Lance Cade Has Been Fired (Again)

I really think that he was taken out of the WWE of the cusp of some good work, I could see him growing each week and had some hope. I don't think he would be the next Rock but I thought a midcarder for life and a solid one, nothing wrong with that.

I just hope that he can prove the feeling I had right, I know he did nothing of interest in his run in the WWE but I just got a vibe that this guy had something that he could offer if given the chance.

I hope he gets that chance now...and I hope he doesn't blow it...

Just My Opinion
Cade isn't that bad. Some of you act like he's nathan jones or mideon. As far as what he'll be upon his return. Who knows? Probably not gonna get the push he was getting before, but at some point we may very well see him involved in something with hbk. If he gets put into a tag team again, it wouldnt surprise me to see him with haas, or masters for that matter. As far as all the "he only has a job again because he's hbk's boy" kinda talk, i'm sure that has something to do with it, however, london isn't coming back, it took years for them to sign danielson too. Theyre hbk's "buddies" too. I think wwe probably likes his size and the fact his look isn't that bad. Plus, he's really not that bad of a worker.
Well, just to update...

World Wrestling Entertainment released former Tag Team champion Lance Cade on Friday. Cade was brought back to the company in October 2009 but was never used on the main roster. He popped up in developmental and waited for a new role to be assigned to him but nothing ever came about. During his previous run, he was last associated with Chris Jericho during Jericho's feud against Cade's trainer Shawn Michaels. We'll have more on the release when we hear it.

Kind of funny that Cade basically sat around for six months, got paid, and then was let go because they didn't have anything for him. Whoever had the bright idea to hire him back should probably be fired, as they probably spent a good amount of money for Cade to sit around and do nothing. It wasn't like he was going to get over. They gave him a huge rub when he took out Cena and Shawn Michaels and he failed to do anything with that kind of momentum. The fans didn't care either. He was average as a whole.

I would bet anything though that by the end of the year, he'll be rehired. Someone in the front office sees something in him. What it is, I have no idea, but I really don't think we've seen the last of Lance Cade.


Cade, I see no reason to bring him back. You have young guys like Kofi, Ziggler who need a push and not to be left on the bench. I guess WWE loves jobbers...

Glad to see people don't read threads...
Oh, I was hoping he would join the SES, guess WWE just wasted some money on keepinng a useless jobber waiting for 6 months to find his place in the company. well done WWE, you really gave him false hope.

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