IBT "Cena to defeat Lesnar at Royal Rumble as Lesnar plans exit"

What "dream match" do you want to see main event WrestleMania 31

  • Lesnar vs Reigns (Cena will be there)

  • I want to see Cena vs Reigns

  • Neither,I want to see Lesnar & Cena retire and let the future have that

  • None of the above

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I would be shocked and genuinely disappointed if Brock loses to Cena at the Rumble. If that happens than the ending of the Streak would be nailed on the worst booking decision ever made. Having Taker lose it so Cena can get some more heat would be nonsense.

Lesnar needs to be beaten clean to give a proper Streak rub to whoever beats him. That said; I think they have almost entirely dropped the ball on Lesnar since he won the title as the booking of him has been awful, to put it mildly.

They had him beat the Undertaker cleanly, squash John Cena, then to move onto Cena again, twice?! How about have him go over Orton and maybe bring back someone big(the Rock/Batista for eg.) for a Rumble showdown and have Brock go over him too?

This truly would make it seem as though beating Brock Lesnar is impossible...however, all the while, build 2/3 guys in Upper Midcard feuds who could be seen as possibilities to actually do the job that those Top Guys couldn't.
Was it so hard to book as the WWE made it?
I know there were other factors to take into consideration, but if those couldn't be controlled, then why book Lesnar in the way they did in the first place?
That's funny.
People seem to attempt to hear such boos, which whilst they did happen, were done in a match against the Big Show who is always boring anyway, in which he no-sold a SMP punch big time.
Getting booed out the building is a stretch also, as that was clearly not the case.

Also, I heard boring chants in the Main Event between Ambrose and Wyatt. What do you make of that?

I didn't take much stock of either, since I believe there were a bunch of smarks near the front row who spent the entire show doing random chants and actually spoiled the viewing experience a bit.
However, since looking for faults in the Reigns push is the popular thing to do, all that is thrown out the window. :shrug:

All that said; As a huge Reigns fan, I have been skeptical of a Main Event slot at Mania and a Rumble win for the guy as well, and am hoping there is a swerve and Reigns perhaps end up facing Rollins/HHH to finish up the Authority storyline once and for all(Rollins keeps on mentioning the Authority every show, that has to mean something is up,lMO.)

However, who else is being booked strongly enough to be considered worthy of beating the Guy who practically squashed both John Cena and the Undertaker in the space of six months and needs to be beaten clean, especially if he is indeed on his way out post-Mania?

Spot on: I didn't really catch the main event boo;s as my TV volume was down...I came in about doing the Reigns/Show match. As I looked back on the show I noticed every person (except Mizdow and Paige) had a cheer's and boos (even Ziggler, and Ambrose,)

I think Reigns has the tools to be the guy. The fact is he is MORE THAN CAPABLE of cutting a great promo. If you watch his NXT work, but Vince needs to as Triple H puts it "let guy's be their selfs." If he didn't have to do this batman gimmick and be his self then he would have WAY better promo's. If Vince didn't limit his moveset (which is ******ed in my eyes and makes no sense) then he would be a far better wrestler as well. But at the same time like Vince said the superstars needs to stop walking on eggshells at the risk of getting fired and not just grab,but snatch the brass ring. Majority of the time when you push the envelope a bit like (CM Punk,Stone Cold,DX,The Rock,Edge,to even John Cena) you end up leaving with an even bigger push.
WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar Vs The Rock(Rock wins, Rollins cashes in/wins and gets mega heel push)

John Cena Vs Hulk Hogan

Undertaker Vs Sting

HHH Vs Roman Reigns

Seth Rollins Vs Randy Orton

Diva's Match(Who cares?)

IC Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs Ambrose

Battle Royal/Tag Team whatever match.

Honestly let me break this down to you. You can and most likely will get in trouble for this for the face that this isn't predict the card. And While that is a great card you can't just put a card without going into further detail on why you posted it. That is like posting simply "I Agree" or "I Disagree" or here. It is not allowed, so if I was you I would edit that before a mod get's to it.
Spot on: I didn't really catch the main event boo;s as my TV volume was down...I came in about doing the Reigns/Show match. As I looked back on the show I noticed every person (except Mizdow and Paige) had a cheer's and boos (even Ziggler, and Ambrose,)

I think Reigns has the tools to be the guy. The fact is he is MORE THAN CAPABLE of cutting a great promo. If you watch his NXT work, but Vince needs to as Triple H puts it "let guy's be their selfs." If he didn't have to do this batman gimmick and be his self then he would have WAY better promo's. If Vince didn't limit his moveset (which is ******ed in my eyes and makes no sense) then he would be a far better wrestler as well. But at the same time like Vince said the superstars needs to stop walking on eggshells at the risk of getting fired and not just grab,but snatch the brass ring. Majority of the time when you push the envelope a bit like (CM Punk,Stone Cold,DX,The Rock,Edge,to even John Cena) you end up leaving with an even bigger push.

Everytime Reigns cuts a promo, anyone who watches can tell that the entire thing is scripted. It isn't a wonder that when he has done something slightly off-script(remember "the When Roman Reign is in the house, Cena sucks!" line?), the crowd have ate it up.

Also, notice that Reigns got eaten up for making a mistake in his promo, whilst Rollins did the same afterwards and got off scot-free. That is what I call double-standards.

As for yesterday's show: Given it was an Xmas Special, and not a very good one at that... I didn't bother to analyse much of it at all. Let's watch from next week where I assume the build for the Rumble will kick off, accompanied by a rumoured Orton return(which only be good for programming.)
Also, I'd actually go as far as saying that Mizdow got the Biggest Reaction of all the superstars that appeared last night.
There was also a "We want Lesnar" chant when Cena came out and talked... think about that for a sec. :shrug: :lmao:
Also, notice that Reigns got eaten up for making a mistake in his promo, whilst Rollins did the same afterwards and got off scot-free. That is what I call double-standards.

Of course, that's because Rollins is one of the IWC's darling spot-monkeys so he can do no wrong. Reigns is a power guy (The IWC hates those) so he can do no right :banghead:
I'm trying to look at the answers above and see sense in any of them, but I can't.

1) Reigns vs Lesnar - being honest, Reigns has cooled off massively now and may not get his massive push. I can't see him winning the Rumble any more. At first I could, but now...I honestly cannot see it. Ambrose would easily be the better option for the winner of that match, given his current situation with fans.

2) Lesnar vs Cena - AGAIN?! Not one of their matches can be labelled as "great". Each one has been either shocking, or shocking. Shocking as per, "wow what a strange move, burying Cena completely" or shocking as in "That match was shocking." Wrestlemania CANNOT be headlined by that - besides, you CAN'T bill this as "The FINAL battle" then have them do war again. Well then again...we did have Rock vs Cena II and Rock/Cena was "once in a lifetime..."

3) Cena AND Lesnar retire?! Cena has years to go yet and Lesnar...if he leaves, I won't be surprised. He signed on for 3 years, he's done his 3 years, let him move on. He's probably feeling like he wants to go back to UFC because Punk's gone there.

4) Makes most sense. None of the above. I can honestly see Rollins cashing in at Royal Rumble. Cena wins, gets beaten the stuffing out of. Takes another F5, and is out cold. Out comes Rollins and cashes in. Now the large part of me would want Ambrose to live up to his promise and attempt to stop Rollins, only to get taken out by whoever wants Ambrose for Mania. Either way, Rollins vs Cena seems logical. HOWEVER one last thought. Could we have a SHIELD triple threat?

Reigns wins the Rumble.
Ambrose wins the title just prior to Mania.
Rollins cashes in.

We never got an official implosion triple threat match...just saying is all...

I said Cena vs Reigns...not Cena vs. Lesnar that wouldn't even make sense.
Two things scare me about Brock in the main event: a repeat of Goldberg/Brock or even Brock/Rock from Summerslam when the fans hijack the main event of the grandest stage of em all...and the fact Vince dont give a shit. Rock/Cena II the fans give no shits about because we already knew Cena was going over. Nobody talks bout that match but Vince did it anyway cause it was a draw. Reigns is not ready yet, Cena...been there done that, Brock's leaving. My solution? Reigns vs Brock, have Brock retain for unpredictability then Heyman turn on Brock with a Rollins cash-in. MITB never been cashed in at WM and now is the time...or maybe even the next night on RAW but Reigns leaving WM31 the champ would be a HUGE mistake
Two things scare me about Brock in the main event: a repeat of Goldberg/Brock or even Brock/Rock from Summerslam when the fans hijack the main event of the grandest stage of em all...and the fact Vince dont give a shit. Rock/Cena II the fans give no shits about because we already knew Cena was going over. Nobody talks bout that match but Vince did it anyway cause it was a draw. Reigns is not ready yet, Cena...been there done that, Brock's leaving. My solution? Reigns vs Brock, have Brock retain for unpredictability then Heyman turn on Brock with a Rollins cash-in. MITB never been cashed in at WM and now is the time...or maybe even the next night on RAW but Reigns leaving WM31 the champ would be a HUGE mistake


No offense...but whilst I agree with part about it being hijacked possibly... the part about having Brock win for unpredictability makes zero sense especially if he is leaving, ntm, you put Rollins to cash-in on him also...where is the long-term thinking in that?
Why not just have Reigns win cleanly over Lesnar to get the rub of being the 1 who beat the 1 in 21-1 and then have Rollins cash-in on his moment to ruin it, which is the most usual scenario that people have been throwing out...
If we are putting Wrestlemania matches together we need to think of the build and story that can be created so here I go lol:

WWF Heavyweight Title
Rollins vs Orton vs Cena

Orton comes back, now as a face, and he can bring plenty of storyline into the rivalry with Rollins still asking for the return of the Authority. Let's face it, we can't get rid of Cena, but his history with Orton and recent history with Rollins could make for a good story.

Reigns vs. Rusev (US Title)
Lesnar is gone anyway, and Reigns will need a match to get him in the spotlight for the title hunt because he has cooled a bit. Put the title on Reigns and he can move up again with the win and taking down Rusev.

Ambrose vs Bad News Barrett
No real history, but BNB needs something when he returns and who better than Ambrose to create heat for him and it could be very interesting.

Ziggler vs Wyatt (IC Title)
In this case Wyatt wins and gets his momentum going again that he lost of late, and by this time Ziggler would not need the title since he can go for the main even picture again as long as he has remained healthy.

Divas Title
Nattie vs the Bellas in a triple threat.
Nattie is due and beating the twins would put her over again, and we are tired o the twins so the crowd would go for it.

Usos vs Miz/Dow vs. Los Matadores vs The Ascencion
This would end the Miz and Sandow team that we all know is coming.

Goldust vs Stardust
It is time to get Cody back to being a singles wrestler because they are not going to get gold again together.
It's unpredictable because it's ORiGINAL! Majority of hardcore fans believe Reigns isnt ready and Rollins should cash in on him after beating Brock....that would make it predictable, am I right? Having Rollings cash in on Reigns would make ppl like you say "i knew it" soon as it does happen. Logically thinking, if the mighty superhuman John Cena cant beat Brock Lesnar, what has he done to make us believe that he would have a chance against Brock Lesnar? He got ONE clean victory over Randy Orton and thats it. The Randy Orton he beat at the time was just basically the guy that dropped the ball for Authority. He went from WWE champ, to being the "3rd guy" in Evolution, then fell below Rollins in the pecking order of the Authority by the time Reigns beat him. He only got hot again because of ROLLINS and their issues. I think WWE made a mistake by not letting Randy win at HIAC for a shot against Brock at Rumble. They should of let him beat Cena CLEAN and build him back up as fresh new threat to Brock Lesnar, have him come damn close but lose at Rumble. At least we can say then "Randy came damn close and Reigns beat Randy at SS so maybe Reigns gotta shot". 2nd part of my point is SETH ROLLINS. As a heel, your job is to draw as much heat as possible especially a heel world champion. Paul Heyman with Seth Rollins (every week like he was with Punk) will draw more heat for a longer time period than stealing somebody's "Wrestlemania Moment" who will probably wont get his moment anyway cuz the fans might hijack it and CHEER for Rollins when he cash-in. Ppl LIKE Brock Lesnar. We love to see him kick ass. We just hate the fact he's not there every week but Paul Heyman is still the heat magnet AND he upgrades Rollins promos instantly. Not to mention, what good heels do Reigns have to work with? Bray, Rusev, and Rollins but if Bray loses to Taker and Rusev to the Rock/Cena at WM its illogical to have one of them be his first defense which leaves Rollins but why make him a number contender if he already has the briefcase? Maybe a heel Sheamus. With Rollins as your post Mania champ, he has plenty of faces to work with. he has unfinished businesss with Randy Orton, Reigns, and Ambrose, not to mention the hell of a title matches he can put on with Dolph Ziggler and a returning Daniel Bryan.
So if Cena wins, who wins the rumble? Rusev?

I might be okay with that, as none of the other heels would fit that role. Rollins already has Money in the Bank...or maybe that's it. I dont think Rollins is ready for a title run though, even if he does cash it in on Cena. He has been booked as a weakling.
my dream match is a heel Cena defeating a face Lesnar and then having Cena as a heel champion
I don't think John Cena can turn heel anytime soon.The guy does a lot of charity work and much of WWE's market merchandise is dependent on him and turning him heel would result in a downfall of sales
I'd love to see cena win and become the biggest heel ever without actually turning on the condition that he never touches the belt again.He'll equal flair and of course be hated more than anyone in history.Reigns will be a clear face going in mania and will actually be cheered.On the other hand it will be a total suckfest if they go with lesner vs reigns nobody will care it will be boring as hell.Don't believe me see goldberg vs lesner.Not that cena is a better wrestler but people would want to see him loose more than they'd like to see lesner loose.

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