Lance Cade... What if...


Riley Justin
We all remember Lance Cade, don't we? If you don't, it's because he didn't have a very memorable run in the WWE. Respectfully, I will say that he was a multiple-time tag team champion with his redneck partner in crime Trevor Murdock. What alot of people forget however is that Lance was on the brink of a MAJOR push before he was released from the WWE.

Lance had just gone over his former tag team buddy Trevor, and was the sidekick/lackey for Chris Jericho whilst Y2J was feuding with HBK (Voted feud of the year in 2008), and during this time he went over alot of lower-card talents, developed his own singles character, and even had Jack Swaggers theme song! (Before Swagger was given it when he arrived and had lyrics added to it).

This makes you wonder... Would Jericho have given Cade the rub? Would Cade have built his way up the mid-card? Would have Y2J/HBK have ended or resulted differently? Lance looked like he was in line for an IC title match in a few months time, so maybe things could have been different for our current IC/US champions? And where would he and Y2J be standing today?

Your thoughts?

P.S: To save this thread from alot of stupid comments, I'd like to say R.I.P Lance. I know that most of you know that Lance has passed away since his WWE departure, but I know almost for a fact that someone will comment and ask "When do you think he will come back?", or, "I reckon he could re-sign".
To be hones, I doubt he would have ever amounted to much beyond what he was doing when he left. He wasn't particularly entertaining. I get that he was never really pushed to the point where people would get behind him, but there's a reason for that. He was generic wrestler guy. He didn't have a particularly interesting look or style.
I never thought much about Lance Cade to be honest. Everyone was saying how good he was and how he is the next big thing but to be honest I could not see it. I found him boring in the ring and his mic skills weren't as good as people were making them out to be. I will say that he did look like a wrestler, someone that look like they could main event. However I thought he had no talent and he also looked like he should've wrestled in the 80's. I'm not saying he should of been fired but I am also not saying he should of held the IC or U.S title. Okay I guess I am saying he is fired because I honestly couldn't see him fitting into any division.
Lance was trained by HBK, and I think that to play that up would have been good. Bring HBK into the fold for a student vs teacher storyline or something. Lance was never that over, but HBK could get a broomstick to get over, so I think WWE dropped the ball with him. As for Jericho, yeah he would have given him a rub, Jericho will pretty much do that whenever hes asked to.
I loved the Redneck Wrecking Crew team of Cade and Murdoch, I thought they were outstanding and that both men would have long term singles careers after the tag division in the WWE went to shit. Murdoch reminded me a lot of old school guys like Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. Lance Cade made me think of the obvious Bradshaw and the not so obvious Magnum TA. I saw a ton of potential in Cade especially when he started working with Jericho and Michaels. He could have learned a lot from two of the all time greats and that would have benefited him greatly.

Being purely hypothetical with seeing who has come down the pike since Cade was fired, I could have seen him have a really decent run with the IC title or the US title. I think he would have been in at least one or two high profile feuds for the WWE or World titles, but would have come up short never winning either belt.

If he were still around right now I think he would be a mid level guy that occassionally get the big win but at this point would be there just to put over some of the younger guys trying to step up.
Lance Cade was trained by HBK, during his push there was talk of giving him a rip off gimmic of HBK's called HB-Cade...i don't remember why WWE didn't go through with it. If this happened it was definitely a step in the right direction as far as giving him a push, guess well never know how it would have turned out. RIP Lance.
Cade being trained by the Heart Break Kid is the only thing i ever though about him. His run with Murdoch was nice, but his career was truly unnoticeable.

Cade could have amounted to more, and it's sad that he did not.
I never liked the Cade & Murdoch team. They were an incredibly annoying tag team and I was glad to see Murdoch leave soon after they split. Cade got the better push out of the two but never quite got anywhere. He ended up getting released during his push in the Michaels/Jericho angle and then died before he had a chance to return to WWE.

If Cade had never been future endeavoured, then I think he would have remained right where he was. He seemed so out of place as Jericho's sidekick in the angle with Michaels. It was so random for them to push Cade of all people into that feud. The angle would have ended the same with Michaels coming up short in the ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Cade still being there would not have made much of a difference other than then perhaps trying to get him to turn face against Jericho, only to have the fans not care.

He would have been released in the end regardless and not gotten very far because he was boring. I'm not really sure what people saw in Lance Cade. It's tragic that he died early, and I would not have entirely been against him returning to WWE. He just never struck me as anything more than a midcard jobber who got a very random push into an awesome angle with two legends.
I thought Cade had potential. He wasnt horrible on the mic and decent in the ring. That combined with the fact that he was in one of the best angles of modern wrestling ever would have definately gotten him over. Its a shame he was taking drugs of some kind, though. I don't remember if they were steroids or not, but they cost him his career after the airplane incident. Its a real shame. RIP Cade.
I didn't see much from the guy as a singles star. And I feel like working as a top guys lackey doesn't bode well for you these days as that eventual jump never happens (Riley, Swagger, Ryan, DiBiase etc)...

Though I did enjoy the guy in tag team action. I thought he and Mark Jindrak (dunno if everyone remembers there run together) were a good tag team. They had that tag team feel that they were "meant" to be homo. I also liked him and Murdoch together. The redneck tag team is enjoyable and they did a pretty good job.

But no one can say what he would have really amounted to. Its a shame we never really got the chance to find out and I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been brought back eventually. RIP Cade
He was a young good looking guy and I remember JR saying and I'm paraphrasing here if he could make the look or structure of a wrestler it would have been like Lance Cade. The tag team he had with Trevor Murdoch was decent and looking at him you did think this guy could be a star. I was intrigued when him and Jericho got together and how it would play out. Sadly Cade passes away too young. I remember there was a string of deaths that really hit me hard with Umaga and Test, Chris Canyon, Luna Vachon and Cade all having something to do supplements or muscle relaxers and Cade was the final straw for me and I stopped watching wrestling for a while.

All those days not watching wrestling really sucked and it was when the Nexas Angle was really hot. I eventually came back to it because I knew that wrestling was a part of me I couldn't live without it for better or worse. For me Lance Cade is a reminder that business is not perfect and it still needs to clean up and us fans gotta work together to clean up the business and make it safer for the wrestlers and performers we love to watch.

I know this is all a little off topic but what brought me back to wrestling was an interview with CM Punk and when asked in an interview if he takes anything for the pain he said no he doesn't, he lays on the bed with packets of ice and he rests. And that gave me some faith. Pro Wrestling isn't perfect it has it's demons but I think I'm a lifer but like I said fans have power and we gotta help protect our guys and girls and they have to be responsible. But I would rather see wrestler leave the business then be paralyzed or pass away. There are things that are more important than pro wrestling.

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