Los Angeles Region, Fifth Round: (2) Demolition vs. (3) Hart Foundation

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Demolition

  • Hart Foundation

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This is a fifth round match in the Los Angeles Region. It's a standard tag team match held in the Staples Center.



2. Demolition



3. Hart Foundation

Vote for who you feel is the better team. The poll will be open for FIVE days starting approximately twenty four hours after this thread is posted. Use the time to argue and defend your choices. In the case of a tie, the team with more written votes will win. Only one vote per user.

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The fact that one of these two teams is going to the finals makes me cry inside. I was never a fan of either team when I was younger, and my opinion hasn't changed much as I've gotten older. Right now I'm leaning toward The Hart Foundation since they weren't an LOD ripoff, but I'm in no way set in this opinion.
The Hart Foundation beat Demolition for one of their Tag title reigns, so that right there is enough for me to sway my vote. And also, as over as Demolition seems to be on the forums and with most older generation fans, they didn't really do a whole lot compared to the other tag teams left in this thing.

The Hart Foundation were family, too and that makes a whole lot of difference in this thing.
I think Demolition overshot where they should've ended up in a tournament like this. While I think Demolition eventually did well together as a team, they were still a pair of chubby brawlers who didn't really do much outside of the WWF. They ended up being a good team, but their raison d'etre was to serve as the WWF's version of the Road Warriors. In terms of titles, they have one more than the Hart Foundation, however that was in part because the WWF started toying around with the idea of Hart and Neidhart as singles competitors for awhile before putting them back together as a team.

Winners: The Hart Foundation
I like Bret\Anvil better & they have a big win over Demolition for the straps, so that seals the deal for me. Demolition can certainly go, but they have a hard time matching Bret's speed and great wrestling ability. Starts as a brawl, Bret slows the pace a bit & picks Demolition apart while Anvil does some smashing.

On to the finals....
Going with Demolition. The Hart's Summerslam 1990 victory over Demolition was against Smash & Crush, not Ax & Smash, and Smash didn't take a fall in that match. Demolition was DQ'd in the second fall and Crush took the third fall while Ax & Smash were distracted by the LOD. Demolition defeated The Harts at Summerslam 1988 when it was Ax & Smash and when they were in their prime. The Hart Foundation were a great combination of power and speed, but that doesn't mean shit when they lost to Demolition at their best and got beat clean by Smash & Crush in the first fall of their 2 Out Of 3 Falls.
Tough call - if you drop the Crush period, the two teams have very comparable records. I'm going with personal preference and the fact I think it'll make for a more interesting final if Bret & Jim face Rick & Scott (who are looking very strong in the other semifinal currently). Plus I believe that a Steiners brothers / Demolition final would have to follow the line of a Steiners victory over the Road Warriors given the much discussed similarities of their opponents.

Hart Foundation versus the Steiners... that could provoke some debate...
I'll take Demolition. As mentioned above The Hart Foundation beat Smash and Crush for the titles, not Ax and Smash. There's a big difference there. It was Ax and Smash that dominated when tag team wrestling was at its best in the WWF. Name the best tag teams in the WWF in the late 80s. British Bulldogs, Strike Force, Rockers, Powers of Pain, Brain Busters, Hart Foundation. Demolition beat them all. It's not like Demolition were champs because the division was weak or ignored like recent times. They had a 16 month title reign when all those teams, among others that put today's teams to shame, were regularly active on the roster. I get calling them Road Warrior rip offs at first glance but they quickly worked past that creating their own identity and deserve to move to the finals of this tournament.
Hart Foundation edge out Demolition here. These two teams took a win a piece at different Summerslams. The Harts did not beat the original incarnation of Demolition. However, the original Ax and Smash needed the help of Jimmy Hart AND Bobby Heenan to win at Summerslam '88. And the Harts are no slouches either when talikg about knocking off established tag teams. British Bulldogs, Iron Curtain, Can-Am Connection, Rockers, Bolshevicks, Powers of Pain, Rhythym and Blues, Rougeaus and Smash and Crush. Just to name a few. The foundation were 2 time champs and around a hell of a lot longer. During their years in the tag division they were always mid to upper card. I am a big Demolition fan but I have to go with my heart (no pun intended) and send Bret and the Anvil to the finals..

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