Legacy vs. DX


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Okay...so this is my 2nd attempt at my 1st ever thread (if that makes any sense). Watching Monday Night Raw a few weeks back, there was HHH lying in the ring with the microphone after a beatdown at the hands of Legacy, rambling on and on about all he has to do is make one phone call, etc etc etc. At the time we all knew HBK was returning to assume the role of one half of Degeneration X, 12th redux.
A part of me, perhaps a jaded, cynical part of me, was holding out hope though that not only HBK would return to help HHH against Legacy but maybe, just maybe during a savage beatdown of DX (that we would see a couple weeks later) more help would arrive not in the form of a McMahon, or Cena, or Cryme Tyme, or Batista, but in the form of the New Age Outlaws.
I feel it would:
1)be a nod to the Attitude Era that many fans miss, but it would be the return of mid-carders so it wouldn't clutter up the main event scene.
2)be an addition of multi-time tag-team champions to a sputtering tag division
3)give DX the numbers advantage against Legacy until Bret(t?) DiBiase joins up
4)be electrifying to hear "OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW?" blast over the arena once again
5)set up a Survivor Series match between HHH, HBK, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn & John Cena vs. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Bret(t?) DiBiase, Cody Rhodes & whomever Legacy can trump up
6)NOT simply be a rehashing of the same old thing for the umpteenth time with humorous sketches interspersed with 3rd grade humor, but would instead create something WWE doesn't currently have: a face faction.

It's not like WWE hasn't rebuilt bridges with former stars before (Hogan, Nash, Hall, etc.)...and even if Road Dogg isn't in the best of shape he could even act in more of a managerial/spokesperson kind of role with his good mic skills.

Lastly, before anyone bashes this post with the repetitive chants of "nobody wants to see a return of DX" which I've read in numerous threads over the last year or so, it would seem that indeed many would enjoy it seeing as how the crowd goes wild when they come out and there's X glowsticks everywhere.

Any thoughts as to why this hasn't come to pass, or as to why it wouldn't be a decent idea?
I'd honestly like to see that, as well as X-pac, but i think all of them are on bad terms with wwe, which icould be wrong on, and i think i read something about HHH and HBK not wanting to bring in other members. But like i said, I'd love them back, especially since both Road Dogg and Kip are being buried on TNA.
It would be pretty cool to have the non HBK(Midcard DX) mixed with the current dx. Down the rowd The N A outlaws and HBK could fude leaveing HHH to pick i side. Road Dogg could talk for and manage MR. ASS for a decent run.
the only Reason DX was Reformed to Begin with is to Work this Program With Legacy to Put them over and get them Geared up for a Potential Run as Unifed Tag Champions that is Legacy of Course and then DX is Gonna Work with another Young Tag team and Help Put them Over at Some Point that Being the Hart Dynasty and After Working a Program with The Hart Dynasty if DX sticks around they will Take on Jerishow
Honestly, I think this is all brewing towards Legacy breaking up. After the angle with Cody and Orton this past Monday on Raw, I think they will pull the trigger on a Cody face turn, put Orton on his own, and bring up Brett and Mike DiBiase with Ted Jr. to form the new Million Dollar Corporation...but then again, I hear they want Ted Jr. to become a babyface to promote The Marine 2...we'll see in time.
Okay...so this is my 2nd attempt at my 1st ever thread (if that makes any sense). Watching Monday Night Raw a few weeks back, there was HHH lying in the ring with the microphone after a beatdown at the hands of Legacy, rambling on and on about all he has to do is make one phone call, etc etc etc. At the time we all knew HBK was returning to assume the role of one half of Degeneration X, 12th redux.

2nd try? Did you accidentally delete your first one?

And yes, we had to figure HBK was coming back. It was only a matter of time, and it was so obvious.

A part of me, perhaps a jaded, cynical part of me, was holding out hope though that not only HBK would return to help HHH against Legacy but maybe, just maybe during a savage beatdown of DX (that we would see a couple weeks later) more help would arrive not in the form of a McMahon, or Cena, or Cryme Tyme, or Batista, but in the form of the New Age Outlaws.

Bringing back a tag team, for a triangle tag feud? Sure Triple H had the NAO join DX, but that was because Shawn was gone, and DX had to continue on. There only needs to be two tag teams in this feud, and Triple H and HBK are the more established stars to help put over Ted and Cody as legit stars. The Outlaws were an awesome team, but are unknown by most of the fans today.

I feel it would:
1)be a nod to the Attitude Era that many fans miss, but it would be the return of mid-carders so it wouldn't clutter up the main event scene.

Look, I loved the Attitude Era, but we aren't there. We don't need nods like that. The New Age Outlaws are old and can't really do anything to help the midcard or tag divisions. Besides, they couldn't really fit in now anyways, as the US title has a good little quartet in the title situation (Swagger, Carlito, Miz, Kofi) and the tag title scene is moving slowly but surely.

2)be an addition of multi-time tag-team champions to a sputtering tag division

It would be cool, but I don't really think they would do much. BG James can't do a whole lot wrestling wise, and Billy Gunn can't use his Mr. Ass gimmick right now, if they were to come back.

3)give DX the numbers advantage against Legacy until Bret(t?) DiBiase joins up

They already have the star power, and it is only Cody and Ted vs. Hunter and Shawn. Even if it was DX and NAO vs. Legacy, 4-2, then bring in Brett, 4-3. Still number advantage.

4)be electrifying to hear "OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW?" blast over the arena once again

The older fans would love it. But that hasn't circulated arenas in I think like 6 or 7 years. Most of todays crowds would be like "Who the heck is this?"

5)set up a Survivor Series match between HHH, HBK, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn & John Cena vs. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Bret(t?) DiBiase, Cody Rhodes & whomever Legacy can trump up

If this actually happened, it would be 3 major stars, and two midcarders, vs. 1 major star, and 3 youngins and a currently unknown. Odds in favor of DX, and they would probably romp Legacy.

6)NOT simply be a rehashing of the same old thing for the umpteenth time with humorous sketches interspersed with 3rd grade humor, but would instead create something WWE doesn't currently have: a face faction.

But it would be a rehash. They don't have anything to do other than 3rd grade humor. If this was 1999 again, I'd be inclined to agree with you. They could then work like they used to.

It's not like WWE hasn't rebuilt bridges with former stars before (Hogan, Nash, Hall, etc.)...and even if Road Dogg isn't in the best of shape he could even act in more of a managerial/spokesperson kind of role with his good mic skills.

Then that kind of defeats the purpose of bringing them back as a tag team. No one can replace Road Dogg in the New Age Outlaws, so if he were a manager and Billy Gunn had a different partner, it wouldn't be the same Outlaws. It would just be Billy Gunn wrestling and RD being the mouthpiece.

Lastly, before anyone bashes this post with the repetitive chants of "nobody wants to see a return of DX" which I've read in numerous threads over the last year or so, it would seem that indeed many would enjoy it seeing as how the crowd goes wild when they come out and there's X glowsticks everywhere.

The reason people bash it is because it is old. It is a rehash. I honestly am indifferent when it comes to DX. Some of their stuff is funny as hell, such as their Shockmaster skit this past week (Fucking priceless), and others are just older jokes. It has been DX winning at SS, getting jumped during inring promos, or plugging merchandise. They repeat the cycle man, which gets old for some people.

Any thoughts as to why this hasn't come to pass, or as to why it wouldn't be a decent idea?

If WWE were doing the "edgy" style of programming, I think it could be a thought. The NAO were a fun team to watch, but now, their characters aren't really suited for children. Like I said, Billy Gunn was Mr. Ass with NAO. It doesn't work to just say Billy Gunn, as he wasn't associated like that. But it wouldn't be a good idea, they are too old, and DX can really only work now with Shawn and Hunter.
It would be great for the WWE to throw a twist in the DX angle, such as a feud with Hart Dynasty, some kind of tension that would lead to a breakup, HBK chase the title for one last run...

There's no need for Attitude Era stuff, its done. Having good wrestling matches, hard workrate, and solid angles going into matches has nothing to do with how sleazy the production is. If the guys are into what they are doing, are passionate about the product, and really want to work a hard contest then you don't need the shock TV.
People were complaining about the Tag Team Division and well here we have it. We have two major teams feuding with each other. Well we cant really say that these guys are a full time tag team and they are not feuding for the titles but we get to say Tag action. As for the feud, I'm actually loving this feud right now. DX is trying its hardest to put these guys over and its going good. DX is the nostalgia factor that people wanted and Legacy are the new guys we need. So from this feud only good stuff can come right?

From what I've seen I'm more impressed with Cody then Ted. Its like people on this board always think he's better. A while back I even made a thread called what is so special about Ted Dibiase. ( Shameless plug DX Style ) And I still stand with my statement. I like Cody because of his delivery, its more convincing. But lets not stray from the topic. My thoughts on this feud are that its great. Young guys getting over, balanced teams, character development albeit slow and most of all very entertaining.
1)be a nod to the Attitude Era that many fans miss, but it would be the return of mid-carders so it wouldn't clutter up the main event scene.
Whilst many of this forum may miss the attitude era, many of the live crowd wouldn't be old enough to remember it and they wouldn't know who the new age outlaws were. It wouldn't have had the same affect as a reuniting DX did.

2)be an addition of multi-time tag-team champions to a sputtering tag division
A new tag team would never go amiss but they wouldn't make a massive impact. They'd find themselves behind Jerishow, Cryme Tyme and Legacy at least.

3)give DX the numbers advantage against Legacy until Bret(t?) DiBiase joins up
The faces don't need the numbers advantage. They are meant to look like they can't win and then do win. The heels need the advantages.

The return of Shawn Michaels was the best thing they could do. It wasn't ever meant to be a swerve, it was meant to be a big build up for the return of one of the most over faces in the company, and they did it well.
Here we go again, how many times is it going to be proposed that WWE bring back the Attitude Era all over again? Listen, it's over....yeah, we all loved it and it was a huge time for wrestling....but, it's over.

Anyway, I think the way the DX-Legacy program is currently going is the right direction. DX is putting the young guys over without actually losing, but just making them look like legitimate and dangerous competitors.

There is no need to interject more tag teams into the equation, or, after this feud is over, to keep DX together to keep putting young tag teams over. That's the reason for Jerishow to be around. Sure, we all wish the tag division could be more diverse and interesting, but there is a difference between doing that and watering it down altogether.
I for one am loving this feud its actually giving Legacy the push they deserve. A few months ago Triple H was destroying all three members of Legacy by himself and now Dibiase and Rhodes are holding their own against two veteran maineventers in HHH & HBK without Orton getting involved in the storyline too much. IMO DX is giving Legacy the Miz/Cena treatment. They will probably not come out on top in the end but it will show that they are capable of holding their own with two experienced maineventers. As long as their not getting their asses kicked by Vince, Shane, or Flair anymore I think its a step up for them. Raw is not the place to build them into future maineventers but when it comes time for Undertaker, HHH, HBK, and Batista to retire we will have the next batch of superstars ready to take over in the form of Swagger, MVP, Miz, Dibiase, Rhodes, Ziggler, Edge, Matt Hardy, Morrison, Cena, CM Punk, and Orton. I for one can not wait until this is what we have to look forward to in the main event scene. Granted alot of them still need to work on their mic skills but remember Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Jericho, and Mankind all paid their dues in the midcard for many years before they reached their mainevent status. The problem with the IWC is were in the Now generation no one wants to let the characters build up before the reach the top. I have faith in Vince and creative right now. Only a few stars had the potential to sky rocket straight into the mainevent in a short time and interesting enough they mostly had amateur back grounds (Lesnar, Lashley, Angle) I would keep them going back and forth into survivor series until they have a survivor series match between DX, Cryme Tyme and MVP vs Orton, Legacy, and Hart Dynasty. DX could then move onto put Dynasty over also and hopefully between Y2Show & DX they can start to rebuild the tag division by putting over Cryme Tyme, Legacy, Dynasty, MVP & Mark Henry

Onto rebuilding DX army I was a big mark when Triple H brought in the Outlaws & Xpac to join him & Chyna however I don't see a reunion anytime soon

BG James is a close friend with Jeff Jarrett and unless he gets bought out of TNA i don't see him losing his job in TNA

Kip James is still a great talent but its been too long and with WWE focusing on new younger fans no one would remember who he was plus the personal attacks him and Road Dogg made on the 2006 DX reunion probably burnt any bridges or a chance they had of making amends

Sean Waltman has too many personal issues imo to make a return. He is still close to HHH but that won't be enough for Vince to take a chance on him

Chyna has had a falling out with Vince, HHH, and Sean Waltman so I never see her returning. sadly all we will ever get is this sad rendition of what used to be an amazing group that made the attitude era strive.
This feud should last till either HIAC or SSeris with Ted Dibiase turning face soon to promote The Marine 2 but i would love to see this feud go on untll atleast the Rumble if not WM26
I am glad that Legacy was put together and that DX is back. Yes DX isnt the wiseass prank pullers they once were due to Shawn Michaels and his religion but it is good to see great tag team battles but they need to start bringing back big stables like they had in the past. I think thats what pushed WWE to where it is as far as fan base. The corporation was awesome, nation of domination, DX, etc. Yes with the small rosters on all the shows it would be hard to have really any single fueds and matches. But big stables should be what they do.

Back to the DX / legacy thing its working great. I would like to see that legacy turns on Orton and joins DX, then Michaels and legacy turn on HHH, kicking him out of the group. Michaels then really doesnt wrestle but manages and recruits Evan Borne, and I dont know Kofi. Yeah small stable but good! I know that would never happen but it would be freakin sweet.

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