Lashley vs. R.V.D. Who's Turning Heel?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
With R.V.D. being voted for by the fan's for a World Title shot, who think's there will be a heel turn?

There have been rumour's that both Lashley and R.V.D. might turn. Apparently Heyman wanted it to be Lashley and Vince chose R.V.D. Personally I think the best choice would be R.V.D. He's been a face since the end of the Invasion and before that he was a tweener. In the original ECW he was the best heel in the whole company. He was so good they had to turn him face. Lashley has'nt been proven as a heel and personally I dont think he has the mic skill's to carry off a heel role.
If they let RVD do his thing on the mic it'll be good. If they script him it will suck. Lashley doesn't have a strong enough on-screen personality to play a decent enough heel, especially to an ECW crowd if RVD's the face. Besides, what motivation does Lashley have to turn heel right now? The fans love him and he just won the belt.
RVD as the Heel he has the talent to carry it off once again as in the old ecw bring back FONZIE!!! ha blow his whistle and manage Sabu and RVD like back in the day be annoying for RVD you know? cause I don't think you will get many people to hate RVD , Lashly on the other hand I hear was a good heel while in OVW so maybe he gets a chance? being that RVD is being "screwed" it would make it easier for fans of RVD hate on Lashly a lot easier but you know RVD has the talent to take it a step further.
I think Test is going to get involved because he seemed pissed off bout losing and wants to get revenge on RVD. I don't know if Sabu will get involved to make it a 4 way.
RVD might be like a heel but the fans cheer for him like a face. Bcoz the fans love the 'originals' however, this is a different ECW and Vince wants his own ideas rather than what happened 20years ago.
It should be LASHLEY,Rvd is far to over as a face, and its not like Lashley is getting Monster Face Pops,All Lashley needs is a heel mouthpiece and he's set. I would put him and Elijah Burke together, Burke is pretty good on the mic, and Terkay will probably be gone from wwe after the the new year. since he's pretty worthless.
It'd be nice to have Lashley with Burke that'd be awesome Burke has the skills both on the mic and in the ring to pull this off.

Also it would be nice to throw ol Monty Brown in there as well as long as they give him a better finisher. Plus its been awhile since there was an all black group in wrestling and since Lashley is already champ it won't be the "We're being held back cuz we'z black" stable crap they'd have a good mouthpiece in Burke who I think should take on CM Punk with Punk defeating him a few times then getting destroyed by Brown one night as a result setting the whole thing up.
I dont think either of them are going to turn heel.. Lashley is being established as ECW's top face, which imo isn't working at all.. He still gets minimum pops.. And RVD is loved no matter what scenario he's in.. It will probably just be a face vs face fued to draw in ratings.
Whoever turns heel it doesn't really make a difference as RVD is not going to get the title back. This is because his contract is up very soon and Vince won't give him a title as it's rumoured that he's going to leave. (I think RVD will turn heel and they'll have a title vs career match where RVD will lose and then he gets fired - like that Cena/Jericho storyline on Raw)

This could mean it will be Lashley vs Test for the title.
Someone mentioned putting Monty Brown with Elijah Burke and Lashley as a faction. The idea being that Elijah be the mouthpiece and Monty and enforcer. I would do it the other way around. Monty is better on the mic than Elijah and Elijah is better in the ring. BUT its not an idea I would go for anyways.

As far as RVD and Lashley go, I doubt either is turning heel. With all the talk happening lately, I think WWE feels that they will be losing RVD come May and will be using him to build Lashley. So for the next few months it will be Lashley vs. RVD, with Rob getting the absoulte shit beaten out of him every match they have. With RVD being so motivated and Lashley being the great perfromer he is, this feud is sure to be electric (*insert sarcasm here*). But you never know. Hopefully it works out better than what I picture in my head.
well Vince wants RVD to turn heel, so I betting the boss gets what he wants, RVD will turn heel over the next couple of months, they'll do this the same way they turned Edge heel, have him consantly bitch and complain about how he's constantly getting screwed out of the title, then they'll have him attack Lashley backstage, andf cheap shot him in the ring and so on

but for his match with Lashley this upcoming week, I think Test will interfer, then Sabu will come out and help his buddy RVD, then the two of them will attack Lashley, this will lead to a RVD vs. Lashley vs. Test match for the ECW title at the Royal Rumble
Since when does somebody have to turn heel?
Seriously, there is such a thing as a face vs. face feud, people!
Exactly, this would be the perfect time for one.

I'm not disagreeing with you, in fact a face vs. face feud might actully be refreshing, but vince wants to turn RVD heel, and WWE creative seems to think that their must be a heel/face situation to create a feud, or at least thats the way it seems, personnally I think Vince should allow RVD to carry the title, just because it would bring far more crediability to it and it's what the fans want, and besides it's the ECW title, not like it's the WHC or the WWE title, it's the championship on a show they use to primarly develop talent, I don't think RVD is going to bring it down any, and I don't think that he would make the same mistake again either
We all know Vince wants RVD to turn heel, so that will obviously happen well before Wrestlemania. However, it will never work. RVD is one of those guys that fans like to watch regardless of whether he is heel or face. Vince can try turn him heel for storyline purposes, but it will never get over with the crowd.
I think that they should turn RVD heel while he is in pursuit of the title and hopefully RVD will sign another contract if he is given the title for a while. And then once RVD gets the title you can turn Lashley heel and complain about how the ECW fans never accepted him and how he is going to get the title back whether they like it or not. Then have Lashley visously attack RVD backstage and you have your double switch. Lashley to a heel and RVD to face. It could work. But I want RVD to stay in the WWE so they are going to have to give him the title for that to happen.
Well, it's been made quite clear that RVD is on the outs with WWE. And in WWE, whenever someone leaves, they have to be made a complete fool of, no matter how they contributed to the company. They did it to Jericho, Lita, and they'll probably do it to RVD. They'll make him heel, and have him get the crap beat out of him by Lashley frequently until probably Wrestlemania, which I think will be RVD's last show with the company.
I agree with rvdgurl, a heel turn for Rvd is something that may just not be possible, it's just like all the times stone cold tryed to turn heel, it really never worked, he would get booed for maybe a week or 2 but then the crowd just loved him again.

The only reason they will try a heel turn is so they can try and get lashley over
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