LeBron James returns to Cleveland


Excellence of Execution
I just saw a graphic about the Cavaliers potential starting lineup and the only thing I could think was...how many teams in history have had four #1 draft picks on the team at the same time (Irving, Wiggins, James, Bennett)?

Anyways, discuss LeBron "coming home" here.
Can't blame him for returning home. Lebron knew the Heat couldn't keep the big 3 together without everyone taking major pay cuts again. The only team he could go to without look like a mercenary was the Cavs. Cavs can swing Wiggins, Waiters, Thompson, Bennett and multiple picks for the 3rd star and/or more shooters to make an instant contender.

The roster badly need a Center and defensive help to even be considered a contender even with Lebron. The most popular theory is they will swing for Love but that still doesn't solve their need for rim protection.

I feel for Wade though for giving up guaranteed money.
This is the right move for LeBron. It has always been known how much he loved the Northeast Ohio area and "The Decision" from four years ago was a business move that he thought was best at the time (and with two titles it's hard to argue it wasn't). Not only does this make sense from a "coming home" standpoint, it also makes sense from a basketball standpoint. The Cavs are going to be a better team in the very near future. With the way Wade has been digressing it could be as early as next year that the Cavs supporting cast is more talented with LeBron then Miami's would have been if LeBron stayed their.

This is a big IF, but if the Cavs can work out a deal for Kevin Love (and they have plenty of pieces to pull it off) then the Cavs will be the better option for him THIS year in terms of winning. The big three of LeBron/Love/Kyrie is better then LeBron/Wade/Bosh. Not to mention all of the free agents Cleveland can now get with LeBron back. There is already rumors of guys like Ray Allen and Mike Miller joining James is Cleveland.
The first thing I noticed: the Heat's owner's reaction (paraphrased): Of course I'm disappointed, but I'll never forget what he did for us. Thanks for the memories LeBron.

This would be the exact opposite of what Dan Gilbert did in that open letter of his a few years back.

Anyway, I like the story and James playing for Cleveland is probably the best idea he could have had. He's proven he's the best player in the league and can take a decent team to a title. Now can he take a team consistently in the draft lottery to a title? That would be another accomplishment for him and a much more interesting one than joining two of the best players in the league.
Dan Gilbert's letter 4 years ago was completely stupid and unprofessional but you can't really compare the reaction of the two owners. In 2010 Gilbert lost the hometown hero who had played his entire 7 year career in Cleveland and without LeBron nobody was going to want to play in Cleveland. Today, Mickey Arison lost a guy who left his hometown team and fans 4 years ago to go play in Miami (and took a pay cut to do so) so he could win a title. In those 4 years LeBron led the Heat to 4 straight finals and two NBA titles. Now LeBron has simply decided to go back home. The Heat are still a great destination and they will have a ton of money to work with next year to draw free agents.

Again, Gilbert's letter was unprofessional, horrible, and made him look like an idiot, but the situations are completely different.
Dan Gilbert's letter 4 years ago was completely stupid and unprofessional but you can't really compare the reaction of the two owners. In 2010 Gilbert lost the hometown hero who had played his entire 7 year career in Cleveland and without LeBron nobody was going to want to play in Cleveland. Today, Mickey Arison lost a guy who left his hometown team and fans 4 years ago to go play in Miami (and took a pay cut to do so) so he could win a title. In those 4 years LeBron led the Heat to 4 straight finals and two NBA titles. Now LeBron has simply decided to go back home. The Heat are still a great destination and they will have a ton of money to work with next year to draw free agents.

Again, Gilbert's letter was unprofessional, horrible, and made him look like an idiot, but the situations are completely different.

It's true that they're different circumstances, but LeBron took the Cavaliers to a level they've never been to before or since. He made Dan Gilbert a lot of money and made the Cavs relevant. No matter how upset Gilbert was, there was no reason for him to say something like that.
Plus, Arison's letter was probably written with Gilbert in mind. Mickey's PR people likely told him:

"You can look like as big a moron as Gilbert did 4 years ago, or......."
It's true that they're different circumstances, but LeBron took the Cavaliers to a level they've never been to before or since. He made Dan Gilbert a lot of money and made the Cavs relevant. No matter how upset Gilbert was, there was no reason for him to say something like that.

Agreed 100%. In 2010 Gilbert was like an average Joe who just had a gorgeous girl leave him for a better looking, more successful guy. Arison today was a like a rich married man who just had his mistress decide she didn't want to see him anymore.
This is a nice story. It certainly is more interesting over Lebron staying in Miami. I wonder what it will be like sharing the ball with Kyrie. I wonder if any of Cleveland's resentment will continue to fester like with that one angry prisoner WZ had who wanted his user name back. I wonder how bad he is leaving Miami. I wonder what happens if he retires with Cleveland and never brings them a title. I wonder if he will wear 23. I wonder if this will push Melo to the Bulls. I wonder how amazing it would be to have these two square off regularly in regular and post season. I wonder how bad the East is going to continue to be if Melo doesn't go to the Bulls.

I wonder if all those other #1 draft picks will grow in Lebron's shadow unlike Bosh and most everyone else he had played with who plateaued and declined.
There's no telling how successful the Cavs are going to be with LeBron. I will say that I wasn't expecting him to leave Miami, and I'm a little bummed out that he did. I like Miami, they're probably in my top three favorite teams. But Cleveland, nah not my city at all. I can't root for them.

But it makes sense. It was his hometown, and he wanted to go back. It somewhat shows that he is looking to redeem himself for leaving in the first place. But I can't root for him anymore. He's earned my respect though, but I don't think I could stomach seeing Cleveland win any sort of championship. That city is cursed. Even with the dream team they might have going on now, for some reason I can see it all falling apart.
Personally, I'm loving the thoughts of LeBron James returning to Cleveland. James has done it all thus far in his career: 4 Finals appearances in Miami, with 2 championships to show for it. A Finals appearance in Cleveland, albeit an unsuccessful one, where he took an underwhelming team to the brink of success. Individual statistics that need no elaboration. MVP's and other individual accolades that few before him can boast.

Now, let the true discussions of the "greatest of all time" begin. Because I firmly believe that to anoint someone the best ever, they have to display both individual and team success. They need to amass individual statistics and accolades that compare favorably to those who preceded him. But you also have to win numerous championships in the process to be in that discussion. I fully realize that team success is a tenuous parameter upon which to discuss all time greatness, but without it, you can't make the claim. I realize there are many factors at play in this regard: the city you played in, your teammates, your coach, your era, whatever. Obviously, title victories alone do not make a legend. As a great mind once suggested, no one would suggest Robert Horry is amongst the best ever because of his successful titles. But you have to bring both, as did Michael, to belong in this conversation.

If LeBron concludes his career, wherever that may be, with just two titles, I don't think he would be in the discussion of the greatest ever, regardless of his admirable individual accomplishments. However, if he returns to Cleveland, with a brand new coach, a new GM (I think), and a surrounding cast which includes relative newbies like Irving, Wiggins, Bennett, or possibly some arrangement which would bring Kevin Love on board, as well as whoever else they supplement the cast with, and he can bring multiple championships to Cleveland, of all places, now we have something to discuss. Add three or four more rings to his fingers, along with the two he already has, in his hometown with new surrounding parts, and the discussion is on. LeBron James could finally be the one to knock the immortal Michael Jordan off his throne as the greatest basketball player in NBA history.

Bearing all this in mind, how could LeBron have gone elsewhere? Has to be pretty tempting and intriguing, if you ask me.
This is a nice story. It certainly is more interesting over Lebron staying in Miami. I wonder what it will be like sharing the ball with Kyrie. I wonder if any of Cleveland's resentment will continue to fester like with that one angry prisoner WZ had who wanted his user name back. I wonder how bad he is leaving Miami. I wonder what happens if he retires with Cleveland and never brings them a title. I wonder if he will wear 23. I wonder if this will push Melo to the Bulls. I wonder how amazing it would be to have these two square off regularly in regular and post season. I wonder how bad the East is going to continue to be if Melo doesn't go to the Bulls.

I wonder if all those other #1 draft picks will grow in Lebron's shadow unlike Bosh and most everyone else he had played with who plateaued and declined.

Well, during his first stint here he made some horrible players look decent so I imagine most of the #1's will flourish with him leading the charge. I was wondering about the jersey number also, our paper made a portrait of him with #6 still. In Cleveland right now people are pretty excited, our downtown area is lively but beware the many hobos.
I know everybody is going to have Cleveland booked to the Finals next year, but I'm not one of them. This is going to be "shit or get off the pot" time for Irving. He's not good defensively and his FG% and 3PT FG% have decreased each year. If they want Love, they probably will have to give up Wiggins.

As of right now, I believe Toronto and Washington are better than Cleveland. If Brook Lopez and Derrick Rose are healthy next year, then I put Brooklyn and Chicago (especially if they get Melo) ahead of Cleveland as well. Indiana is still a question mark if they can't get rid of Hibbert and/or Stephenson.

Even if they get to the Finals, I can see at least 4 teams in the West (Spurs, Thunder, Rockets, Clippers) being better. Just watch out if the Rockets keep Parsons and sign Bosh. They become the biggest threat to San Antonio or OKC if they could sign Gasol.
If the Heat want to stay relevant, they have to find a way to lock in Chalmers, Wade, and Bosch... and then they need to make sure they can get Carmelo as well so that they can be a team that makes it back to the playoffs. As for LeBron, I'm not 100% sure of the situation between him and Cleveland before, but I do know that this is virtually a new Cleveland team that has a lot of potential.
This is a good moment for Cleveland. That city, from a sports perspective, has been a wasteland for a very long time. James, at one time was their only glimmer of hope. Plus I'm a big fan of underdogs since I've always been a Cubs fan.

That said, this still doesn't change my opinion of James. Amazing talent. Respect his talent very much. Just not the man.
Kudos to Anderson Varejao for finally having a team built around him.

Kudos to LeBron for getting the money he wanted. Guess it really is "Money over bullshit".

You leave a team in shambles to pursue a championship with perennial All-Stars. Now you want to return when it's full of lottery picks because you know Cleveland is stupid enough to give you the deal you want.

But if I was in his shoes I would've done the same thing. So kudos to LeBron.

This works out for Cleveland when Irving proves he can stay healthy.
I actually found out about Lebron going back to Cleveland here on WZ. And let me tell you, I couldn't be more shocked to see it. I mean, it's a good story for sure and I'm happy for the Cleveland fanbase. Who else do they have to root for right? I'm just very shocked at all of this. I'm not sure anyone other than Cavs fans were expecting Lebron to leave Miami. I was watching ESPN and one analyst summed up this move Lebron just made. He said, "Lebron just made Cleveland a big market team." and he did exactly that. I agree with that 100% for sure. I respect Lebron's talent and his abilities but there's no way I can call him my favorite player or the best ever simply because of "The Decision" a few years ago.

This is all about perspective for sure but I guess I'm just not the biggest Lebron fan. I don't hate him, I'm just indifferent towards him. Still, this is a great story and should make this season very interesting.
The biggest losers in all this so far seems to be the Rockets. They traded away Lin and a pick for nothing to clear cap space for Bosh only for Bosh to snub them. And they are under the gun to find bodies to fill cap space if they want overpay Parsons. I don't think simply matching and overpaying Parsons will be enough. They will just be the same team last year minus Lin and Asik while using almost the same cap space(?). Rockets fans whining all over is hilarious after what their team did to other teams with the poison pill contracts and also the dumping of solid NBA talents like Scola, Lowry and Dragic to chase the flashier names like Lin, Howard and Harden.

As for Lebron, the narrative of going home to help his team is heartwarming and all that but the real reason I think is he can't see how the Heat could improve without him asking his buddies (Wade and Bosh) to sacrifice too much money. The team was always going to break up under the new rules.

I loved a comment from else where that said even by leaving Lebron is throwing an assist for Bosh cause no way was the Heat going to give Bosh the max if Lebron didn't leave. :lol:
Kyrie Irving+Lebron James it sounds great for Cleveland,which should be in play offs.Unfortunately Bosh wouldn't come back to raptors as Lebron.Miami has still good team to shock and make suprises Wade+Bosh with his improved 3 point skill can be very neccesary in next season.
If I were a Cavs fan, I'd be a bit concerned with the contract. 2 years, max money, and he has a player option after the first year. So, it's possible we're going to go through "Lebron Watch" again next year.
He feels he doesn't want to carry a team anymore. I guess he doesn't plan on winning in Cleveland then.[/sarcasm]

Had this team not have Waiters, Irving and the newly drafted Wiggins I highly doubt he would be returning to Cleveland.

Like I said it took him leaving the team and them being left in shambles and getting top picks in order for him to Cleveland. That organization, city and fans are nieve. Then again they're thinking Johnny Football going to make the Browns relevant again.

They are 10x better as a team but I am still weary of Kyrie Irving's ability to stay healthy - which goes back to his College days at Duke. Even as far back as his junior year of High School.

The pressure is put on a group of young players - now the team becomes favored with a 4-1 odds of winning a championship now.

Ultimately this should have been Kyrie's team as they have been assembling pieces around him. Waiters has shown tremendous upside and now you bring in a scorer and finisher like Wiggins and you have a young big 3.

I just feel LeBron brings more harm than good to that young team. I felt with Wiggins that put them on the cust of being a playoff team while needing to acquire another big man.

That's just me.
He feels he doesn't want to carry a team anymore. I guess he doesn't plan on winning in Cleveland then.
There are different ways of carrying a team.

Had this team not have Waiters, Irving and the newly drafted Wiggins I highly doubt he would be returning to Cleveland.
Of course not...so?

Like I said it took him leaving the team and them being left in shambles
Them being in shambles is WHY he left.

I just feel LeBron brings more harm than good to that young team.
Okay, now I feel bad wasting so much time arguing LeBron with you in another thread. You clearly are not rational about LeBron.
Okay, now I feel bad wasting so much time arguing LeBron with you in another thread. You clearly are not rational about LeBron.

I'm sorry? I didn't tell you to quote and respond to me. Nor did I quote you directly in this thread.

So I am going to elaborate my point so that you'll comprehend what I meant.

LeBron is a phenomenal athlete and as a player he's currently the best - I have no issue in admitting that.

Why it does more harm than good goes beyond LeBron James. I don't believe that group of talent outside of LeBron on that roster is ready for the pressures of being instant contenders. Currently as it sits they are favored to win a championship next season a greater chance than the Spurs.

Now while I admit on paper before LeBron it appears they would be a potential playoff team concluding the NBA draft a few weeks ago.

However...it's evident Kyrie Irving is extremely talented but also very selfish as the locker room turned on him pretty much. Irving reminds me of a young #8 Kobe Bryant. The guy that wanted to control the ball and make the dynamic plays.

Mix that with a Dion Waiters inability to accept that he's a mere roleplayer + his ego and it's chaos. Honestly some of the pieces fit, but as talented as he is on paper he doesn't fit the mold there.

Cleveland has an average forward in Tristan Thompson and Varejao - yet they still lack size down low and could've benefited before trying to acquire Pau Gasol at a decent price.

I guess for you and many of the LBJ Fan Club this is a good feel good story. An athlete returning to his/her stomping grounds. But the real story begins in October.

I just don't think this team is mentally prepared to deal with going from never being in the playoffs post-LeBron to being an instant favorite upon return.

A combination of that and a mixture of some egos and I see LeBron yet again carrying this team much like he did the first go round.

Seemingly the solution would be is to ship Waiters and get Irving to buy into LeBron's team ball on the court.

I told many people 4 years ago he should've stayed. Many athletes don't get the opportunity to play in their home state. This past finals prevailed that a Homegrown team prevailed over Bought.

He realized his mistake and apologized to the city for it. The decision on air 4 years ago was a slap in the face to the people that bought tickets.to see him and made him the "man of the city". I argued he should've stayed and waited for a team to be put around him. I think 4 years later he may finally realize that. As he accomplished a goal of winning a championship it wasn't in his own city.
Last time I checked LeBron was still the best basketball player on the planet Earth. It is because of that reason that every single person in the Cavaliers organization is better off with him on that team. Players, coaches, executives, the ticket sales department, etc. All of their jobs have gotten a lot easier with LeBron back in town. The addition of LeBron is only bringing good to that organization.

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