Lamest Party Ever

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
That is where I just came from. I'm not one to go to other people's parties since I usually don't know most of the people and the fact I don't like parties out of my comfort zone. But today I decided to take the chance. My neighbor's friend was throwing a party (and she is pretty hot) so I figured it would put me in good terms with her if I showed up. Well needless to say I did and there was no beer or anything to drink but Four Loko and I hate that shit. They were playing beer pong with fucking water. So I played a few games and dominated and left. I feel bad about leaving, but I couldn't stand the boredom. Not like y'all care, but I feel the need to share. So what's new fellas? Anyone wanna chit chat with the beard tonight?
What is Four Loko? And why didn't you bring some of your own brewski, you cheap bastard? I thought you wanted to get in good with the chick?
I do! Hi Theo!

Sup Blue

What is Four Loko? And why didn't you bring some of your own brewski, you cheap bastard? I thought you wanted to get in good with the chick?

It is some sort of alcoholic energy drink. I know a lot of people love the stuff and I just can't stand it. I would have brought my own beer, but I was told there would be plenty to drink. I guess the plenty was just Four Loko. I told her that I'll be throwing a party soon to make up for leaving on this one. I have a buddy who works a beer distributor and I can get some stuff cheap.
Sorry to hear about your lame party. I went to the bar for Karaoke. It was a shit-ton more fun then a party.
Sorry to hear about your lame party. I went to the bar for Karaoke. It was a shit-ton more fun then a party.

Original plan tonight was to go to a bar with a buddy of mine who ended up coming to this party with me. Pretty much for now on I know to bring booze to parties they invite me too haha.

Must be good to have your team going into the playoffs hot. :(

Yeah that's been the case the last couple years with the Phils. We play damn good ball down the stretch. Pujols had a good game today did he not?
Couldn't tell ya buddy, I haven't caught a game recently. It hurts too bad knowing how much promise this team had.

Sorry to hear that Blue. Cards were definitely a team I thought could give the Phils a run this season and then it just all crumbled. Always a terrible time to be a fan when your team crumbles. Pretty sucky stuff.
Original plan tonight was to go to a bar with a buddy of mine who ended up coming to this party with me. Pretty much for now on I know to bring booze to parties they invite me too haha.
For me, bars are always better bets then parties, other then the whole paying for your drinks thing. Plus I am pretty anti-social, and going to a party generally means people will talk to me most of the time. At a bar I can talk to who I want. Plus I have an icebreaker when I go to the bar (Karaoke or football, since those are the only 2 things I go to the bar for).

I'd probably bring my own beer for a party anyway, because most parties give you that shitty light beer, not the good shit like Yuengling.

Yeah that's been the case the last couple years with the Phils. We play damn good ball down the stretch, and lose to the Yankees in the World Series.
At least I'm not a Mets fan is the only positive way to spin it lol.

That is true, they have it rough.

For me, bars are always better bets then parties, other then the whole paying for your drinks thing. Plus I am pretty anti-social, and going to a party generally means people will talk to me most of the time. At a bar I can talk to who I want. Plus I have an icebreaker when I go to the bar (Karaoke or football, since those are the only 2 things I go to the bar for).

I'd probably bring my own beer for a party anyway, because most parties give you that shitty light beer, not the good shit like Yuengling.

I hear ya there, which is why I pretty much try and throw my own parties. That way it is people I know and like and not people I'm gonna have to force myself to talk to just to be polite.


I have a feeling this year will be different. But I do want to play the Yanks for revenge purposes lol.
Frustrating, just quit my job. Hopefully will be able to find a new one soon.

Bummer dude, sorry to hear that. Though the market for three year olds is pretty hot these days, so I expect you to be there in no time. I'm still looking myself, can't seem to catch on anywhere. Maybe it is the beard :shrug:. Though I seem to be in good word with a personal care home, as I just did some of their training classes the other day so I might be able to latch on there.
I have a feeling this year will be different. But I do want to play the Yanks for revenge purposes lol.
Don't worry, the Phils have the easy road back, since the other NL teams aren't on the same level. The Yankees have a tougher road, with that Rangers, Twins, and Rays. I'm actually hoping for the Wild Card, so that we can beat on the Twins again (like we always do) and then beat the Rays/Rangers in the ALCS before re-beating the Phils. I'm contemplating trying to get Phils World Series tickets, for when they play the Yanks. Although I might get killed if I somehow got them and went to Philly in Yankee gear.
Bummer dude, sorry to hear that. Though the market for three year olds is pretty hot these days, so I expect you to be there in no time. I'm still looking myself, can't seem to catch on anywhere. Maybe it is the beard :shrug:. Though I seem to be in good word with a personal care home, as I just did some of their training classes the other day so I might be able to latch on there.

Yeah, most people my age are to lazy to get a job. They just rely on their parents. Makes it easier to get jobs in child labor.
Yeah that would be pretty dangerous Storm. Unless you get near some level headed fans (like myself). Though we are a rare breed.

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