The Substance Abuse Thread.

I've been addicted to opiates for about 5 years. Been completly drug free 1 year and 7 months. I don't condone drug use but I can put any drug story to shame
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I have smoked weed in the past, don't anymore due to many of the jobs I have been applying for requiring drug tests. Couldn't imagine not getting a job because of a failed piss test.

Hung out with these guys that did acid for awhile. Was at their house hangin out when they started tripping. Sad thing was the guy who owned the house had his two young kids sleeping in another room. They started talking really crazy. Freaked me the fuck out especially with his kids in the next room.

Haven't hung out with them since.

if ya wanna do it thats cool, i wouldn't judge anyone and if pot was legal I would prolly smoke it from time to time, but no excuse to be on something like that with your sleeping kids in the next room.
If we're counting caffeine here, I drink coffee everyday. As far as drinking goes, I drink maybe once every two weeks.

I think drugs are disgusting. Any of them. We went to see Mike Epps last night, and one of my friends decided to snort god knows how much cocaine last night, and it put a real damper on the night.
I know someone who got so drunk they passed out, woke up in a cab some time later, panicked, jumped out of the moving cab and ran straight into a pillar, knocking themselves unconscious again.
I kno a guy that shot a bunch of dope and he passed out in the drive thru at mcdonalds
it was raining so he had his window rolled up and the girls that were working inside were tapping on his window to wake up but he wouldn't so they called the cops. When the police got there they just busted his fucking window out and that woke his ass up. I still think he is in prison, they found about 2 bundles sittin on his lap.
I've had to go through rehab for Acid and X addiction. I'm clean for five years now, with only one momentary relapse.

Now, I'm just a raging alcoholic.
I can't drink, if I do Ill relapse in heartbeat.

That and I have the bad habbit of sleeping with extremly obese women in shady hotels
It def is. I'm engaged now to a beautifull girl that has never toched drugs. If I drink I kno I'll fuck it up in a heartbeat

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