Raw Elimination Chamber Match: Punk v Ziggler v Jericho v Kingston v Miz v R-Truth

Kofi Kingston, The Miz and R-truth are three guys that have always exceeded my expectations.

That's true, but I don't feel any of those three truly have a chance of winning. If that's so, then it's a three man race. First, I think there's an excellent chance Punk doesn't walk out with his title. He might lose it in order to somehow win it back at Wrestlemania. On the other hand, if he has the real-life power that last Summer's events seem to suggest, maybe his "creative control" lets him retain. It's tough to know how much internal power he has, and how he cares to use it.

Jericho could win it; perhaps that was the purpose of his surprising failure to win the Royal Rumble. Given WWE's desire to keep Chris happy, they might have him win this. However, due to his tenure with WWE and desire to do things outside the company, I doubt he's hung up on winning title belts.

The black marble here is Dolph Ziggler. After the way the company has pushed him to the moon this past year (last night on Smackdown was the first time I can remember not seeing him on both brands for quite awhile) and the way they had him eliminated by Kharma at the Rumble, after losing cleanly to Punk and Orton, maybe they're planning to give him the title at Elimination Chamber for being such a good soldier as of late. Or, maybe they really have de-pushed the guy.....and if they have, only heaven knows why after all the effort spent building him up.

Personally, I think Dolph has a good chance to come out on top in this match.
i see jericho coming away with the win here, if all comes to plan punk vs jericho at wm, i can see i punk retaining but at this point he really doesnt need the title anymore, i cant wait to watch this match
This match is going to be off the charts. It's also very predictable that CM Punk is walking out with the title. Im ok with that though. All 6 participants are going to go into this match giving it their all, and guys like Dolph and Kofi are going to try to impress to keep on improving their stature in the company. In the end though, CM Punk will win and go on to face Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania. Just the way it should be.
I think it's going to be Jericho or Punk walking out the chamber with the belt, the big question is which one?

My guess is Jericho and Punk cashes in his rematch for Mania, it's the easiest way to set it up, even though it goes against Punk saying no more hot potato with the WWE title.

Since Jericho is in the pod until the end my guess is Punk and Ziggler kick things off as the best two workers in the match eligabiole to 1 and 2, both make it to the end with Punk eliminating Ziggler before Jericho's pod opens and he catches Punk with a quick pin, thus avoiding any real interaction between the two.

That's true, but I don't feel any of those three truly have a chance of winning. If that's so, then it's a three man race. First, I think there's an excellent chance Punk doesn't walk out with his title. He might lose it in order to somehow win it back at Wrestlemania. On the other hand, if he has the real-life power that last Summer's events seem to suggest, maybe his "creative control" lets him retain. It's tough to know how much internal power he has, and how he cares to use it.

Jericho could win it; perhaps that was the purpose of his surprising failure to win the Royal Rumble. Given WWE's desire to keep Chris happy, they might have him win this. However, due to his tenure with WWE and desire to do things outside the company, I doubt he's hung up on winning title belts.

The black marble here is Dolph Ziggler. After the way the company has pushed him to the moon this past year (last night on Smackdown was the first time I can remember not seeing him on both brands for quite awhile) and the way they had him eliminated by Kharma at the Rumble, after losing cleanly to Punk and Orton, maybe they're planning to give him the title at Elimination Chamber for being such a good soldier as of late. Or, maybe they really have de-pushed the guy.....and if they have, only heaven knows why after all the effort spent building him up.

Personally, I think Dolph has a good chance to come out on top in this match.

I'm a big Dolph supporter but I don't think this Mania is going to be his day in the sun, he'll most likely win MITB if that's put back on the Mania card.

Btw Dolph took Kharma's finisher but he eliminated her, she didn't eliminate him.
hmm yeah thats a tough one to call, a jericho loss kinda might make him weak a little, although I cant see him winning the title, I see maybe punk getting a cheap roll up victory or something so we still dont really see a real 1 on 1 jericho and punk confrontation till mania, then after the loss maybe jericho can just destroy him in the chamber to still make him look strong and credible.
I hope he doesn't win for one reason.
He was away for roughly 2 years. I understand he has accomplished a lot, he is one of my favorite guys to watch but to let a guy who left to go play shitty music walk in and win the title after only a month and a half back is an insult to the guys who have been around and working hard. He has yet to be in a 1 on 1 match since his return. He had the 6 man tag that he walked out on, the Rumble, and now the 6 way match that.

Just give him a little time to get some wins under his belt before putting the strap back on him
I think he will and should:

CM Punk chasing is far more interesting.

I think they will be the last 2, with Miz. Have Punk eliminate Miz and have someone on the outside run and pass some kind of weapon to Jericho to attach Punk with, hence picking up a cheap win without seeing any major 1 on 1 confrontation.

Mystery woman maybe from the videos (steph), he bought up going to WM with Steph in his Promo, maybe this will happen again?
I would not be surprised if he won at EC at all. In fact....

/puts on tin foil hat

Does the naming of Khali as a replacement in the EC seem a little odd to anyone besides me? I could be wrong but it just feels like he won't really end up in the match after all. I get a distinct 'one of these things is not like the other' vibe when I look at Khali in that match.

Call me crazy but....I'm starting to think they may have Jericho win both EC matches and unify the titles again. From a certain point of view, you might even say they sort of teased this by having both champs in a match on RAW the day after the Rumble, only to have Jericho run out for the DQ. The Raw and Smackdown rosters have become so blurred as of late with the various Supershows that the reduction in World titles wouldn't really matter as much in that regard, and the US/IC belts would gain prestige by essentially going from being tied for the 3rd most prestigious singles titles to the 2nd most prestigious.

Jericho would become the only man to win 2 EC matches in one night, which would probably never be equaled again. Unifying the titles AGAIN would further cement his legacy as a great wrestler and would be a shining gem in the crown of his career, so to speak, to make up for having his Rumble win vetoed by Vince at the last minute. And would definitely be huge enough to qualify as Ending The World As We Know It, thus fulfilling that promise.

Stephanie could be the corporate/backstage catalyst to get him in the second EC match to explain the creepy girl in the videos. Having the Unified Champ indebted to you would be good leverage to have if you were trying to take over the company on behalf of your family.

It would be a HOLY SH!T moment that - if executed well - would have lasting repercussions. How would a Punk/Sheamus/Jericho match for the Unified Title sound for WM? A 3-way Unified Title match would be a good way to make sure the title match isn't completely overshadowed by the star power of Rock/Cena and Taker/HHH.

And I agree with others here that think Punk would be just as entertaining chasing the title as he is as the champ, and going over an Undisputed Champ Jericho at WM would more than make up for the loss at EC.

Actually, forget it. Khali is probably just back because Vince wants to make fun of Ring Ka King. Nevermind. :icon_neutral:
Anyway they go with this is fine with me. If someone other than Punk and Jericho win, it turns Punk vs Jericho into a pure hate feud. If Jericho wins, Punk has to reclaim his title from the past generation. If Punk retains, Jericho's character evolves a little more and gets more despirate.

Should be a pretty amazing match. All 6 guys are great performers and carry their characters.
With jericho winning the six pack challenge on raw, that makes him the last entry in the elimination chamber match. I think it will come down to punk and jericho in the final two, with jericho, being the fresher man, beating cm punk. This leads to wmania, etc.

I also think it would be cool to see kofi be in the final three with punk and jericho, sort of like john morrison was in the smackdown elimination chamber a couple years ago. They seem to be high on kofi right now, and having him break out into singles competition. They seem like theyre trying to build him more over with the crowd, the example with him getting a singles win over the miz on raw. I think it would take another year or two before people start seeing him as a credible main event star.
this has the potential to be the best elimination chamber match ever, all guys could go for quite some time, they could all hit some nice spots, i am pretty sure some one is going to jump off one of the pods, the best thing about it is that jericho has a lot of experience, and could tell the others what to expect in this match. i say this will be match of the year if done right.

as far as who will prevail thats a tough call.
I would love to see Chris Jericho walk out of Elimination Chamber as the new WWE Champion. If not Jericho, I would like to see Kofi Kingston or R-Truth win the Title. If not these 3, I wouldn’t mind seeing Dolph Ziggler or the Miz winning. Whatever happens, I don’t want to see CM Punk retaining.
The RAW Elimination Chamber...

Monday Night, WWE pulled what I thought was an excellent move in keeping CM Punk and Chris Jericho away from each other, a move I think should continue until WrestleMania.

The hiccup in this is The Chamber Match, with Jericho being the sixth participant released, and CM Punk being the champion, there's no way their paths won't cross. CM Punk needs to retain, but Jericho also needs to be protected, for the sole purpose of their WM match being "Best in the World" vs. "Best in the World"

So how does WWE go about doing this?
Umm, last time Punk got to the Chamber as champ, he got dropped before the match, and the title switched. They could do that again, have Jericho win the strap, and it's Punk vs Jericho at Mania. Protecting the Mania match is goal 1, above all else.
Somehow, someway, I believe Punk will be knocked out of this match early on. I DON'T think he will make it to the final two, and he won't walk out of the Chamber with his WWE Championship. It's obvious WWE plans to have Punk VS Jericho at Wrestlemania, so I expect these two to have very little or no contact at all during this match.

I'm almost with you. I looked through this thread to see if anyone else had similar thoughts to what I had about this match and you were the only one with the same mindset. However, I don't think Punk will be taken out early on in the match, that doesn't really work for me. I think he gets taken out before the match even starts. If he just gets beaten early on in the match, it would seem like the guys who out lasted Punk would deserve the opportunity and then Punk would have to win some shitty number one contender match and we get a generic feud.

I'm with the majority in thinking that Jericho wins here and Punk takes him on at Mania. I just don't like the idea of Jericho actually beating him to get there. Sure he has a rematch clause, but that doesn't seem big enough for Mania. If Jericho were to screw him over before the match even takes place, Punk has a built in reason to go after Jericho instead of just being annoyed with him for calling him a copycat. He screwed him out of the title, he has a real reason to be angry.
Call me crazy, but I think that The Miz is going to win the elimination chamber. Why? Because VKM currently gets off over mindfucking the IWC. We read all this news about The Miz being 'in the doghouse' over some pretty ridiculous stuff (like the Survivor Series buyrates) which has us all talking about The Miz being finished etc etc.
I believe that the final 3 during the EC will be Punk, Jericho, Miz and Punk will eliminate Y2J. Y2J will return and screw Punk leading to a Miz win.
Punk and Jericho don't need the title to have the 'Best in the World' feud and I think a Sheamus/Miz WWE title match (which will be used to get Sheamus over as a mega-face) will be the direction they go in.
Just so you know, I'm not a Miz fan, I just think this is how it will go down.
I really really REALLY hope that at the very least R-Truth has a much better showing in the chamber this year than he has in his last two chamber matches. That aside, this looks to be a good match. I've always found the Elimination Chamber match to be highly enjoyable and this doesn't look to be any exception. All of these guys can flat out go in the ring and I expect to see some great spots during the match. Should be great. After the last two weeks, I have to say I'll be surprised if anyone other than Punk or Jericho comes out of this with the belt. Despite WWE's best efforts to give the other competitors some spotlight this past Monday, I still feel like they're all afterthoughts when compared to the inevitable one on one feud between Punk and Jericho. I'm thinking one of those two comes out with the title but as to which one, it's a little tough for me to call. What I know I want to see happen is Punk being put over at Wrestlemania and walking out of the big event as champion. I think that moment would have a bigger impact if Punk were to capture the title at the event as opposed to successfully defending it there but perhaps that's just me nitpicking. My pick for now just out of preference for where I'd like to see their feud go is Jericho walking out of the chamber with the title.
For me there are only two people that are going to walk out of the Chamber as Champions and they are CM Punk and Chris Jericho. These two are clearly have a feud going and will have a match at Wrestlemania.
I think it complicates things if Punk walks out of the Chamber as Champion.

I mean, if Punk wins, what incentive is there for him to fight Jericho at WrestleMania? Jericho had his shot and lost. The Best in the World title really isn't enough.

If Punk wins, he would have nobody to face at Mania and It's already a foregone conclusion that Sheamus will challenge for the World Title. There would have to be a Number One contender match with the same people that were just in the EC. I jus don't think it makes sense.

The signs are all there for Jericho to win. His promos since he came back, his target on Punk, the amount of hype and push this return has gotten and let's not forget that the guy is the last entrant. That wouldn't make a difference back before PG, but now that WWE does the EC a tad bit differently now, it would make sense.

Besides, I think it'll be better for Punk to walk in and take the belt off of Jericho rather than a title defense. I jus think it works better for the storyline IMO.
This one has cost me more thinking time then I would like to admit. It's apparent they're going to go with Jericho vs Punk for Wrestlemania, unless they incredibly swerve us and Sheamus picks the winner of the Raw Chamber. I see that being highly unlikely, however.

The wrong man to walk out of this chamber is champion is CM Punk. Not because I don't want to see Punk headline Wrestlemania, but because I do. Further, the best way to go about this would to use the "John Cena strategy" from 2009. Cena entered the match, cleaned house, but a codebreaker, 619, and spear later, he was gone. And I would do this before Chris Jericho entered the match. I think having the less physical contact between the two before Wrestlemania, the better.

R-Truth has become what I feared most from him, which is a comedy character. Not that I took him seriously to begin with as a contender to headline Wrestlemania, but his credibility has dropped exponentially since returning as a face. Miz seems to be an afterthought right now, and I think he's destined to be in the MITB ladder match at Wrestlemania. He won't win this match, or that match either. A move to Smackdown at the draft would be the best thing for him at this point. Kofi Kingston could possibly be the Rey Mysterio of 2009 and 2011- A guy who puts on a great performance, hangs til the end, and makes you believe he just might do it. But he's not main event material either, especially at Wrestlemania. Ziggler seems to be in a holding pattern, as WWE obviously doesn't see him as an upper-tier star right now. I think it's the MITB match for him as well, one which he'll likely win.

That brings us down to Chris Jericho. I absolutely adored his return up until the Royal Rumble, but his character has gone back to being the exact same it was when he left over two years. The slow speaking, big word using, condescending jerk. That being said, he's the best choice to win here. He didn't return to be in a secondary match at Wrestlemania, I fully believe he'll be walking into Wrestlemania as WWE Champion. With the advantage of entering last, it seems tailor made for him to win. Unlike the Rumble, when he looked like the favorite and lost, I think he'll win here. Hopefully, he'll enter after Punk has been eliminated, which saves their first real encounter for Wrestlemania.

That's what rematch clauses are there for, eh? I picked Jericho for the Rumble, and I'm going to go with him again here. Don't burn me twice, Y2J.
Jericho has to win the title. If Jericho loses when he is entering the match at 6th...he will look like an ass after all this hype. He hasn't done anything significant since his grand return.
This will probably close the show, and steal it as well. I am extremely excited about this match. It has many guys deserving of a title shot. Other than R-Truth, any of these guys deserve a shot at a Wrestlemania world title math. Kofi would be something new, although for Wrestlemania I highly doubt it. Truth is a joke. He will probably be eliminated first then blame it all on Little Jimmy. Ziggler could be a good pick if he hadn't just recently lost a championship feud. Miz is rather unlikely, he is dealing with some legit heat lately and might never get back to where he was a year ago. I will not miss that. Then we have by far the two most likely to win in Punk and Jericho. Everyone wants to see this feud so why not have Punk win so Jericho can challenge him to put him over at the biggest show of them all? Jericho might sneak in the win himself, but he does not need the title. Punk does.

Dagger's Prediction
CM Punk will retain the WWE Championship
I see Chris Jericho leaving Sunday as the new WWE Champion which will lead into a match between him and CM Punk at W28.
The wrong man to walk out of this chamber is champion is CM Punk. Not because I don't want to see Punk headline Wrestlemania, but because I do. Further, the best way to go about this would to use the "John Cena strategy" from 2009. Cena entered the match, cleaned house, but a codebreaker, 619, and spear later, he was gone. And I would do this before Chris Jericho entered the match. I think having the less physical contact between the two before Wrestlemania, the better.

I agree so much with this. To make this match even bigger than it already is, there needs to be a build up with little to no physical contact between the two; the feud can and will survive without contact - they don't need it. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are two of the single best mic workers within the WWE right now - they will survive on cutting excellent promos on one another. This match is for the right to call themselves the best in the world meaning this match needs to have alot of anticipation and build up. Having Jericho enter the Chamber after Punk is already eliminated will open so many doors and directions for this feud to go.

It's often been said CM Punk is ten times better when he's chasing the WWE Championship and I certainly agree. While I do like him as the Champion, there's no doubt Punk shines when he wants to be Champion. A short month and a half reign isn't out of the question for Jericho as he's slated to leave again soon after Wrestlemania. CM Punk will likely win the Championship back come Wrestlemania in a classic veteran putting over the young star type of match-up. As for the other participants, Ziggler will likely have a strong showing but I can't see him headlining a Wrestlemania yet. The Miz will be there and that's about it. R-Truth will likely eliminate The Miz or vice versa - nothing note worthy. And Kofi Kingston will play the John Morrison role. By that, Jericho and Punk are the only two guys I can see walking out of the Elimination Chamber as the WWE Champion.

Hamler's Prediction - Chris Jericho will win the WWE Championship.
I agree so much with this. To make this match even bigger than it already is, there needs to be a build up with little to no physical contact between the two; the feud can and will survive without contact - they don't need it. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are two of the single best mic workers within the WWE right now - they will survive on cutting excellent promos on one another. This match is for the right to call themselves the best in the world meaning this match needs to have alot of anticipation and build up. Having Jericho enter the Chamber after Punk is already eliminated will open so many doors and directions for this feud to go.

I don't think I understand this.

As far as Punk has come, won't it make his character look a bit weak, being eliminated by somebody who's not on his "level", so to speak. I'm not knocking anybody else in the match, but what if Punk gets eliminated by Kofi, or Ziggler. Won't that ruin things a tad?

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