Live Discussion: RAW 12/10/2007

Ahaha Khali floored by 4 punches from Hogan!? It took people ages to beat him, even Taker jobbed to Khali, and Hogan knocks him down with 4 poor punches!

I wanna see Hornswoggle and Hogan taunt!
Wow and just like that Hogan has made Kane, Taker, Batista, and pretty much every other wrestler to ever get beat by Khali look weak...well IMO anyway
That's not Hogan that's EPIC Hogan. You see Hogan found a time Machine went back in time and switched places with the Hulk Hogan of 1980. 1980's Hulk shaved off some of his hair to make himself look older and then went out and whooped Khali's ass.
Hogan just burried all Khalis past opponents in seconds with 4 whacks LOL!! Hogans Shovel is bigger than HHHs FACT!

Oh and Cheap Plug for some random gladiator show.
I bet American Gladiators gets better ratings than Saturday Night Main Event
i do have to say hornswoggle is one lucky guy

from underring troll to posing with hogan he has gotten one hell of a push

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