Change Any One PPV Match Winner In History

Wrestlemania IX. Hogan comes out and challenges a knackered Yokozuna for the title he's just won off Bret Hart. Instead Yoko should have just beaten Hogan clean and been put over as REALLY strong. Hogan was on his way out and indeed dropped the title to Yoko at KOTR (through a cheat win too: a 500lb guy does not need to cheat). Favour the guy who has signed the contract every time.

In a small one that wouldn't have affected much, I'd have had Mike Awesome lose to Spike Dudley at Guilty As Charged 2000 and then recapture the title at Living Dangerously instead of beating Kid Kash in a pointless squash. Dudley v Awesome had a rare magic about it as a big guy v little guy that ECW were able to pull off better than most feds.
Lot of good ideas here.

I gotta go with Eddie Guerrero going over Batista at No Mercy 2005. I LOVED this rivalry, I thought it had everything from emotion, to humor, to intensity but looking back on it now I would have loved to see Eddie go over and have one last run with the title before he passed. Eddie was loved much more than Batista at this point and the ending was just so perfect with the shake of the hand solidifying Eddie as a face again, just a shame that we never got to see him hold the World title again. What makes it even sadder is that Eddie was strongly considered to win the WHC the day he died.

Secondly I would have had Hart go over Yokozuna at WM10, not because I disliked Yoko winning that match, but after Hogan came out and basically destroyed an already tired out Yokozuna the only one who looked good in the scenario was Hogan (what a shock). If Yoko was going to lose the title anyway it should have been the right way, in a good match with a clean ending. I really don't see how people still cheered Hogan after that..
One that I have not seen which I really expected to was Chris Jericho going over Shawn Michaels at Mania 19. HBK had returned the previous summer, went over Helmsely,then won the World Title at the Survivor Series. The Rumble match where Jericho dumped HBK out first was unexpected and the feud seemed all set at Mania for Jericho to go over his childhood idol and elevate him to the next level. Instead HBK had to take the win, like HHH the year before and Jericho again was left floundering as the great mid card guy who has great matches with everybody. I think Jericho should have gotten the win, thought it would have made more sense in the storyline
One that I have not seen which I really expected to was Chris Jericho going over Shawn Michaels at Mania 19. HBK had returned the previous summer, went over Helmsely,then won the World Title at the Survivor Series. The Rumble match where Jericho dumped HBK out first was unexpected and the feud seemed all set at Mania for Jericho to go over his childhood idol and elevate him to the next level. Instead HBK had to take the win, like HHH the year before and Jericho again was left floundering as the great mid card guy who has great matches with everybody. I think Jericho should have gotten the win, thought it would have made more sense in the storyline

I always found it funny that Jericho had to face Triple H and Shawn Michaels back to back and lose, while Cena got to face them back to back and win. And of course, Undertaker got to face them back to back and WIN 4 times. Crazy.
Diesel over Bret at Rumble 95. Diesel was the newly crowned champion and could have used the rub from Bret.

Punk over H at NoC. Summer of Punk was hot. No need for non active wrestler to kill any momentum. Also Punk should have beat cena at summer slam and del rio should have never cashed in. Punk should have held the title from summer slam 11 to rumble 13.

Luger over Yoko summer slam 93. This is the big one for me. The build was incredible. We never got the payoff. He should have won then lost it back (not clean) shortly after.

Jannetty over HBK rumble 93. He would pass it back at wm9 but this would have been more meaningful then the brief run he had.

Hhh over Austin summer slam 99. It was his time. I can understand Austin not wanting to do it because of HBK problems going into wm14 but hunter deserved the big ppv win.

I'm torn on this one but:
DB leaves summerslam 13 the wwe champion. We get the feel good moment and they screw him out of it the next month or the next night the same way. It's hard to say tho, even tho the ending pissed me off, it was so good and I never saw it coming.

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