LaBar: 'The Icon' Sting "Isn't an Icon in Pro Wrestling; Needs WWE to Be Considered"

People know who Sting is. He's not on the level of Hogan, Flair, Rock, Austin, or Cena, but he's definately up there with HBK, Hart, and Triple H in the second tier.

this is a ridiculous thing to say, his NFL analogy sucks. What if you had a guy who was so awesome at arena football that for almost 2 years, the NFL was tanking and Arena football was kicking their asses? That guy would be a fuckin legend.

Sting, every bit as much as Goldberg (probably more really), and every bit as much as the nWo, made WCW what it became. Without that great good guy to root for, the nWo doesn't work. They turn into Michael Cole or the Yankees in the 50s, a super heel without a worthy opponent.

Sting is most definately an icon. If WCW is managed by people who realize wrestling is entertainment and not by people who just want to beat Vince, WCW is still afloat right now and WWE doesn't exist. Has nothing to do with Sting. Sting is the reason I can say "if it were better managed". Sting isn't the reason WCW failed. Sting is the reason it was so successful. In the early 90s when Flair left, Sting was basically THE draw.

Sting is to WCW what Undertaker is to the WWE. If WWE folded then is Undertaker the one who's not a legend? No, a legend/icon/whatever is always that.

BTW, the google thing that brings up searches I'm pretty sure looks at popular searches in your area. For example, there is a "Springfield" in almost all states. When I google "springfield" I get a bunch of shit on the city of springfield, MO, springfield, MO restaurants, etc. It's because I live in springfield, MO. Not springfield, IL, or Springfield, MA. So using the google search thing is pretty dumb, it'll change based on your address.

For the record, my google search of "sting" is first the musician and then the wrestler's wiki. For "The Rock" all the pages are for "Dwayne Johnson". "Hulk" is stuff on the comic.
To clear up the Google issue, Luna pointed out in my rep that Sting the wrestler likely appears above Sting the musician on my Google because I have Google Chrome. She didn't go into further detail about it. I can only assume that Chrome has some sort of wonderful privacy-invading feature that learns what topics I'm interested in, or maybe I simply search for Steve Borden more often than I do that music twat.

Still, it's a non-issue and non-argument.
Then what about the NWO? WCW's concept
Then what about the 4-H? Again, not WWF product
Who gave HHH, Austin, Undertaker - among others their start? WCW/NWA

The problem is that Labar claims Stinger needed to step on the WWE platform...


He said yesterday his Mt. Rushmore would be Hogan, Vince, Andre and Austin...

Really? Andre over Flair? He was big and he wrestled 1 WM match...

Mike Tyson was in WM, so was Pete Rose... are they then ICONS?

read this and you will see all you need to ... IT IS THE REBUTTAL to LABAR


Are you saying that Andre only wrestled one WM match? Because if so, you are a moron- he wrestled 6 WMs.

WM 1- Bodyslam challenge against "Big" John Studd

WM2- Won WWF v NFL Battle Royal

WM3- Hulk Hogan v Andre The Giant

WM4- Hulk Hogan v Andre The Giant (WWF World Title Tournament QF)

WM5- Andre The Giant v Jake "The Snake" Roberts (Ref:- "Big" John Studd)

WM6- Andre & Haku (Colossal Connection) v Demolition (WWF World Tag-Team Title Match)
(After this match, Andre turned face).

If you are going to put down Andre The Giant's legacy, at least get your facts right. Loser!:banghead:

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