Kurt Angle Wants A WWE Return?


Off & on for the past several months, there've been reports indicating that Kurt Angle is interested in wanting to return to WWE despite previous comments that he intends to end his career in TNA. On Twitter, a fan who'd seen a video of angle on YouTube asked Angle if it was true that he had interest in returning to WWE in which Angle simply replied: "It's true."

Over the course of the past few weeks, there've also been reports of Angle being injured and working injured. Allegedly, Angle had a blow up with a TNA official regarding concerns about his health. If I'm not mistaken, Angle is scheduled to under go surgery soon. Angle's a tough guy that's been known to work injured while heavily downplaying the severity of the injury(ies) and how much he's hurting. This, along with alleged problems with painkillers, is said to be part of how things fell apart with WWE. Angle's position is that he quit because he wasn't given time off to heal & rest up when he asked for it. WWE is going to cover its own ass with its claims and Angle comes off a lot of the time as a huge mark for himself, so what the actual truth is probably won't be known.

Should Angle be the next legend to be part of the Invasion of the Part-Timers?
I would absolutely love this. Kurt Angle is one of my favourites of all time and seeing him back one more time would be great. There is enough TV time to have Angle back without it being detrimental to others. Moreover, he would be another person to promote the network because Angle is one of the best wrestlers of all time.

Let's say he returns before the end of this year: there are numerous feuds and matches that could happen. The obvious names are Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Bryan, Rhodes (Punk if he around) Angle can work a great match with pretty much anyone, heel or face, and that is his value. He has been in wrestling so it's not as if it's The Rock and will definitely perform.

He isn't in the best condition but if they can get a year or two out of him it will be worth it. He could put someone over or have a dream match before being inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Hard to see why not. Most would argue that Part-Timers take away the spotlight of the present stars, while the counter-argument is that the present stars simply haven't gotten over. The problem is this; each argument is only half-right. Used properly, the part-timers are very ideal for getting your present stars over. It just depends wholesale on the execution of said idea.

Case in point with The Rock:
-WM 27 hit a home run in theory with Rock as the host, only for it to be botched by his take-over of the WWE Championship match.
-WM 28 was, for all intents and purposes, exactly what they wanted to do with the overall Rock/Cena program since the very conception of the program way before this.
-WM 29 was where the whole scheme fell apart as the creative angle forced itself into a corner and could not supply anything new to the match itself.

As far as Kurt Angle is concerned, I think the highest he would be used as a part-timer would be a program with Daniel Bryan, whether DB is Champion or not. And even though it would horribly undermine the 'integrity' of professional wrestling, I would have the two of them at one point in a very special match; 'Greco-Roman Wrestling' rules, just like how it used to be n the Olympics.

Beyond that? I can see Angle involved with any number of mid-card and semi Main Eventers, maybe even have him dismantle the Real Americans if they still exist- after all, Angle's the American Ideal and what better way to end a Heelish Jingostic Team than by the one guy they would no doubt claim as the Pinnacle of American Superiority?
I would absolutely love this.

Y'know, I agree with this, but have to admit a part of me would love to see Angle approach WWE about coming back...... only to have them say no.

There's no particular reason for me to feel this way except that recent quotes we read from him seem to indicate his presumption that they'd take him in a second if he wanted to come back. He sees himself as one of the immortals of pro wrestling....and I agree with him. Still, he said a lot of negative things about his old employer in the years immediately after he left for TNA, apparently softening his stance only in the past couple years in what I viewed as an effort to control the situation and go back to WWE at his convenience. He appeared to throw out quite a few teasers that he might return, too, only to then sign a new contract with TNA.

-Do I really think Vince McMahon would refuse to have Angle back? ......No, and I think Kurt can write his own ticket as to the type of contract he'd like.

-Am I saying I wouldn't want him back?....No, not at all. In fact, it would be great to see him again in the twilight of his career, even on a limited basis.

.....but I can't deny there's still that small place in my mind that would relish watching Vince McMahon tell Kurt Angle to put an egg in his shoe and beat it.
If he come's back I hope he is booked different then how WWE has been booking returns recently.

I say bring him back and immediatly align him with Paul Heyman I'm tired of seeing these guys come back and immediatly be babyface
Angle is a great ring technician and brilliant on the stick. Although my favourite run of his was the 'american hero' - loved his goofiness.

Anyway, some great matches to be had. Angle vs Orton, Angle vs Lesnar and Angle vs Bryan which would be brilliant.

I wouldnt even mind seeing Angle have a go at the Streak at Mania 31.
I would love so he is one of my all time favorites he can put on great matches with young stars like Bryan,Reigns,Sheamus,Rollins,Ambrose,Rhodes,Del Rio and with veterans he's already faced like Cena,Lesnar,Orton,Batista (I don't think he faced him yet),Sting.
Think about it

WM 31
Angle vs. Bryan
with poteintal matches like
Sting vs. Taker
Reigns vs. Cena for the title
Rock vs. Lesnar
Wyatt vs. Kane (Re-Match)

Summerslam Angle vs. Reigns (title match)

WM 32 Angle vs. Sheamus (WWE Title)(Steel Cage Match)
with potiental matches such as
Batista vs. Lesnar
Cena vs. Taker
Reigns vs. Rock
Sting vs. Bryan

Angle vs. Rhodes steel cage WWE title match

WM 33 Angle vs. Cena (End of an Era) (Retirement match for both)

but I would love it
If he come's back I hope he is booked different then how WWE has been booking returns recently.

I say bring him back and immediatly align him with Paul Heyman I'm tired of seeing these guys come back and immediatly be babyface

I don't agree at all, not only is Kurt Angle with Paul Heyman makes no sense, but you HAVE to get a huge pop from a part-timer return.

You don't want to have them booed out of the building, now a few weeks after coming back we clearly can see that Batista should be a heel. Make DB, Del Rio, Ziggler, Punk and Miz be a group of rebellious wrestlers and have them fight the new evolution with Kane replacing Flair.

What I'm saying is : You need to listen to the crowd and what they want or feel when you bring back a part-timer.

As far as Angle goes, I LOVED Kurt Angle in 2000-2001, He was appearing 3 times on Raw with hilarious backstage segments and irritating promos that always worked. Angle was booked PERFECTLY, with his gold medals WWE made him a pretencious heel which was an awesome decision. The could've made him something else, the could've made him : John Cena.

American superman who takes pictures with everybody with his medals urrgggg..

Man he was awesome, now do I think he could be as good? No
Would I love him get back and hit on Stephanie? YES YES YES

Imagine this,

There's a few arguments between Trips and Stephanie, Stephanie can't take it anymore and leaves, for a few weeks, She sends a video saying: " Sorry Trips but I think I found someone who can take care of me, someone I should've been with since the start " everybody is wondering who the hell it is, than on a PPV where Trips Batista and Orton are demolishing DB after a match... Kurt Angle's music hits, runs to the ring, Angle Slam's the shiet out of everbody , Screams WHOOOOOOOOOO and PPV goes off the air.

Best PPV of the past 3 years Wrestlemanias included.

But WWE would probably screw it up, advertise his return and put him in a feud against Jack Swagger on Saturday morning slam.
That would be cool if he comes back, I would prefer to see him in the midcard to try to help elevate Ambrose, Sandow, Big E etc.
Although I would be elated to see Angle return to the WWE, realistically its as a poor investment. Kurt has major health issues and behavioral problems. The last thing the WWE needs is another death on its hands, and I think Angle is a tragedy waiting to happen. I wouldn't mind seeing Angle in a non competitive role, much like one Hogan is rumored to take come Wrestlemania XXX. Theres plenty for him to do if he comes back, but he has little to prove for the amount of risk returning is.
I don't agree at all, not only is Kurt Angle with Paul Heyman makes no sense, but you HAVE to get a huge pop from a part-timer return.

You don't want to have them booed out of the building, now a few weeks after coming back we clearly can see that Batista should be a heel. Make DB, Del Rio, Ziggler, Punk and Miz be a group of rebellious wrestlers and have them fight the new evolution with Kane replacing Flair.

What I'm saying is : You need to listen to the crowd and what they want or feel when you bring back a part-timer.

As far as Angle goes, I LOVED Kurt Angle in 2000-2001, He was appearing 3 times on Raw with hilarious backstage segments and irritating promos that always worked. Angle was booked PERFECTLY, with his gold medals WWE made him a pretencious heel which was an awesome decision. The could've made him something else, the could've made him : John Cena.

American superman who takes pictures with everybody with his medals urrgggg..

Man he was awesome, now do I think he could be as good? No
Would I love him get back and hit on Stephanie? YES YES YES

Imagine this,

There's a few arguments between Trips and Stephanie, Stephanie can't take it anymore and leaves, for a few weeks, She sends a video saying: " Sorry Trips but I think I found someone who can take care of me, someone I should've been with since the start " everybody is wondering who the hell it is, than on a PPV where Trips Batista and Orton are demolishing DB after a match... Kurt Angle's music hits, runs to the ring, Angle Slam's the shiet out of everbody , Screams WHOOOOOOOOOO and PPV goes off the air.

Best PPV of the past 3 years Wrestlemanias included.

But WWE would probably screw it up, advertise his return and put him in a feud against Jack Swagger on Saturday morning slam.

That's the same ol shit man...the past 4 years how many babyface part time returns have we seen? Bring him in as heel...who cares if the fans cheer let them cheer he'll make sure he's got some new merchandise ready the second he comes out so they fly off the shelves.

The last thing we need is another wrestler return as babyface and immediatly get thrown into the mix of babyfaces we are all tired of it...have him align with heyman and Lesnar (yes that does make sense mark) and have them just tear shit up...Brock with his power and Kurt with his technical ability...angle as heel opens up plenty of matchs against Bryan,Cena,Sheamus,ect instead of being a babyface and squaring up against....who? Swagger? Orton? Brodus clay? GTFO
People are dying for same old shit, that's what you're failing to realize, Shield and Wyatts are factions , I thaught factions were dead, but they are what's hot in WWE right now.

DB is the new Austin,

People want backstage segments, good story telling, and Kurt knew how to do that, you are right, he should be a heel after a few months, but not right off the bat.
All reports point to Kurt not getting the green light for in-ring work. It is a shame but he has beat'n his body to hell and back.

If he is able to come back it might be cool to see him with Zeb, not the Real Americans. Two true Americans not against foreign invaders but disgusted with the current way of American life. Have them cut promos in front of walefare office, food shelters and other gov handout establishments. Maybe have them insult fans after American history quizes.
I hardly ever watch Impact, but I've been checking in on it the past couple months, ever since Magnus won the title

I saw Angle's steel cage match against Roode a few weeks ago, and Angle still brings it. Almost too much so. No need for him to be doing moonsaults off the top of cages at his age.

The other thing I noticed is how bad he looks when he is NOT wrestling. He was on the mic and he looked like his head was going to explode. And not because he was screaming. Just standing there with a mic in his hand, listening to someone up on the ramp, he looked like his blood pressure was off the charts.

I hope he leaves TNA, takes a solid year off, and then come back to WWE under any agreement that he feels comfortable with. Would love to see him back involved.
Would definitely love to have him back, so many potential matches too.

Hope he passes a physical and is able to come back, but even if he can't be in a physical role, him being a manager for someone like Cesaro would be a great co-sign.
Angle has the right to be a mark for himself. He's an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST beat that! Batista? Brock Lesnar? HBK? Bret Hart? Ric Flair? Triple H? Daniel Bryan? Hogan? What was that? they're not Olympic gold medalists?

If theres any part timer who deserves to be given a return and the world championship and the main event of wrestlemania its Kurt Angle. He deserves a title run to cap off his career.

He's an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling.

Yes it does.

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