Kofi Kingston heel turn: How would you do it?

Kofi Kingston finds Hornswoggle backstage so he beats the shit out of him and dunks his leprechaun head in a toilet. The next night he backs Lillian Garcia into a corner and pinches her butt. Then he rips up a toddler's John Cena sign.
Seeing as I just don't like Kofi's character or look, I'd have to just radically change him so he doesn't even resemble his current appearance. Shave the dreads off, for one. Long black tights, more aggressive entrance music, a no-nonsense walk to the ring. Let him actually TALK. Those first couple promos count the most to get over his new attitude.

I honestly, just for sh*ts and giggles, would dig seeing Kofi form a new Nation of Domination. And they can throw Big E Langston in there with him after a double cross on Ziggler. Maybe R-Truth and the Prime Time Players too. They couldn't do worse. A new militant all black group wouldn't be any less controversial than what they have Dutch Mantell saying on the mic for Swagger's deal.

They have so many underutilized guys on the payroll, they might as well throw together some more stables, it'd definitely bring some excitement back to traditional Survivor Series matches in November with the participants having some kind of camaraderie instead of just being throw together.
The most logical way is to bring him back and address the fact that as Ryback was putting him through tables the fans were chanting 1 more time, 1 more time. He could come back and cut a promo saying the fans don't respect me as an athlete and all they want is to see him get hurt. Now its time for me to start hurting people.
If everything goes well, they could get an enforcer in Zeke or Mark Henry, or even Tidus O'Neil, and hopefully this would help push Kofi to the main event.

This could help make it interesting. I'm not sure about Zeke or TITUS (not Tidus) as they would not be quite as believable in the role. Titus still has some establishing to do and he's better off in the tag team division as part of the Prime Time Players. I'm still waiting patiently on their title run some day. Zeke has not done anything relevant in a very long time. Sure, he was Brian Kendrick's bodyguard before so he has been in the role in the past. I can't remember anything he has done that mattered since when ECW closed down as the third brand though. Henry is the best of the three you listed. They could bring up his Hall of Pain in promos and how anyone who wants to get to Kofi has to go through him first.

Anyways, on to the actual turn. I personally do not think that Kofi needs to turn heel but I will play along and still respond assuming he has to. The solution is fairly similar to how I would push him into the main event anyhow, just the heel counterpart of that very same path. His best feud to this day is still the 2009 feud with Randy Orton. In that feud we saw a more aggressive side to Kofi. He did more than jump around being happy. He showed anger. THAT Kofi can main event. The Kofi we are used to, while great at getting the crowd excited, is not main event material. So I would bring back the 2009 Kofi Kingston who showed anger and frustration, even perhaps having him destroy a car or something belonging to (kayfabe) some of his opponents again. He'd need to do this against a face though and show no regret in his actions. Then enlist Mark Henry as his bodyguard and show in promos that Kofi no longer cares what the fans think. There you go, a heel Kofi who can main event. A World Heavyweight Championship run under this angle is quite possible should WWE give it a try.
Anyone remember when he ready to be pushed with the whole Kofi/Orton feud? the intensity of destroying the RKO race car? We need something like that for Kofi, that is his stepping stone, let him come in to help a face, only to trouble in paradise him...Than have him attack him with stunned heels who back off from him. Next week have him come out in different music, when he gets confronted have him talk about all he has done, but like the Rybacks, The Shields he isn't standing in someones shadow anymore, have him brawl it out and eventually have him in a brutal match where Cole says something like "This isn't vintage Kofi King, this is a man on a mission who refuses to be sidelined, and I think he proved his point here tonight" and the seed is planted....
Keep it simple. The crowd loved it when Ryback put him through the tables. That's all the reason he would need.
As for Kofi's heel turn he should return as a heel whenever he does come back from surgery like during a segment he could come to a certain face's rescue shaking their hand or even hugging them but then out of nowhere Kofi could blindside this face that he rescues by proceeding to beat the crap out of them and then once this face gets up, Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise on this superstar therefore cementing himself as a heel

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