The WWE created Kurt Angle


Pre-Show Stalwart
Has alot of wrestling fans out there noticed that prior to Kurt Angle's TNA career, Angle has been built by the WWF/E other than Angle's push his rookie year. The WWE tryed real hard to make Kurt Angle this super-superstar by giving Angle moves and idea's from other wrestlers of the past. Like...

The Anklelock submission hold-Ken Shamrocks finisher

The three german suplex's-The late Chris Benoit's move set

The young faction (Reigns & Jindrax)-Bitting off Triple H's Evolution group

The "Woooooooo"-Ric Flair (enough said about that)

Anything else I missed?

But all in all would Kurt Angle be the soon-to-be legend if the WWE hadn't created him like a machine programed to take over the wrestling industry from within the ring?
You are fucking kidding me right? This is absolutely tosh. Kurt Angle is probably the best rookie in wrestling history. He took on the business like a sponge but he had natural wrestling talent, natural charisma and a natural look with real credibility.

The WWE could have done anything with him and it would have been a success. He would have made any submission work and any moveset as well. The stable is as far removed as you can get from Evolution and the Whooooo's is you showing desperation to make your post worthy.

Angle had ECW and WCW desperate to sign him and it was obvious he was going to be a star. Also, he has had better matches in TNA than in WWE so I'm pretty sure he is enjoying being in TNA.

He will be Vince's biggest mistake if he continues the great run he is on so far this year.
I have to agree with Numbers on this one. Angle's gimmick is Angle, it wasn't something that the "genius" of Vince McMahon had to create. Won an Olympic Medal? We'll use that. Amateur background? We'll use that. He basically debuted and continued being Kurt Angle his whole career. It's generic but because of him it worked.
I disagree... Of course the company that employs a wrestler when they have a huge push, or get over with the fans in a big way, whether Face or Heel, has something to do with it... Because they don't HAVE to book someone to win a match... Kurt Angle's ability is what has him where he is at... Whether he would have started when he made an appearance in ECW before he went to WWE or if he would have went to WCW... Kurt would be every bit of what he is today! He is one of the most pure wrestlers EVER! There isn't anyone he can't have an epic match with, ALL ON HIS MOVE SET AND ABILITY TO SELL FOR ANOTHER WRESTLER ALONE! He does some of the moves he uses, like the german suplexes, simply because he does it better than Benoit... I don't think they gave him other people's moves or stole anyone's moves... I think those are just some of the moves he has mastered over his career... The guy has an extensive, never ending set of moves...

Overall just sounds like a Random Angle Hater to me...
You are fucking kidding me right? This is absolutely tosh. Kurt Angle is probably the best rookie in wrestling history. He took on the business like a sponge but he had natural wrestling talent, natural charisma and a natural look with real credibility.

The WWE could have done anything with him and it would have been a success. He would have made any submission work and any moveset as well. The stable is as far removed as you can get from Evolution and the Whooooo's is you showing desperation to make your post worthy.

Angle had ECW and WCW desperate to sign him and it was obvious he was going to be a star. Also, he has had better matches in TNA than in WWE so I'm pretty sure he is enjoying being in TNA.

He will be Vince's biggest mistake if he continues the great run he is on so far this year.

Angle's matches in the WWE with Benoit, Jericho, Austin, Undertaker, and Lesnar have been better than any of his matches I've seen in TNA. Angle will be far from Angle's biggest mistake. Vince got a whole lot out of Angle and what else could he have done. If Angle were still in the WWE, he would be putting the young guys over like all the veterans do. He'll be midcard at best on RAW and one of the top guys on Smackdown.
Let me see if I've got this?

He copied a finisher off someone (less popular and well known than him), like most people have done (although he spent a long time using the Angle Slam before he ever used the Ankle Lock)

He was a member of a stable (you can't say he ripped off Evolution, since the faction you named and Team Angle were both BEFORE Evolution) like most other wrestlers.

He stole a generic move, the German suplex, and a generic taunt, not even a copy of Flair.

I've read a fair few crap threads, hell I'm responsible for most of them, but this is just awful!!!!
Angle's matches in the WWE with Benoit, Jericho, Austin, Undertaker, and Lesnar have been better than any of his matches I've seen in TNA. Angle will be far from Angle's biggest mistake. Vince got a whole lot out of Angle and what else could he have done. If Angle were still in the WWE, he would be putting the young guys over like all the veterans do. He'll be midcard at best on RAW and one of the top guys on Smackdown.


No one can sit here and say they wouldnt enjoy seeing kurt angle take on sheamus for the wwe title! Kurt Angle would be in the main event scene on Raw or Smackdown! i dont wanna here that crap.

bare in mind that im thinking this as if Kurt Angle didnt go to TNA.. idk how vince would have him used if he were to come back to wwe.. for all i know they could have him putting over chavo.

No one can sit here and say they wouldnt enjoy seeing kurt angle take on sheamus for the wwe title! Kurt Angle would be in the main event scene on Raw or Smackdown! i dont wanna here that crap.

bare in mind that im thinking this as if Kurt Angle didnt go to TNA.. idk how vince would have him used if he were to come back to wwe.. for all i know they could have him putting over chavo.

Yeah I agree with you regardless if Kurt Angle was on raw or smackdown he would be in the main event. Guys don't have multiple world title reigns and go back to the mid-card unless your Chris Jericho. But onto the thread the wwe didn't create Kurt Angle he created himself he was a true olympic gold medalist and had a great wrestling background. Also his best matches were in wwe.
Has alot of wrestling fans out there noticed that prior to Kurt Angle's TNA career, Angle has been built by the WWF/E other than Angle's push his rookie year. The WWE tryed real hard to make Kurt Angle this super-superstar by giving Angle moves and idea's from other wrestlers of the past. Like...

The Anklelock submission hold-Ken Shamrocks finisher

The three german suplex's-The late Chris Benoit's move set

The young faction (Reigns & Jindrax)-Bitting off Triple H's Evolution group

The "Woooooooo"-Ric Flair (enough said about that)

What I've noticed over the years is that many wrestlers "rip off" moves and mannerisms of other wrestlers. Nothing new there. To single out Kurt is ignorant.

Anything else I missed?

The boat, bus, and/or the mark. Take your pick.

But all in all would Kurt Angle be the soon-to-be legend if the WWE hadn't created him like a machine programed to take over the wrestling industry from within the ring?

It's damn true that Kurt would be the legend in pro wrestling today regardless of whether he started in WWE, WCW, or ECW. He would have been noticed and made it to the top of the mountain. That is damn real!
Dude I so don't want to hear this crap that Kurt Angle would be mid-card on Raw! Kurt angle was pure gold! He is arguably the best wrestler alive today, WWE or better yet HHH wouldn't even let him close to be as great as he could have been due to his own ego. He belonged both on the main-even weather it was raw, smackdown or ecw. The fact that he walked away to TNA saved his life and I have seen nothing but amazing matches from him on TNA. He put over so many talent and he has the ability to go to toe with anyone. The WWE didn't create him they just added fuel to the fire that was already there.
You are fucking kidding me right? This is absolutely tosh. Kurt Angle is probably the best rookie in wrestling history. He took on the business like a sponge but he had natural wrestling talent, natural charisma and a natural look with real credibility.


Angle is an olympic gold medal wrestler for god sakes. Now, I know that doesn't guarantee you success in pro wrestling, but Angle had it all. He had the look, he had the mic skills, and most importantly he had the skills in the ring.

You can look at his early stuff from late 1999 and early 2000: The dude just had it. He generated crazy amount of heat as a smartass heel and the fans loved him as a face.

The WWE could have done almost anything with this guy, he was just bound for success in this business. Yeah, WWE gave him the platform to do it on, but I don't really think it was their influence that made him great. He had the skills, he just needed a platform.

Also, to the posters saying his matches in TNA don't hold a candle to his WWE ones........what the fuck are you smoking? Have you ever seen his matches with guys like Joe, AJ, and more recently with Wolfe and Anderson?
Kurt Angle made Kurt Angle. Nothing about him was based off of a character outside of him either playing a face or heel. You can't teach natural athleticism and that is something Kurt has always had. His character was created fro real life accomplishments and accolades. Obviously nothing in the world of professional wrestling mirrors real life exactly; everything is an exaggerated facade bred from the person portraying the character. Without the natural ability to look at yourself and basically supersize and exaggerate your own personality, a character will fail. Kurt Angle had the ability to do this and do it very well.

His moveset has very little to do with his success. Jerry Lawler wasn't the first to use the piledriver nor the last. Ric Flair wasn't the only man to ever use the figure four. There are no sacred moves in this business. Moves will be reused and copied for as long as the sport is around. Any move he took from someone he did just as well or even better than the original performer. Not to mention it's not just the moves you use but how you use then. Angle has an awesome way of not only selling moves but making the viewer believe in the match. You can watch matches put on by indy companies and watch undersized wrestlers perform aerial acrobatics that would never be seen in the WWE. Thing is, they look like shit. Better to do something average very well then to do something un-average terribly. Almost off the the same things can be said about rehashed catch phrases as well.

There are always going to be driving minds behind a character. The writing staff, the bookies and even the fans. Still, the most important person behind the potential success of a character is the man playing them. Without the ability to their job well naturally, a character will fail 90% of the time no matter how well they are written or booked. Angle made himself, period.
let me make this perfectly clear, Kurt Angle was an Olympic Gold Medalist prior to entering Professional Wrestling, he made himself. Not only that he was a natural at Pro Wrestling, and caught on very quickly. In wrestling many gimmicks, moves ect are recycled, if you dont believe me lets look to a man who was a great world champion, wore robes, had blonde hair, his name was the nature boy and his finishing move was the figure four leg lock and his name isnt Ric Flair... its Buddy Rogers, Flair basically based his whole career off of Rogers, he was just more successfull with it, so again I say Kurt Angle made himself
Kurt Angle is just amazingly talented, full stop. He's been through crap gimmicks in both TNA and WWE yet he's got such talent, such charisma and, that he's always managed to stay at the top and hold a very serious claim to being the best ever, even more so considering the state of his body since before he became a wrestler.

Hell, he could join these forums and would no doubt be the best poster ever too. I can see him getting into an argument with someone and ending it by saying "I just pwned your ass with a broken frickin finger!"

As for where he's had the best matches. I'd say WWE personally. Not because he was in there with better workers, but because he was in there with a load of really crap or green workers (like Cena's debut, Mark Henry, etc) and he's carried them to at least an acceptable match, if not a career best. Might not be as pleasing as his matches against Joe, Styles, HBK or Taker but, to me, that's superior working
Angle is a tad overrated to me in terms of how his career in the WWE went. In his first couple of years, he was great against the likes of Benoit and Jericho but against guys like the Undertaker, Rock, and HHH his matches were good but not great. The only wrestlers that could get great matches out of Angle on a consistent basis were Jericho, Benoit, Lesnar, and HBK. Besides a few matches against HBK and Cena, Kurt didn't do much from late 2003 to when he left WWE.
I'm stupid! If I'll stupid then why am I getting all these replys then mr. Straight Edge? You need a haircut, now!

Proper grammer, maybe? You kinda answered you own question there buddy! Angle didn't rip anyone off. No-one else was the First Olympic Gold Medalist in Pro Wrestling history. That gimmick would have flopped if Angle wasn't good enough to make it work, but he was. That is why he is, was and always will be a success

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