Letter From Anonymous WWE Employee; Claims CM Punk Has Been Jealous Of Daniel Bryan

Do you think CM Punk killed Bryan's career?

  • Yes, he stole the buzz at a time Bryan really needed the support from fans

  • No, but he's jealous because Bryan is way better in the ring and more popular than punk ever was

Results are only viewable after voting.


Championship Contender
(Do not put this thread under the CM Punk gone from WWE- Keep it all here thread. Thank you.)

Source: WrestlingInc / F4WOnline

This week a WWE employee, who obviously asked to remain anonymous, asked them to publish the following letter. It contains graphic language:

"Honestly, Punk is being a little b---h. I liked him so much before his run leading to and after that Money in the Bank in Chicago. He's a guy where you have to be really in his circle for him to I guess open up, which I understand, but being put in a feud with Kane and then with HHH at Mania is not a bad thing. Now I understand he feels this is his last Mania and he wants to main event and really, with the right storyline, that match could main event, but literally after the Tribute to the Troops incident he's just been difficult. There are so many there that want his spot, that want to say, 'I need a weekend off to go to UFC.' I really and fully believe he's a little jealous of the crowd reactions to Bryan and it's getting to him—He's just been such a dick lately. That interview with Ariel, he acted like he was the victim at the Troops taping when Michelle was just joking. Little b---h AJ took it to the wrong level. Do you really think AJ would have a 'pipe bomb' interview time or longest Diva champ BS if she wasn't dating Punk? Punk really doesn't want to be the face of the company. That's BS. I hate hearing that s--t. He says he does but this isn't ROH or OVW. He would b---h so much if he had to do Michael & Kelly at 9 a.m., then fly to a different state (for Raw), do a Make-A-Wish at 1 p.m. and then RAW, then do SmackDown, then do something Wednesday to fly home Thursday to be on the road Friday or Saturday. No way he could handle that for four months. He may come back as soon as Monday or he may never come back, but if never comes back he better remember how many fans he's f--king over right now, the same way he believes the WWE is f--king him over. And I'm not defending Vince or HHH. Especially HHH, because people are seeing that HHH taking over isn't as cool as they thought it would be. Outlaws, Nash, X-Pac, Flair, HBK, Batista—yeah must be nice to be HHH friends."

Honestly, I definitely agree with him.

CM Punk doesn't care about bryan. He only cares about himself.

He left one day after the rumble.

In that match, when he was in the match and after he got eliminated, nobody cared about him, people were just chanting "Daniel Bryan" and booing.



CM Punk stole all the buzz and the spotlight from Daniel Bryan and with the disappearance of the YES movement, and fans hijacking shows because of bryan, now people are hijacking shows because of punk who left for a silly reason.

You can pretty much say CM Punk killed Bryan's career.
I agree. It does seem like it. Daniel Bryan was getting huge pops and fans were chanting "Daniel Bryan". Now this week on RAW during Daniel Bryan's match they were chanting "CM Punk". Now fans want WWE to bring back CM Punk more than Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title.

Also, Punk leaving is not WWE's fault in any way.
I agree. It does seem like it. Daniel Bryan was getting huge pops and fans were chanting "Daniel Bryan". Now this week on RAW during Daniel Bryan's match they were chanting "CM Punk". Now fans want WWE to bring back CM Punk more than Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title.

Also, Punk leaving is not WWE's fault in any way.

I don't understand CM Punk fans.

CM Punk fans are sick in the brain. They really need help.

CM Punk beats up the undertaker and exploits the DEATH / profits off of the death of a dead person to gain heat / to get some boo's for a fake character and cm punk fans cheer that? How sick, how pathetic they are.

All I see is pathetic cm punk trolls spamming WWE's Facebook Channel / WWE's YouTube Channel "OMG HOW COULD U LET CM PUNK GO"


There's obviously no point in arguing with them. I have no problem with cm punk quitting, as a matter of fact, I'm for it however people chanting "CM PUNK" in NXT in front of young guys who are still learning is pathetic.
People "hijacking" shows for a guy that left them, a guy who attacks fan, a guy who refuses to sign autograph FOR A LITTLE FCKING KID!!

When the report came, those dumb@$$ marks were actually angry at the kid because cm punk travels a lot and he "bothered him" and how that kid should learn that not everything goes your way in life, fcking dumbasss marks ANGRY AT A FCKING KID!!

CM Punk has a cult, his fans aren't fans, sure there are "normal" cm punk fans but very few. He has many drones who follow him blindly like a bunch of sheep, it's really pathetic.

CM Punk calls the pope a nazi, CM Punk attacks a fan, CM Punk trashes TNA calling it an "independent promotion" basically insulting everyone who worked there, CM Punk missing house shows to attend UFC events, CM Punk profiting off of dead people and real life tragedies, CM Punk walks out on WWE, you'd think / hope that some of these cm punk fans will eventually smarten up and realize what a BSer he is but unfortunately that'll never happen.
OP is right, this thread shouldn't be merged with the Non-spam Punk thread, it should be thrown in trash.

Peg from Accounts Payable sure does have a lot of knowledge and strong opinions about what Punk is thinking and doing. I've never read anything so clearly not a fake story or something WWE might plant in the dirt sheets. #sarcasm

This "anonymous letter" reads more like one of the angry rants we get from angry fans than anything someone in the know would actually explain. There's still plenty to be sorted about the Punk situation, until it comes from his mouth no one knows shit. And even what he has to say might be bullshit as well.
I think if you want to keep doing these polls, you should add more options to them. With this one, for instance, you should have included an option regarding the legitimacy of this letter. The only two options presented give the impression that this letter is as reliable and solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.

Like everything else we've heard from this dirtsheet or that dirtsheet from various sources, who knows what's truth and what isn't? Even if/when CM Punk ultimately breaks his silence about this whole situation, there's no way of knowing if it's true or not. Pro wrestlers are supreme bullshitters and the VAST majority of the time, they tend to embellish their side of the story to make themselves look better and cast everyone else as villains. Matt Hardy, MVP, David Hart Smith, Gregory Helms, etc. have all done it. Hell, Shane Douglas is as well known for his rants about how everyone in every company he's ever worked for has had it in for him as he is for anything he's ever done in his career.

Is it possible that this is legit? Sure, I suppose it is. I'm highly skeptical, just as I am regarding every rumor and allegation that's come to light over the past few weeks. Some of it seems to mesh only because it portrays Punk as being something of a douche, which matches up with many other reports I've read over the years. Then again, who knows how reliable those reports are. At the same time, the letter itself reads like something from a typical internet fan boy lashing out at a wrestler he doesn't like and is keeping someone he does like down.
Is TheOneAndOnlyGOAT at it again?

Dude, I honestly think that you legitimately just want to start shit and that you legitimately love to have people dislike you and call you a dumb ass.

First, you attack 'Taker and call his fans stupid for enjoying his come back every year. Now you're attacking CM Punk and his fans calling them drones in Punk's cult and pretty much saying that they worship him. Are you fucking serious?

Anyways, yea, this letter reads more like someone from these very forums wrote it on Microsoft Word, edited it to make it look legit, and then posted it and sited a source. When I see or hear the brass at WWE address this situation or when I see or hear Punk himself address this situation, then I'll half believe what went down. As some have said, those in the wrestling world are the ultimate bullshitters and one really can't believe all of what they say.
Hard to tell if its legit i did notice the little dig at hhh and his buddys at the end though which is a common internet fan rant.i do pretty much agree with it though i dont think this is a work but i dont think punk has legit quit either i think this is more storming off in a mood because hes not getting everything he wants he fought the undertaker last year and was going to be against hhh this year even if batista did just show up and take the main event spot punk really shouldnt be complaining.he is a big star but he seems to have let his best in the world stuff go to his head.as for bryan punks little stunt has seemed to kill his momentum a bit as now everyones talking about him instead who knows whether it was intentional or not but there have been reports of quite a high level of resentment towards bryans massive popularity in the locker room.bryans momentum will likely pick up again and intrest in the punk situation will eventually die off and it would happen a lot quicker if wwe would just officially adress the situation instead of using there usually strategy of pretending its not happening and pissing the fans off even more.
I don't understand CM Punk fans.

CM Punk fans are sick in the brain. They really need help.

CM Punk beats up the undertaker and exploits the DEATH / profits off of the death of a dead person to gain heat / to get some boo's for a fake character and cm punk fans cheer that? How sick, how pathetic they are.

All I see is pathetic cm punk trolls spamming WWE's Facebook Channel / WWE's YouTube Channel "OMG HOW COULD U LET CM PUNK GO"


There's obviously no point in arguing with them. I have no problem with cm punk quitting, as a matter of fact, I'm for it however people chanting "CM PUNK" in NXT in front of young guys who are still learning is pathetic.
People "hijacking" shows for a guy that left them, a guy who attacks fan, a guy who refuses to sign autograph FOR A LITTLE FCKING KID!!

When the report came, those dumb@$$ marks were actually angry at the kid because cm punk travels a lot and he "bothered him" and how that kid should learn that not everything goes your way in life, fcking dumbasss marks ANGRY AT A FCKING KID!!

CM Punk has a cult, his fans aren't fans, sure there are "normal" cm punk fans but very few. He has many drones who follow him blindly like a bunch of sheep, it's really pathetic.

CM Punk calls the pope a nazi, CM Punk attacks a fan, CM Punk trashes TNA calling it an "independent promotion" basically insulting everyone who worked there, CM Punk missing house shows to attend UFC events, CM Punk profiting off of dead people and real life tragedies, CM Punk walks out on WWE, you'd think / hope that some of these cm punk fans will eventually smarten up and realize what a BSer he is but unfortunately that'll never happen.

I hope you see the irony in calling CM Punk fans "sick in the head" in the same post that shows your own mental issues.

I know my pal theOneandOnlyGOAT will jump down my throat for making valid, objective and logical points, since that goes against everything he believes in, but I'm going to go ahead and make them anyway.

As for that letter, well, it's clearly no one who's opinion I would take seriously. Just reading it, it seems the writer has mental age of a 16 year old. He can't seem to make his points without swearing.

The letter and its writer are cowardly and hypocritical. Firstly, the writer sounds jealous of Punk himself.

Secondly, assuming a guy wrote it, it's so damn scummy to call a woman a bitch in an anonymous letter, and if you think otherwise, then you're a scumbag yourself. Simple as that.

And, thirdly, CM Punk has taken time off once in the 9 odd years he's been with the company, and that was for three months after Wrestlemania 29. Cena, in comparison, has had over a year off, based on all his time off combined. Yeah, Cena only leaves for injuries, but he still gets to relax, recharge and heel other nagging injuries.

The person who wrote that letter doesn't know the full story, just like us. I don't think anyone knows the full story other than CM Punk, his inner circle, and maybe Vince and Trips. It's not possible. So the fact that the writer is making such harsh judgements without knowing the full story shows that the writer is a tool.

And no, this isn't coming from me as a CM Punk fan. This is coming from me as a person with a modicum of intelligence.
Yeah I too question the legitimacy of the letter but the thing is I believe and agree with all of the contents of the letter. From what I've heard and seen Punk walking out is a baby IMO. He wants all the spotlight and everything to be about him. He wants to be top guy but as af ace was only #2 until Bryan started over taking his spot. Bryan is #2 and when he wins the WWEWHC it'll be solidified. I believe Punk was jealous people stopped caring about him his work isn't near as good as it was in late 12 and early 13 while Bryan has been on fire. And he accomplished his goal of getting everyone to focus on him by walking out the day whether the previous night the internet was going wild over Bryan not appearing in the Rumble. Whether the letter comes from a legitimate source is debatable just by the diction but I can certainly believe it's true.
"Anonymous WWE Employee" = some fat kid with a keyboard who wants to call Punk a little bitch over and over in a stupid letter.

Punk is a bitch, as are his little emo fans, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that Punk's daddy drank and so therefore Punk needs to be the center of attention always.
I didn't respond to this poll, because both options are ridiculous.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are friends who've put on fantastic matches together in the past. They have the same background and have both overcome every obstacle in the WWE to become top guys in the company.

CM Punk leaving doesn't kill Bryan's momentum. Bryan will still get huge chants just like he has in the past. The CM Punk chants will die down with every passing event. And I really doubt Punk is jealous of Bryan's in ring ability.
Who knows how physically or mentally happy or healthy Punk is at the moment?Basically just CM Punk, now you can say that Punk would still be wrestling if he was in the ME of WM and I'd most likely agree with you but that's not the point. Just like Cena probably wouldn't have been wrestling with his elbow injury against Daniel Bryan if he had been booked against almost anyone else. Just how it goes sometimes. But truthfully, if Punk doesn't feel like he can do it anymore without putting his physical or mental health at risk, I don't blame him for walking out. And until the full story is heard I don't think you can blame him. It's well known that he's been dealing with nagging injuries and pain. And the combination of that and being unhappy can truly put yourself and others at risk.
Ok for one I don't think this letter is real...but it does make a valid point to consider.

I thought from the start when I heard CM punk walked out that there was some jealousy that Bryan basically took his spot....not only did he take his spot but he did it the legit way with hard work.

CM Punk got in the upper card by complaining and threatening to leave and basically selling the fans a line of bullshit that they ate up...Bryan on the other hand made the best of every angle awarded to him and slowly but surely the fans really latched on to him...no crying...no complaining....just straight up hard work and being a company guy...

CM punk has a come to Jesus moment and realizes that Bryan is gonna be placed higher on the mania card then him as is Cena and Batista and he has a temper tantrum.
I hope you see the irony in calling CM Punk fans "sick in the head" in the same post that shows your own mental issues.

I know my pal theOneandOnlyGOAT will jump down my throat for making valid, objective and logical points, since that goes against everything he believes in, but I'm going to go ahead and make them anyway.

As for that letter, well, it's clearly no one who's opinion I would take seriously. Just reading it, it seems the writer has mental age of a 16 year old. He can't seem to make his points without swearing.

The letter and its writer are cowardly and hypocritical. Firstly, the writer sounds jealous of Punk himself.

Secondly, assuming a guy wrote it, it's so damn scummy to call a woman a bitch in an anonymous letter, and if you think otherwise, then you're a scumbag yourself. Simple as that.

And, thirdly, CM Punk has taken time off once in the 9 odd years he's been with the company, and that was for three months after Wrestlemania 29. Cena, in comparison, has had over a year off, based on all his time off combined. Yeah, Cena only leaves for injuries, but he still gets to relax, recharge and heel other nagging injuries.

The person who wrote that letter doesn't know the full story, just like us. I don't think anyone knows the full story other than CM Punk, his inner circle, and maybe Vince and Trips. It's not possible. So the fact that the writer is making such harsh judgements without knowing the full story shows that the writer is a tool.

And no, this isn't coming from me as a CM Punk fan. This is coming from me as a person with a modicum of intelligence.

I don't have mental issues. But I've definitely changed. I used to be a young sweet little goat and then those dangerous cm punk fanboys changed me. They made me a monster.

As for the validity of the writer of this letter, I'm unsure but there are a lot of people in wwe who are upset with their place in the company so it might be indeed a wwe employee but even if it isn't, that doesn't make those comments untrue. I agree with everything he said
I doubt it. Punk has said over and over how much he respects Bryan and shortly after he left, reports were he left because of the injustice.

Truth is, Punk left for one reason. Because he was not going to be in the main event of WM. Surely he knew this before time cause he was nowhere near title picture. He knew the HHH match was coming, after all on RAW with that ceremony of champions he set it up himself.

I think he would have been ok with the HHH match if Bryan was in the main event - but for me I think his final straw was when Batista won. He realized he is never going to main event cause every year WWE will bring back a part-timer and Punk probably figured he is better off just walking away and then being brought back in 4 years himself as a main eventer.

Another possibility is for months we only heard two possible candidates for RR winner. It was either Punk or Bryan. Before SS, people were convinced Punk was a lock. Maybe WWE indicated this to him, he thought this is it. I get my main event spot and then they got Batista, ran a audible and he was like f-this shit.

Either way, it was a douche move on Punk's part to get up and go. Should at least see out his contract. Not like he is being made out to be a jobber. Still gets % of merch. sales and still one of the big three matches of the night.
Ok for one I don't think this letter is real...but it does make a valid point to consider.

I thought from the start when I heard CM punk walked out that there was some jealousy that Bryan basically took his spot....not only did he take his spot but he did it the legit way with hard work.

CM Punk got in the upper card by complaining and threatening to leave and basically selling the fans a line of bullshit that they ate up...Bryan on the other hand made the best of every angle awarded to him and slowly but surely the fans really latched on to him...no crying...no complaining....just straight up hard work and being a company guy...

CM punk has a come to Jesus moment and realizes that Bryan is gonna be placed higher on the mania card then him as is Cena and Batista and he has a temper tantrum.

The thing is Punk has a TWITTER ACCOUNT!! He can tell his fans RIGHT AFTER he left why he left !!

I think punk is fake, he's going to sell his idiotic fans with probably some argument when he returns "SEEING MY BEST FRIEND DANIEL BRYAN TAKING A BACKSEAT TO A PART TIMER HURT ME INSIDE SO I LEFT".

Punk is a phony, unfortunately we won't know the real reason why he left.

Of course he's not going to say he left because he wasn't relevant but it's most likely the truth, punk wasn't being booked in the main event, the only people who cared most about him were leaning to a new fresh star who is going to stay with the company more than punk does (Daniel Bryan), Orton and Cena were in the main event, the shield and the wyatts are on the rise, Lesnar and Batista were back, cm punk became an absolute afterthought.
I don't have mental issues. But I've definitely changed. I used to be a young sweet little goat and then those dangerous cm punk fanboys changed me. They made me a monster.

As for the validity of the writer of this letter, I'm unsure but there are a lot of people in wwe who are upset with their place in the company so it might be indeed a wwe employee but even if it isn't, that doesn't make those comments untrue. I agree with everything he said

Actually the validity of the writer has a lot to do with how reliable and truthful it is. If it isn't written by someone in the company then alot of it could be total bs made up to try and make punk look bad. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with Punk walking away. He's earned that right, he's saved his money, and until you hear from PUNK or Vince or Trips, trying to come up with made up reasons that he left is a little immature and judgmental. Your poll is insanely horrid because you give two reasons both of which have everything to do with Daniel Bryan and little to do with Punk.

Punk's had some of the best matches in WWE in the last few years Cena vs Punk, Punk vs Lesnar, Punk vs Taker, and in all honesty. If you think he's jealous of anyone's wrestling ability I think you're flat out wrong.

Punk left because Punk thought that was best for him at this time.
I doubt it. Punk has said over and over how much he respects Bryan and shortly after he left, reports were he left because of the injustice.

Truth is, Punk left for one reason. Because he was not going to be in the main event of WM. Surely he knew this before time cause he was nowhere near title picture. He knew the HHH match was coming, after all on RAW with that ceremony of champions he set it up himself.

I think he would have been ok with the HHH match if Bryan was in the main event - but for me I think his final straw was when Batista won. He realized he is never going to main event cause every year WWE will bring back a part-timer and Punk probably figured he is better off just walking away and then being brought back in 4 years himself as a main eventer.

Another possibility is for months we only heard two possible candidates for RR winner. It was either Punk or Bryan. Before SS, people were convinced Punk was a lock. Maybe WWE indicated this to him, he thought this is it. I get my main event spot and then they got Batista, ran a audible and he was like f-this shit.

Either way, it was a douche move on Punk's part to get up and go. Should at least see out his contract. Not like he is being made out to be a jobber. Still gets % of merch. sales and still one of the big three matches of the night.

Thank you! Finally a good cm punk fan.

A lot of people said the rumble was going to be won by either Punk or Bryan but honestly I never thought punk as a royal rumble winner candidate, he was in the mid card and didn't seem like he was going to be in the wwe title picture for a while.

Honestly, punk doesn't deserve this year's WM main event. After Summerslam, punk did nothing impressive, no great promos, no great matches, nothing memorable and he didn't put anyone over honestly.

This year's WM main event BELONGED to Bryan. The ONLY person that should be frustrated is Bryan but he's not, he's going to get married in the weekend after wrestlemania, he finally became a top guy, he is a humble hard working guy.

Just like The Rock told punk: "voice the voiceless? They (the people) have a voice and they like to usE it".

The fans at Pittsburgh definitely used their voice.

When cm punk comes back, I hope he doesn't use Daniel Bryan in his excuse because he daamn sure didn't stood up for Bryan, he only turned the hijacking from Daniel Bryan to cm punk, he stole the buzz from him, he only made things even worst for Bryan.
Is TheOneAndOnlyGOAT at it again?

Dude, I honestly think that you legitimately just want to start shit and that you legitimately love to have people dislike you and call you a dumb ass.

First, you attack 'Taker and call his fans stupid for enjoying his come back every year. Now you're attacking CM Punk and his fans calling them drones in Punk's cult and pretty much saying that they worship him. Are you fucking serious? .

That's totally different.

First I didn't say Taker's fans were stupid, I said IT'S STUPID the notion of some people that the streak shouldn't end becausE taker will be remembered as arguably the greatest regardless of the streak.

I've always been a fan of taker, I think he should just retire and not become another Hogan/Flair.

Anyway, this is a different thread. Please stay on topic.
Thank you! Finally a good cm punk fan.

A lot of people said the rumble was going to be won by either Punk or Bryan but honestly I never thought punk as a royal rumble winner candidate, he was in the mid card and didn't seem like he was going to be in the wwe title picture for a while.

Honestly, punk doesn't deserve this year's WM main event. After Summerslam, punk did nothing impressive, no great promos, no great matches, nothing memorable and he didn't put anyone over honestly.

This year's WM main event BELONGED to Bryan. The ONLY person that should be frustrated is Bryan but he's not, he's going to get married in the weekend after wrestlemania, he finally became a top guy, he is a humble hard working guy.

Just like The Rock told punk: "voice the voiceless? They (the people) have a voice and they like to usE it".

The fans at Pittsburgh definitely used their voice.

When cm punk comes back, I hope he doesn't use Daniel Bryan in his excuse because he daamn sure didn't stood up for Bryan, he only turned the hijacking from Daniel Bryan to cm punk, he stole the buzz from him, he only made things even worst for Bryan.

Again I don't think Punk wants to take anything from Bryan, but he's also got to do what's best for CM Punk. My argument is this, Bryan and Punk are very similar. Punk has always wanted to headline Wrestlemania, that's a fact. Two years ago at Mania no one was hotter than Punk, and he still didn't get it.

Now Bryan a guy like Punk is in a similar position. He's the hottest guy in wrestling, and he's not getting the ME at Mania? In Punks mind he could simply be saying no matter how hard I work it's not going to matter, because guys like me and Bryan will never be put into that spot no matter how hard we work.

Now that might not matter to Bryan, he might not care about main eventing Wrestlemania that much. It might not bother him like it does Punk, but if I see I'm never going to get promoted at my job and reach the goals I WANT TO REACH, and I have the money to quit and do something else especially if what I'm doing is dangerous to my health. I'm going to do that.
Again I don't think Punk wants to take anything from Bryan, but he's also got to do what's best for CM Punk. My argument is this, Bryan and Punk are very similar. Punk has always wanted to headline Wrestlemania, that's a fact. Two years ago at Mania no one was hotter than Punk, and he still didn't get it.

Now Bryan a guy like Punk is in a similar position. He's the hottest guy in wrestling, and he's not getting the ME at Mania? In Punks mind he could simply be saying no matter how hard I work it's not going to matter, because guys like me and Bryan will never be put into that spot no matter how hard we work.

Now that might not matter to Bryan, he might not care about main eventing Wrestlemania that much. It might not bother him like it does Punk, but if I see I'm never going to get promoted at my job and reach the goals I WANT TO REACH, and I have the money to quit and do something else especially if what I'm doing is dangerous to my health. I'm going to do that.

I don't think punk WANTS to hurt Bryan's popularity but UNINTENTIONALLY it did happen.

After the rumble, everybody were extremely mad that Bryan didn't win.

Punk left, nobody cares about Bryan anymore.

Punk leaving sure is a bigger story than Bryan not winning the rumble but it's unnecessary.

I appreciate a person who have his goals and is so focused and determined on making them happen but there's a limit.

Is not getting the WM main event a valid reason to leave the company?

They brought back piper to pretty much promote punk saying he's the only one that can touch him on the mic, they let punk interrupt Bret hart's Montreal return, they let punk feud with rock and main event back to back ppvs with him, he faced the streak, he beat he beat Jericho at wrestlemania, he had probably the greatest manager in history by his side, he beat Ziggler, Bryan, show, kane, miz, del rio, big e, fandango, the wyatts, heck he even beat the shield 3 on 1, he became the first ever wrestler to win 10 ppv matches in one year, he went undefeated at 2012 ppvs, he ended Sheamus' 25 TV and PPV winning streak in 2012 he ended Ryback's undefeated streak, he ended Cena's 7-0 survivor series streak he held the title for 434 days, he feuded with hunter and nash, he beat up Lesnar and Axel on his own the raw before Summerslam and at the ppv, the beast couldn't beat him without Heyman interfering...

I'm sorry but punk leaving for not being in wm main event would be an absolute farce, punk isn't asking to win the IC or US title, his demand is absurd and not reasonable or logical, if he wants to remembered as the guy who threatened to leave the company every time he didn't get his wishes then that makes him just a big backstage politician as any overrated wrestler that came before him
I don't understand this 'anonymous letter' from website 'sources'. I read it, and it just screams BS. I like punk as a wrestler, but as a person? Eh. This letter is fake. I hope everyone knows that.
I don't think punk WANTS to hurt Bryan's popularity but UNINTENTIONALLY it did happen.

After the rumble, everybody were extremely mad that Bryan didn't win.

Punk left, nobody cares about Bryan anymore.

Punk leaving sure is a bigger story than Bryan not winning the rumble but it's unnecessary.

I appreciate a person who have his goals and is so focused and determined on making them happen but there's a limit.

Is not getting the WM main event a valid reason to leave the company?

If he thinks he'll never get that spot, yes I think it is but it's not only that, it's the health concerns and other things. And this whole time you've been acting like Punk did this to HURT Bryan. I highly doubt he would do that. There is no way Punk made this decision to hurt Bryan. There was rumors punk would be leaving after this contract anyways, maybe he couldn't take the tool on his body and mind.

I'm sorry but punk leaving for not being in wm main event would be an absolute farce, punk isn't asking to win the IC or US title, his demand is absurd and not reasonable or logical, if he wants to remembered as the guy who threatened to leave the company every time he didn't get his wishes then that makes him just a big backstage politician as any overrated wrestler that came before him

But if he's not healthy why should he stick around for anything less? Guys sit out regular season games all the time in other sports, and won't go 100% unless they're in the big game, and if they realize that there chance to achieve their ultimate goal has passed they often retire, Which is essentially what Punk might have done.
This is my first comment here on this forum about this but not the first time talking about this on WZ. I have nothing against TheOneAndOnlyGOAT or others that think like him. Having said that what gives you the right to say someone crying or being a little bitch because he's not getting what he does deserve. He's worked hard for everything since he got into the WWE and also been the top heel two times without being in the main event once. This idea people put out that CM Punk is not a draw or put asses in arena is dumb and will never go away, but this is a new one. The i hate my friends push, so i am pulling out of doing matches or doing anything for the company and getting all the attention for myself is as cold blooded as it come! If you have a friendship with someone for almost 15 years, why would you do something like that? I say this is from someone who "hates" CM Punk or a smart fan with a computer.
First off, like some have said here, this "letter" is not legit. You're assuming, and therefore, the poll is biased.

I'm a Bryan fan, but I also like Punk's work. I don't care what anyone says, but Punk leaving WWE was a slap to the face to the fans. Just like Austin and others have done. If it was an extreme situation, I would understand, but leaving for booking reasons is a bit unprofessional for me. He's still under contract.

Fans chanting his name after he's gone is dumb. I don't believe it's killing Bryan's momentum, fans still cheer for Bryan. So fans are supporting someone who left them suddenly? And to think those "fans" hate The Rock for ending his lengthy reign, not realizing Rock returned for US. Rock didn't need to comeback, but he did. Rock didn't leave WWE suddenly, Punk did. Just something I wanted to point out to see if those die hard Punk fans understand.

And no, I don't compare Rock's situation with Batista. Rock is a much bigger star than Batista will ever be. Batista simply came back to steal the spotlight, knowing his buddy HHH has more backstage power than before. And so far his return has been disappointing. Glad the fans are not cheering him. I hope they keep it up!

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