Maybe it's much different in America, but the majority of times in Ireland, rape involves foreign objects, told to me in a day long talk by a skilled therapist who deals with rape survivors..
I don't see how someone gets sexual gratification by raping someone with a stick, or a hairbrush or a knife or whatnot.

That's torture.
Maybe it's much different in America, but the majority of times in Ireland, rape involves foreign objects, told to me in a day long talk by a skilled therapist who deals with rape survivors.. and she said it's about the power.
I don't see how someone gets sexual gratification by raping someone with a stick, or a hairbrush or a knife or whatnot. Yes there are cases of it being just for the sex, but mostly, I wouldnt believe so, and would think it was for the power.

Damn. And I was considering moving to Europe. XD
By the way...your dad raped your step-wife because she threatened his position as a man by taking away his power to have sex. He raped her to take back that power. Don't believe me? Then ask yourself why he didn't go have sex with any one of the billions of women in the world.

He was mentally ill but not completely gone if that makes sense. He raped his wife because she wouldn't give him sex and he wanted it. he didn't do it with anybody else because she was there in the same bed as him at the time.
I don't see a penis in there.

So the law hasn't been changed over ther yet.

Here it's been amended for 20 years nearly, and it's the sole reason why people think they get away with rape if they don't use their penis, but laws have changed.

EDIT: I looked it up, Rape laws over there state that unlawful intercourse or sexual intrusion defines rape, therefore, penis is not required.
So the law hasn't been changed over ther yet.

Here it's been amended for 20 years nearly, and it's the sole reason why people think they get away with rape if they don't use their penis, but laws have changed.

Last I checked torture is also against the law.
My opinion is anyone who argues rape is primarily about sex instead of power is an idiot, and is ignoring all of the research and studies which have proven otherwise.

By the way...your dad raped your step-wife because she threatened his position as a man by taking away his power to have sex. He raped her to take back that power. Don't believe me? Then ask yourself why he didn't go have sex with any one of the billions of women in the world.

It's about power. To say otherwise is just deluding yourself.

Having a degree in psychology, I couldn't help but check out this thread.

Also, since I always read all the posts before I respond (99.9% of the time) I'm glad this fell into the usual category because Sly pretty much summed it up for me (aside from the idiot part which I probably wouldn't have included, but anywho...)

The majority of the cases revolve around power. Whether it be a constant rejection by women and ultimately wanting to feel the power of "taking control" or owning a woman, or whatever, it falls mainly into the control aspect. Sure, there are people who desire sexual release in an abnormal fashion, but that's can also be attributed to a lack of control and/or power. A person who wants that release but cannot achieve it by normal means feels a lack of control about his situation and also about the ability to persuade a woman to partake in sexual activities. The rape asserts that control over the desired "outlet" and as such gives him that feeling of power over satisfying the urge. (And I use the male example simply for simplification and space, it applies to the female gender as well.)

He was mentally ill but not completely gone if that makes sense. He raped his wife because she wouldn't give him sex and he wanted it. he didn't do it with anybody else because she was there in the same bed as him at the time.

This statement also points to the control factor. You say that he wanted sex, yet she wouldn't give it to him. That can fall under the subject of power because he lacked the power to convince his own wife to have sex with him, and it could very well have given him a feeling of inadequacy and lack of power in the role of the husband. Forcing the sex on his wife re-assured himself in his mind of his power status in the relationship since he got what he wanted. And isn't that what power is all about anyway, getting what you want even if other people try to keep you from getting it, proving that you have the power to satisfy your wants and desires?

Edit: I forgot to cite this post as well, and wanted to give credit where credit is due for a great, to the point, well presented post. Didn't want to forget Xemnas simply because I chose to quote Sly in my post.

There is no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for rape; the motives of rapists can be multi-factorial and are subject to debate. Several factors have been proposed: anger, a desire for power, sadism, sexual gratification, and evolutionary pressures.

Very nice, Xemnas.
I love all the amateur psychologists in here claiming rape is not about power, but about sex. Nevermind the fact nearly all of the trained professional psychologists say it is, you all clearly know better.

It should also be noted that LSN80 is one of these "trained professional psychologists" and as such speaks from a position of knowledge.

Rape is undoubtedly a power issue first and foremost. If it were about the sex alone, the guy would simply seek it consensually, with a significant other, a hooker, whatever. I agree with LSN, the act of rape is first and foremost about demeaning and dominating the victim, and the sex is a secondary bonus for the aggressor.
I like how this thread is titled LSN80 but he is yet to post in here despite the fact the debate has already started to die down. That's what happens when Sly posts, people tuck their tail between their legs and sulk away.

I do not care to weigh in on the debate itself.
I'm confused. I thought it was pretty common knowledge that rape is about power. Why are so many people shocked by the idea? I mean I want to disagree with LSN as well, but not when he's right.

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