So (turns to Thriller filming from the apron) you filming this? Okay, let the ******** commence!

FTS and Razor begin edging towards mysteriofan in his corner. Mysteriofan, in his panic, can be heard blurting out:​

Mysteriofan: I suppose you guys aren't Beyonce fans then?

FTS and Razor start stomping a mudhole in Mysteriofan in the corner. FTS gets on all fours and Razor launches a dropkick off FTS to Mysteriofan's chest. FTS grabs mysteriofan and hits a double arm DDT. Razor drags mysteriofan and rests his head on the middle of the bottom rope. Razor runs the ropes and hits the Bonerjam (running bronco buster on the bottom rope). FTS lifts Mysteriofan and lands a devastating torture rack backbreaker. Razor signals to Thriller on the apron. FTS and Razor Irish whip Mysteriofan to Thriller who takes mysteriofan's head off with the camera. Razor jumps out the ring and puts on a Batman cape, much to the crowd's delight. Razor mounts the top rope and hits a Batman-like cross body. FTS lifts mysteriofan and along with Razor hits the Congress Address (chop block/leg lariat). Both men stand up and play to the crowd. Out of the blue, FTS rolls up Razor and pulls on the tights for the win.

Winner - FTS

Onizuka: Whoa! FTS just doublecrossed Razor!! What about the plan they devised for both of them?!

FTS quickly rolls out of the ring and up the ramp, leaving Razor in a state of shock. Thriller has no idea what to do. FTS has his hand raised by the referee. FTS looks into the camera, with a big grin.​

FTS: Liberals, they never learn, do they?!

Razor leans on the middle rope and glares at FTS. Thriller is stuck between the ring and the ramp, unsure how to react.​

Onizuka: It looks like FromTheBack is experiencing some techinical difficulties! But regardless, FTS advances through to the finals.
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullf**k Tournament Match: NorCal vs. KB vs. TM

TM comes out first to a nice pop. KB appears next with a minor pop but mostly jeers. NorCal finally comes out to a Hogan pop which is the best of the night.​

Onizuka: Without a doubt, three of the biggest stars in the history of e-wrestling face off tonight for a shot at supremacy here tonight! And folks, the stakes could not be any higher!

The bell rings and all three men are ready to go. The crowd are hyped, chanting "This Is Wrestling" as the event gets underway. The three guys begin to get closer and closer to lock up. Suddenly the lights go out.​

Onizuka: Oh come on, I mean, I know we're low budget, but-

A pyro goes off on stage, and the lights come back on. All three men are strewn out on the mat and none other than Steamboat Ricky is standing in the ring clenching a crowbar. Some of the crowd are booing, but the smarks in attendance have having an out-of-body experience.​

Onizuka: What the f**k?!?! Steamboat Ricky is here!!! Who the hell left the back door open?!?!

Steamboat Ricky points to his shirt which reads "TICK TOCK, PAGLINO..." He then looks around at the carnage he has created. He turns to the hard camera and has a sickening grin on his face as he does so. In a shocking twist he grabs KB's arm and places it over TM's chest, much to the dismay of the crowd. Suddenly, they spring into life when NorCal begins to stir into life and get to one knee. However, Ricky just as soon as puts him down with a shot to the cranium with the crowbar. The referee counts the pin.

Winner - KB

Ricky jumps out of the ring, takes one last look at the inside of it and then disappears into the fans. The fans are near riotous and are chanting "Fire Macca" as loud as they can. KB's hand is raised but he's still out like a
light and will be lucky if he can even make it to the finals.​

Onizuka: Ladies and gentleman, KB will advance to the finals of the tournament here tonight. But the real story is... I can't believe my eyes. Steamboat Ricky is back...
I would have rather seen Norcal start ripping limbs off. It would have been more realistic. I don't think Norcal can be taken down by a crowbar.
LHPW: Pedo Champloo

Berserker Skullf**k Tournament Match: Disarray vs. Coco vs. ZeroVX

ZeroVX comes out first to some heat. Then Disarray and Coco come
out together to even more heat. They are followed by Uncle Sam who has a grumpy look on his face.​

Onizuka: Why do I get the feeling that Sam wants nothing to do with these guys?

Match starts immediately with Coco rushing ZeroVX. Zero hits a drop toehold on Coco who hits the ropes. However, Zero is turned inside out by a bicycle kick by Disarray. Sam is reading a newspaper at ringside. Disarray hits a gutwrench backbreaker. Coco hits a running bulldog on Zero. Coco and Disarray play up to the crowd. Disarray tells Coco to go to the top. Coco hits Xero with a Doomsday Dropdick off of Disarray's shoulders. Meanwhile, Sam is figuring out the last number in his sudoku puzzle. Coco tells Disarray to hold Zero on the apron. With Zero held on the ropes, Coco goes for a flying cross chop. However, Zero moves and Coco hits Disarray, knocking him off into the crowd barrier. Zero gets a quick sunset flip roll-up for the victory.

Winner - Zero

Zero scurries out the ring to celebrate. As Sam
facepalm's at ringside, Coco and Disarray argue over who got it wrong. Sam gets in the ring and slaps the pair of them with his newspaper for their troubles.​

Onizuka: What an upset!! Man, Sam must be cursing his mentally challenged brother for creating such incompetant children with that leper that works that the 7-11. What a mess!!
Onizuka: Well ladies and gents, we've seen all the qualifying matches here tonight. And I can now reveal the final match which all our winners will be competing in here tonight. For the first time ever, the King of Iron Fisting Championship will be decided in a No Lube Allowed Battle Royal!!!

The rules are as follows: All 8 men will be in the ring together at the same time to begin the match. The first 4 men to be thrown over the rope and have both feet touching the floor will be eliminated. The remaining four men will then compete in a 4-Way Dance where 3 men will be eliminated by either pinfall or submission. The last superstar surviving this horrific ordeal will the first ever King of Iron Fisting Champion!!!!

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