Layla - What's so great about her?

I think Layla is the Champ for 2 reasons

1. so it doesn't look weird when AJ beats her for the belt. When all this stuff with Punk/Bryan simmers down, the very over AJ may move towards the title. If Beth has it, it would look unbeleivable that AJ beats her, while Layla looks as if AJ could take her in one of her psycho rages.

2. WWE may need a loveable face champion for Kharma to squash and take the belt from...

If Kelly Kelly can beat Beth Phoenix over and over again for the title, I think AJ can do the same. If not better if we put her Crazy Gimmick into play.
Right now in AJ's current state she is too nice to be a fully fledged HEEL, which is why she was able to shining Wizard Vickie and always be on the FACE side of the Mix tag teams which keep getting put together. E.G. vs Eve Torres, who is a major female HEEL right now.
If by the end of this story AJ is then proven to be a legit HEEL then maybe, just maybe Layla being the Champ would be a good move.
But I dont think WWE expected AJ to become the star of this whole thing, and Layla being champ just to put AJ over several months in the future is not something Creative do nowadays. If they needed a Face to put AJ over sometime after MITB, they would have done the title switch much later than they did.

Layla is Champ because HEEL champions need a FACE to chase them. And WWE havent currently got the time to have a Diva feud on their hands right now so they park it on a Marketable Face until they do.

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