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Lashley Degressing



Anyone else think since lashley has become a top superstar that he has gotten way more boring to watch. His mic skills have gotten much worse, he sounds like a robot when he talks, his matches consist of 4 moves, personally i liked him a lot more when he was on smackdown. This just goes to show, that big muscled people get more pushes in the wwe, Shelton Benjamin, who has tons of talent, but weak on the mic doesnt get anything, but lashley who has little talent both in the ring and on the mic, gets these magor pushes.
It's overexposure. Lashley was popular with his initial run because he was a mid carder. And he was wrestling talented wrestlers like Booker, Simon Dean, Finlay, Regal etc. Those wrestlers can make anybody look good. And WWE kept him away from the mic. Now they have decided to give him the next big thing push. Only problem is he sucks in all aspects of wrestling. He cant talk or wrestle. And he chokes under pressure. The same with Cena, people wouldn't rag on Lashley so much if he wasn't push past his capabilities. He only ever showed potential when he was in the ring with people considerably more talented than him. When he's the sole focus of the match it just highlights his faults.
Lashley is a case of someone being pushed way to fast, he went from mid carder on Smackdown to a main eventer in what seemed to be over night. I do not think his in ring skills are that bad for a guy his size, I have a feeling he can do more then they let him. He did not do so bad in his feud with Vince, but he needs help on the mic. Maybe a heel turn with a manager would help, put him with someone like Heyman maybe. He just seems so bland, and I think the crowd will turn on him sooner or later. Tough as far as in ring skills go I think hes not too bad.
I have to disagree, his wrestling style has always been what it's been. He's athletic and knows what he's doing in the ring, and he's being pushed as a wrestler the way he needs to be pushed. He has a great look and he's popular. To a degree I would agree with Jake's overexposure assessment however, people just didn't notice these things about him before because he was either buried in the mid card on Smackdown or hidden away on ECW until he started moving over to RAW.

As for his mic skills, I think they've been getting better with every week. It's something that only develops with time, and I don't blame him for being nervous in front of a crowd. But he is improving. His work on the mic last night on raw was actually passable and I enjoyed it, for a Lashley promo. It obviously still needs a lot of work but I feel like he's on the right track.
His work in the ring has been the same though you can tell that he is trying to be a bit more power wrestler than he was when he was a mid carder when he used power and wrestling. As Prax says he has that look and his ring work is what it is for a power wrestler. We all know he was going to be moved to RAW and well we will have to settle what he is as he is still learning,

The mic skills are better though he needs to come off more as he believes what he is saying rather than it was scripted for him. His work last night was ok as he said it and look like he meant it though he stills needs to be a bit meaner on the mic other that he has improved but he still has a way to go.
Oh, Lashley *sighs*.......I respect the man for trying because I think it's obvious that he works his ass off, however, it just does not come across. He is athletic as hell but I haven't really seen any improvements to support the statement that he has "degressed". Lashley is being pushed way too hard, way too fast. As everyone has already stated, he is a power wrestler and, unfortunately, power wrestlers usually don't come armed with a variety of moves.
As for his mic skills...well....they have much room for improvement. He still sounds like he is reading directly from a que card for his lines. Nothing he says is believeable because his words are so stiff.
RAW is full of main event guys right now that are much more deserving of the lime light than Lashley.
I'm going to have to disagree. Lashley has done nothing but get astronomically better since his debut. Every match it's apparent he's learned something else and is grasping what it means to be a professional wrestler a little more. Every match he's a little less lost, a little more entertaining, and a little more fluid.

Lashley is starting to get what it means to be a professional wrestler. The biggest problem right now is that he needs to learn how to work longer matches, which is why I think some people think he may be regressing.

Here's an example. Say you have a 5 minute speech prepared, and you know the speech well and can deliver it perfectly. But, when you get to class, instead of talking for 5 minutes you have to talk for 10. You know and understand the 5 minutes speech perfectly but you have to figure out how to translate that into a 10 minute speech, and do it while keeping your audience entertained.

So it goes with Lashley. He is really starting to grasp professional wrestling, and now he just needs to figure out how to take his understanding of how to work a decent match, and figure out how to plug the holes in that extra time. Once he does that, he will be a very solid wrestler.
I don't see Lashley degressing but his mic skills haven't improved and his voice is kind of hard to fathom in a heel role but I think he is in no way degressing.
i see lashley as a guy who could make the IC title respectable again, like a good umaga vs lashley fued for the title would be nice, no stupid billionaires involved or cutting hair.

he really still isnt that good on the mic and his promos only seem to involve more words now. he is a decent wrestler, but he hasnt had any good fueds as of yet IMO, i think the billionaire thing over shadowed what could have been a good fued btw umaga and lashley. but lashley should be the guy who doesnt win the big one until maybe a year or two, bc frankly he really doesnt deserve it.
Why do guys always expect big wrestlers to be able to "go" like a sabin or a shelley? Big man=power moves. His mic skills could be better, but give him time. They guy didn't grow up wrestling. i don't want to see a big guy do an enziguri or plancha (except joe). But that's his appeal. If all big guys moved like joe, why would he be special? Don't lose sight of the facade of wrestling: Angle is technical, styles is athletic, rey is fast, and lashley is strong. A little mixing and matching is okay, but keep in mind what it is.
In my view lashley hasn't degressed, hes just stayed exactly the same and theres the problem . His matches are incredibly boring to me , i just dont get the impression that the guy has an ounce of intensity or the slighest mean streak , also his mike skills are terrible , I know the guy cant help it but he sounds like an 8 year old kid, really the wwe should have kept lashley on sd! or ecw without a main event push for a while longer so he could bring his mike skills up to scrath and earn some credibility. Tho really i dont like lashley because shelton benjamin is far superior in the ring and about equal on the mike but lashley is the one that recieves the superhuman push , its just pandering to the vinces love of musclemen again like with batista.
Lashley should have stayed in ECW as the champ. They should have doen a CM/Punk vs Lashley feud, now they have Nitro in there as the champ. Awful. Lashley's mic skills are bad, he sounds like a little girl. I'd like to hear him say a few cuss words and turn heel.
Lashley is in desperate need of a make over. I think his in ring stuff, while not great, isn't bad. His mic skills are still very shaky, and I think he's going to be one of those guys that just don't get it. This is a problem with WWE however. Goldberg was able to get over without a mic, but for some reason, the WWE feels that if people can't talk, then they are useless.

Lashley needs a heel turn, a nice solid heel turn, with Paul Heyman as his mouth piece.
Lashley can't use the mic. Plain and simple. His voice is weird sounding. Take Jeff Hardy for example, he has a very odd sounding voice for a wrestler. It just doesn't seem to come out right when he talks. Not just his voice, but his voice tone.

His wrestling ability isn't so bad. I think what Slyfox said was perfect, becuase he can do good, but some of the stuff he does just seems unnecessary.

He was over pushed. I don't think he needed to break the Masterlock, but thats just my opinion. No, Bobby Lashley is not degressing, but he needs work.
I dont think Lashley is regressing? Does he need work you bet he does.

What has always got me is that Shelton Benjamin had zero mic skills but is a truly amazing athlete and wrestler and he gets jobbed out. Then there is Lashley he has zero mic skills the charisma of a dead ant, and while being not bad in the ring is nothing special and he gets pushed to high heaven.

But Lashley does have a lot to work with. As Shocky said he is in deseprate need of a mouth piece and a heell turn, hopefully this feud with Cena may result in one, but preferably both ocurring.

His in ring work is ok, its not the greates but its watchable. Dont forget he hasnt been in the WWE long so im sure he does have a lot of improvement in him.

One of the biggest marks against Lashley is his enormous push. Would we all be so critical of him if he wasnt being pushed down out thgroats so much? I highly doubt it.

Another is the way they pushed him. The could of given him the World Title on Smackdown and pushed him and I htink it would of worked btter. Instead they took him entirely out of his elemtn and put him on ECW, Lashley aint extreme thats for sure. So i htink that hurt his cred a bit being over at ECW.
as a power wrestler, i'd say that lashley is special, u guys look at lashley like he should do things shelton does, its 2 different styles, its obvious that most of u prefer to watch a shelton than a lashley, but not cuz lashley sucks, but maybe u guys dont like his style

personally, i think hes the best power wrestler in WWE right now, and thats not easy, he has a good movelist, it seems every match i see him do at least 1 new move (this raw against shelton is an example), or a new way to execute it, he has some very good power moves and executes them very well, sometimes the guys dont even have to jump, he just picks them up and does the move, i think thats incredible and looks more real, and for his size hes very athletic, what he did at vengance i never expected, flying over the top rope? i wanna see cena or batista do that, or his cage match with holly where he destroyed the side of the cage was awsome...

i think hes very good in ring, for now days at least, because he actually does at least 5 wrestling moves... while every other big guy just punches and kicks until its time for their finisher...

what he needs though, is more charisma, and A LOT better mic skills, hes very bad on the mic, glad to see hes working on it but still... it may be better for him not to talk at all, be kinda like benoit.. let the wrestling do the talking, but he still needs more charisma, if he gets those 2 problems down, i dont see any reason for him not to be champ... hell even now id rather have him as champ than cena
Ok Lashley has gotten better, but in comparison to what? how much he sucked when he first showed up? he needs an acting coach because he aint got no natural mic skills. he's mediocre at best in the ring. they brought him in prematurely because they had a slot to fill. Lashley looks good; the guy is a tank; much bigger in real life than on t.v. he's like Goldberg; Goldberg only got a push because he looked the part, just like Lashley. Goldberg couldnt wrestle at all. Just ask Bret Hart!! But Lashley, if he can last long enough, will eventually be a wrestling great. Its just not his time yet. Its too late to ship him back to the developmental territories. Just keep him in the mid-card slot wrestling against veterans and send him Rock's acting coach and Lashley will be huge by WM 25.
he's like Goldberg; Goldberg only got a push because he looked the part, just like Lashley. Goldberg couldnt wrestle at all. Just ask Bret Hart!!
I don't want to make this thread about Goldberg but I did want to clarify a few things. 1) Goldberg was a much better wrestler than people give him credit for. He was fluid in the ring, played his role extremely well, and improved at a tremendous rate. As for asking Bret Hart, Bret Hart has already gone on record as saying that he holds no ill will towards Goldberg, as it was just an accident and a mis-communication. He did not blame Goldberg and certainly did not say Goldberg was a bad wrestler because of it.

If you want to see a great Goldberg match, watch DDP vs. Goldberg at Halloween Havoc. It was a phenomenal match, and still is. See if that doesn't change your mind on Goldberg a little.

But Lashley, if he can last long enough, will eventually be a wrestling great. Its just not his time yet. Its too late to ship him back to the developmental territories. Just keep him in the mid-card slot wrestling against veterans and send him Rock's acting coach and Lashley will be huge by WM 25.
Lashley is going to be huge by WM 25, no matter what. The guy is getting it, and is getting better every single time he's in front of the camera. Between Lashley and Cena, we may be looking at the torch bearers of the WWE for years to come.
So Bret Hart holds no ill will. Neither do I. But that kick was stiff!! Yeah there was miscommunication. Thats Goldberg's fault. Bret knows how to communicate. He was in bigger matches and wrestled far better wrestlers than DDP. Yeah it was an accident as it was a rookie's mistake!! And the only reason Goldberg had a good match with DDP, is because DDP worked with Goldberg before Goldberg was put on TV. I have respect for Goldberg but that respect ends right at the point where he ended the career of one of the best wrestlers ever, accident or no accident. In this sport there are accidents all the time; injuries are a constant. Maybe if Goldberg trained in Stu Hart's Dungeon and not with DDP and others like him, Bret Hart would still be wrestling today. But this thread is about Lashley, and let's keep it that way.

Lashley will be huge by WM 25. No doubt. He is making improvements that he couldnt have made in OVW. They need to put him in front of the camera with a mic because he's not used to it yet. The cameras expose Lashley's shy side and that doesnt look good for a guy that is bigger than Everest. He'll get better at it or he wont. Its that simple. Unfortunately, I dont see him beating Cena at the Bash but it will be a hell of a match. Where Lashley goes after the Bash will be determined by how well he does against Cena. As far as torch bearing goes.... how long can HHH keep it up? He's gonna end up like Hogan with shot knees. Thats why McMahon's gonna use the few good years HHH has left to help the young guys like Cena, Orton, and Lashley. Of course these guys are the future.... or are they? Back in the mid '90's, we all thought the Rock would still be laying the smackdown to this day, but he aint. Cena says now that he is married to the business but the Rock once said that too, just like Hogan. Hollywood needs to get its B rate movie actors from somewhere, it might as well be the WWE. But when it comes to Lashley, he wont end up being a movie star. He just doesnt have the personality. Lashley will either become an established super star or he'll try the Brock Lesnar route. I expect, and would hope, that he stays with it and that McMahon stays with him too. As it stands right now, Lashley will be the top dog and will get his 15 minutes of fame.
There is no such word as "degressing". The word is regressing. Just something I want to point out to the thread.

So Bret Hart holds no ill will. Neither do I. But that kick was stiff!! Yeah there was miscommunication. Thats Goldberg's fault. Bret knows how to communicate. He was in bigger matches and wrestled far better wrestlers than DDP. Yeah it was an accident as it was a rookie's mistake!! And the only reason Goldberg had a good match with DDP, is because DDP worked with Goldberg before Goldberg was put on TV. I have respect for Goldberg but that respect ends right at the point where he ended the career of one of the best wrestlers ever, accident or no accident. In this sport there are accidents all the time; injuries are a constant. Maybe if Goldberg trained in Stu Hart's Dungeon and not with DDP and others like him, Bret Hart would still be wrestling today. But this thread is about Lashley, and let's keep it that way.
Owen Hart broke Steve Austin's neck because of miscommunication. Chris Benoit broke Sabu's neck through miscommunication. Both of those guys trained in Stu Hart's Dungeon. Maybe if Owen Hart hadn't caused permanent damage to Steve Austin, Stone Cold would still be wrestling today.

Don't hold something against Goldberg for the same mistakes that anyone else could make. It was an accident, and it happens. But, don't say that Goldberg can't wrestle because of one miscommunication.

Lashley will be huge by WM 25. No doubt. He is making improvements that he couldnt have made in OVW. They need to put him in front of the camera with a mic because he's not used to it yet. The cameras expose Lashley's shy side and that doesnt look good for a guy that is bigger than Everest. He'll get better at it or he wont. Its that simple. Unfortunately, I dont see him beating Cena at the Bash but it will be a hell of a match. Where Lashley goes after the Bash will be determined by how well he does against Cena. As far as torch bearing goes.... how long can HHH keep it up? He's gonna end up like Hogan with shot knees. Thats why McMahon's gonna use the few good years HHH has left to help the young guys like Cena, Orton, and Lashley. Of course these guys are the future.... or are they? Back in the mid '90's, we all thought the Rock would still be laying the smackdown to this day, but he aint. Cena says now that he is married to the business but the Rock once said that too, just like Hogan. Hollywood needs to get its B rate movie actors from somewhere, it might as well be the WWE. But when it comes to Lashley, he wont end up being a movie star. He just doesnt have the personality. Lashley will either become an established super star or he'll try the Brock Lesnar route. I expect, and would hope, that he stays with it and that McMahon stays with him too. As it stands right now, Lashley will be the top dog and will get his 15 minutes of fame.
Lashley will definitely be a torchbearer for years to come. I see no reason for him to leave. And, he is getting better. In a couple of years, at this rate, he'll be one of the better workers in the WWE.

He'll get better at it or he wont.
That's a very astute observation. :rolleyes:

Although, that is one of my favorite sayings. :D
I did say in my last post that accidents happen all the time and that injuries are a constant. Steve Austin came back and wrestled after his neck was broken. Austin doesnt wrestle because of an accumulation of problems, especially with his knees. Surgery of any kind will never ever return wrestlers to how they were before the injury. They'll never be 100%. But that doesnt stop them from making a comeback: Austin, Angle, HBK, Nash, Hogan, Sabu- so many guys have had injuries where they were told that they would never wrestle again. They still do in some way shape or form. So why doesnt Bret Hart come back? Ask him. Maybe it's because he has issues with chronic headaches and concussions, that if he ever stepped back into the ring, that it could kill him on the spot, in the ring. Maybe he still refuses to work for the WWE because of his brother. Maybe he knows that his time has past... who knows? Would I pay a million dollars to see Bret Hart vs. HBK one more time? Bet your bones that I would. But I never liked Goldberg. And in my opinion, he cant wrestle. He's arrogant and thinks that the WWE should treat him like WCW did. Goldberg never paid his dues in the industry; WCW just pushed him to the top because the "nWo kicking everyone's ass" story got old. WCW needed a fresh face that was built up as being indestructible so that someone would finally beat Hogan and his cronies. But this thread isnt about Goldberg or Hart or Austin or anyone but Lashley so this is the last time I will respond to anything that is off-topic. Lashley in my opinion is a star in the making....but only in the making... his popularity is leveling out, thats all. so he isnt running with the boost that he has had in recent months... thats no indication of "regressing"... there are plenty of other things going on in the WWE to take the fans' attention off of Lashley. He is right in the middle of it all with no character direction being fed to him by the writing staff. They dont know what to make him into, so for right now, he's the really big strong quiet guy that gets the cheers because he's beating up the guy that everyone hates. Pit him against a stronger face and he will lose because he isnt over yet. lashley vs. Cena will either be one of the best matches of the year, or it will put the world in a coma because it's so boring. Two faces battling each other always results in the more-over wrestler winning. Having Cena lose the belt to Lashley would be stupid. Who's side are we to choose? With Cena vs. Orton, at least the bad guy/good guy line is obvious. Lashley will get his title reign after he builds up his presence on Raw. Lashley will lose at the Bash but will lose with honor. And Cena will give him props on Raw and then they'll be friends and that will help put Lashley over.
I dont mind Lashley, hes pretty quick and Athletic for a big guy. I dont think hes ready to carry the company yet though.
They should do what they did whilst he was on Smackdown and have him feud with a few highly experianced wrestlers before moving on as a title contender. (Triple H maybe?)

He really does need to work on his mic skills though.....I find it hard to take him seriously when he sounds like my 7 year old female cousin.
triple H could help put him over... i think lashley should never get the mic, even if he is improving, his voice is just wierd, be like benoit or rey, just shut up and beat the hell out of every1

undertaker and kane almost never talk, true its part of their gimmick, but lashley doesnt really even have a gimmick yet... just being a babyface =/
Unfortunately I have to agree, bobby lashley will be top of the card for years to come and that will only end if he leaves for the NFL or something like lesnar did.
You know, the great american bash is going to suck like hell. For the people who were going to buy GAB, please, please save your money. We already know that Cena vs Lashley will be a boring match cause neither of them no more than 4 moves. I mean I don't know if I'm the only one, but I am so sick of this overcoming the odds era crap. WWE is so predictable now, and I use to think that TNA was so much worse than WWE. But if you think about it, TNA seems a bit better right now. I think the WWE needs to cut the brand extininces and just have everyone compete on RAw and Smackdown. I understood why they did the draft back in 2002, because back then they actually had good people on the roster. And they needed two shows so that thr younger guys could get some T.V time. But now all the good people are either gone are in TNA, so why have the brand extinction now? Obviously the draft did not change anything because Smackdown still can't find anybody good to face Edge besides Kane. This is just my oppion though.

Ok Lashley has gotten better, but in comparison to what? how much he sucked when he first showed up? he needs an acting coach because he aint got no natural mic skills. he's mediocre at best in the ring. they brought him in prematurely because they had a slot to fill. Lashley looks good; the guy is a tank; much bigger in real life than on t.v. he's like Goldberg; Goldberg only got a push because he looked the part, just like Lashley. Goldberg couldnt wrestle at all. Just ask Bret Hart!! But Lashley, if he can last long enough, will eventually be a wrestling great. Its just not his time yet. Its too late to ship him back to the developmental territories. Just keep him in the mid-card slot wrestling against veterans and send him Rock's acting coach and Lashley will be huge by WM 25.

Lashley has not gotten better, he has gotten alot worse. You just say he has gotten better becasue WWE is pushing him. Remember when he was one Smackdown and was fighting Siamond Dean? The guy was wrestling like Tazz, which was a good thing. But that only lasted until he started to fight guys like Booker T and Big Show and he stopped wrestling like that. So how can you say he has gotten better? He is predictable just like John Cena, I could of sworn I had dejavu were I saw Booker T stopping the count, then Jeff Hardy coming to stop it as he clotheslines himself and Booker out of the ring. Then Kennedy comes and punches him for awhile before trying to irish whip him. But oh no, here comes the SPEAR! Just like I predcicted. If you ask me the guy has gotten worse and more boring. If Lashley wins I will not watch RAw and will stick with TNA. If John Cena wins, well then looks like he has overcome the odds once again huh? But anyway they should take Randy Orton out of that stupid feud with Dusty Rhode and have him feud with Cena and finally become the WWE champion. I would much rather see orton champ than boring Lashley. Hell I'd rather see Cena as champ more than Lashley. There just isn't nothing special about this guy, this isn't the first time I've seen some big swhole guy come into the WWE and do a powerslam. And if I am correct, doesn't Batista do that dominator(So Lashley calls it) as his regular move? And that's Lashley's finisher? And oh i forgot that weak ass spear he does which doesn't look nowhere near as devestating as the spear Goldberg does. If you ask me the stars that WWE are pushing right now all suck. Kennedy, Lashley, Nitro and all of them suck. So Lashley can kiss my ass cause he's a bathurd. he sounds like a little bitch and he wrestlers the same boring style. Onc again this is my oppinion though.

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