Lance Cade, Bright Future? No Future?

BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT!!! I love Lance Cade, and I definitely see him going faaaar in the next few years. He's pretty young, isn't he? Him and Murdoch, for that matter. It seems like you see all these younger guys who just seem so awkward, even if they are athletic in the ring (See: Shelton Benjamin) so it's refreshing to see someone come out as comfortable as Cade, Murdoch, Cody, MIZ, etc.

Plus he's got the "look" that seems like it can go far in the WWE. I just hate that since he and Murdoch broke up they haven't done much to progress the feud. I really was hoping to see an aggressive, AMW-type feud, ya know?
My friends mock the hell out of me for saying it...but, I do think that Garrison "Lance" Cade has a bright future. If he gets the right push, he could be an upper level wrestler. Nobody thought much of "Stunning" Steve Austin, Rocky Maivia, or the "Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst Helmsley. With those gimmicks, they could be mid card at best. But, with the right circumstances, we end up with "Stone Cold", the "Rock", and "the Game". When I look at Cade, I see the potential, being buried under a gimmick. Hell, even JBL was once Justin Hawk Bradshaw...There is no reason in my mind that Cade can't make it, other than his own unwillingness to put in the effort, ala Shelton Benjamin and Carlito.
i dont think cade should cont. a tag team career i think its time for a singles run maybe start on smackdown and JBL should become his new mangager i think that combo would be a great heel pairing
Lance Cade is about as charismatic as a ham sandwich...I mean they've had this guy around for years(even back in the Mark Jindrak days) he was a flake then he's a flake now..But hey being that he warrants such a reaction from me might mean that he would make a decent mid-card heel character...Feuding with the guys like Kennedy and what not...However, if the past relationship with HBK holds water then anything is possible...In my opinion which means nothing, Lance Cade just doesn't do it for me.
ok well Lance Cade is an incredible athelete and Murdoch isnt. pulling them apart and letting Cade have a singles run is a good idea. how they will use him is up in the air but once he finds what he is good at the crowd will absolutely hate the guy. let him have his singles run and test to see if he is as good as he appears to be.
well judging from monday he is getting a big push going over the two biggest faces in the company. i dont know how they are going to explain the attack. maybe they'll use the fact the michaels trained cade and didnt get any help from him. its a pretty big jump for cade. when i heard they were going to push him i expected like an ic title run but i guess they are going in a different direction
I felt the same way, johndaniels. I kinda figured he would get a chance to be a real singles wrestler, but, to be put into the Cena/HHH storyline? Already? It seems a bit rushed to me. I don't think the storyline between Cena and HHH really needed anything added, and really, with Jericho already being confronted by Flair earlier, I am really not sure why they chose Monday night to ally Jericho and Cade...Unless they are gonna somehow throw him into the main event level stuff to see if he sinks or swims, I guess am just not convinced Cade is ready for it yet. I think he can be a major star, someday...this just seems a bit rushed, and the Cena/HHH and Y2J/HBK storylines are already full, and probably didn't need yet another wrestler getting involved.
Well last night we saw what could of been the start of a push for lance cade. I see this angle as a way of bringing into the fray the fact that hbk trained cade and jericho has turned student against teacher. Maybe the start of the stable that has been rumoured, I personally think jericho would be great as the head of a heel stable, great on the stick and can back it up in the ring. I look forward to seeing this fued pan out over the coming weeks
I think Lance Cade has the look and potential to be a Main Event player within the next few years and a definite contender for the WWE or World Heavyweight Title. He just needs the chance to develop into a singles wrestler and a few good feuds.

I think what happened on Monday had nothing to do with Cena or HHH. As someone else mentioned I see this as an alliance between Jericho and Cade and possibly an eventual stable against Shawn Michaels. If this is the case, the WWE Creative Team is starting to get back onto the right track to creating new stars. A close knit Alliance is a great way to get someone noticed by the fans and a great way to try and cover-up a person's weaknesses.

I could see Jericho forming an Anti-Shawn Michaels stable (would be the reason for the formation of the stable) with Cade being the first person to join him. What a perfect way to not only get heat on Cade, but get him noticed and taken seriously by the crowd. Student turning on Teacher and joining the Teacher's current Rival.

If they are trying to form a new stable with Jericho leading, I think London and Kendrick would be a great addition as well. These guys haven't done anything since leaving Smackdown! Kendrick was also trained by Michaels. They have been compaired as the "new age" Rockers. If they plan to rebuild the tag-team division at all, Raw could use another Heel tag-team and if these guys were to join-up with Jericho and Cade, they would definitly be looked at as heels.
After this monday night on Raw I like where things with Lance Cade are going. He really has the look to be a potential Main-Eventer. He was trained by Shawn Michaels which can't be all that bad. Plus with that fact it seems like the direction there taking this is the digruntlesd student turns on teacher storyline. It usually works out. If nothing else with this push Lance Cade will be a solid mid-carder and have a decent singles career. But that is just my opinion.
In all honesty, I didn't like how Lance Cade was involved in the main event of Raw involving John Cena, Triple H and Chris Jericho. He just looked so out of place because, he only broke up with Trevor Murdoch a few weeks ago, and now the WWE expect us to take this guy seriously for a main eventer. Bad booking in my opinion.

The only good I can see from this is that if Cade 'snakes' out Y2J and wins the IC title off him without turning either guy face. I think Lance can be a solid mid-carder, but I really can't see him as a true main eventer. He just isn't that great in my opinion and I have never really been a fan of him. But he deserves a mini push of some sort.
perhaps this could be indeed a start of a new stable.
Y2J as big star
Cade is potential big star and IC champ, Y2J should lose it to HBK and Cade steals the win and the title with the help of the rest of the stable.
Ted Dibiase jr+partner(rhodes/umaga/DH smith/...) as tag team(champions?)

They screw and beat up HBK whenever they can. HHH gets involved and then it could become really good I think.
When Orton returns he could be an ally of the heel stable.
Hmmmm after this past Monday I have had some thoughts going through my head about Cade. So lets recap... This past Monday Cade came down and attacked HHH in the middle of his match with Y2J. Jericho did not appear to be in any real danger of loosingthe match at that moment since they were on the outside. Y2J however seemed rather happy with Cade's actions as the two stood above both HHH and Cena on Raw. A sight I never expected to see. Now I'm starting to brainstorm a couple ideas that Cade would be involved with...

One idea is that a new faction could be starting with Y2J as the leader. Reason Y2J would be leader would be 2 reasons... He's the IC champ and also he is a veteran. Along with Y2J I can see Cade and possibly Rhodes and Dibiase, Hell why not toss Umaga in there as well. The opposing stable I can see forming would be HHH, HBK, Jeff Hardy, and if Cena stays expect to see him in it. Overall I think that would make for a rather good faction storyline as both younger talent like Rhodes, Dibiase, and Cade can get some good experience under their belts.

2.) Cade goes after Y2J... Seeing as he helped him out on Raw, I wouldn't be surprised to see the two continue to "work together" for a while until the Y2J/HBK feud finishes, then Cade go after the IC title.

Overall Cade I still think has a lot of untapped talent. I mean the guy did train with HBK, one of the best. We've seen some of his stuff, but honestly I think Cade still has a lot up his sleeve that he just never was able to show in tag team action. We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm not a huge Lance Cade fan...but at least someone at WWE is realizing that they have to start trying to create new stars. I actually hope this works and Cade gets over, so that WWE keeps trying to elevate guys.
I was honestly kind of shocked to see Lance Cade out there, and for some reason I didn't really like it. Now, I'm actually a fan of Cade, but I think they're pushing a little too hard when they have him attacking Cena and Triple H. Personally I think he should feud with Kennedy before they try to push him up this high. While this will get him noticed, it might end up backfiring. I remember Chris Masters getting pushed in a way similar to this, and look what happened to him. All in all, I see potential in Cade, but I think they should build him up a bit slower than they are right now. Give him a solid feud with someone like Kennedy, and then have him go for the Intercontinental Title.
I am hoping out of the Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels feud, that Shawn Michaels screws Chris Jericho out of the Intercontinental Championship. Lance Cage could get the IC belt, and feud with Jeff Hardy and Carlito. This will be a great feud, a 3 way match ending with a ladder match, with some high spots at Summerslam. Carlito, a tweener by this time, would get the win. make this the top of the mid card at the biggest PPV of the year. The next raw, have Carlito come out first with the Belt to a huge cheer after the spots he went through. Have Cage come out, and call his win half assed, and say he is the rightful champion. Then have Cade and Carlito fight in the ring, and have someone new come out, and hit Carlito with a chair (Maybe Mr. Kennedy) The beatdown continues until Hardy comes to the rescue to save Carlito setting up a tag team of Hardy and Carlito vs Cade and Kennedy. Cade and Kennedy could win the tag team belts. Carlito and Kennedy could have a match for the IC belt, setting up a Cade run in behind the refs back, and have Kennedy win the belt. This could set up a feud between Carlito and Hardy, and Kennedy against Cade for the IC Belt. The belt could then be moved off to someone else, and Cade and Kennedy could feud up to the Royal Rumble.
i think it is odd how quickly and randomly they just gave him a push up to the ranks with the main event players. i'm curious to see how they're going to explain the attack, and where it will progress from there. at this point, i see lance cade as a very boring character with not much character development, but i would love to see him integrated into top storylines and become a main player.

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