Letter From Anonymous WWE Employee; Claims CM Punk Has Been Jealous Of Daniel Bryan

Do you think CM Punk killed Bryan's career?

  • Yes, he stole the buzz at a time Bryan really needed the support from fans

  • No, but he's jealous because Bryan is way better in the ring and more popular than punk ever was

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I think OP wrote this shit. I have skimmed two of his posts and it seems like he is sick in the head. Basically he made this for attention and to exploit his ignorance. These letters more than likely aren't even real.
As for the validity of the writer of this letter, I'm unsure but there are a lot of people in wwe who are upset with their place in the company so it might be indeed a wwe employee but even if it isn't, that doesn't make those comments untrue. I agree with everything he said

Unfortunately for your argument, the validity of the letter is a affects everything. You say just because it may not be written by someone who might not actually know what they're talking about (and I use the expression might not VERY loosely. This so called letter has butthurt hater written all over it, so I'm almost willing to guarantee that the person who wrote it is talking out of his ass) doesn't make the comments in the letter untrue, and then go on to say that you believe it is true because of some beef you have with Punk.

The main problem with that is, up until the point where we get Punk himself actually coming out and saying it, either agreeing or disagreeing with what someone else has claimed, everything anyone else says will be false purely from the standpoint that it did not come specifically from the man himself.

Also, two days before the Rumble, Punk went on record at the Wizard World Comic Con in Portland to say that he believed that this was going to be the year of Daniel Bryan, and that while he doesn't have anything against Batista, he would have preferred it to be DB in the main event rather than Batista, but also gives Batista credit for at least not pulling a Rock, and working a full schedule rather than make sporadic appearances.
Once I saw that this source was from F4W online, I didn't begin to believe this story at all. I'm staying away from the whole Punk walking out, and Daniel Bryan not getting what the fans think he deserves. This is more than likely a work for Punk to get some publicity outside of the WWE. Well, whatever the case may be for Punk, he did accomplish that. On Facebook, anywhere here, social media etc. Punk has created a buzz for himself.

But besides that, I can't say that I'm against Punk. Punk should be headlining WrestleMania. He's not only the same level as Cena as seen by the WWE creative team, but hey, then again, who is on his level? You know what though, against Punk, he's said in the past that he doesn't like part-timers headlining 'Mania especially The Rock, and this year's Batista. That's where the money lies though. How often did we see Rock or Batista before either of them returned? We didn't. Maybe Punk is taking a cue from those guys and will show up unexpectedly. Whatever the case, Punk is still making money, and Batista will still be main eventing WrestleMania 30.
I'm sorry, I can't get worked up over "anonymous" letters.

This is what wrestling media is resorting to because they can't get the goods? They take stuff at face value and put it out there for everyone to analyze. It's just low-rent nonsense.

I don't doubt the existence of an anonymous letter, but I doubt that it was written by a WWE wrestler.

I implore you guys to not start another thread when the next letter comes out. And there will be one. For no other reason than fans now realize how easy it is to work these wrestling sites and will be sending off "anonymous" letters to them constantly now.

And the sites will pick the ones that seem believable enough to put out there, hoping to drive more traffic to their page and get their name out there in other wrestling outlets.
I'm not buying into this letter being legit. I find it hard to believe someone, who works for WWE would start off a letter with "Punk is being a little bitch." That sounds like an internet troll baiting Punk fans into an angry reaction, and others are posting this, so they can drum up hits on their site.

My take on this is simple. Legit or work, the dirtsheets are running out of places to go with this story, so they have to keep it fresh with different points of view now. I highly doubt someone within WWE would take any sort of risk to put their jobs on the line with an angry letter to an internet wrestling news site. That doesn't make sense at all.

Bottom line, until CM Punk himself comes out of hiding, and he breaks his silence on this, we don't know if this is all legit or if his walk out is apart of a storyline, or if he was truly burnt out, and he needed to take some time off. Until that happens, I'm taking everything I read on the internet with a barrel of salt.
Again I don't think Punk wants to take anything from Bryan, but he's also got to do what's best for CM Punk. My argument is this, Bryan and Punk are very similar. Punk has always wanted to headline Wrestlemania, that's a fact. Two years ago at Mania no one was hotter than Punk, and he still didn't get it.

Now Bryan a guy like Punk is in a similar position. He's the hottest guy in wrestling, and he's not getting the ME at Mania? In Punks mind he could simply be saying no matter how hard I work it's not going to matter, because guys like me and Bryan will never be put into that spot no matter how hard we work.

Now that might not matter to Bryan, he might not care about main eventing Wrestlemania that much. It might not bother him like it does Punk, but if I see I'm never going to get promoted at my job and reach the goals I WANT TO REACH, and I have the money to quit and do something else especially if what I'm doing is dangerous to my health. I'm going to do that.

You have no proof punk has some large sum of money saved up...I personally don't think he does...I think he wasted his money on tattoos and pain meds.
And to think those "fans" hate The Rock for ending his lengthy reign, not realizing Rock returned for US. Rock didn't need to comeback, but he did. Rock didn't leave WWE suddenly, Punk did. Just something I wanted to point out to see if those die hard Punk fans understand.

And no, I don't compare Rock's situation with Batista. Rock is a much bigger star than Batista will ever be. Batista simply came back to steal the spotlight, knowing his buddy HHH has more backstage power than before. And so far his return has been disappointing. Glad the fans are not cheering him. I hope they keep it up!

I agree. Punk marks need to get their $#!t straight.

Cm punk wouldn't have become champ for 434 days if it wasn't for Rock returning at the rumble, it was painfully predictable that CM Punk was going to hold the title until the rumble since raw 1000.

Also, comparing Batista to Rock is absurd.

First, Rock never walked out of wrestlemania as world champ / wwe champ so seeing him win the title at wrestlemania and do pretty much the biggest thing he'd never done would be great.

But Rock didn't win the title, he just held it to put over Cena in the biggest match of his career while Batista will most likely win it to have a run with it.
Weather the letter is legit or not, personally the point about punk not being able to do all the media, appearances etc etc, are things that I beleive. I honestly don't think he could do it all as good as cena does.

It pisses me off when I see people writing #wewantpunk on Facebook etc, it's like they don't understand the situation.
You have no proof punk has some large sum of money saved up...I personally don't think he does...I think he wasted his money on tattoos and pain meds.

1) How much do you think tattoos cost?? He has had work done since he's been in the WWE but he was there for 8 years. You honestly think his tattoos have put even the smallest of dents in his bank account? Let me answer that. No, you don't.

2) You obviously are trying to troll Punk marks with the pain meds comment.
If he was addicted to pain pills, then his leaving the WWE would be to go into rehab. Otherwise he'd stay on board to keep getting the "group rate" with the rest of the guys.
1) How much do you think tattoos cost?? He has had work done since he's been in the WWE but he was there for 8 years. You honestly think his tattoos have put even the smallest of dents in his bank account? Let me answer that. No, you don't.

2) You obviously are trying to troll Punk marks with the pain meds comment.
If he was addicted to pain pills, then his leaving the WWE would be to go into rehab. Otherwise he'd stay on board to keep getting the "group rate" with the rest of the guys.

There have been reports for years that punk uses pain meds to fall asleep...have every right to think punk possibly left the way he did because he wanted to get doped up on drugs with no issues from WWE.
Wrestlers are usually smart people and no way would anyone smart write that and specifically ask for it to be published. :D :D :D

It is either a butthurt Cena fan or a 'leaked' letter from WWE to deflect support for Punk in the IWC. The language and obligatory HHH side rant is catered to the dumb asses in the community too. (see what I did? swearing makes it more real and emotional yo!)

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