Change Any One PPV Match Winner In History

Batista beats taker at wm23...


taker wanted the streak to end anyway...why not put over Batista at would've MADE Batista...

plus taker actually didn't need the win...

Where do you guys get this stuff??????

If Taker wanted the streak to end, the streak would have ended. Besides, Taker can clearly be seen, after the match, saying 'get this piece of shit out of my ring', so I doubt he 'wanted' to lose to Batista.
Although I agree with John Cena v Rock at WM28, it's been said so I'm going for something else.

Wade Barrett should have won the Royal Rumble in 2012. With Daniel Bryan being WHC at the time, it would have given a great angle as two of the original Nexus people going up against one another for a major title
Easy choice for me. Sabu goes over Cena at Vengeance 2006. It was an Extreme Rules Lumberjack match, Sabu is king in hardcore matches, Cena was already Cena, and Sabu was representing ECW.
If Cena lost, it wouldn't have ruined his career. If anything, it would have looked like Cena was using his star power to make the third brand more balanced with the other two. Sabu had everything to gain in this case and it would have made sense for him to go over in a hardcore match.

On a side note: I believe it was a week before or after or something where Cena faced Benoit in a submission match and Cena still won. Unbelievable.
Wow that is a very good question. There are so many that come to mind. Savage going over instead of Hogan at Wrestlemania V. Rick Rude defeating The Ultimate Warrior for the WWE Championship at Summerslam 1990. Anybody but Hogan winning the title at that giant mess of an ending at Wrestlemania IX. Shawn Michaels winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania XX & that way maybe if Benoit didn't win the match then such a fantastic main event wouldn't be bascially forgotten by the WWE completely. Shawn Michales defeating John Cena at Wrestlemania 23 for one last WWE Championship reign. Bobby Lashley defeating John Cena for the WWE Championship at The Great American Bash in 2007 & possibly bringing some change to the WWE. CM Punk not losing to Triple H at Night Of Champions in 2011 & killing almost all of Punk's momentum. Cody Rhodes retaining the IC Title at Wrestlemania 28 since The Big Show winning the title was absolutely pointless.

But there are 3 pretty recent ones that really stick out to me:
- Brock Lesnar defeating John Cena at Extreme Rules 2012. Why have Lesnar lose his first match back in the WWE? Not only was the ending just ridiculous since Cena was getting destoryed for basically the entire match but I see no point in Lesnar losing a match to put over a guy like Cena who simply doesn't need to be put over. I'm okay with Triple H getting a win over Brock at Mania 29 since Brock won the other two matches between them but to pay all that money for Brock to come back only to lose his first match back & his only match with Cena since returning?

- Dean Ambrose winning the 2013 World Heavyweight Championship MitB briefcase. Sandow should have been IC Champion by that time & he didn't ended up doing anything with the briefcase anyways. The leader of The Shield & current US Champion could still be holding that briefcase & possibly even utilize it as an entire group & we could have possibly seen the entire Shield as a unit win the World Title. At least that would have made for a lot more interesting of a World Title picture than what is going on now.

- Daniel Bryan kicking out of the pedigree, retaining his title against Orton & walking out of Summerslam 2013 as the WWE Champion. I'm still conviced Bryan could have been a much bigger break out star & current face of the company if WWE wanted that & if they would have booked it well. Orton should have become the only guy besides Cena to cash in the briefcase & lose. The "New Regime" could have fully formed & popped up at Battlegorund or HiaC down the road a bit & screwed Bryan out of the title eventually & made the chase continue after establishing Bryan as a badass champion that all the fans want to see fight, kinda like a toned down, vegan Stone Cold. & maybe we could have seen a much better Authority storyline instead of seeing Bryan beatin' down almost every week & Big Show the one coming out on top somehow.
Sting beating Hogan at Starrcade. I wouldn't change the outcome. I would change the match. That match should have lasted two minutes at best with Sting just dominating Hogan. Hogan was awesome at hyping you for his match during his heel run, but he was awful in the ring. Fans wanted to see Sting dominate Hogan. Not some twenty minute match with a screwjob ending.

I would also have Diesel beat Bret at the Royal Rumble. It made no sense protecting Bret when you are A.) positioning Diesel as your top guy and B.) Bret would not have been hurt by the loss. The match was great, the outcome was underwhelming. I also wouldn't have turned Diesel from a dark borderline anti-hero to a happy babyface.
Pick just one? I don't think that's possible to be honest. How about my top three, as others have done?

1. CM Punk vs. Triple H, Night of Champions 2011.

Why, oh why, did Triple H beat CM Punk clean at the time when Punk was red hot and a victory of Triple H could've launched him into the stratosphere? Because Triple H is why. Absolutely no reason for Triple H to go over other than for his own ego. Also, I love how a non-title match headlines Night of Champions. Again, because Triple H.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton, Summerslam 2011.

This was the beginning of Bryan's push being cooled off when they instead should've been throwing petrol on the fire. As someone has already said, Daniel Bryan should've kicked out of the Pedigree, or caught Randy Orton in a small package, or at least got himself DQed. It's not even the angle or the Orton win I have a problem with, it's the fact that it was done at Summerslam, when it would've been so much better to have Bryan walk out as champion, then have Orton cash in on Raw.

3. Triple H vs. Kane, No Mercy 2002

If only I had known that this was just the beginning of Triple H's reign of insomnia-curing terror, I wouldn't have waited until 2004 to stop watching. Kane had just returned from his torn bicep with a new badass look and more realistic reinventing, where he actually cut promos and the fans ate it up. This was Kane's time to go from reliable upper midcarder to bona fide main event player. The only problem was that Triple H was the champion at the time.

And thus began a series of hot faces losing on a monthly basis to Triple H. I understand not putting the title on RVD, because he wasn't ready, or Steiner and Nash because they were way past their primes. But not putting the title on Kane in late 2002 or Booker T at Wrestlemania XIX when both guys were red hot was absolutely infuriating. Then, when Triple H beat Randy Orton a few months in a row in 2004, I absolutely gave up and I stopped watching wrestling until 2008.

And that's why 2002 - 2005 was the worst era in the history of Raw.
Since this would've been my top choice, I'm going to add a few more to the mix:

2) Lex Luger vs Hulk Hogan. World Heavyweight Title Match. WCW Nitro. August 4, 1997.

You're supposed to choose a PPV match, not a match on free television.

Pick just one? I don't think that's possible to be honest. How about my top three, as others have done?

1. CM Punk vs. Triple H, Night of Champions 2011.

Why, oh why, did Triple H beat CM Punk clean at the time when Punk was red hot and a victory of Triple H could've launched him into the stratosphere? Because Triple H is why. Absolutely no reason for Triple H to go over other than for his own ego. Also, I love how a non-title match headlines Night of Champions. Again, because Triple H.

I have no idea why I didn't think of this one when I wrote my post, but I completely agree. We can all give Triple H shít for his wins over Jericho, Booker, Orton, Jeff Hardy and all the other burial jobs he's been doing for years, but the fact is, big daddy Vince was the one who probably made the call on all those wins.

But Triple H over Punk?? That was a Triple H move. He had an executive job by that point. He saw Punk's hot angle and stuck his big nose in the middle of it. He had him win a huge unification match at SummerSlam and had his buddy Kevin beat him right after. And when Punk was actually turning that turd of a story into something interesting, Triple H replaced him and feuded with Nash himself, but not before he buried Punk live on PPV in the middle of the biggest push of his career.

I will NEVER forgive Triple H for that. It was completely uncalled for. Only way it would have made sense was for Triple H to turn heel, beat him, and then set up a huge evil authority angle until WM when he lets Punk pin him 1-2-3. But nope, after beating him to a pulp, he had Punk beg him to wear his jacket a few weeks later as if everything was dandy between them. And he NEVER gave him back the win.

Now that he's the evil authority figure we wanted him to be in 2010, it's time he gives Punk back his win. I'm STILL waiting and I won't ever forgive Triple H until he does.
Easy one for me.

Id have Luger beat Yoko at Wrestlemania in the finals (the main event) it would be between the 2 faces of the company, Bret Hart and Lex Luger. WM 10 was a great ppv but it could have been alot better having the two right guys in the main event.
Ive never been a Luger fan...but he deserved that main event spot that night. (Id still have Bret go over)
Gotta go back to my favorite time in wrestling history which was mid-80s NWA:

Nikita Koloff should've gone over Ric Flair at Starrcade 86. The result would've solidified Koloff in the Main Event and brought new blood to the promotion at a time that it really needed it.

Rock should've gone over Steve Austin at WrestleMania. Instead of the most nonsensical angle ever (at the time) with Austin and McMahon teaming up, I think Rock was primed to go over Austin, setting up a legitimate rubber match at a future WrestleMania...which inevitably would've had some actual drama to it.

and lastly....right result, wrong PPV:

Sting should've defeated Hogan to win the title at Starrcade 1996, not 1997. Instead we were treated with a full year of an angle with declining returns, culminating in a match that was way way overdue. How sweet it must've been for Sting to hangout in the rafters every night, not having to actually work matches.
Flair over Hogan at SuperBrawl 99 - For the first time the NwO didn't have all the power although they had purged most of the mid carders and 2nd teamers from their ranks and were functioning as an Elite Heel Group again. Meanwhile Flair was white hot in his return and wrestling fans had wanted to see him get one big win over Hogan for years. WCW went with Hogan wining in screw job fashion to further an angle where Flair would turn heel and Hogan would turn face, which might have been pleasing to those two but was exactly what fans didn't want to see. All of this meanwhile left Goldberg out in the cold, WCW never utilizing a Hogan-Goldberg rematch and burying his re match with Kevin Nash from Starrcade 98 further down the road a mid card blow off match. There was big money to be made in seeing Hogan face Goldberg the 2nd time after GB's historic GA Dome Title win and Nash was the guy who ended The Streak, in heel fashion no less, and used the moment as the springboard to bring Hogan back into the company and re unite the NwO.

I would have had Flair win...making him World Champ and WCW President, which would have put the NwO on the offense, trying to survive his efforts to destroy them, in a way they hadn't been since they first arrived and Invaded in 1996. Meanwhile Goldberg would have been their main adversary, more than Flair, because Goldberg was extremely popular and a lot younger, much brighter future. Carry this on for a few months until Goldberg gets itchy for a title shot, at which point some of Flair's heel tendency's could come back, trying to preserve the title for himself, not enough for a full fledged heel turn, but enough to make things interesting. Around this time I would have started portraying tension between Hogan & Nash over their inability to get the Title back from Flair and being pushed out of the title picture by Goldberg. Have Goldberg win a big re match vs Nash, maybe in a cage, have Flair win a big match vs a WCW guy like Sting or Hart, then have Goldberg beat Flair for the title. Nash and Hogan would split, Nash remaining NwO leader, and feud themselves. Hogan wins that feud and gets his title shot vs Goldberg and wins the title....then pulls a Kevin Nash and re unites the NwO again, the bad guys screw everyone over again, and now they have the title. This would have carried WCW into the later stages of the year and set up some pretty intense stuff potentially heading into Starrcade 99. It also would have made much better use of Goldberg, kept Hogan & Nash prominent, done something different with NwO storyline without killing it, and made good use of Flair. Of course their are other stars that could have been worked in but I feel this would have been a more interesting way of moving forward than pushing Goldberg into the background, ending the NwO just as it was getting hot again, burying Flair, and treating the title like hop potato, which is pretty much what they did post SuperBrawl 99.
Cena should have went over Rock at WM28
Booker T should have went over Triple H at WM19
Punk should have went over Triple H at NOC but it looks like he'll get the win back
Edge should have went over Jericho at WM26
Chris Jericho should have won the 2012 Rumble
Cody Rhodes should have went over Sandow for the briefcase
Jericho should have went over Orton for the WWE title at that PPV in 07 after he returned.
If Jericho was to lose the above match he should have won MITB at WM24

That's all I can think of for now. I get some of the Triple H heat I really do but the only person he didn't drop the title to that he should have was Booker T. Dropping it to Kevin Nash or Scott Steiner would have been awful lol. Him screwing with CM Punk was a dick move but I'm not too worried about it he still got the longest title reing in a long as time. And if I remember correctly Punk was supposed to go over Kevin Nash at that PPV but he failed the physical or something.

Bobby Roode should have went over Angle at Bound For Glory for the title.

If I had to choose just one of those Cena should have gone over Rock and we should have had Cena vs. Punk for the WWE title at Mania 29
I like this thread but before I give my pick I would like to say something about one that everyone is picking that is wrong and its WrestleMania 28 The Rock vs Cena, The WWE made the right call by allowing the Rock too win that match because The Rock had lost every final match he had been in at Wrestlemaina and never won the WWE title at a WrestleMania either. The Rock needed this win for his legacy at Maina even though he has never won the WWE title at WrestleMaina he can say he beat 3 faces of the WWE from each era Hogan, Austin, and Cena. The Rock had lost his last match at WrestleMania. Cena didn't need the win because he had headlined and won at every Mania except for 2 and one was a triple threat match that he lost. Second it was a reality check for Cena and Cena fans too show that he is not invincible and he can lose fair and square in the ring, which I have never seen Cena lose without some kind of tainted victory he needed that lost. His spot will and always remained the same and he got his redemption anyway. The Rock needed the win more and it made more sense since everyone counted on a Cena victory.

Now the PPV match I would change the ending too is

SummerSlam 96 and it would of ended with a Vader Bomb and a 1,2,3, in the ring victory for Vader to be the WWE champion and show the world it truely was Vader time and have him lose at the Rumble to Michaels and Beat Bret Hart on Raw to setup the showdown at WM 13 between Undertaker vs Vader WWE championship match. HBK in my mind could not beat Vader let alone fair and square with a Moonsault at SummerSlam WWE made the wrong call their Vader needed that win and title!!!!!!!!
I like this thread but before I give my pick I would like to say something about one that everyone is picking that is wrong and its WrestleMania 28 The Rock vs Cena, The WWE made the right call by allowing the Rock too win that match because The Rock had lost every final match he had been in at Wrestlemaina and never won the WWE title at a WrestleMania either. The Rock needed this win for his legacy at Maina even though he has never won the WWE title at WrestleMaina he can say he beat 3 faces of the WWE from each era Hogan, Austin, and Cena. The Rock had lost his last match at WrestleMania. Cena didn't need the win because he had headlined and won at every Mania except for 2 and one was a triple threat match that he lost. Second it was a reality check for Cena and Cena fans too show that he is not invincible and he can lose fair and square in the ring, which I have never seen Cena lose without some kind of tainted victory he needed that lost. His spot will and always remained the same and he got his redemption anyway. The Rock needed the win more and it made more sense since everyone counted on a Cena victory.

I don't see how a guy that was already considered one of the all time best, a guy that hadn't wrestled in eight years, a guy that was only going to compete in a handful of matches during his return, and a guy that already held victories over Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin at WrestleMania needed a win more than the guy that had been and will continue to carry the company going forward. I guess it was a reality check for Cena and Cena's fans. The company agreed with every critic for the past several years and admitted their past was better than their present. Great message to send your current fans.
My only problem with the Rock/Cena match was that it led to a second Rock/Cena match, whose only reason for being was to vindicate Cena. That second match had no drama, and was far inferior. It also led to a weaker debut for Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules.
Its not that the past is better than the present its saying that Cena can lose fair and square Hogan lost to warrior at WM fair and square He won 4 times before that and then one the title back again at the next Mania just like Cena did but atleast he beat the guy who beat him last year. It makes sense for the Rock to win just because he is a legend and he already has a name for himself he has to lose to the New face of the company who doesn't lose ever!!!!!!!!! And you won't let anyone else beat him fair and square ever but he has to lose someone eventually and not finally after he is old and washed up.The fans got a taste of legitamcy from a superstar that half of them never seen wrestle before live it gave them an opportunity to respect wrestlings past while they are already looking up to wrestlings future. Since they don't resect wrestlings past is why we get the results we got at Night of Champions this year because they don't respect and don't know the past. The Rock's win was the right call because you won't let no one else beat him fair and square for his first time.

Another PPV I would chane the ending too is

SummerSlam 2003

Goldberg should have won and continued his domination of Raw in 2003, the match at unforgiven climax had been reached at SummerSlam when Goldberg destroyed everyone left and had his sights set on HHH. He should of been destoryed next and Goldbergs regin should have started one month earlier again don't understand the logic.
Its not that the past is better than the present its saying that Cena can lose fair and square Hogan lost to warrior at WM fair and square He won 4 times before that and then one the title back again at the next Mania just like Cena did but atleast he beat the guy who beat him last year. It makes sense for the Rock to win just because he is a legend and he already has a name for himself he has to lose to the New face of the company who doesn't lose ever!!!!!!!!! And you won't let anyone else beat him fair and square ever but he has to lose someone eventually and not finally after he is old and washed up.The fans got a taste of legitamcy from a superstar that half of them never seen wrestle before live it gave them an opportunity to respect wrestlings past while they are already looking up to wrestlings future. Since they don't resect wrestlings past is why we get the results we got at Night of Champions this year because they don't respect and don't know the past. The Rock's win was the right call because you won't let no one else beat him fair and square for his first time.

Twice in this post you said "you won't let anyone else beat him." I don't know what you mean by this. I don't book WWE matches.

You mentioned Hulk Hogan lost to The Ultimate Warrior at WM6. I don't see how that is relevant. Hogan and Warrior were both full time wrestlers in their prime. It's not like Bruno came back and beat Hogan. The Warrior was the future, not the past. Rock was coming back part time and should have put the current guy over.

You say it's not about the past being better than the present and you go on to say the fans got a taste of legitimacy from a superstar that half of them have never seen wrestle live. You're implying Cena and the current rosters are not legitimate compared to Rock and guys from the past.

Just think of Rock vs. Hogan from WM18. Hogan was the returning legend just like Rock ten years later. Hogan was the more popular superstar just like Rock ten years later. Hogan took the loss to let the current guy shine. Just like Rock should have done ten years later but for some reason did not. It's a shame too considering Rock was the one to go over Hogan you would think he would do the same thing for Cena when he was in position to return the favor.
Please note, I'm not picking mine for any storyline purpose, how "over" someone was/becoming or what was "best for business," although I'd love to see the speculation as to what may have happened in WWF post having this new winner:

I, as a total Bret fan, really, really, really thought he should have won the Iron Man Match.

I was not a fan of him losing it in overtime, I was not against overtime, but I was not a fan of him losing that night.

Again, I'm not picking mine for any storyline purpose, how "over" someone was/becoming or what was "best for business."
I'm not saying you book events I'm speaking of WWE and yes I don't work for or ever worked for WWE no shape or form. It just seems to me that they feel that No one in the locker room is legitimate enough to beat him fair and square at Mania. This match wasn't like Hogan vs The Rock, Hogan was too huge at the time just coming back to the WWE after competing against them in WCW after pretty much owning WWE. His return was going oto be extra huge at Mania no where near the Rock's comeback. Hogan was 19yrs older than the Rock so this match wasn't 2 guys in their prime it was more about torch passing!!! Sure they had 2 matches like Rock n Cena but its not up to par as the first nor was it a WrestleMania rematch!!!! Rock needed to win the first one so we could have 2 epic matches and one for the WWE title which made it a true torch passing. I said Rock needed this win because he never had a huge title win at Mania and he had lost more Main events at Mania then wins but Cena needed Rock to win so he can finally pass him the torch because who has passed Cena the torch JBL, Triple H, HBK, their names are not even as big as the Rock sure HBK may wrestle better but he is not a bigger name then the Rock!!!!!! Rock needed the first win and Cena needed the second and my opinion is WWE made the right call with the Rock's win the first time because both superstars needed it. I'm a huge WWE fan and I like many guys in the locker room and most of them I route for to be the best and hopefully be the new face of the WWE however my opinion is. That WWE feels that their guys on the roster aren't and can't beat Cena fair and square at Mania until some legend comes and does it first so they can be the one to pass on to the modern day era generation.

A match I would change is the finish at spring stampede 94 I would have just had Steamboat beat Flair again and have Flair win the belt back at WCW Saturday night that way the both got a title regin out of it.
Personally I would have had Ryback beat CM Punk and keep his winning streak alive.

I know, Punk having that long run added heat to the Rock winning the belt, or in theory did. I just would like to know what would have happened had they taken a chance, seen what happened.
Such an easy answer for me. John Cena should have beaten The Rock at WrestleMania 28. The match was set up so perfectly for a Cena win. The Rock shows up after a seven year absence and completely runs down the guy that’s been carrying the company during that time. He bullied Cena and made fun of him and his fans during a time when WWE was very much encouraging people to accept others for being themselves. He insulted the current generation implying that the product today is no good. He ten goes on to prove that by winning before leaving again for Hollywood while we’re left to watch an inferior wrestler. Common sense says the guy that is going to be on tv every week for the current product should have gotten the win. The Rock should have lost and then shook hands with Cena to endorse him just like Hogan did for The Rock ten years earlier. In a past vs. present match the present should always win. Hogan lost to Rock in a past vs. present match in 2002 so in 2012 Rock should have done the same for Cena.

It was a complete joke that Rock won that match. WM28 was fantastic but the wrong result in the main event hurt the show. Had Cena won it could have been one of the best manias ever and also saved us from a lackluster main event at WM29.

I'm not quite sure wrestling or the world for that matter works as picture perfect as you make it seem. It's just not that black and white. Not to mention that the Rock brought back a shit ton of old school fans like myself, boosted ratings etc and started to pull the program out of the pg era.

I was at Mania here in Miami and that place would've collapsed and Cena would have been in danger if he won. Cena has won practically every damn Mania match he's been in...enough already. The next night on Raw everyooooone in that building was chanting "die Cena die" "Phuck you Cena" "Cena sucks"....I hate him and I actually felt bad because he heard every single person. I've never heard that level of hate other than the Ecw arena match against RVD.

Him losing to the Rock probably gained him some fans as this Super Cena crap died off temporarily at the time. I know it made me respect him a little more for taking to loss.

Twice in this post you said "you won't let anyone else beat him." I don't know what you mean by this. I don't book WWE matches.

You mentioned Hulk Hogan lost to The Ultimate Warrior at WM6. I don't see how that is relevant. Hogan and Warrior were both full time wrestlers in their prime. It's not like Bruno came back and beat Hogan. The Warrior was the future, not the past. Rock was coming back part time and should have put the current guy over.

You say it's not about the past being better than the present and you go on to say the fans got a taste of legitimacy from a superstar that half of them have never seen wrestle live. You're implying Cena and the current rosters are not legitimate compared to Rock and guys from the past.

Just think of Rock vs. Hogan from WM18. Hogan was the returning legend just like Rock ten years later. Hogan was the more popular superstar just like Rock ten years later. Hogan took the loss to let the current guy shine. Just like Rock should have done ten years later but for some reason did not. It's a shame too because considering Rock was the one to go over Hogan you would think he would do the same thing for Cena when he was in position to return the favor.

Also, I don't get how you firmly believe that Cena needed the Rock to put him over as if he hasn't already been put over by HBK and HHH! Gave the guy 10000 titles on top of it, and he's knowingly going to beat the Rock next year. So what's the big deal?
I'm not quite sure wrestling or the world for that matter works as picture perfect as you make it seem. It's just not that black and white.

WWE is a scripted show. They can make it as black and white and as perfect as they want it to be.

Not to mention that the Rock brought back a shit ton of old school fans like myself, boosted ratings etc and started to pull the program out of the pg era.

And then he promptly left aganin. What did anyone gain out of his victory?

I was at Mania here in Miami and that place would've collapsed and Cena would have been in danger if he won.

I was there too. You're exaggerating.... a lot.

Cena has won practically every damn Mania match he's been in...enough already.

People don't seem to mind Undertaker always winning at mania. Cena has lost a couple times.

The next night on Raw everyooooone in that building was chanting "die Cena die" "Phuck you Cena" "Cena sucks"....I hate him and I actually felt bad because he heard every single person. I've never heard that level of hate other than the Ecw arena match against RVD.

The out of town smark crowd takes over the arena the night after mania. They're more interested in getting their clever chants on tv and trying to be a part of the show instead of sitting back and enjoying it. Cena had his share of supporters at mania. I was among them. I saw plenty of the new green Cena shirt in the crowd that night.

Him losing to the Rock probably gained him some fans as this Super Cena crap died off temporarily at the time. I know it made me respect him a little more for taking to loss.

That's cool. Made me respect Rock a bit less since he didn't recognize the opportunity to do for someone else what Hogan did for him ten years earlier.

Also, I don't get how you firmly believe that Cena needed the Rock to put him over as if he hasn't already been put over by HBK and HHH! Gave the guy 10000 titles on top of it

I've been pretty clear on this. Having a guy from the past come down and completley run down the current product and the top guy, and then beat that top guy makes the present look inferior to the past. That is not a good message to send the fans.

and he's knowingly going to beat the Rock next year. So what's the big deal?

The big deal is two shows were ruined because of that one result. The main event of WM29 was so lackluster and void of emotion compared to WM28. They may have well had the tag line "It's Cena's turn to win." Lame.

EDIT: I exaggerate when I say WM28 was ruined with the main event result. It was still a great show but would have been much better had Cena won.
WM15, I would change the result of the main event and have The Rock go over Austin clean(ish).

Why I hear you ask, Rock wasn't ready for that yet, it was too soon for him. At the time Austin was the number 1 guy, it was almost too obvious that he was going to win. So I would have Rock won, then get too big for his boots and have a re-match with Austin where he loses and then gets kicked out of the corporation and everything else falls into place as normal. Rock NEVER got a big victory over Austin, if memory serves he only beat Austin at Survivor Series 2001 in the 5 on 5 tag match and WM19 in a fairly insignificant match, he never had that big victory in the rivalry. It wouldn't have hurt Austin and would have helped The Rock big time in the early part of their rivalry. I always got the impression that in their rivalry that The Rock's best against Austin wasn't good enough as Austin always won the big matches. Plus then their final match at WM19 could have been played up as the tie-breaker in their WM trilogy.
Had Luger beat Yoko cleanly at Summer Slam. He had such a push going into the match. While Luger will never go down as one of the greatest wrestlers on gimmicks, he could have been the face of the company in Hogan's absence and he was marketable. Instead he did little with the WWF and ended up being another superstar the WCW was overstocked with.
Goldberg should have won that Chamber match at Summerslam. He came in and destroyed everyone, the crowd was white hot for him to get his hands on Triple H. He should have massacred him and won the title.

Goldberg should have beaten Nash and kept the streak alive until Benoit made him pass out in the Crossface at Starrcade 99. Fantasy booking to the fullest, but how awesome would that have been?

Triple H should have pinned Austin at Summerslam 99. Don't know if it was Austin refusing to put over Hunter or Jesse Ventura not wanting to raise a heel's hand up, but it was the wrong call.
Sting beats Hogan clean at Starrcade 1997 and the NWO begins to unravel. None of this "fast count" BS. Sting had been gone for over a year -- let him come out and DEMOLISH Hogan.

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