Let's Put Somebody Else In That Sin Cara Mask

There's only one person other than Hunico that could make this work. And he needs something new to do.

Still Hunico. He's actually really good and entertaining in the ring but I don't think he'd get over without the mask, just like that guy who plays Manik/formerly Suicide in TNA. Good in the mask, not so much out of it.
They should have a match between Cara and Orton, and when Orton gets pissy over Cara botching, the whole roster can come to the ramp in a Sin Cara match saying "I botched the spot" then Orton gets mad and demands that Trips fire Cara, so Trips makes the announcement and all the other guys take their masks off, except the real Sin Cara cause he doesn't speak English. Then have The Real Americans transport Cara back to Mexico, with Cesaro using the giant swing to throw him across the border. Seems like money.
They should have a match between Cara and Orton, and when Orton gets pissy over Cara botching, the whole roster can come to the ramp in a Sin Cara match saying "I botched the spot" then Orton gets mad and demands that Trips fire Cara, so Trips makes the announcement and all the other guys take their masks off, except the real Sin Cara cause he doesn't speak English. Then have The Real Americans transport Cara back to Mexico, with Cesaro using the giant swing to throw him across the border. Seems like money.

Still slightly less racist than Kane chokeslaming Mysterio into the Gulf of Mexico.
Daniels as Suicide as Rey Mysterio as Sin Cara, followed by an epic Scooby-Doo style unmasking at WM 31.
I think they need to have a running feud with Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara now where Del Rio wants to avenge the loss he took last week, and each week he has a match with Sin Cara...only each time, it's obviously someone different. So next week: It's Darren Young. The following week: it's one of the Divas. Week after that: Hornswaggle. Then, The Big Show....

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