Kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber.

People keep saying he has charisma but I can't even remember the last time he cut a promo, and his gimmick while it might connect with the crowd, is more of a joke gimmick like Eugene or so no-one can take him seriously. He's not even an stablished mid-carder I don't know why he's in this match. It would be better to have Rhodes/Dibiase in there to link it in to Orton/Cena at mania. Kofi probably won't even be on the card at mania, which shows how pointless having him in this match is...

You don't need to cut promos to show charisma. It's about who you are in the ring, and how you act and move throughout the match. I'm not a huge Kofi supporter, but I won't deny he has charisma.

You can't say he's not an established mid-carder, when he has already held the Intercontinental Title. It may not have the respect that it once had, but it's still the crowning achievement for a mid-carder.

He will almost certainly be on the card at WrestleMania, and most likely as a member of the MiTB match. There's no denying the Chamber is a test for him, and why would they test him there, and then not continue to push him, and make him seem like a legit contender?
Well, I don't think anyone actually expects him to win it here, if he was to win it at all in his career. Now I have that out of the way..

This is a good opportunity for Kofi to show the world he can hang with the big boys in one of the main events of this PPV. Despite the fact he is probably just some mid card filler for the match, he could use it to showcase his skills in the Elimination Chamber because it's not just a normal match. This is a good way to establish a younger wrestler with what they're doing with Kofi, having him in the midcard with the IC title and then a tag title and then putting him in a multiman main event match on a PPV instead of having him thrust into a one on one championship match. A slow, gradual build up.

In terms of his charisma, well I don't remember any promos from him but when you see him making his entrance and moving his way down to the ring, smiling and everything he seems to have atleast some charisma. I'd like to see what he could do on the microphone though, since I don't remember if he has ever done anything but I don't know wether I'd get sick of the Jamaican accent after a while.
If they wanted to tread water then put him in a match with JBL, HBK, or Orton in the main event of Raw, that would be more pressure than sticking him in a 6 way match on a B PPV.

A. A "B" ppv is way more pressure than a RAW
b. Name a PPV that is constantly better than No Way Out, Outside the big 4, Then tell me its a B show.
C. They obvisiously are wanting to see his in ring chemistry with the big gunnz, So why not do it this way, Instead of having Kofi against the main event, Inturrupting storylines.

There is no reason for him to be in the match, he has no chance of winning, and there is no-one in there who he is in a feud with so it looks like a waste of a spot. Brian Kendrick was simply in the scramble last year because Edge, and Taker were both out, and he was at the height of his push. Kofi isn't even getting a push and i havent seen him cut a promo for ages so esstenitallly no-one will care if he's in the match anyway.

They are trying to legitimize Kofi as an upper-midcard wrestler. Brian Kendrick may have been put into the match because of injuries, But He definetly wasnt at the height of his push, He was putting away jobbers until he qualified. Kofi hasnt needed to win the last couple of matches he's had, His performences have been keeping him over with the fans, Did you hear the pop he got on RAW, Before and after beating Kane?

People keep saying he has charisma but I can't even remember the last time he cut a promo, and his gimmick while it might connect with the crowd, is more of a joke gimmick like Eugene or so no-one can take him seriously. He's not even an stablished mid-carder I don't know why he's in this match. It would be better to have Rhodes/Dibiase in there to link it in to Orton/Cena at mania. Kofi probably won't even be on the card at mania, which shows how pointless having him in this match is...
If Kofi doesnt have charisma, And can win, Why is he still being cheered? He gets a mighty pop, He is a very likeable, If you cant see Kofi is one of the better youngsters on the roster you should stop watching.
A. A "B" ppv is way more pressure than a RAW

Far more people watch Raw than buy the PPV, the main event on a raw broadcast is watched by more people, and would be far more pressure in a 1-on-1 match than knowing your going to be in there with another 5 guys so all eyes wont be focused on just him.

b. Name a PPV that is constantly better than No Way Out, Outside the big 4, Then tell me its a B show.

Obviously since it isn't 1 of the top 4 PPV's it is a B PPV...

C. They obvisiously are wanting to see his in ring chemistry with the big gunnz, So why not do it this way, Instead of having Kofi against the main event, Inturrupting storylines.

Because it doesn't make sense, 1 week he's not even on Raw and 2 weeks later he's in title match with no build up or push. Interupting storylines? How so there is no harm in having him job to a top heel because it enhances the heel and makes them look strong, so when the PPV's come round people believe he has a geniune chance against the face. This is almost always done at some stage so instead of having the heels beat on CM Punk have them beat on Kingston. And they did this a few weeks ago against Jericho and it was an awful match so I have no idea what WWE are thinking putting him in a main event.

They are trying to legitimize Kofi as an upper-midcard wrestler. Brian Kendrick may have been put into the match because of injuries, But He definetly wasnt at the height of his push, He was putting away jobbers until he qualified. Kofi hasnt needed to win the last couple of matches he's had, His performences have been keeping him over with the fans, Did you hear the pop he got on RAW, Before and after beating Kane?

Prehaps he would be more legitimate if you know he learned how to wrestle using a little bit of ring psycology and grasped how to storytell rather than doing his stupid acrobatic spots. He got a reaction because he was the face, Kane was the heel duh...

If Kofi doesnt have charisma, And can win, Why is he still being cheered? He gets a mighty pop, He is a very likeable, If you cant see Kofi is one of the better youngsters on the roster you should stop watching.

Connection? haha the fans dont give a shit about Kingston, they cheer him because he is a face like you know they are meant to! Nothing to do with charisma - besides in-ring charisma is meaningless when you can't sell v. well. Kingston might be getting a reaction now but put him anywhere near the title and larger exposure and the fans would sour on him even quicker than they did on CM Punk.
Far more people watch Raw than buy the PPV, the main event on a raw broadcast is watched by more people, and would be far more pressure in a 1-on-1 match than knowing your going to be in there with another 5 guys so all eyes wont be focused on just him.
I dont know the numbers for Raw, Or the PPV's, But i've come to the conclusion that the main event of a Raw cannot be as much pressure, As a MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE MATCH, in an elimination chamber, If Kofi puts on a good performence, He will have a good 2009.

Obviously since it isn't 1 of the top 4 PPV's it is a B PPV...
I see this as an "A" PPV, Along with night of champion's, The "big" 4 are only called that for historical reasons.

Because it doesn't make sense, 1 week he's not even on Raw and 2 weeks later he's in title match with no build up or push.
He's the wild card, Get over it.

Interupting storylines? How so there is no harm in having him job to a top heel because it enhances the heel and makes them look strong, so when the PPV's come round people believe he has a geniune chance against the face.
The matches wouldnt get to the PPV if there wasnt a chance either competitor could win.

This is almost always done at some stage so instead of having the heels beat on CM Punk have them beat on Kingston. And they did this a few weeks ago against Jericho and it was an awful match so I have no idea what WWE are thinking putting him in a main event.

Kofi vs Jericho? on RAW? I must've missed that.

Yeah, Anyway, CM Punk does get beat on, But in the last year he has been World, Tag, And IC champion, So it works from time to time.

Prehaps he would be more legitimate if you know he learned how to wrestle using a little bit of ring psycology and grasped how to storytell rather than doing his stupid acrobatic spots.

He's an highflying underdog, He's basically a bigger version of Rey, What do you want? for him to suddenly become Jake "the Snake" Roberts?

He got a reaction because he was the face, Kane was the heel duh...
Not all of us are marks, And Kane doesnt get a big heel reaction.

Connection? haha the fans dont give a shit about Kingston, they cheer him because he is a face like you know they are meant to!

This just screams mark, The kid's will cheer for who every Vinnie wants them to, But most of us cheer for who we like, Orton is a great example, He gets the same reaction as Cena got when he was running with the WWE title last year, And he's a heel.

Nothing to do with charisma - besides in-ring charisma is meaningless when you can't sell v. well. Kingston might be getting a reaction now but put him anywhere near the title and larger exposure and the fans would sour on him even quicker than they did on CM Punk.

Of course it does, You dont cheer for people you dont like, Kofi has in, And outside ring charisma. Kingston sell's every blow, Like he has been shot, If he cant sell very well, Then you have a penis.

The same was said about Jeff Hardy, Put him in the World title mix, And everyone will hate him. Do they? No. The fact is you dont like Kofi Kingston, Dispite his talents, And his crowd reactions.
Wow. This seems a rather odd choice. Not that i dont like Kofi's talents, becuase I really do, but does anyone see a guy with his sort of disposition doing well in a match like this?? He is all friendly and smiley, not one you would even find half belivable of whipping people in the most brutal structure in the WWE. Im all for pushing the young guys, but it still seems a bit odd to me, really.
The thing is that could be said about Rey or RVD in one the first ever EC match. Kofi is indeed a very odd choice here though, as wouldn't someone like Kane be better suited in this? Big guy, sadistic, former world champion? I get that they need some filler but Kofi? He should be fine though. I mean it's not like he's terrible in the ring and this kind of cage is great for high fliers like him. It should be fine, but it's just a very odd choice.
I dont know the numbers for Raw, Or the PPV's, But i've come to the conclusion that the main event of a Raw cannot be as much pressure, As a MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE MATCH, in an elimination chamber, If Kofi puts on a good performence, He will have a good 2009.

Look at it this way, if he has a shit match in the elimination chamber i.e botches, sells poorly, and fails to get the fans into the match. It doesn't matter because there are 5 guys to cover his back and chances are it willstill be a good match. If he fucks up in a 1-on-1 singles match on the main event of Raw he is made to look boring, and incapable.

I see this as an "A" PPV, Along with night of champion's, The "big" 4 are only called that for historical reasons.
No they are called that because they almost always have the highest buyrates, and the strongest cards.

He's the wild card, Get over it.

The matches wouldnt get to the PPV if there wasnt a chance either competitor could win.

Its obvious he's in there to make up the numbers even to the biggest mark out there. THere is ZERO chance of him winning the match believing anything else is deluded. My arguement was there are better wrestlers who could have been used to make up the numbers in the match.

Kofi vs Jericho? on RAW? I must've missed that.

Yeah, Anyway, CM Punk does get beat on, But in the last year he has been World, Tag, And IC champion, So it works from time to time.

IC title- Meaningless
Tag title- Meaningless
World title- Had a horrible run that lasted 2 months lost viewers, fans stoped caring about him, and he had some awful matches and bad promos. Hardly a great year IMO going from an established mid-carder to the worst world champion for a good few years...

He's an highflying underdog, He's basically a bigger version of Rey, What do you want? for him to suddenly become Jake "the Snake" Roberts?

No-one wants to see that type of wrestling anymore otherwise there would still be a crusierwight division in WWE. Rey is another prime example look at his title reign , completely awful. It's not coinsidental its because no-body wants to see that style of wrestling done by some-one who cant cut a promo, or work a crowd.

Not all of us are marks, And Kane doesnt get a big heel reaction.

Reaction can only be used to an extent to judge how over someone is. He doesn't get stong reactions all the time, so to say that he deserves a title shot because he got a good reaction in one match is obsurd.

This just screams mark, The kid's will cheer for who every Vinnie wants them to, But most of us cheer for who we like, Orton is a great example, He gets the same reaction as Cena got when he was running with the WWE title last year, And he's a heel.

The way WWE have built Orton is different, he started off as a heel, but now WWE are purposely making himdo things that make him look like an anti-hero i.e. Kicking Vinces head in and attacking the champion. Kofi gets an ok reaction and you want to move him up the card based soley on that - i hate to go to this example yet again but - CM Punk?

Of course it does, You dont cheer for people you dont like, Kofi has in, And outside ring charisma. Kingston sell's every blow, Like he has been shot, If he cant sell very well, Then you have a penis.

Nah he's not a good seller, especially compared to some of the big names in the WWE atm. Even worst is his ability to storytell and work over the fans as he relies almost entirely on spots. Probably the reason why he was chosen for the match in truth as working the crowd matters less and spots are a major part of this type of match. Its rather an odd choice though when Rey is already in the match too though.

The same was said about Jeff Hardy, Put him in the World title mix, And everyone will hate him. Do they? No. The fact is you dont like Kofi Kingston, Dispite his talents, And his crowd reactions.

Jeff Hardy was built up over a period of nearly 3 years before he won the title. And was already an established mid-carder with a decent sized fan base when he came back. He has also improved a lot since his days of being a spot monkey.
Look at it this way, if he has a shit match in the elimination chamber i.e botches, sells poorly, and fails to get the fans into the match. It doesn't matter because there are 5 guys to cover his back and chances are it willstill be a good match. If he fucks up in a 1-on-1 singles match on the main event of Raw he is made to look boring, and incapable.
Now I really have to point to Jeff Hardy, As much as I like Jeff, He fucks up regularly.

No they are called that because they almost always have the highest buyrates, and the strongest cards.

No Way Out, Has had one of the best cards for about 3 years now.

Its obvious he's in there to make up the numbers even to the biggest mark out there. THere is ZERO chance of him winning the match believing anything else is deluded. My arguement was there are better wrestlers who could have been used to make up the numbers in the match.

Anyone who believes Kofi will win the EC, And go on to face Orton at WM, Is a fucking moron. I never said he would win, I said they are treading water with him, To see how he does with the main event. There are probaly better suited people to the chamber, But would you rather they try out new star's, Or have the same main event for the next 5 years?

IC title- Meaningless
Tag title- Meaningless
World title- Had a horrible run that lasted 2 months lost viewers, fans stoped caring about him, and he had some awful matches and bad promos. Hardly a great year IMO going from an established mid-carder to the worst world champion for a good few years...

You can say what you want about CM Punk, The first two weeks he had the championship, The rating were the highest for a while.

No-one wants to see that type of wrestling anymore otherwise there would still be a crusierwight division in WWE. Rey is another prime example look at his title reign , completely awful. It's not coinsidental its because no-body wants to see that style of wrestling done by some-one who cant cut a promo, or work a crowd.

If no-one wants to see that type of wrestling, Why do Kofi, Rey, Evan Bourne, Jimmy Yang, Etc, Get (mostly) huge pop's? It's an exciting style, You could argue that it is Jeff Hardy's primary style. To the point though, Kofi can work a crowd, And cut promo's, Did you see his debut on ECW, He was in promo's for months.

Reaction can only be used to an extent to judge how over someone is. He doesn't get stong reactions all the time, so to say that he deserves a title shot because he got a good reaction in one match is obsurd.

If people are getting reactions they usually get a push, Because fans like them, Or hate them, Kofi being in the chamber is him being pushed.

The way WWE have built Orton is different, he started off as a heel, but now WWE are purposely making himdo things that make him look like an anti-hero i.e. Kicking Vinces head in and attacking the champion. Kofi gets an ok reaction and you want to move him up the card based soley on that - i hate to go to this example yet again but - CM Punk?

Kicking Vinnie in the head wasnt a tweener move, It was a heel move(heel, punting a face), Kofi get's a great reaction, Not a main event reaction, But for the midcard it's on par with CM Punk's. Punk wasnt given the title on his reaction, He was given the title because of the title situation.

Nah he's not a good seller, especially compared to some of the big names in the WWE atm. Even worst is his ability to storytell and work over the fans as he relies almost entirely on spots. Probably the reason why he was chosen for the match in truth as working the crowd matters less and spots are a major part of this type of match. Its rather an odd choice though when Rey is already in the match too though.

Kofi sells really well, Better than Rey. He tell's a story pretty much everytime he's in the ring, Notice how most of his matches he get's worked over for a while, Then get's in a few moves? And then either goes on to win, Or get's beat? He's playing the underdog. And you never know, They might put Rey, And Kofi in first, We may get to see a highflying battle for 5 minutes.

Jeff Hardy was built up over a period of nearly 3 years before he won the title. And was already an established mid-carder with a decent sized fan base when he came back. He has also improved a lot since his days of being a spot monkey.
Fair enough on this, Bad example, But my argument is, Kofi isnt just a spot monkey.
I'm liking this Raw Elimination Chamber match. The WWE knows that the fans are fairly certain John Cena will retain and walk into Wrestlemania at the champion, so instead of wasting all their big names in one match, they decide to spread them around so that the young guns can have a test run in the main event spotlight. I think it's genius. As for Kofi Kingston, good on him. I've always been a fan of him and I think with the right push, in the next few years he can become a major player in the WWE. Kofi Kingston is not ready to win the World Title and become a full time main eventer, in any way, shape or form.

He'll have a good showing at No Way Out, get eliminated soon in the match by a big name and go straight back to the mid-card, where he belongs. No harm done at all, it's just the WWE want to see what he'd be like in that type of position. The same goes for Mike Knox. If anyone thinks he is actually going to win the World Heavyweight Title here, then they are out of their mind.

Kofi is by no means, a big player or even a main eventer at this point, it's just a one time thing. There is no need to rush his push as he is still too new. I'd love to see Kingston challenge CM Punk for the IC Title in a face vs face match. Kofi Kingston is a good wrestler and is extremely athletic, which is why I think he will have a good showing in this match and will hopefully reach his potential within the next 3 years.
I like Kingston in the Elimination Chamber. He's entertaining, over with the crowd, and puts on decent matches. This is just a way to test him in the main-event and see what they can do with him in the future. Most likely he will get eliminated first but I believe he will do a damn good job while in there.
i think the only reason they put him in the chamber is to eat up time seeing how cena cant wrestle knox can only beat up on masked midgets y2j and kofi will carry the match and then cena will f-u and the golden boy stays champ boooooooooo
Kofi is by no means, a big player or even a main eventer at this point, it's just a one time thing. There is no need to rush his push as he is still too new. I'd love to see Kingston challenge CM Punk for the IC Title in a face vs face match. Kofi Kingston is a good wrestler and is extremely athletic, which is why I think he will have a good showing in this match and will hopefully reach his potential within the next 3 years.

I like the idea of this setting up Kofi for a push at the IC Title.

Kofi and Punk could put on a great face v. face match at Wrestlemania, complete with the handshake before and after, and with a few standoffs after great exchanges. Neither of them have a power move that would devastate the other, so there wouldn't be the issue of one of them hurting the other, or making the other look bad. I'd like Punk to retain and then let Kofi stay atop the mid-card contenders until at least the draft, where he can go to Smackdown to compete for the US Title...

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