Long Time No See

lil bitch kid said:
You really do protest far too much for someone who has nothing to hide.
Remember, Spider? I/we outed myself as being you/me when I/we discussed the same topic on a message board. Because I/we either failed to contest the charge, or because I/we contested the charge (pick one), it clearly follows that it's true and I/we must be the same poster. Since I/we're doing repetition this season:
Since repetition's the thing we're doing:
I said I find it incredible that the idiots and the power rangers can't do both jobs, but given how fucking moronic they are, it shouldn't be a surprise. It's not that tough to moderate a board (clearly, it can't be) and cut and paste from other sites, and yet, it requires two groups of incompetents to pull it off at WZ.

Wrestlezone is hardly the only website, news, editorial or otherwise, that practices having different teams work different sections of the site. Moderating a board (depending on the size of it) can actually be a fairly time consuming task (enough to actually fill an 8 hour shift and thus in fact be a "normal" job). The Wrestlezone forum is arguably large enough to require a dedicated (and unpaid) team to attempt to keep it in check.

It makes little sense for a site that is trying to specialize in news and editorials for their news and editorial staff to also moderate the forums. At most I've seen said news posters and editorial writers post comments in the comments section of articles. I've yet to see anyone (with a recognizable name at least) from the news/editorial portion of the main site post on the forums.

Just offering a calm, non-argumentative point from someone who has been on many a forum as both normal poster and a mod.

Spider: Read your damn PM! :p
It's cute when you re-use my insults that I've used on you. I, clearly, have proven that you're using at least three accounts. You really do protest far too much for someone who has nothing to hide.

Speculation =/= Proven. You sure do get words confused quite often for someone who claims to be intelligent.

I guess that is the problem with teachers now. They hand out gold stars & participation ribbons so all the dumb kids wont feel left out. Then those kids grow up thinking they are smart & the rest of us have to deal with their ignorance. I blame the Canadian Department of Education for your scholastic\social handicaps. So when you finally decide to kill yourself after realizing you are a failure, please be sure to send them a copy of your suicide note. Maybe they will change their policies so no more kids have to grow up ignorant. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good lil bitch kid. Its the best you can do.
Speculation =/= Proven. You sure do get words confused quite often for someone who claims to be intelligent.

I guess that is the problem with teachers now. They hand out gold stars & participation ribbons so all the dumb kids wont feel left out. Then those kids grow up thinking they are smart & the rest of us have to deal with their ignorance. I blame the Canadian Department of Education for your scholastic\social handicaps. So when you finally decide to kill yourself after realizing you are a failure, please be sure to send them a copy of your suicide note. Maybe they will change their policies so no more kids have to grow up ignorant. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good lil bitch kid. Its the best you can do.

It's not speculation unless you consider you outing yourself as speculation, in which case you actually are stupider than I thought, and I didn't believe that was possible.

So, your teachers still give you gold stars and participation ribbons. Ok, well that explains a lot.
Wrestlezone is hardly the only website, news, editorial or otherwise, that practices having different teams work different sections of the site. Moderating a board (depending on the size of it) can actually be a fairly time consuming task (enough to actually fill an 8 hour shift and thus in fact be a "normal" job). The Wrestlezone forum is arguably large enough to require a dedicated (and unpaid) team to attempt to keep it in check.

It makes little sense for a site that is trying to specialize in news and editorials for their news and editorial staff to also moderate the forums. At most I've seen said news posters and editorial writers post comments in the comments section of articles. I've yet to see anyone (with a recognizable name at least) from the news/editorial portion of the main site post on the forums.

Just offering a calm, non-argumentative point from someone who has been on many a forum as both normal poster and a mod.

Spider: Read your damn PM! :p

Sure, that might be the case in big, reputable websites. In this clusterfuck of a website, it hardly seems necessary. Of course, WZ has always tried to seem bigger and better than it really is, but anyone with an ounce of sense sees through the WZ BS. You've got guys that write "editorials" without doing research and end up coming off looking like ass hats. You've got guys cutting and pasting news from other sites and not bothering to check for validity. Included in the last point, you've got "exclusives" that come from other sites. Then, on the message board, for the same site, you've got a few power rangers who volunteer to puff out their chests and edit posts, delete threads and change usernames. Sure, it takes a whole "team" to accomplish this.....not. I guess when you have the limited intelligence of the "workers" at WZ, it does take that many people, though.
Be a man. Grab a razor & get to it. Not only can you help others with your sacrifice, but you will get to see mommy again. Win\Win situation here, so what are you waiting for?
Sure, that might be the case in big, reputable websites. In this clusterfuck of a website, it hardly seems necessary. Of course, WZ has always tried to seem bigger and better than it really is, but anyone with an ounce of sense sees through the WZ BS. You've got guys that write "editorials" without doing research and end up coming off looking like ass hats. You've got guys cutting and pasting news from other sites and not bothering to check for validity. Included in the last point, you've got "exclusives" that come from other sites. Then, on the message board, for the same site, you've got a few power rangers who volunteer to puff out their chests and edit posts, delete threads and change usernames. Sure, it takes a whole "team" to accomplish this.....not. I guess when you have the limited intelligence of the "workers" at WZ, it does take that many people, though.

Have you ever moderated or administrated a message board before, even a smaller one like these?

If you have not, then as I stated before, at times moderating a forum can take quite a lot of time to do, especially if you have multiple sections to moderate. Hence why you have the volunteers do it, since the actual staff paid by Wrestlezone generally do not have anything to do with the forums in the least.
Have you ever moderated or administrated a message board before, even a smaller one like these?

If you have not, then as I stated before, at times moderating a forum can take quite a lot of time to do, especially if you have multiple sections to moderate. Hence why you have the volunteers do it, since the actual staff paid by Wrestlezone generally do not have anything to do with the forums in the least.

Yes, actually I have. You see, the thing is that when I had guys posting in the boards where I worked, I let them post. I didn't try to make the boards anything more than they were. I took it as seriously as I needed to, but I also didn't use it as a means of making myself feel better, like the power rangers do here. As for the main site, let's be clear, those idiots don't work hard at all. They do a shit job and show they know next to nothing about wrestling. Those idiots could, should and would, if I owned the site, be expected to be accountable to their cut and paste ways and if they are to get paid, they'd be doing the boards as well, seeing as it is one site.
Be a man. Grab a razor & get to it. Not only can you help others with your sacrifice, but you will get to see mommy again. Win\Win situation here, so what are you waiting for?

So your solution to your problems is that someone should kill himself? First, you write that your mother is an echo cunt ****e, then you claim to fuck dead people, and finally this. Wow, you sick lil bitch.
Yes, actually I have. You see, the thing is that when I had guys posting in the boards where I worked, I let them post. I didn't try to make the boards anything more than they were. I took it as seriously as I needed to, but I also didn't use it as a means of making myself feel better, like the power rangers do here. As for the main site, let's be clear, those idiots don't work hard at all. They do a shit job and show they know next to nothing about wrestling. Those idiots could, should and would, if I owned the site, be expected to be accountable to their cut and paste ways and if they are to get paid, they'd be doing the boards as well, seeing as it is one site.

You're making the assumption that the same board you moderated fell under the same moderator rules and practices that this board does.

I've been on boards, such as the Bethesda gaming boards, that won't even let you refer to someone as stupid, let alone actually call someone some form of insulting name. Every board has their own standards and practices for moderating which require various amounts of time and effort to take care of. Regardless of whether you think the main site workers are doing a crappy job or not has little relevance that whomever actually pays them feels they should be dedicating their time to writing (or copying) stories and articles instead of doing that as well as maintaining these forums.

It's just that simple.
So your solution to your problems is that someone should kill himself?

It was a suggested solution to your problems. You are not a problem for me, just an irritating wall of text that disappears with the click of a button. An ignorant Canadian with a superiority complex is a minor nuisance at most.

First, you write that your mother is an echo cunt ****e

Well I never wrote that so I guess you are confused again, junior.

then you claim to fuck dead people, and finally this. Wow, you sick lil bitch.

Getting head from a ****ty ghost isnt Necrophilia & is not illegal.

Invisible girls need love too...

#poltergeistblowjob #sexysuccubus
It was a suggested solution to your problems. You are not a problem for me, just an irritating wall of text that disappears with the click of a button. An ignorant Canadian with a superiority complex is a minor nuisance at most.

Well I never wrote that so I guess you are confused again, junior.

Getting head from a ****ty ghost isnt Necrophilia & is not illegal.

Invisible girls need love too...

#poltergeistblowjob #sexysuccubus

You said, as Rayne, that your mother is an echo cunt ****e. Are you still pretending that you're not the same person even though you outed yourself?

Clearly, you see me as a problem because you suggested I should kill myself. You a sick lil bitch.

You had said you were nailing my mother. She is dead. You are a sick lil bitch.
You're making the assumption that the same board you moderated fell under the same moderator rules and practices that this board does.

I've been on boards, such as the Bethesda gaming boards, that won't even let you refer to someone as stupid, let alone actually call someone some form of insulting name. Every board has their own standards and practices for moderating which require various amounts of time and effort to take care of. Regardless of whether you think the main site workers are doing a crappy job or not has little relevance that whomever actually pays them feels they should be dedicating their time to writing (or copying) stories and articles instead of doing that as well as maintaining these forums.

It's just that simple.

You're assuming that the reason for rules here are to make things better. Clearly, they are not. Clearly the "rules" here were made to make the sad little power ranger bitches feel better about their pathetic lives.
You're assuming that the reason for rules here are to make things better. Clearly, they are not. Clearly the "rules" here were made to make the sad little power ranger bitches feel better about their pathetic lives.

You know you wouldn't be saying any of this if they allowed you to bitch about Paglino in the good sections of WZ.

Stereotypical butthurt.
Why would I pretend that? You clearly proved it, right below the post where I clearly proved that you *********e with sand paper while watching Adventure Time. If you want me to demonstrate it, I've already proven it and you'll just have to look it up for yourself.

Don't get upset or try to deny it. You're the one that said it.
You're assuming that the reason for rules here are to make things better. Clearly, they are not. Clearly the "rules" here were made to make the sad little power ranger bitches feel better about their pathetic lives.

"Better" is subjective. Clearly you have different, whether they lower or higher, standards of what "better" is compared to the site.
"Better" is subjective. Clearly you have different, whether they lower or higher, standards of what "better" is compared to the site.

Better is subjective, yes, and by putting in rules for the sole purpose of giving idiots with inferiority complexes something to do does not make anything better.

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