Kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber.

This is a GREAT move by WWE, this is exactly like NYR a few years back when it featured Carlito and Chris Masters, honestly everyone knew none of them would walk out WHC they were in there as number fillers to perform spots.. mainly of Cena dominating, can you imagine some of the moves that Kofi could perform in there?! I defintly am looking forward to it
This is a continuing sign WWE are trying to push the next generation of superstars. I say that and but the Smackdown one will end up with Show, Kozlov, Taker, HHH, Hardy and Edge knowing my luck.

But to Kofi, it is a great sign. He was solid in ECW and had a great feud with Shelton to get him over and was then given the IC title on his RAW PPV debut. He lost it without getting pinned, and then was stuck in the mid card, and given a short tag title reign. Now, he can grasp his chance to make it big.

You have six men in this match, you do not need six main eventers, or else how bad would the undercard be? You can have your champion, a couple of legit contenders (although Raw don't seem to have any) a main eventer who we know won't win (reyrey) and then a couple of mid carders to see how they handle it. Remember the 05 chamber? (maybe 06, I can't remember) you had Carlito and Masters and they got down to the last three.

I would like another mid carder to be put in the match next week, and not HBK and JBL (one of them will do). Orton could "choose" one of Dibiase or Rhodes to enter to see how they get on, prove their talent (they wouldn't win, but would put in a good showing).

Now all we need is Shelton and MVP to take slots on the Smackdown one ahead of the big men who will ruin the spectacle.
I was shocked when I read that Kofi Kingston was able to get a pinfall victory over Kane. My thought was that we would be sugjected to another standard JBL, Chris Jericho, Kane, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and Rey Mysterio chamber. This could certainly add some excitement to the match. It could be interesting to see how Kofi works with the chamber. There are a lot of spots he can hit big moves from. I don't think he has any shot at winning, but I expect an impressive showing. We'll see.
When Kofi Kingston came out, I knew that no matter who he faced, he was going to win. They did this last year with Brian Kendrick, and we all thought "Wow, what a great idea!", and that he'll at least stay at the top of the mid-card.

I think it is a good idea to put him in there, and give him a sink or swim opportunity, and if he succeeds, it's great. Of course he won't win, but a good showing could help him a ton. I don't think he'd go to the top of the mid-card again though. I think he'd fall a little with the loss. Brian Kendrick definitely didn't stay at the top of the mid-card following his shot at the Scramble. He became a joke in my eyes, and failed as a tag team.

I think Kofi has a good shot to do well in the Chamber, but we still need to see who else is in there besides Cena, Jericho, and Rey. With there only being one heel so far, JBL will probably work a spot into the match, and if JBL makes it, he may want HBK in there, to watch his back. There's no way Kofi pulls off a win, but he could pull off a few good moves, and maybe be the 2nd or 3rd guy eliminated, but I don't see him doing anything significant.
I'm a huge fan of Kofi so naturally I'm excited about him being put in the EC. When I was watching RAW I thought for sure that he was going to lose, so the WWE really surprised me when he won. I think it's a great idea for Kofi to be in the EC because it gives the WWE and the WWE Universe to see how this guy does with the big boys. I agree with most people here when they say it's going to be a grooming process with him. I think he'll put up a great showing in the match and I believe this is going to lead to a spot in the MITB match at WrestleMania, unless he gets involved in something else.

I really don't see him winning the match and I really don't think he's ready for the belt right now, but I believe I would mark out if he won anyway. Either way, I'm very excited for him and I hope he makes a great showing and it leads to bigger and better things.
I realized Kofi Kingston's potential from Day 1 and I always appreciated his ring work. He has a huge amount of talent and has potential to be a very big player in the WWE. As for him being in the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship, I am very happy, but I just want to know that he's ready before he gets pushed too fast. It's obvious that WWE will not allow him to win the title, but they obviously see something in him they like. If he puts a good showing in the chamber match, then he could go on to the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania and possibly win it... as long as he's ready to be a main eventer.
I think it's a good move. RAW needs more people in the main event scene, and pushing the younger guys is always a good idea. They've been trying to do it more and more, and it can only mean good things for the future. Fact of the matter is, Kofi's young, talented, charismatic, and connects with the crowd, so why not throw him in a main event position just to see how he does? Like everyone else has said, everyone knows he's not gonna win, and it's not like it's a one-on-one match where he's the number one contender. He's being placed in a main event position without all the focus being on him, so it can't hurt him or RAW.

And anyone who thinks it ruins Kane's rep is wrong, in my opinion. Kane will always be looked at as a monster because that's his gimmick. Kane's one of the few veterans smart enough to know that it won't be long before he hangs up the boots, and the new generation needs to be put over. I have nothing but respect for a veteran like Kane who would rather put young guys over and help elevate the younger talent for the future of the business, rather than cling to his spot and feel he's owed something.

Except Kofi isn't really that talented. He's just another jobber with a gimmick that gives him a few pops. The fake Jamaican accent can only go so far, and since he doesn't have anything special to offer in the ring, and he can't do anything on the mic, he is just wasting space. He is lucky, because he should have been included on the list of recent releases.

I wish Kane wouldn't be so generous sometimes. He should have been a little more selfish so he would have had a better main event run. It's basically too late for him now, but that doesn't mean that he has to job to a midget. Kane definitely shouldn't be losing matches against jobbers like Kofi Kingston either
I was initially surprised. I thought Kingston would face CM Punk for the IC title at NWO. I would have preferred that. In Kingston's place, Morrison should've faced Kane. Morrison is more established. I want him to get a damn push already. With the whole Kane thing, he is too generous. But no one else will put the younger talent over. I have respect for him, but a loss to Morrison would have been better.

I am happy for Kofi. Hopefully he does well and gets a rub off the jericho and cena. I'll be glad to see him at MITB.
Wow, i'm impressed. It seems that Kingston is now in with the big league.
What on earth makes you think that?
Well even though he got a lucky roll up win, against Kane no less but he's got a chance against a WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT champion.
No he don't. Two words. space filler. Remember MVP in the championship scramble? nobody else could do it for reasons unknown.
Noticed that I enlarged those two words.
Pretty impressive, how did you do it?
Anyways what could this mean for Kofi Kingson? Has his time officialy come to shine?
no way. Not now, not this year. Its way to soon. he is way to green. If the WWE has any kind of brain they wont do it.
If Vince wasnt serious about Kingston he wouldnt put him in the Chamber having a shot against the most popular wrestler of this time John Cena.
Dude, he has no chance. HE IS BEING USED TO FILL THE SPACES. Prolly where batista should of been.

I think Kofi deserves this.
This??? Deserves this? now? no. if it was a couple of years down the track I agree. but no not now. He don't deserve to be anywhere near the title. WE DO NOT WANT ANOTHER CM PUNK.
I'm torn on this issue. Kofi Kingston in a multi-man match for the Heavyweight Championship is a good way to get him noticed, and test the waters without wasting anything on him. But I think adding him to the Elimination Chamber is going to be like adding the Big Show to a Money in the Bank match. I don't think he'll be comfortable inside the Chamber.

Then again, he's similar in style to Rob Van Dam, so he could adapt very quickly and become a big threat from using the Chamber to bounce off of.

I don't think this is exactly original to test new ground on someone by placing them inside this structure though. I mean, doesn't anyone remember Carlito & Chris Masters being inside the 2006 version? And they made it to the end, so who's to say Kingston won't get a fair run inside the Chamber?

As it stands, it's himself, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho & John Cena. Arguably Cena doesn't have stiff opponents, but that isn't to say he won't help them to put on a great match. I think a lot of people are going to discount Kingston in this match, and be plesantly shocked.

I just hope they didn't add him, to instantly be eliminated at the beginning, like Punk was in the E.C.W. Chamber match a while back. That'd be stupid and worthless. Shit, if that's what they planned, Kane could've taken that role.
The most important things about Kofi being in the match are that it spares us from having to be bored by JBL and Kane's slow boring styles and it will just end up making the elimination chamber a far better match than it could have been. And since we all know Kofi is a far better wrestler right now than most big guys in WWE anyway, it's one of his few chances to shine right now.
The most important things about Kofi being in the match are that it spares us from having to be bored by JBL and Kane's slow styles and it will just end up making the elimination chamber a far better match than it could have been. It's one of the few chances Kofi has to shine right now.
Im glad, its a nice way to build a star by putting him in a match with all the other superstars. As long as Triple H doesnt get his hands on him and squashes him in less than a minute, then great.

I think he will last till the last 4, after say half hour of action.
Kane doesn't mind putting people over. He never puts jobbers over, only people who really have potential. Now on to Kofi.

This is all a part of the grooming process. They are trying to see who is next in line to carry the torch for RAW. Kofi is one of the more over mid carders other than CM Punk so its only right to give him a try on the big stage and see how well he works with the top tier players. Why would you put Kane in the match? Kane has been in the WWE for 11 years, he doesn't need the title to be over, and he doesn't really need a main event push. He's already been in the EC so lets have new guys in there. Kofi is young, athletic, and is a breath of fresh air. Besides it is a 6 man match, why not have Kofi in there? It is time for the WWE to really evaluate their guys and see what they can do.

They haven't created a new main eventer in a few years other than Jeff Hardy. HHH, Undertaker, HBK, Kane, JBL, Jericho, Big Show, and Batista will leave a huge void when they leave. I am assuming all of them will be gone within 5 years as they are close to 40 or older . Who will that leave? 37 year old Cena, 39 year old Edge, 36 year old Hardy.

Putting Kofi Kingston in this match is a smart move by creative because it is a potential investment in the future. It gives Kofi credibility, and will also allow him to develop his character. Everyone who I speak to who is a wrestling fan and even the IWC says that they want fresh storylines and new faces chasing for the strap. Kofi is a new face and he is actually good in the ring, why the hell would you not give him a shot....hell its 5 slots open to challenge for the belt! Kofi has a good look and most importantly he is over with the children, which means he will be in the WWE for a long time. He will go back to chasing the IC title after this, but this is the first of many title matches for this kid. We'll be seeing him in MITB I'm sure.

Ok you make some valid points..I'll give you that. Kofi IS a fresh face, exciting to watch and brings a refreshing change of to pace to any match like RVD and Rey Mysterio used to do. And obviously with time he can improve and go on to be a real credible top-tier superstar...

But I just don't know that I want to pay 40 bucks to see characters get developed in this type of a match. It just lowers my expectations of the show that I'm paying to see.
You have to remember, you're not paying to watch Kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber, you're paying to watch a title match in the chamber on a pay per view that has two of those matches. Kofi will be in the ring for maybe 15 minutes tops and that's depending on how the WWE even uses him in this match.

The best thing to compare it to is The Brian Kendrick and his pay per view main event appearance at Unforgiven last year. Surely no one with a sense or shred of reason in theri being thought that Kendrick was going to win that match, but just the chance that for a few brief unofficial minutes, Kendrick was an unrecognized WWE champion for five minutes added something special to that match. These matches are designed two fold, one, to start to expose other guys that aren't on the main event.

The other, it gives the WWE a chance to see how much of a ring general guys like Cena, Jericho and Mysterio can be. If Kingston is in there, and they get a good match out of him, then in all likely hood it helps the main eventers work better too. Especially consider a guy like Jericho. Him and Kingston have had a good mini feud, but Jericho is also being geared to make Mickey Rourke look like gold, why not test him the pay per view before hand to see how well he can do it?
Kofi will not come close to winning. He's in there because he is entertaining, and in that aspect I think it is a good idea. He can have some high impact moments with Rey and be the guy to suddenly get on a roll and start jumping around like crazy hitting big, jumping moves... and then suddenly getting FUed. But Kofi is a fun guy who will bring his stuff to the chamber and make it more exciting. He has no chance in hell, but it will be a nice change.

I was kinda pissed off with his beating of Kane though. I am a big Kane fan. Despite the fact that he's getting older and slower, he still gets me excited when he's coming to the ring. I want him to have his chance. He never even gets to be the guy who fills in well a title fued is building. He has stupid little fueds that never go anywhere. He should have been in this. He doesn't deserve to be in more than Kofi, but I think he should have won that match. When you have a monster veteran facing a little jumpy guy, the monster should win.
I myself marked out when Kofi defeated Kane. Like everyone here, I don't think Kofi will really walk out of it as champ, or even last that long in the chamber, but at least this goes to show he won't be buried on RAW. I think Kofi has main event potential, he's really good in the ring, and is really electric and can get the audience behind him. And I take this as a baby step for Kofi to see if he can hang with the big boys. I'm hoping for the best for Kofi.
Except Kofi isn't really that talented. He's just another jobber with a gimmick that gives him a few pops. The fake Jamaican accent can only go so far, and since he doesn't have anything special to offer in the ring, and he can't do anything on the mic, he is just wasting space. He is lucky, because he should have been included on the list of recent releases.

I wish Kane wouldn't be so generous sometimes. He should have been a little more selfish so he would have had a better main event run. It's basically too late for him now, but that doesn't mean that he has to job to a midget. Kane definitely shouldn't be losing matches against jobbers like Kofi Kingston either

Well, that's your opinion that he's not talented and you're entitled to it, but it seems more people think he is than isn't. You may think he has a crappy gimmick, but the guy is over and that's what matters. I'm not saying he's the most talented wrestler on the roster, he definitely isn't, but he's got a couple innovative moves that make him stand out, and has the potential to develop into a more well rounded wrestler with a little time under his belt. Again, everyone knows he's not going to win this match and he's basically just a number filler, so what's it really matter?

As far as Kane goes, I'm a fan of his as well. He's one of the best big men ever in the business and definitely hasn't gotten what he's deserved in his time in the WWE, but the fact remains that he is getting older, is moving a little slower, and knows that it's time for the young guys to be put into the spotlight. We've heard reports for years now that he was thinking about retiring, but he stuck around and has put many young guys over in his time, and you can't have anything but respect for a veteran who has that attitude, whether you feel he's gotten what he deserved in the business or not. As much as I hate to say this, Kane with a World Title run wouldn't be the smartest move anyway. Most casual fans wouldn't tune in for Kane as World Champion, and as far as WWE's concerned, if you're not bringing in ratings, you're a failure.
I think WWE are making a mistake here no least because Kingston is an absoloute joke. How can they even consider this spot monkey who has zero charisma or mic skills over established main event wrestlers like HBK and JBL. It would seem the perfect way to develop the HBK/JBL storyline into wrestlemania having them in this match.

Kofi Kingston in the chamber seems deja vu with the CM Punk push, ok so Kofi has no chance of actualy winning but it's clear to any wrestling fan that he is nowhere near ready to be main eventing a PPV (albeit with 5 other wrestlers). The guy isn't even an established midcarder so the choice just seems foolish on the WWE's part.

Aside from the ridicolousness of having Kofi Kingston in this match the match itself was already predictable enough that Cena would win but having no crediable challangers apart from Jericho in the match will damages any illusion of a title change - and if fans already are certain of the result why would anyone pay to watch it? I also don't buy the argument of elevating 'young talent' like I said Kofi is wayyyy down on the card- hell i even put CM Punk higher than him. However if WWE really wanted to put some young stars in the match, and make it interesting surely the smartest thing to do would be to put Rhodes and Dibiase in the match. Have Orton tell them to make sure Cena doesn't walk out champion - you know stack the odds against Cena a little bit, and link it into Mania.

Out of the current line up of wrestlers in the match only Jericho is anywhere near in the same league. There just seems no credible challange to Cena in the match which kinda makes it a nothing match. I just don't understand the Kofi Kingston decision especially when Rhodes and Dibiase have been getting far more exposure and people could actualy believe one of them helping screw Cena out of the title in the chamber, but 'Kofi Kingston WWE champion' - its absoloutaly laughable.
As a fan of Kofi Kingston ever since I saw him on ECW, I was very excited to see him get into the Elimination Chamber.
Here's hoping he does well. I doubt he'd win the title, but this may move him on to bigger things in the future...
Hmmm, i don't know if shoving a random new guy into a World Title six man match is going to do him any favours. I know they're trying to push the new guys on Raw, but let's take a quick look at the list of new guys on Raw specifically.

CM Punk - The whole world and his wife knew who this guy was well before he came to WWE which helped him get over very quickly from my perspective. Then he had about 2 ongoing fueds with Morrison and Chavo, moved to Raw and cashed in MITB, which shocked everyone, did some decent mic work when talent kept coming up to him and saying 'you're not worth spit, beating you will be a cake walk' and then it was taken off him, and then no fued for him to regain the title, just made to win other titles....... MID CARD TITLES!

Priceless - Remember that no one gave a shit about Cody Rhodes until he joined Dibiase and they started running their mouths about being second generation? THAT is what has gotten these two over so well, and mixing them up with Orton and other ME guys. Ted isn't as over as Cody imo because he's been gone after that punt angle, and the spotlight has been on Orton and Cody and despite the annoying lisp, he's actually pretty good on the mic.

Manu - The guy was used for run-ins, interference and isn't great on the mic. His debut wasn't exactly memorable, and he's not being used the way creative originally intended to. He's floundering basically and he's going to have to pull out some stops to avoid sinking.

Kofi - I'd compare Kofi to Brian Kendrick, and realise that i mean once he became THE Brian Kendrick. They're both high flyers, they both have innovative moves, and they both have a certain amount of buzz surrounding them. However, there are two big differences between them. TBK is very good on the mic and his ******y swagger he does MAKES you want to hate him (except me, he cracks me up), whereas Kofi (according to what people have said before me) is not that great on the mic. Secondly, Kofi isn't being held back for loving Mary Jane (allegedly) more than wanting to further his wrestling career (ironic considering the Jamaican gimmick). Again as people have said, TBK really shone in the Scramble match. Some have said he was the bitch of the match, but that was only once HHH came in (which is smart, i mean, it was unlikely that anyone but Hardy would pin the Game and he could beat any of them, but why struggle to keep experienced daredevil Hardy or longest reigning US champ MVP down, when you can just piss all over 160lb Kendrick?), and then Kendrick was kept in the spotlight for a while until his (alleged) reefer addiction came into play. Kofi has the same chance to shine here, but his mic skills will hold him back. A World Title Gimmick match is not going to secure him in the ME spot, much like Punk and Kendrick.

I can honestly see both Kofi and Kendrick in MITB this year. I also see Kofi getting his Code broken by Jericho, not letting Cena 'connect' with 'that move' as Cole and King like to put it these days.

As for beating Kane and taking the spot instead of someone like Morrison, i mean that's ok. I'm a Kane mark too, and am sick of seeing him get beat by everyone he faces and no one else doing it. Has Mysterio put over Knox at all yet? Anyway, here's my view on those two opinions

Morrison should be in? Errrr, no he should be defending his tag titles like a proper champion.

Kofi shouldn't have beaten Kane to get in? I'd have far preferred it if Kofi was in and Rey wasn't, instead of both of them.

But hey, that's just me.
Let me tell you why this is a brilliant idea. While it may not have been a popular decision among many of you, it truly shows that the WWE is thinking outside the box and showing initiative to promote younger talent. I agree with many of you that this is just a feeler to see how a young guy like Kofi can handle working with main event talent as well as being in the actual main event of a PPV. But I'm honestly not surprised by the this decision by WWE at all. Look at the current state of the young talent in WWE: Edge is a continuous champion, Jeff and Matt Hardy have won championships, Cena is the flagship of the WWE, and Orton appears to be the future of the business. Not too mention, guys like Jack Swagger, Kofi, Miz and Morrisson have all gotten prospective title runs with either Tag team belts, or even the ECW title. Hell, CM Punk won the Heavyweight Title on RAW!!

So this should be no shock to anyone because the WWE, much like 1997, is going through a paradigm shift. A new era of superstars are truly taking over and WWE is willing to let them stretch there wings and grow. If you think back to the WCW days, what killed that company in the long run was there lack of developing new superstars into main-eventers! Those frustrated superstars eventually became WWE's saving grace and a lesson learned from another failed company. Would we be having this same conversation if this was 12 years ago, and instead of Kofi Kingston we were talking about a young Chris Jericho being put in a match with Hogan for the World Title on an edition of Nitro. Probably! And there would probably be a lot more back lash and talk of how Hogan would show up wrestle for 2 minutes-Boot-Leg drop-pin-NWO attack, and we would be right. But that never happened, that young WCW talent never got shots at the top guys and eventually became frustrated and in the long run benefitted another company that killed WCW!

I think the Kofi move is a smart one and if WWE was smarter they wouldn't let him get squashed by a Jericho/JBL. Have him showcase his talents and abilities and we should truly see his potential. I don't think its in the plans for Kofi to win at all but I do think if he shows good potential, he has to be the Money-In-The-Bank favorite going into Mania. Which is usually a ticket to a title run, but honestly if any truly young star is ready for a big time title run it's John Morrisson. Call me crazy.
There's nothing wrong with it,I mean, he's 4x's better than Kane. Kingston will probably do some high flying moves, beat up a few guys, and get eliminated soon.
All Kfi is in the Chamber for is to tread water, WWE obvisioudly like Kofi, But want to see what he does when in the ring with the main eventers like Cena, Orton, HBK, Rey, Etc. They want to see if Kofi can handle the pressures of this kind of match, It is just like Brian Kendrick in the Scamble match last year.

I honestly think Kofi Kingston can be a main eventer, As he has 3 BIG things in his favour, Charisma, Uniqueness, And a connection to the crown, All of these are needed if your are going to make it big, But like i've said, He is being tested, He wont win the title, But will more than likely put on a surprising showing, Wether it be good, Or bad.
All Kfi is in the Chamber for is to tread water, WWE obvisioudly like Kofi, But want to see what he does when in the ring with the main eventers like Cena, Orton, HBK, Rey, Etc. They want to see if Kofi can handle the pressures of this kind of match, It is just like Brian Kendrick in the Scamble match last year.

I honestly think Kofi Kingston can be a main eventer, As he has 3 BIG things in his favour, Charisma, Uniqueness, And a connection to the crown, All of these are needed if your are going to make it big, But like i've said, He is being tested, He wont win the title, But will more than likely put on a surprising showing, Wether it be good, Or bad.

If they wanted to tread water then put him in a match with JBL, HBK, or Orton in the main event of Raw, that would be more pressure than sticking him in a 6 way match on a B PPV. There is no reason for him to be in the match, he has no chance of winning, and there is no-one in there who he is in a feud with so it looks like a waste of a spot. Brian Kendrick was simply in the scramble last year because Edge, and Taker were both out, and he was at the height of his push. Kofi isn't even getting a push and i havent seen him cut a promo for ages so esstenitallly no-one will care if he's in the match anyway.

People keep saying he has charisma but I can't even remember the last time he cut a promo, and his gimmick while it might connect with the crowd, is more of a joke gimmick like Eugene or so no-one can take him seriously. He's not even an stablished mid-carder I don't know why he's in this match. It would be better to have Rhodes/Dibiase in there to link it in to Orton/Cena at mania. Kofi probably won't even be on the card at mania, which shows how pointless having him in this match is...

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