Live Discussion: Raw 7/6/09 ***NO Spoilers***


That promo was incredible. DiBiase forever! EVER! OH MY GOD!
If they don't strongly consider Ted Dibiase for GM, it would be an injustice. He just manage to make Cody look even WORSE than he was before that promo. :D
Virgil for GM next week! Anyone remember when Dibiase and Virgil took on Dusty and Dustin/Goldust?
Maybe they will now they realize just how AWESOME he is! And they acknowledged the travesty of MDM not being in the HoF!
WWE has got to bring back gimmicks like the Million Dollar Man. These bland personalities we see today just aren't cutting it, and is a clear distinction why you see so many people upset and bored with today's wrestling stars. All you need is a refresher from the type of stuff we used to see to have a few memories jogged.

I am really happy that new fans are getting a chance to see Dibiase.
For real, what tookm so long to make this man the GM, Mike Adamle? Regal? are you kidding me? MDM 39 minutes into the show, and almost the best RAW GM.
How sad is it that Steamboat stole the show at Mania and DiBiase is owning the "future" of the company on the mic?

My goodness: DiBiase vs. Steamboat. Good night what a feud that could have been.
Slaughter has always been awful. Seriously, anyone remember him as GM? Bar the perspex spit shields from DX, he did nothing

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