Kurt Angle is the Triple H of TNA

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Is hanging up the boots
It may be obvious to some, but some blind Angle marks may not see it.

Anyway, I watched iMPACT this week, and the show was actually fairly good but it still had it's flaws. Kurt Angle was in the opening segment of the show, attacks Jeff Jarrett. After the commercial break he is shown in a backstage promo. Then in about 5 other backstage promos. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little, he was shown in a about 3 other promos.

Anyway, in the main event which was a cage gauntlet match, as Jeff Jarrett is walking down to the ring, Angle attacks him. With a steel chair mind you. Walks back out to the ring about 10 minutes later to enter the match himself. And then, suddenly this good match become a complete clusterfuck. I don't care what anyone says, but (I may be wrong with the estimation here), I think Kurt Angle eliminated 11 mid-carders. They weren't just any mid-carders, they were the credible ones. Lethal, Creed, LAX, Abyss, Motor City Machine Guns, Rhino, and everybody else you could think of.

So essentially the guys who are billed as the future of the company were single handedly taken care of by Angle. The thing that shits me off the most, is that it happens almost every fucking week. I'm sick of it. The whole damn show revolves around Kurt Angle, and the guy probably isn't even in his fucking prime anymore yet he's booked like a babyface despite being a mega heel. He always, and I mean always gets the upper hand on his opponents. I know he's a heel, but the guy is about 220 pounds for fucks sake, and yet I'm supposed to believe he can easily beat any guy on the roster without even breaking a sweat.

People say Triple H has backstage powers and uses them to his advantage in the WWE, but I've heard rumors that when Mr Angle isn't happy with his character direction, he bitches to the bookers. People say Triple H is a selfish prick, but he pales in comparison to Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is preventing the younger talent from rising to the top. Sting, Nash, Steiner and Booker all job when they have to, but even when Kurt Angle loses a match, it's almost like he won the match because he either beats his opponent to a bloody pulp after or during the damn match.

What are your thoughts on Kurt Angle quickly becoming the Triple H (if not worse) of TNA?
You know, the only reason, Kurt is becoming like HHH as you say, Is because most of TNA's wrestlers will learn when teaming up with them, as most are either shit, or rookies. They are paying him good money to be on TNA, He was also one of the first to leave the WWE for TNA, on his own accord. he didnt go there cos he had no choice. Angle deserves to be where he is now, if not further. He isn't the TNA version of HHH.

Anyway you Lie, Angle isn't sleeping with the boss :p
Rusty your right mate the show opens with KURT ANGLE the show closes with KURT ANGLE i meen come on he's promo's are so shit now, has any1 else realised everytime he has a promo he always said IME GONNA END YOUR CAREER, he has said that about 15 times now yet he hasn't ended any1's carrer yet. Weird??/
TNA only have Kurt Angle, so it's not the same thing. WWE have Undertaker, Batista, Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Jeff Hardy and more.

If Kurt left then they'd have Sting and that's about it. They've done a piss poor job with Joe for the past two and a half years and A.J. is only in the position he's in because of how talented he is.

If Triple H was to leave WWE, then the promotion would be just fine.

Also Kurt Angle puts people over. Nobody is harmed by being in the ring with Angle.
And theres a big slight difference too angle doesnt sit there and hog the world title by Everyone like HHH does and he aint afriad to put you over either if yourr an upper midcarder Look at J lethal b4 the main event mafia was formed
Kurt Angle was brought into the TNA for one purpose, and that was to be the flagship for the company. and so far, he's been doing his job. he doesnt have the title and hasnt had it for a very long time, infact i dont even recall when he recently won a match. he's been putting jarrett and whoever he wrestles over.

TNA put him in the driver's seat and so far he's done his job to the best of his ability. just look at the ratings, it seems the fans love to see angle on the show. ratings just keep going up a little every week
The last time I watched TNA regularly was 2007 and Angle was becoming unbearable then, he would literally be in about 10-12 segments in each show, then wrestle in the main event. I like Angle (although not as much as I used too, I really hope he goes back to WWE when his contract expires this year), but it was overkill, he was far worse than Triple H.

HHH was horrible back in 02/03, he would cut 15 minute promos to open the show, then have multiple backstage segments with Evolution, then wrestle, but in the past few years, even the HHH haters have to admit he's not been bad, he generally doesn't take up too much TV time, all the main event talent in WWE seem to get an equal amount of TV time, I wish TNA would do the same, I know Kurt Angle & Sting are their 2 top stars, but they don't have to take up 45 mins of TV time a week, what will TNA do if Angle jumps back to WWE later in the year when his contract expires and Sting retires also? It's a realistic possibility that these 2 guys won't even be in the company this time next year yet TNA is building them up so much and there's no sign of new stars being made.
It may be obvious to some, but some blind Angle marks may not see it.

Anyway, I watched iMPACT this week, and the show was actually fairly good but it still had it's flaws. Kurt Angle was in the opening segment of the show, attacks Jeff Jarrett. After the commercial break he is shown in a backstage promo. Then in about 5 other backstage promos. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little, he was shown in a about 3 other promos.

Anyway, in the main event which was a cage gauntlet match, as Jeff Jarrett is walking down to the ring, Angle attacks him. With a steel chair mind you. Walks back out to the ring about 10 minutes later to enter the match himself. And then, suddenly this good match become a complete clusterfuck. I don't care what anyone says, but (I may be wrong with the estimation here), I think Kurt Angle eliminated 11 mid-carders. They weren't just any mid-carders, they were the credible ones. Lethal, Creed, LAX, Abyss, Motor City Machine Guns, Rhino, and everybody else you could think of.

So essentially the guys who are billed as the future of the company were single handedly taken care of by Angle. The thing that shits me off the most, is that it happens almost every fucking week. I'm sick of it. The whole damn show revolves around Kurt Angle, and the guy probably isn't even in his fucking prime anymore yet he's booked like a babyface despite being a mega heel. He always, and I mean always gets the upper hand on his opponents. I know he's a heel, but the guy is about 220 pounds for fucks sake, and yet I'm supposed to believe he can easily beat any guy on the roster without even breaking a sweat.

People say Triple H has backstage powers and uses them to his advantage in the WWE, but I've heard rumors that when Mr Angle isn't happy with his character direction, he bitches to the bookers. People say Triple H is a selfish prick, but he pales in comparison to Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is preventing the younger talent from rising to the top. Sting, Nash, Steiner and Booker all job when they have to, but even when Kurt Angle loses a match, it's almost like he won the match because he either beats his opponent to a bloody pulp after or during the damn match.

What are your thoughts on Kurt Angle quickly becoming the Triple H (if not worse) of TNA?

I see your point and it does get annoying. By 03 even I was sick of Triple H; and I was a huge mark for the Game. But here was reality. Who else was on RAW? Kane? A couple of months maybe. Goldberg had to have his title run and who was he going to fued with? RVD? Oh yeah he was handed the title and handled that real well. And from my understanding, Triple H was the one who specifically requested Benoit be moved to RAW. Yeah Triple H is careful about who goes over on him, but would you rather him pull a Taker or Kane where they put over Khali or Snitsky? There are lot of those: HBK and Hogan just to name a couple.

Angle is the flagship. He has the best chance at staying. I doubt he is going to WWE. He wanted to go to TNA so he could be the Triple H of TNA. He wants to be the man that a company rides on. He has stated that on numerous occasions. Triple H is no longer "the man." There have been others that have been well established enough to help with a show in the last 6 years. When Triple H was on SmackDown, he was never really the focus of the show. SmackDown went from focusing on Edge/Vickie to Kozlov to Jeff Hardy's chase for the title. Right now he is in possibly the best storyline going and it makes sense. Orton defied authority. He attacked Steph. Enter the Game. Now Triple H wants retribution. Orton wants the title and retribution from Orton's expulsion from Evolution.
Triple H and Kurt Angle are similar in that because of their respective power in their respective companies, we are...at times....FORCED to see more of them on TV than we would like. Nothing nauseates me more than a Triple H-heel title run, because you know you're gonna see his ugly mug and his stupid promos EVERY freaking week!!! Kurt Angle on the other hand, when he is doing a heel title run....he is still able to put somebody over REGARDLESS of who that person in the company may be.

There have been many a time when I'm watching TNA and see a Champion Kurt Angle putting over a mid-card talent. It may be just that one time he does it, but you watch that and think to yourself "Triple H would never do that when he's champ". It's almost like Kurt Angle is willing to put guys over and do what is good for his company, and good for business, and Triple H is only putting guys over that have been "anointed" as being worthy by himself, Steph, and/or Vince.

The biggest difference between Angle and HHH: I believe Kurt Angle could run a company like TNA and be successful with it, and I fear the day when Triple H and Steph have control over the WWE.....
TNA needs Kurt in every segment. Who else are they going to put on? Creative has buried the entire Frontline with exception of AJ and Joe, so that's out. The Dudleyz get their time, so their cool. I get it Rusty, you want more Brutus Magnus promos!

TNA needs Kurt Angle in every segment. He can put over Jarrett without losing to him. He helped Joe out quite a bit this week. Joe looked like a badass again. He found himself. Scott Steiner is compelling for the first time in like five years because of his association with Angle. Nash gets to be on TV because he is friends with Angle. The only MEM guys that doesn't NEED Angle is Booker. Even Sting is boring without Kurt. Sting has always played off the top heel. Ric Flair, Hogan, Kurt. Sting could never carry a promotion, so Kurt has, in fact, saved Sting's career.

HHH reportedly just wanted to be in every segment. TNA needs Kurt 8 times a show.
In no way, shape, or form is Kurt Angle the Triple H of TNA other than the fact he's at the top of the roster. TNA needs Kurt Angle way more than Kurt Angle needs TNA. TNA would be on the verge of death if it wasn't for Kurt Angle. Ok, maybe not that bad, but their ratings would not be climbing every single week without him. The WWE could move on and do so very successfully without Triple H. At times I wish they would. Just to pass the spot along to someone else. Triple H doesn't need anymore 8 month title reigns to add to his resume. He didn't need the last one from Backlash-Armageddon. Although I believe in a previous post somewhere I said that would be his last lengthy title reign. I stick to that. But in no way would TNA be where they are now without Kurt Angle. However the WWE would still be doing just fine without Triple H. There doesn't even need to be a reason given because it really can't be said any clearer than that.
Obviously they need to put Angle in as much as possible, but he doesn't seem like HHH to me, first off, he's NOT married to Jeff Jarret, at least as far as I know, second, he doesn't have multiple titles, you know, King of Kings (which comes with a nifty Conan the Barbarian costume too!) The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, The Nose...ok, I made up the last one, but you catch my drift. Angle is just The Olympic Medal Winner, that's it. I'm actually starting to believe that those signs on the show that claim TNA stands for Total Non-Stop Angle are quite descriptive of the show. Seriously, they should limit the dosages, he might become overexposed, like HHH.
As much as I'd love to agree with Jake - and believe me, I really, really would - I just can't. Should Kurt Angle be built to look strong? Most definitely. Stronger than Sting, Jarrett and Foley? Probably. Stronger than random midcarders? Sure as sure can be. Better than two thirds of the roster put together in a cage? Ehhhh, maybe...
If ther eis one thing that kills me on these boards more than anything it is to take shots at HHH any chance you get. The point I will make on this before getting to the topic at hand is that Wrestling is a BUSINESS, one that the McMahon family has dominated really since then early 80's when they bought the regionals and since then, only for a short period of time were they not on top by a longshot. This is not a coincidence. It is because that family, more than most, knows how to do business and know how to establish authority. Unlike WCW, where their superstars changed things that made NO sense, WWE has kept their superstars in line a lot more. However, to be a top Superstar, you must assert yourself and develop a good relationship with creative, with the McMahon family, and usually with other superstars. Read any WWE autobiography with top stars. They generally talk about feeling comfortable talking storylines with Vince, pitching ideas, etc, but they know VKM makes the final decision on everything.

The reason I bring this up is that this topic is absurd. I knew from the subject header that comparing Angle and HHH would be in a negative way, which always amuses me. It seems to be trendy to bash HHH, but for what? Because he does his job better than anyone else? You talk about how much you hated him in the time of Evolution........fucking DUH!! It was a heel group. If you hated him then, you were SUPPOSED TO!!! The same way I hated the Corporate ministry as a HS kid. That group literally controlled the show, and HHH was a subsidiary of that group, not a headliner (Taker and the McMahons were). The point being, Evolution was supposed to be hated and build stars. Well, the Orton was kicked out, but he left a hell of a lot better off than before the group and the confidence he gained from it would make him the Legend Killer. The group disbanded when Batista challenged authority, and as much as some of us hate Batista, him dominating HHH in 3 straight PPVs made him a star.

The argument I am going to make is that YES, HHH and Angle are in a similar position in their respective companies, and it is a GOOD thing. Both understand the business better than 99 percent of the world and will always do what's best for the company. They are both main event talents who understand you can't put just anyone over you. If it were up to these boards, there would be a hodgepodge clusterfuck of a main event scene because everyone would get elevated too soon and no one would have credibility. What made guys like Batista, Orton, Jericho, Cena, and arguably Hardy were victories over The Game. If you had The Brian Kendrick beat him or guys as such, it wouldn't mena much to beat HHH, but because you know it's hard to do (which it should, dude is 6'4" 260 of jacked-osity), beating him basically justifies you as a star more than anyone else on the roster. The same could be argued with Kurt Angle, though he is not as big naturally, he is muscular and quite the technical wrestler. Beating him should make you a star....unless you are Samoa Joe and have the charisma of a paper bag. In a way, that could be bad business because putting him over and him doing nothing with it takes away the credibility.

Perhaps I can agree with overexposure of Angle. I think the whole TNA script and show structure is fucked, which is why it can't touch the WWE. It has no eb-and-flow, and in a way, it needs Angle to keep appearing because they haven't figured out how to put together other quality segments.

Anyways, today's Wrestlers can't hold a candle to Flair and Hogan of old who were more about themselvees than anyone, EVER. These guys today have a lot more competition for the top spot, but have earned it, and thus, understand the responsibilities that come with that credibility. It's always easiest to criticize those at the top, but always remember, they are on top for a reason.......THEY EARNED IT!
Angle is, at least, 5 times the worker HHH will ever be. Furthermore, when besides this past Thursday has Angle been so dominant? He was hell bent on winning a captain's spot for Lethal Lockdown, and no one, currently, plays a determined psychopath better than Angle. Also, Angle's Olympic career gives credibility to him being a badass. In comparison, HHH has done absolutely nothing for the past 7 years except milk his connection to the McMahon family (yeah, I'm going to go there...since coming back from his quad tear to win the Undisputed Championship at WM X-8, HHH has used his relationship with Stephanie McMahon to get everything he has had since then).

Angle is in no way, shape, or form the HHH of TNA. As has already been stated by others, Angle is actually an asset rather than a parasite to the company he works for. I unfortunately can't say the same thing for HHH.
Angle is one of their top talents that is world known as a top WWE guy so they are just trying to make people tune in im sure.

plus Anlge isnt sleeping with the boss!!!! sorry but its true. its damn true:icon_smile:
I thing Angle has always, unlike HHH, has done whats best for the company hes been in. Whose repeated failure to win the WWE title, despite overwhelming odds in his favor script-wise(Daivari was his personal ref for Gods sake!), couldnt take the title from John Cena. Rusty, I can tell youre a John Cena fan by your graphic, hes my personal favorite. If you ask me, Kurt Angle is the reason that John Cena got over on Raw, and became arguably the top guy in the company that he today.

And quite simply, who can you have front and center in TNA other then Angle? Sting barely wrestles, Joe's stock has fallen so far noone takes him seriously anymore, and Styles, while phenomenal(no pun intended), isnt good on the mic. Does anyone remember the match he and Kaz had after the fight for the right tournament? Angle put Kaz OVER despite retaining, if that makes any sense. Noone believed Kaz would beat Angle, but dammit, he had you believing by the end of the match! Who else in wrestling, save Shawn Michaels, can do that so effectively? TNA NEEDS Kurt Angle to be who he is today. Hes from my hometown, the guys a jerk, and Im sure hes an ass backstage. But that doesnt mean he shouldnt be where hes at. If bitching backstage was the measuring stick for what should be done with a guy, Taker, HBK, Batista, and HHH should have pushes halted. And people would stop watching WWE. If Angle left TNA, the fewer that watch TNA then WWE would stop, at least many of them.
In no way, shape, or form is Kurt Angle the Triple H of TNA other than the fact he's at the top of the roster. TNA needs Kurt Angle way more than Kurt Angle needs TNA. TNA would be on the verge of death if it wasn't for Kurt Angle. Ok, maybe not that bad, but their ratings would not be climbing every single week without him. The WWE could move on and do so very successfully without Triple H. At times I wish they would. Just to pass the spot along to someone else. Triple H doesn't need anymore 8 month title reigns to add to his resume. He didn't need the last one from Backlash-Armageddon. Although I believe in a previous post somewhere I said that would be his last lengthy title reign. I stick to that. But in no way would TNA be where they are now without Kurt Angle. However the WWE would still be doing just fine without Triple H. There doesn't even need to be a reason given because it really can't be said any clearer than that.

You made some really good points like "TNA needs Kurt Angle way more than Kurt Angle needs TNA," and "The WWE could move on and do so very successfully without Triple H." I don't know how bad TNA is because the last time I watched TNA it was Angle and Steiner vs Joe and Nash. The object was to beat down Joe before a triple threat match, yet they kept Nash in the ring and wore him down. Even the announcer was confused about the said strategy and the strategy being executed. I read up on it to see if it is worth watching but I have yet to see much to warrant my time.

But it sounds like Angle is to TNA as to what Triple H was to the WWE in 03 (around the time where I was sick of him and outside of his rivalry with Benoit and Michaels remained sick of him until 06). He was the pinnacle. Now Angle is the pinnacle. Yes, WWE would do fine and either brand would be just fine without Triple H today but could we say that in 03? There was a time when you had to ask the same about the WWE without Bret Hart in the mid-90's. I won't argue that his ties to the McMahon didn't have something to do with the number of title reigns but I doubt it would be off by much. Fact is there are two titles and more opportunities to catch one. No one complained about the Von Erichs and their relationship with the owner. Yet, they were the unquestioned stars of the show. Even in territories, you built your show around people you could count on.

I wouldn't even call Triple H the big star of the company anymore. Yeah right now, he's got the hot storyline and its the one that I read the fewest complaints about. But could you put anyone else in this spot and make the story work? But over the past year the focus seemed to be mainly elsewhere. They could have him lose out his fued with Orton he retire by the end of the year and they would be fine without him.

Angle is not what Triple H is. He is what Triple H was. The guy who can make sure that TNA has a tomorrow. The guy carrying a company. In a few years, if some guys can take advantage of being around Angle like Cena, Hardy, Orton and Batista have with Triple H, then TNA could have a tomorrow and a brighter one at that. Not what he is, but what he was.
Yes kurt angle is needed in tna but he is soooo repetitive like HHH was in 02-04...in every single thing in the world possible.

Kurt is made to look to strong, he should ease up a bit. Yes he puts people over, but so what. stop telling people about it, keep doing it
First,They need to get some new and younger talent. Second, they need to start putting some of that talent over. For some reason I see Robert Roode as a bigger name than they are using him as. AJ needs to be used better. Maybe Fued Angle and Roode then have Joe slip in there and take Angles spot. Let the older guys feud against each other for the Legends championship. I'd like to see Booker and Angle have a long feud. Maybe have Sting and Nash go at it. There is plenty of angles they could use with Nash and Sting. Bring up some old WCW stuff and let them go at it hard.
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