LayCool Possible Break-up?

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:( lost ma Mayhem Title
Ok, last night during Smackdown, Layla and Michelle McCool were talking backstage about Eve and the WWE Divas Championship and then McCool said "that if it wasn't for her then she would be champion right now". Layla interupted and said "don't you mean we would be champs?"

Moving on to later that night, Layla lost in a match to the Divas champion Eve. Right when the match had started, Layla go outside the ring and started yelling at McCool and saying "that she really needs her support." McCool looked at her like she was dissapointed when she lost.

Little hints like these have been going on since the Royal Rumble PPV.

Do you think LayCool will split?

If so, how do you see it happening?

If they do split, will one become a face?

If so, which one?

And do you see these two locking up at Elimination Chamber or Wrestlemania?

If so, how do you predict this will end?
The idea of LayCool breaking up crossed my mind at a couple of points while watching Smackdown. But the more I thought about it, the more I didn't want it to happen. LayCool is perhaps the only real excitement or entertainment one can get from the Diva's division. If it wasn't for them, then our vision of the Diva's division would be far worse than it is right now. And really, our vision of them isn't something that one should be proud of because, quite frankly, we see it as pretty shit.

Breaking up LayCool is one of the worst decisions WWE could make. Do they not realize that LayCool is the only reason some people still have hope for that god-awful division? It would seem that the idealism that WWE has is that every time a tag team is doing fairly well it is time to break them up. And to a degree, I can understand that. WWE just isn't as interested in tag teams as they once were. However, to split up LayCool is a completely horrible mistake that would basically rape the the already broken down piece of shit that is the Diva's division.

I sincerely hope that it isn't WWE's intention to break up LayCool. LayCool is all the Diva's got. Take them out - and you have nothing to offer.
I think they've had a long enough run to finally split. Personally, I never really even found them entertaining. They bore me, and the entire Divas Division in the WWE, aside from Natalya, bores me. Maybe this would pump some life into the division, give them a nice feud to work with, but I doubt it. They've been teasing a break up for a while now, the time has finally come, it seems. The person who I feel bad for in all of this is Eve. She'll drop the belt to one of them and then they'll feud over it, I know it. They're going to put the whole division on hold for this one feud, when I don't think all that many people want to see it.
I wouldn't mind if they split. McCool has been carrying Layla for long enough. They can only wrestle Diva Title Handicap Matches for so long. It has gotten stupid. They did their thing. Now I think WWE should try to get McCool over with the fans.

A Face turn for McCool and have her feud with Layla. That way they can keep Natalya, Milleena, and Beth Phoenix around the title.

Maybe a story they could use to break them up would be Awesome Kong. I think she might debut as a Face. If she does, a way to get her over would be to take on Lay Cool. That would get Kong over quick, if she disposed of Lay Cool.
It would be a shame if they broke up. Both McCool and (particularly) Layla have improved so much in the time they have been together. I think they would only continue to improve if they stayed together. They are pretty much the best thing in the Divas division at the moment and they have been for over a year.

OK, thats singing their praises out of the way, lets look at how a split should be handled. First of all, Layla should be the face. McCool is the more convincing heel. She is more physically imposing, where as Layla looks like the underdog. Layla could be Maria-like - a bit dippy, remarkably attractive and ultimately sweet. McCool can stay the same. She plays that character perfectly. I'd like to see this actually become a feud. I'm firmly of the belief that if an established tag team splits, a feud should follow. Maybe Awesome Kong could come in to be McCool's enforcer, kind of like a female HBK/Diesel.

From a practical standpoint, the Divas division is too full to accomadate two single Divas. Thanks to the fountain of knowledge that is Wikipedia, I can tell you that there are nine Divas who could be vying for one title (excluding those in teams and valets). Take into account the great talents of AJ Lee, Naomi and Awesome Kong who will inevitably join the roster, it's just too much. Only if their was a Diva cull, I would believe that a Lay-Cool would be the rightthing to do.

So do I believe it should happen? No. Will it happen soon? Probably. How will it happen? How I think it will happen.
What some people need to realize is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the majority of divas, the only reason we're not seeing them at their best is because of idiotic writers and the preference of VKM. A break up will not help or harm the division, nothing will, until the people backstage start caring.

Rant Over, Opinion Started

Yes, I do think that they are about to get separated. McCool will betray Layla for the last time, and Layla will call her out on it. Layla will turn back to a face, and McCool will turn back into an uber heel. I definitely see these two going at it at WM, with McCool, once again, coming out on top.
Why even bother? Who would honestly care about it? No one cares about them while they are a team, so why care about them when they are broken up?

OK, rant over.

Yes, I think it's going to happen. Maybe a Diva tag match at EC, or on RAW, and have one of them walk out on the other. Maybe have one of them slap the other. There are a lot of ways to do it, some right, some wrong. I think it will culminate at WM with McCool beating Layla.
Way to many questions. I will focus on the main one.

They shouldn't end Laycool, It may be boring but it's still the most interesting thing going on in the diva's section. If it wasn't for them, no other female would get any talk time, They can actually wrestle, and they get alot of heat. They shouldn't split them up.

Not yet anyway, I'm waiting for Kong to debut and destroy them. if they break laycool up before Kong comes into the WWE, they can kiss a semi interesting fued goodbye.
It wouldn't surprise me if a break up is in the future. They've been together for pretty close to a year I think and they've done just about anything that they can. It's kind of a shame though because over the course of maybe about the past 2 months, they've been quite watchable in my opinion. They've acted more like "mean girls" instead of a couple of ditzy 14 year old valley girls.

A little feud between them could be fun. They both have some mic ability and they're both pretty good in the ring. Layla has especially improved over this past year. If the idea, however, does keep them together and have Awesome Kong serve as some sort of enforcer for them, I've got no problem with that. It'd add another layer to things among the Divas. At any rate, Kong can give a lot of credibility to the WWE Divas.
When LayCool first formed I couldn't stand them. The whole Piggy James angle was disgusting. I couldn't stand their little coordinated promos and entrances, and the word "flawless" was quickly climbing my least favorite words list.

However, when NXT Season 2 started, they grew on me. Their babying of Kaval was hilarious, and the coordinated promos started to crack me up. LayCool found their style, and it was working terrifically.

However, things have started to drag as of late. The thrill is gone, and they've become predictable. The end is in sight for LayCool, and it's not a moment to soon.

I'm not quite sure how the LayCool split is going to go down, but I think it's going to be an implosion. I imagine a triple threat with Eve (or Natty, should she win it back) where Michelle inevitably kicks Layla by accident, and Layla finally snaps. I think Layla will turn face to feud with Michelle. Michelle is definitely the top heel in the divas division, and she should stay that way.
I am torn with this one I will admit I couldnt stand laycool from the beginning during the "piggy james" storyline. But they have grown on me. They have put a voice to the divas division and has allowed for the divas to receive a small spotlight that has not been seen since the days of lita and trish.

I will say however that they have been getting old as of late especially with beths domination of the group week after week. Ill admit it would be nice to see something different as things do need to be shaken up a bit within the world of the divas (cough awesome kong) Michelle and layla have both grown as performers and have made for some entertainment in a division that was only getting 2:00 matches every week. However that does not mean I want to see michelle dominate the title for another 2 yrs.

So I am torn between what should happen with laycool...

I think the end is inevitable (i.e michelle kicking layla) with layla becoming the underdog face and acheiving a few impressive wins over michelle.
As has been said, the piggy James thing was ridiculous, but after that i have really enjoyed what they have done. Both have improved over the time they have been together (In particular Layla) and they have made the division very much watchable.

Do i think they will break up? Yes

Do i want them to split up? No

I would love to see Kong come in as an enforcer for them, destroying Natalya and Beth and helping LayCool get the titles, it would be something different to what we have been seeing and i think it could be interesting.

How i think it will happen?

Well we saw on SD! that McCool was angry/disappointed in Layla, especially in the backstage promo with Vickie and Dolph. (Remember Vickie helped them get the titles a few times i think/or title matches, one or the other, and they helped Vickie alot). So i think McCool will betray Layla and become a mega heel again.

Then, after a feud between the 2, McCool will hopefully be champ, and maybe Layla can valet for Cody Rhodes or something since they are apparently dating IRL.
Personally, I am not ready to see the end of LayCool. Like JGlass, I fell in love with them during NXT. They make hilarious valets. They're still the best the diva's division has to offer on the mic though, which is why I feel like you can't split them up. They're too valuable.

But if they're going to split, I'd rather see it via The Draft. They're both valuable heels, and seeing them turn on each other and one of them going face just seems like a bad idea.
I really don't want to see these two split they are the most entertaining thing in the divas division in the wwe and even though the division is still terrible they are the best thing about it. I would love to see Kong come in as there enforcer that would work so well.
I hope there break up isn't coming soon and that this whole thing is meant to be just a ploy by the two of them to convince other divas they aren't on the same page just to throw them off only to have a title match and see they are still on the same page and work together to get the title back to laycool. Although i doubt that is what will happen and they will be broken up
At this point, I'm ready for something to jazz up the Divas division. Ever since Eve won the championship, and the kayfabe 'firing' of Kelly, I really just don't seem to give a crap anymore. I mean, Lay-Cool is just the epitome of the airheads in high school most of us knew anyway. So, to me, a change would be welcomed.

I really wouldn't mind who became face or heel, because I really think the majority of the WWE ladies division is in dire need of a kick in the ass. At this point its not a matter of if, but WHEN the elusive KONG decides to make her appearance known, then it really won't make a difference who is the heel or face from the 'former BFFs' Lay-Cool, because at that point, no girl is going to be safe from her wrath.

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