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LL Winner Scenario - Pick A "Shock" Winner

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right, for a second, let's forget about RP's and pretend that creative book everything, including the winners. Creative have decided that this year at the Lethal Lottery, a shock winner is going to take the victory & get the World Title shot.

Who would you pick & why? Obviously, going for one of the favourites (Callahan, Dragon, X, Saboteur) isn't the point here, so who do you pick?

For me, I would instantly go for someone who doesn't hold a title and someone that I believe would have you going "Oh. My. God."

That man is Krypto. Since winning the Mentorship Program, he's gone from strength to strength and granted, while you couldn't see him winning the World Title, having him up there would be awesome.

If not, I would probably end up picking S.H.I.T. I mean, he debuted around the same time I did and since then, he's shot up the card quick. Having him win the LL would be more likely than Krypto, but I'd definitely love to see him facing Showtime for the title at KC.

So, what about you?
I have two.

The first one is Mikey Stormrage. And while it wouldn't really be a shock since he's one hell of a roleplayer, I think that most people's favorites are X or the other guys that you mentioned.

The other one for me (and one I would totally mark out for) is Action Saxton.

I love Doc to death and to see him win one of the biggest matches of the year would be incredible.
I have already commented on this.

Барбоса;4425673 said:
Purely on personal choice of what it could produce in the way of a feud, I would say Rush.

As I have mentioned before, if it is not going to be Barbosa vs Showtime for the title at KCV, then I would very much like to see Rush vs Showtime in an Old School vs New School type showdown, with both picking a group of similarly minded and even lower card characters to build the feud around them.

Maybe even pluck Stan Rodgers out of retirement to attack Showtime at some point.

I have been thinking as to who would be a good fit to face Holmes should he defeat Showtime and to be honest, while I would be in favour of elevating a new face to challenge for the title, I do not see a natural fit for a feud with Holmes outside of rematches with Triple X or Showtime.
I don't know what you mean by "shock" winner: Imma use my creative influences on Sandy. Her current track record for consecutive wins means she deserves some World title attention.

Seriously though, my money is on the only guy who has yet to lose in forever: our Mayhem Champion, Vega. I don't what it is about his RP's that sucks us in but he has yet to lose. I'm sure Infinity will be craving some heavy competition and I feel he can pull out an RP to secure the Lottery. Otherwise, my back up option has to be Rush. His EA title run and RP's to go with it were amazing. Merk has got some serious skills.
Vega is going to win LL, that's not my shock pick either, that's legitimate.

The only thing that would shock me is if Darren Bull returns to win the thing.
Steamboat Ricky makes his surprise return as entrant #30, cleans house, and goes on to Kingdom Come to wrestle in the Main Event.
If his formatting didn't make me want to kill him and then bleach my eyeballs I'd be able to answer that question. As it stands, the fact that he's thriving with the least readable stuff in the fed is a joke.

Also, the fact that I beat him with two generic Wunderbar RPs, but not one where I actually tried something a bit different and liked more annoys me.
I won't argue with being angry about not winning a match. There have been a few RP's where I honestly thought I'd slaughtered the competition yet when I see the votes, every single person on creative voted against me. Other times, I've seen all of us vote distinctively for one person and then when I go to compare in the Predictions thread, everybody votes for the person who we thought had a weak RP.

It happens to all of us - it may not make sense to you or I but if the general consensus says otherwise, then it clearly must be a subjective opinion on our part... that or wizardry.

And this time, he's not losing his championship match.

I could get behind a Showtime vs. Saboteur rematch. Even if Saxton won I think it would make for an awesome storyline if Showtime retrains. Saxton tells Saboteur, "Sit tight little man, you couldn't get the job done, so I will." Cue a heel turn, :)

Steamboat Ricky makes his surprise return as entrant #30, cleans house, and goes on to Kingdom Come to wrestle in the Main Event.

I can see it now, Steamboat Ricky eliminates everybody in the ring and start to celebrate, but wait! "Ladies and gentlemen, Big Will has still not been eliminated from Lethal Lottery 1! Cue Big Will eliminating Ricky and going on to the big one.
If his formatting didn't make me want to kill him and then bleach my eyeballs I'd be able to answer that question. As it stands, the fact that he's thriving with the least readable stuff in the fed is a joke.

Also, the fact that I beat him with two generic Wunderbar RPs, but not one where I actually tried something a bit different and liked more annoys me.

I won't argue with being angry about not winning a match. There have been a few RP's where I honestly thought I'd slaughtered the competition yet when I see the votes, every single person on creative voted against me. Other times, I've seen all of us vote distinctively for one person and then when I go to compare in the Predictions thread, everybody votes for the person who we thought had a weak RP.

It happens to all of us - it may not make sense to you or I but if the general consensus says otherwise, then it clearly must be a subjective opinion on our part... that or wizardry.

If I remember correctly, that may have also been the time that you basically no-showed at a PPV, or at least half no-showed. I recall someone having to open the board for you 2-3 hours after the deadline was officially over. I think you were also coming off another no-show a round before or at least in that cycle. Just trying to put the win/loss into perspective for you.
I think the easier question would be who isn't a potential winner, to be honest. I've been around WZCW for a while and I think right now is one of the highest and most evenly balanced talent levels I've seen. There are some newer guys that are still getting the hang of it, but besides that, everyone from Krypto and Vega on up has a legitimate shot in my mind.
If I remember correctly, that may have also been the time that you basically no-showed at a PPV, or at least half no-showed. I recall someone having to open the board for you 2-3 hours after the deadline was officially over. I think you were also coming off another no-show a round before or at least in that cycle. Just trying to put the win/loss into perspective for you.

Get your facts right, Kermit. I no-showed for two rounds after that PPV. The first time I didn't the deadline was Tuesday, not Wednesday (and with the 24 hour extension my opponent asked for, Thursday). The second time I hadn't logged into WZ until deadline day very close to the deadline. I quickly did two vocals uploaded them and (on yours or Showtime's advise) put them in the random RP thread. That got me put on probation, but because I actually showed up (just late) not fired.

This was around the time where I wanted to write two RPs a cycle for different characters doing different things (to further my own story, which got vastly changed in the end), got shunted into the tag tournament (despite stating multiple times I'd have rather had the STA characters doing different things than tagging. I've been in the tag division, I wanted to do something else. The RPs wouldn't have had the 'drop plot threads to pick up in the second RP' style that works there anyway since they characters would have been elsewhere); Also shortly before I decided to just say "this is what I'm going to do. Don't bother putting me in any angles. If you do I'll ignore them."
Get your facts right, Kermit. I no-showed for two rounds after that PPV. The first time I didn't the deadline was Tuesday, not Wednesday (and with the 24 hour extension my opponent asked for, Thursday). The second time I hadn't logged into WZ until deadline day very close to the deadline. I quickly did two vocals uploaded them and (on yours or Showtime's advise) put them in the random RP thread. That got me put on probation, but because I actually showed up (just late) not fired.

This was around the time where I wanted to write two RPs a cycle for different characters doing different things (to further my own story, which got vastly changed in the end), got shunted into the tag tournament (despite stating multiple times I'd have rather had the STA characters doing different things than tagging. I've been in the tag division, I wanted to do something else. The RPs wouldn't have had the 'drop plot threads to pick up in the second RP' style that works there anyway since they characters would have been elsewhere); Also shortly before I decided to just say "this is what I'm going to do. Don't bother putting me in any angles. If you do I'll ignore them."

How does any of that change the fact that Vega beat you when you thought you were at your best and you just seem to be angry about it?
I could see Vega pulling out the win. I have to agree that is formatting is annoying to try and read but the guy is doing great as Mayhem Champ. It also would be fun to see if he'd surrender the Mayhem Title before the match.

Going based off some of my favorite people to read RP's for, I'd say Kyrpto and Action Saxton would be nice surprises.

While I know I have no shot in hell at winning the lottery i'd be happy to at least get a couple eliminations during the match.
Get your facts right, Kermit. I no-showed for two rounds after that PPV. The first time I didn't the deadline was Tuesday, not Wednesday (and with the 24 hour extension my opponent asked for, Thursday). The second time I hadn't logged into WZ until deadline day very close to the deadline. I quickly did two vocals uploaded them and (on yours or Showtime's advise) put them in the random RP thread. That got me put on probation, but because I actually showed up (just late) not fired.

This was around the time where I wanted to write two RPs a cycle for different characters doing different things (to further my own story, which got vastly changed in the end), got shunted into the tag tournament (despite stating multiple times I'd have rather had the STA characters doing different things than tagging. I've been in the tag division, I wanted to do something else. The RPs wouldn't have had the 'drop plot threads to pick up in the second RP' style that works there anyway since they characters would have been elsewhere); Also shortly before I decided to just say "this is what I'm going to do. Don't bother putting me in any angles. If you do I'll ignore them."
Nice. I think the only angle you haven't ignored is the one created by your no show in the Mayhem Title match. You've had more ideas thrown at you than most of the current roster. It's a shame.

To get back on topic, a shock winner IMO is someone who hasn't been a champion since Unscripted. Or someone who has had a 70/30 win loss record since then. That would come out of left field. But I think the winner will come from a very predictable group of five or six.
Get your facts right, Kermit. I no-showed for two rounds after that PPV. The first time I didn't the deadline was Tuesday, not Wednesday (and with the 24 hour extension my opponent asked for, Thursday). The second time I hadn't logged into WZ until deadline day very close to the deadline. I quickly did two vocals uploaded them and (on yours or Showtime's advise) put them in the random RP thread. That got me put on probation, but because I actually showed up (just late) not fired.

This was around the time where I wanted to write two RPs a cycle for different characters doing different things (to further my own story, which got vastly changed in the end), got shunted into the tag tournament (despite stating multiple times I'd have rather had the STA characters doing different things than tagging. I've been in the tag division, I wanted to do something else. The RPs wouldn't have had the 'drop plot threads to pick up in the second RP' style that works there anyway since they characters would have been elsewhere); Also shortly before I decided to just say "this is what I'm going to do. Don't bother putting me in any angles. If you do I'll ignore them."

This bullshit right here is what pisses me off the most about the fed. You have a guy that's no showed a fucking ton of times, has completely quit the fed so much that it's named after him, and he gets storylines thrown at him, and then there's guys who bust their ass and beg for storylines or ways to progress themselves who don't get the opportunity.

Honestly, i don't see what the difference is between this guy and milenko.
Nice. I think the only angle you haven't ignored is the one created by your no show in the Mayhem Title match. You've had more ideas thrown at you than most of the current roster. It's a shame.

There was a time where I would have LOVED to have anything tossed my way. That's not to say creative isn't doing a good job -- there's always an open line of communication between us and they take everything I say into account -- but (as you know) I've had very few legitimate angles given to me. Then again, I've thrived with what I've been doing lately, so I have no complaints.

Funny how that works.

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