Louie Renewed For 3rd Season

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me

Sweet. I'm not going to pretend that I've been some avid follower of the show for a long time or anything, but I've definitely gotten into it pretty hardcore over the past 4 or 5 weeks. I had gotten into his stand up a lot and while reading his Wikipedia page I learned he had a show running on FX. I watched the first 3 episodes of the second season, downloaded the the first season and watched it in one sitting, and now I watch it every Thursday night.

I love it. It's groundbreaking or some kind of brilliant show. It's just bits of stand up comedy with random moments in his life. I'm never challenged intellectually or anything by the show, but I do usally laugh my fucking ass off.

I'm honestly surprised that it has garnered enough fanfare to get a 3rd season, but I am pretty happy to see it. He has more fans than I thought apparently.

On a sidenote, I've recently discovered Louis CK's old show, Lucky Louie. Man was this show fucking hilarious. Never should have been canceled.
I'm not an avid follower, as I'm never watching when it's on, but from what I have seen... God, this show is funny. Louis CK's character is just so unique and hilarious, the situations he gets into are just plain funny. Like you said, the show isn't challenging intellectually, but it really doesn't need to be, it can run on just being funny.

I've actually seen a few episodes in the last week and I'm really wanting to get into it, so I might catch up.
I watched some of his stand-up months ago and both my wife and I thought he was great. I watched the show last night based on an article from one of my favorite writers, you mentioning it a couple of weeks ago on during an L.D., and my apathy towards TNA.
The shows were spectacular. The *********ion show may have been unrealistic but it was dark and funny. The show with his buddy Eddie was not necessarily funny but it was just a good well written story that made me feel like I was watching real events.

The show may not be for everyone but I hope it lasts awhile and he can keep up the strong writing.
Easily one of the funniest shows I've seen in a while. I'm extremely excited that this show's been renewed. I didn't actually think it would be, given the deadpan humor this show has, along with the indie style camera work, it's just not a "marketable" show.

But I guess people like it as much as I do.
Fantastic news. This might be the funniest show I watch right now, considering how it feels like everything that's happened on the show may have actually happened to Louie. If so, I feel kinda bad for him. The fact that it's been on for this long is a pleasant surprise. Not only will it get another season, but I know that it has a couple Emmy nominations too, including Louie himself for Lead Actor in a Comedy. Best of luck to the show with those awards and moving forward; it deserves to stay on TV for a long time.

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