Lesnar or Cena?


The Cerebral Assassin
So my comparison thread that involved Legacy & Evolution got me thinking about WWE comparisons, and I've thought of another good one: Brock Lesnar and John Cena. We all pretty much know that Lesnar, the next big thing, skyrocketed to success since his debut in the WWE. Unforuntately, he left the WWE for the UFC. Around the time of Lesnar's departute, the WWE looked furiously for a replacement in the "Lesnar Push" role, and Cena fit the bill perfecctly. And, thus, Cena took over Lesnar's spot in the WWE and became a successful/mutli- champion.

So, the question is: Who Would Have Made It Bigger In The WWE if both men were allowed to have long/successful careers, Lesnar or Cena?
In a heartbeat, I would rather have Brock Lesnar. But who would be more successful? Cena would. Cena is the biggest thing going in the business today, and he ain't slowing down. He's getting bigger and bigger everyday as long as he's champ. I felt like Lesnar just kind of got to a certain point of popularity and satyed there, where as Cena has been gaining popularity, it seems, from left and right. Cena also has a better personality. He goes out every night and is pretty entertaining. He puts on a good show and can really work the mic. Lesnar on the other hand, seemed to bore me on the mic. He just never really grasped my attention. He just sat and talked. He was too normal. However, there is one thing Lesnar had better than Cena. Athleticsm. Earlier in Cena's career, he was way more athletic than Lesnar. But now, he's popular so he doesn't have to work to please the crowd. Lesnar was never really all that extremely athletic, but even after he got popular, he still did moves to awe the crowd. The SSP at WrestleMania 19 was awesome. It was also a feat Cena would never even dare to try. But altogether, Cena > Lesnar.
Cena. Absolutely Cena. To me, Lesnar is the better wrestlers, better performer, better draw, etc. The thing you have to factor in about what I'm saying is that if Lesnar hadn't left, there's no sure way to tell where Cena would have gone. Lesnar could be the top guy right now and Cena could be the king of the midcard. Would that have happened? Unlkely, but possibly.

However, for the sake of argument let's say that neither can interfere with the other's career, meaning that both could reach their maximum levels without either taking anything away from the other. In that case, automatcially Cena for me. While Lesnar has most of if not all the physical attributes over Cena, there's one thing he doesn't have: a love for the business. Lesnar walked away when he could have been one of the top stars for 15 more years if he had wanted to. Now in the long run, that's paid off more than he ever could ahve imagined, but at the time, it wasn't the best move in my eyes. When you watch a Cena match, especially live, you see the fire in his eyes that no one else, save for Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels that I've seen in person have. Look right now at the two biggest stars on the Raw roster: Cena and Batista. I don't think there's an argument at all that Cena is a bigger draw than Batista. Batista has never shown me that fire and love for the business despite having the physical attributes to trump Cena at every turn almost. Cena is still over Batista, and he would be over Lesnar.
I actually think that Cena wouldn't have gotten to the point he is at today if Lesnar stuck around. Sure Cena would get title runs but I don't think he would be the unstoppable force that he is today. That would have been Lesnar's job, I think that Cena would still be that controversial rapper he was when Lesnar was the man and he would be a few steps above CM Punk's level, and this PG crap wouldn't have been around because the product I think would have been molded around Lesnar. It's obvious that when Lesnar left that Cena got his shoulder tapped and was called up to the upper echelon of WWE stardom.

Overall the product would still be as good as it was in '03-'04 and in my opinion the last time WWE had a definitively good product. Cena would be a three-time champion at most and Lesnar would be the one setting the WWE ablaze.
It's hard to figure this question out, because in my opinion the Cena Era began because of the Vaccuum Brock Lesnar created. Both debuted in 2002 for the WWE, and within a year, Brock Lesnar was main eventing Wrestlemania, while John Cena couldn't even make the card. A year later, John Cena was opening the card for a mid card title, while Brock was involved in the high profile non title match.

Rumors were already floating that the WWE had Brock vs. Triple H as the main event of Wrestlemania 21 about 15 months before that pay per view, so would there have been room for John Cena. I tend to think so. John Cena could very well have been on one show while Lesnar dominated the other.

So I think I've flip flopped on this a bit. I think John Cena would have eventually gotten to the top, but I still think it would be very much in question as to whose company it is. So now I think that guys like Batista, Bobby Lashley, Koslov should be the guys thanking Brock for moving on to bigger and better things.

As for right now, whose a bigger star, without question it's Brock. He's the biggest name in a brand that rivals the WWE in almost everyway possible. His pay per view buy rates are huge. People pay to watch Brock Lesnar. SportsCenter and ESPN can't get enough of putting the guy on before one of his bouts. If you asked the average person on the street whose bigger, I'd wager 7 out of 10 say Brock.
Lesnar easily! we was physically gifted in every aspect while cena is uust a steroid mutated ape! however Cena does work hard and loves the company while lesnae spit in the face of the wwe do im glasd cena made it bigger! wow that may be the first time ive ever defended cena lol
Huh. Cena has never tested positive for steroids, and If I'm lining up Lesnar and Cena side by side, and I had to pick one that was on roids, it certainly wouldn't be Cena at face value. Now I don't know about UFC's drug testing policy or how forceful the NCAA's was, but I certainly know the WWE's Wellness policy is a joke.

I fail to see how Lesnar spit in the face of the WWE. The WWE made the mistake of pushing a 24 year old kid to the top of the company and having him basically accomplish everything he would ever need to within a year of being in the company. A three time champion, Wrestlemania Main Eventer, Royal Rumble Winning, King of the Ring guy like Brock Lesnar had nothing more to give. Brock Lesnar is a legit athlete (no slight on Cena). But Brock, like Kurt Angle, thrive on real competition. Brock simply saw more opportunities and decided that the WWE wasn't for him. Not spitting in the face of anyone, it just wasn't for him.

John Cena grew up a sports entertainment fan, where Brock Lesnar thrives on real life win/loss competition.
Easily brock Lesnar. That not even debatable for me. I hate what John cena is and stands for while Lesnar was THE real big thing..too bad it ended prematurely. The guy was a legend in the making.
I honestly can't choose.

I mean, Lesnar is a fantastic draw, a fantastic wrestler and just a beast of a monster. He was WWE Champion within something like 5 months of his debut, which is insane. They pushed him mega hard and they reaped the benefits. Look at the SummerSlam match. While the fans knew The Rock was leaving, they were behind Lesnar anyway. Sure, part of that was due to The Rock leaving but still. He had a huge mass of fans, and you could put him against most guys and he'd have a brilliant match.

Then you look to John Cena. Again, a fantastic draw, fantastic work ethic, great on the mic while not the best in the ring; yet being able to put on good matches. Factor in his gimmick and how he's the Hulk Hogan of todays era then you would say Cena is probably the better of the two. In fact I've just answered my question. Cena would win, partly and perhaps mainly because of his work ethic. It's no secret that Lesnar didn't like the schedule and for that reason he probably got de-motivated as the weeks went on by. Cena on the other hand, fucking loves it. He'd rather be on the road than sat at home having a rest. For that reason, Cena would have been the bigger of the two.
cena has the mic skills and lesnar has the actual wreslting talent,id rather watch lesnar destroy sum1 than watch any cena match tho becuz we no wot moves we r already goin 2 c wif john ! he has done well tho im jus from a diff generation so cant get in2 it !
I have to go with Lesnar just because I like his finisher better yes that is what it came down that's how close they are.
Mic Skills: Cena has that over Brock but not Heyman who was his manager Brock could talk but cena can get a crowd interested in any kind of match.
Wrestling skill: have to go with Brock Lesnar he was just so unpredictable with what he was going to do I mean let's see cena do a shooting star press or a 7th move.
Over all attitude: Don't know for sure but I think Cena has him in this department. H ehas done 100+ make a wish trips.
Memrobility: If you took the 3 years of lesnars career to the first three of John Cena I think Brock would win because of his title riegns WM match agianst Goldberg, HIAC with Taker. compared to Cena's JBl feud and Big show feud. It goes to Lesnar.
Finisher: The F-5 is more impressive because of the fact that you land face first on the mat as with the Fu you land on your back.
John Cena. I think both guys today would be huge. Yes when LLesnar left he was huge and on top and could have stayed there for years to come. Regardless I believe John Cena's passion, hard work, and love for this business would elavate him to the top. I think eventually he would have gained main stream attention like today. Lesnar was on top while Cena was still trying to make it. Both probably could have been on the same brand with Lesnar on top. An eventual draft of Cena would have happened and both would have become the top guy on each brand. I think in a dream world WWE would have substitued Lesnar for Boretista and maybe would have done things right and gave Cena/Lesnar a big build and maybe they would be headlining this years Mania. Think of that live envirnment.

Both guys are gifted athletically and both are big time powerhouses. Cena has the advantage on the mic if for no other reason the passion he gives you while talking as opposed to Lesnars less than enthusiastic feel. The ultimate thing to put Cena over the top has to be his love for this business that i think seperates him from anybody else in it today.
i think they both suck but i would go with cena. lesanr last match was a wrestlemania 20 and by then cena was already on the rise. i think batustia would have never had his reign as champion if brock would have stuck around thats who they replaced brock with
John Cena. I think Cena is more ENTERTAINING to a wider array of people. It seems that more of the pure wrestling enthusiasts would prefer Lesnar and his superior wrestling ability, but that's not an overwhelming amount. Cena was gaining a lot of popularity even while Brock was main eventing. Again, Lesnar has better mat skills, but that's not the most important thing when judging WWE talent. I have always liked Cena more than Lesnar as well. Likable guy, just a stupid super-hero gimmick, that's just a personal opinion though.
JOHN CENA would win
who do i like better: lesnar
who has better skills in ring:Lesnar
Who could sell and has a decent finisher: lesnar
Cena has a passion for the buisness, look at the fire in his eyes watch him walk down that aile at WM20,21,22,23,24 and youll see that smile that glint in hes eye, not one that says "WOW im gunna make ALOT" but one that says "Holy Crap I made it im at WM"
and he has good Mic skills

SO it would of taken longer and by no means is he graet in the ring BBBUUUTTT Cena
Agreed. I think Cena is the far superior wrestler. Not 'talent' but WRESTLER. A wrestler in more than just a talent in the ring. It's the whole-package. The look, the draw, the charisma, the passion, and enough in-ring talent to pull it all off. Cena, in my opinion, is the best all-around worker in the world today. He lives and breathes the company, which is why I think he would be booked over Lesnar now. Brock's heart was never into it, he just did it because he was able to. John Cena is the real deal, when it comes to the wrestling industry.
Cena for sure. Even if Brock was still here, I think Cena would have surpassed him. As others have already said John has a much better work ethic and love for the business. This alone would have pushed him over Brock, eventually. Brock would have held top spot for maybe another yr or 2 but as i said eventually Cena's love and commitment to WWE would have seen him pushed over Brock, maybe woulda taken a bit longer but it still would have happened.
It is very much compairing apples to oranges. Lenar and Cena were built up much much differenly than each other. Lesnar came to WWE as an absolute destroyer. His vinegettes were him doing pull ups and lifting barrels back stage all while being mentored by a sadistic Paul Heyman. It was clear that Brock Lesnar was a force not to be wreckoned with. Cena on the other hand was brought up as a young gun type taletn. His strengths based apoun his sheer athletisism and underdog like mentality. He got "his chance" to beat Kurt Angle, and although he lost his debut he gave the vet a real battle.
As Lesnar continued his rampage through WWE and quickly moving up the ranks, John Cena started to make a gimmick for himself. He would taunt the bigger names and older wrestlers and relyed soley on his gimmick of a rapper. WWE akonwledged his "lack" of ring skills by shortly giving him a sidekick in B2, who was there to do his dirty work or watch his back from any foes who may come after Cena. But as Cena's mic work continually improved, as did his work ethic, Cena slowly built himself up through the mid-card and to the lower of the top tier guys. Lesnar on the other hand was pushed too fast. He was toe-to-toe with sooo many of the elite talent that after 2 years it was difficult for WWE to continue to portray Brock as anything more that a dominate big man. I think that is where WWE lost Brock because they gave him too much too fast. Had the progressively brough him on, as they did Cena, I feel as if there would be a better chance of having Brock still around today.
What springs to mind immediatly is their only PPV meeting,(Lesnar stuck around long enough to have JusT one with everybody) Lesnar was actually the good guy due to an injured,,arm,while Cena was the loud mouthed baddie starting with an awful battle rap about previous world championships ("So get off my cactus,Jack!"-cringe!).Come to think of it,Lesnar was the good guy in a PPV stretcher match against BiGShoW,even helped by wee Rey Mysterio & a forklift! so who knows how far he woulda gone (or Lashley for that matter) if he stuck around.I read that instead of having a farewell match against fellow Im-outta-here Goldberg,he woulda met H at a WM. .A match now resigned to dweams & playstation.
But as you say.Lesnar wanted to go home & shut the door after matches,while Cena seamed to embrace his Chain Gang fans & basically.Lesnar aint coming back (though he did HaVe talks with Vince a few years back about the possibility) & Cena,s still here,& quite possibly getting BrockS push ,so,sadly,end of story.
i think they both suck but i would go with cena. lesanr last match was a wrestlemania 20 and by then cena was already on the rise. i think batustia would have never had his reign as champion if brock would have stuck around thats who they replaced brock with

Generally, I like to pick out a good post to quote and play off of. But since a) this quoted post above is such shit, and b) since rowdy ruben doesn't strike me as someone who will last, I will give him my quote box and make him famous.

They both suck? Dude, if Lesnar were still in WWE, they would be #1a and #1b. Lesnar drew decent money, and sure as hell draws amazing money with UFC. Cena is easilly WWE's best draw right now. Both men captured a crowd's imagination, illicited strong responses, and backed up their hype with in-ring performance.

If I have to choose between Cena and Lesnar, I go with Lesnar. He doesn't have Cena's pure charisma (or his passion, that's for damn sure,) but if Lesnar is still here, he's likely developing the charisma (like Angle did) AND has the chance to fall back on his own legitimacy (like Angle did). WWE did such a great job of hyping Lesnar's amateur status and his workout schedule (think Summer Slam vs The Rock) that people were willing to buy whatever he sold.

But that's not the case. It IS indeed Cena vs Lesnar, but only so far as WWE and UFC compete for the increasingly elusive consumer entertainment dollar.

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