Kofi Kingston heel turn: How would you do it?


Dark Match Winner
I've put quite a bit of thought to what could take Kofi to the next level, and I think I agree with the IWC that he needs a heel turn. My question is how would you do it?

I would have R-Truth get taken out as well, and leave him off TV until Kofi is ready to return. 3 weeks before Kofi returns, have Truth come out and start hyping it. Have him return as Ron Killings. Same angry promos as July 2002 about being held back because of race. Have Truth just as Kofi's manager.

Kofi returns and has a few good matches, and then D. Bryan approaches him and ask what the hell his problem is. Thus leading to a feud between Kofi and Bryan.

If everything goes well, they could get an enforcer in Zeke or Mark Henry, or even Tidus O'Neil, and hopefully this would help push Kofi to the main event.
Kofi just got taken out by Ryback so lets use that.

Ryback/Cena goes on until SummerSlam in my eyes even if D'Bry gets involved like reported.
I would have Ryback vs Cena in the main event at SummerSlam (normal match with the stipulation that if Cena gets DQ'd or counted out the title changes hands) and then towards the end of the match have Kofi just walk out in jeans and a tshirt. Have Kofi literally go psycho on them. Completely lay them out (make sure Kofi hits Ryback first as he has the motive anyway) and have it so Cena got "injured".
I would then have Kofi stand over the top of Cena and say "Do I have Your Attention Now?" while looking straight down the camera.

This means;
1. Ryback gets the title, which in my eyes would look better for Daniel Bryans weaker link gimmick when he wins.
2. Kofi gets put into a feud with the biggest star in the company as the heel. Cena would want revenge as he cost him the title.
3.The new guys get to hold the title and Cena gets to give a guy a rub.

This would give Kofi a character who got sick of being left behind and if needs be he could build a group over this with people such as Tyson Kidd. There are loads of way it could go really. You could have guys like Evan Bourne and R-truth try and talk him out of it and Kofi blatantly tell them to get lost and stab them in the back.
Seeing how he's gone injured. I'd have him come back bitter. He'd claim that everybody forgot about him and nobody cared if he came back at all so screw everybody.

"From the time I was a child all I wanted to do was entertain the WWE Universe. Night in and night out putting my body on the line for you! And you didn't give a damn. I was laid up in the hospital and nobody cared enough to ask where's Kofi? So all of you can go to hell!" *drops mic leaves arena*
Seeing how he's gone injured. I'd have him come back bitter. He'd claim that everybody forgot about him and nobody cared if he came back at all so screw everybody.

"From the time I was a child all I wanted to do was entertain the WWE Universe. Night in and night out putting my body on the line for you! And you didn't give a damn. I was laid up in the hospital and nobody cared enough to ask where's Kofi? So all of you can go to hell!" *drops mic leaves arena*

If this was the case and no one cared, why would they care when he does this and just leaves then? I mean surely you could at least have him cut a promo on how he is sick of trying to entertain them and that he is out for himself now?
If this was the case and no one cared, why would they care when he does this and just leaves then? I mean surely you could at least have him cut a promo on how he is sick of trying to entertain them and that he is out for himself now?

Good point. I was just spit balling. Now that I think about it, it's way to soon to do exactly what Punk did.
Well the first thing you need to do is re-package him completely. He can't be that crazy entertaining high flyer, pump up the crowd guy. All of his moves are pretty much designed for that right now.

It worked initially for a guy like DB with him screaming NO, but let's face it he was really a face in disguise. Guys with entertaining skills that get the crowd going always get cheered. Look at Dolph Ziggler.

So for Kofi to come back as a heel is going to take some serious overhauling. It might not even be worth it.
I'd have him come back and start putting him in tag team matches with guys like Justin Gabriel, Sin Cara, and eventually R-Truth. Have the teams lose with Kofi getting increasingly frustrated. Eventually, he turns on R-Truth and "injures" him by doing a high risk move off the top ropes using a chair or some such setup.

He then cuts an "Uncle Tom" promo saying he's been a good soldier following the rules and doing whatever management said, pairing up with complete losers who he's had to carry from day one, only to get nowhere. He runs down the fans saying they've like to see him jump and flip in the ring like he was some sort of dancing clown for their amusement.

Now he's finished. He's not doing this to thrill the fans anymore. He's doing this to hurt people. That's the only way to get to the top, and he's going to show he can do it just as well as Randy Orton, or Mark Henry or Ryback.

He proceeds to rack up a win streak over the next several weeks built on his former tag team partners, maybe including Evan Bourne if he comes back. Each time, he ends the match with a high risk move onto a prone wrestler who has his leg in a chair or similar spot in an attempt to injure him and put the guy out for good.
To turn anyone heel there should always be a logic behind it as to why they have suddenly turned in a instant. Now for it to work with Kofi they need to use the fact that he has always been the prototype babyface by smiling all the time, being nice to the universe and just doing what he had to so he could get his place in the WWE.

Now when he comes back he needs to use the "bloodsport" quote that Vince Mcmahon used this week on Raw. He needs to say that while resting at home he was watching Raw and when he heard the fans still chanting "one more time" he realised that they only care about seeing people get injured no matter the outcome long term.

He needs to tell them that from now on he is only going to look out for himself because the fans never gave two shits about him when he was injured.

Best i can come up with on the fly
Why not have him join The Wyatt Family? They can take the path ala The Ministry did with several recruits. Beat down, and then abduct Kofi. Take him off TV for a few weeks, repackage Kofi, and then debut him as something else. The only (and biggest) downside is that this would hurt his career more than anything unless they booked him as strong heel parallel to Bray Wyatt. However, this probably wouldn't be beneficial to the group to have someone just as powerful as the leader.

Every one loves a good losing streak angle though. Just have Kofi start losing to anyone and everyone he gets in the ring with. Face and heel alike. Hell, maybe even have him be pinned in an intergender tag match by a Diva. Slowly make this losing streak eat away at him. Have it discussed in backstage interviews, during the match by his opponents, the announcers, and in backstage segments as locker room talk. Have it get so bad to the point where Kofi cheats to win. After that, just make it seems as if Kofi can't seems to win a match without cheating. When asked about it by others, have Kofi get defensive and emphatically deny it, and attack whoever asks him. Just make him have this huge illusion of himself as a morally straight competitor but who really cheats every chance he gets. Have it spill into backstage segments, and even elude to it taking over his personal life. Have it destroy him. I can see a lot of great, possibly funny segments with this character, and even some segments that are very serious and maybe even teach the younger audience a lesson.
I can dig the losing streak idea, however I don't think Kofi should be pinned. Him saying that he teamed up with complete losers would have a greater effect, if they were the ones that were pinned. However I want to tweak it a bit.

So he comes back, and he teams with a couple people, Sin Cara, Bourne, Justin Gabriel and they keep losing, and he starts yelling at them at the end of matches.

He ends up getting surrounded by The Shield, and Cena runs out and makes the save. Puts him in a tag match, Kofi/Cena vs. Reigns/Rollins. Cena gets distracted by Ambrose, and speared by Reigns for the pin. After that, Kofi helps him up, and then nails Trouble in Paradise. Lays him right out. Have an Elimination Chamber match at a PPV, and have Cena drop the title to someone else. Than during his rematch, Kofi comes out, and kicks him again. Thus setting up for a decent feud with Cena with no title.

However, I still think that Kofi may need a mouthpiece, and R Truth is a better heel, than a crazy dude who sees imaginary children.

Also, I think he should stick with the Wildcat moniker, and actually get a theme that fits that, and steal the Wildcat sound bit from Sable's old theme.
He's out for a couple of months for surgery.

Have the MITB match but don't reveal the final competitor. When the final competitor comes out it's a guy in a bodysuit and nobody can tell who it is. Bodysuit guy wins and takes the briefcase and disappears.

Ryback wins the WWE Title and is in a weakened position a few months down the line. Bodysuit guy comes in a cashes in. New WWE Champ but nobody knows who it is. Guy unmasks to reveal Kofi. Not necessarily a heel turn, but would add some interest to Kofi as a character.
I would have him win one of the MITB contracts and his storyline is that his life goal is to be world champion and that he wont let anyone ruin this chance. Eventually he cashes in on a heel champion, then while the fans are going crazy/celebrating, Jerry Lawler goes into the ring to interview him. Jerry asks, "So Kofi, how does it feel to finally be champ?!" Then Kofi pushes Jerry down!!! He takes the mic and says "It's about damn time, this is MY time now. No one on this roster is a better athlete than me! No one can take this title away from me!" The crowd will be shocked and Kofi can finally go up against faces that would put on great matches with him. Jericho, Bryan, Cena, etc.
Just have some random low card face like Zack Ryder or Alex Riley come out for a random match. Kofi attacks the face, because he feels that the face is "stealing his spot". The two of them feud.
If it was just me, I'd go a simple route. Simple is often underused and underrated because, for some strange reason, some fans believe that everything is supposed to be this epic happening or it flat out sucks.

When Kofi makes his return, I'd book him to come out to do a promo without any music, without wearing his ring gear and with a different hairstyle. He's not going about all happy and smiling or slapping the hands of fans but walks confidently to the ring. I wouldn't want to turn him into some stereotypical black thug, so I wouldn't have him dress like one or come out to the predictable gangsta rap stuff. I'd have him dressed in a simple pair of black jeans and a solid black t-shirt.

He picks up the mic after getting into the ring and begins to address the fans rather than Ryback, saying he'll get his payback on that "Neanderthal lookin' bastard" soon enough. He says that he has a bone to pick with the fans. As he goes along, more and more conviction comes into his voice as he describes his beating at the hands of Ryback, with clips being show on the big screen. During his promo, he addresses the reaction of the crowd as Ryback plowed through him, namely chanting "one more time" as Ryback put him through table after table. Kofi talks about how hard he's worked in WWE and how many times he's put himself on the line, to give them their money's worth, yet they react to him getting beaten down like a dog with glee, encouraging Ryback to try to end his career with his wife and newborn son watching at home. They cheer as he's nearly broken in half and has to be half carried back to the locker room, etc. He discusses the surgery that he had to have due to what happened and put him on the shelf. During his recovery, he has time to think back on his career, especially attacks he's suffered and beatings he's endured, often with people cheering on the beating as it went down. He came to realize that he's nothing to the people he's killed himself for all these years, that he was just some happy smiling guy they could wipe their feet on. He could say something along the lines of maybe "here's what I think of you" as he pulls of his shirt, wipes his ass with it and then tosses it out onto someone at ringside.

Before he's about to leave, he's interrupted by a wrestler, I'd probably pick Chris Jericho, who comes out to talk to Kofi. He tries to console Kofi by telling him he understands he's angry and he's been in spots where he's also believed that people have just turned on him or didn't give a crap. If I'm not mistaken, this is the biggest injury Kofi has had since he's been wrestling, so maybe Jericho could mention that and explain that dwelling on such injuries, as one recovers, can play all kinds of tricks with your head. He knows because he's been there himself. At this time, Kofi is sort of hanging his head a bit and runs his hand over his face like he's realized he just said something awful out of anger. He shakes Jericho's hand briefly and pulls him into position to deliver the SOS, which he does. He then starts to pound Jericho with punches, kicks, stomps, etc. whatever springs to mind. As Jericho is stunned, Kofi pulls him to his feet long enough to deliver Trouble in Paradise and stands over him briefly before climbing out of the ring. As he's about to leave, he stops and gets this look on his face as if he's just had an idea. So he heads back and pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up inside. He pounds on Jericho a bit more, maybe even running off a couple of refs as they've come out to lend some aid. He puts Jericho on the table and climbs to the top to do a kind of modified Boom Drop, which is basically just a double leg drop, and puts Jericho through the table. Kofi stands up and is fired up and looks out at the crowd and asks them "one more time" several times in an attempt to get the crowd to chant it back. If the crowd chants back, which I have a feeling they would, Kofi could give them a rude gesture in response, not the middle finger, but one where he sort of pumps his right fist upward while putting his right hand in the crook of his arm, which I think means to "shove it" or "go to hell" or something along those lines. He smirks arrogantly and strolls casually out of the ring and back through the curtain. This also sets up a good feud & series of matches with Chris Jericho, who's excellent at putting over others while still looking like a champ himself.

I wouldn't have Kofi dwell on hating on the crowd for turning on him too much, but would have him move on, in subsequent promos, into deeper detail about how he came to realize how much of a chump he's allowed himself to be in WWE, how he's allowed himself to be just another body on the roster, how the birth of his son caused him to start reevaluating his career and how much bigger & better he wants to be so that his son can really be proud of his old man, etc. The fans "turning" on him was sort of the lynch pin that convinced him to truly "take charge" of himself and where he's going.

Anyhow, that's pretty much how I'd do it if I were booking the thing.
How would I book a Kofi heel turn?

That's easy. I wouldn't.

You know, it's not a bad thing for somebody to be face for their entire career. Hell, it's not even bad for somebody to be in the midcard their entire career. I don't understand this obsession with trying to get Kofi to the next level. He is what he is and I see nothing wrong with it. Not everybody can be in the main event and Kofi appears to be one of those guys. Let Kofi be.
If it were my call, I probably wouldn't turn him either.

Honestly, I don't really have much interest in Kofi either way and I'm not convinced he could be interesting enough of a character to get me to care about a heel turn. I'm not saying I would cut him if it were up to me, he's good in the ring, he gets the people behind him and he can sell like a champ but there's a lot of other guys I would invest time in outside of the ring besides Kofi. I would just keep him where he's at, just chilling in the midcard. For the sake of this thread, if I absolutely had to turn him I know exactly how I would do it. As soon as he's good to go following his surgery, I would have them announce his return to Raw and have 'em say before returning to action Kofi has requested just a couple of minutes to address the crowd and to address Ryback. Later on that night, Jerry Lawler conducts the interview with Kofi in the ring. After showing him the video of Ryback handing him his ass, Lawler asks Kofi how he's feeling following the attack or some shit like that and next thing ya know, Kofi boots Jerry Lawler right in the nuts. Kofi picks up the mic and asks Jerry how that feels?! Kofi says probably not very good and that he's felt that same feeling King feels in his stomach right now for quite a while now, but that he gets that feeling everytime he looks out in to the crowd and yada, yada...nobody came to his rescue when Ryback whooped his ass, blah, blah, blah...he's sick of trying to impress people and be the good guy, when he gets nothing in return and has to watch opportunities be handed out to people he could wrestle circles around. Long story short, he's doing things his way, he's coming for Ryback and he's gonna take down anybody else who dare's to stand in his way. That's basically the formula I would use to turn any generic babyface. Like I said, I'm not convinced Kofi could run with it but I would mark out seeing him kick Lawler in the balls.
Turning him is the hard part, I think they should really bring him back saying that the injury has given him time to reflect on his career and he realizes that what was isn't working. As far as his gimmick, they should just have him do the opposite of what he's doing now. If he smiles, he scowls as long as he can do it without looking like he needs to take a shit. If he's energetic, he starts to move more purposely and focused. If he does a lot of acrobatic movies, he grounds his moveset a little more, maybe pick up a few submission holds which would allow him to untie his hair so it won't interfere with his moves any more. I'd even make it a point of symbolism that he unties his hair to show that he's not being controlled any more. To make him stand out, I'd have all of his promos be short and to the point. Being long winded like most of the heels today doesn't always work.
I have given this some thought in the past and the way that I would do it would be with the return of an old faction, The Nation of Domination. It would involve Mark Henry as the muscle and maybe even the leader, The Prime Tyme Players, R-Truth, and Kofi Kingston. Henry is the leader like Farooq was and is the tie in with his roots being from a past incarnation of the Nation. Prime Tyme would be the tag team of the faction, like D-Lo and Henry were. R-Truth is your street thug, like The Godfather was. And Kofi is the young frustrated fan favorite who the fans were cheering against when Ryback was slamming his through table after table.

He makes a surprise return from his injury during a match more than likely involving R-Truth and Evan Bourne. It looks as if he's coming in to help out his old partner from a Nation beatdown only to take out his frustrations on Bourne with a steel chair. the next week, he is introduced as the newest member of the Nation where he cuts a promo about how he comes out there week in and week out giving his blood sweat and tears for the fans and that they repayed him by cheering Ryback as he was almost robbed of his livelyhood. So since the fans don't give a damn about him and how he supports his family, he no longer gives a damn about them.

This would lead to a lengthy high flying feud with Bourne that would be some great matches with Kofi solidifying his heel status by taking shortcuts in the end to get the wins. Then a push to where he turns the rest of the Nation against Henry, adding somebody like either Big E Langston or Ezekial Jackson for a new power man and maybe even Xavier Wood for a Eric Young Team Canada comic type. With the Nation behind him, Kofi could take a push all the way up to one of the major titles if they wanted to go that way with it, eventually leading back to his face turn.
I think that he's going to come back after months off. Its gonna be a match or a fight between Ryback and John Cena some way some how. Ryback is gonna have the upper hand and Cena is gonna be on the ground struggling to get up.Then Kofi Kingston Entrance music is gonna hit and out comes Kofi. Kofi would have a stare down with Ryback. Ryback will leave just like a typical heel in the WWE. Then Kofi hits Cena with the Trouble in Pradaise and stares down at him on the ground the crowd boos . Then the next RAW he can run promos about taking the backseat and Cena helping Daniel Bryan when he was attacked but no helping him.Then he should change his smile logo to a smirk or a evil frowning face logo.
May come around too soon but Money in the bank is perfect for Kofi. Dont let him showcase off his normal high flying ability and change his move style. Make him more of a coward in that match and win smartly. Getting out of the way of any 2 v 1's and so on.

Kofi wins Raw MITB.

Weeks leading upto have him staring in edited videos that appear during Raw or Smackdown promoting Money in the bank and with Kofi stating his intentions to win the big one. Heel promo's that garner any heat, even cheap heat.

Come money in the bank Cena loses the title to a babyface CM punk or Daniel Bryan, (more likely CM punk after the pipebomb). CM Punk then celebrates proclaiming how he is going to go on a massive run with the belt again. Then Kofi comes out congratulating his friend on his title win, whilst walking down to the ring still in ring gear from before. Goes to shake Punks hand then BAM, Trouble in parade. 1 2 3 Your new WWE champion "KOFI KINGSTON" and BOO's as MITB goes off the air.

Following RAW, play a recap of this and have RAW start with no fireworks and KOFI in the ring telling everyone how he has fooled them and PUNK. PUNK runs out to attack KOFI which then furthers their feud.
Idea #1 - have WWE hype his face return for a few weeks. One night on Raw have a Klansman come down the ramp with a mic and enter the ring. The crowd will be beside themselves. The Klansman talks (in a stereotypical Southern accent) about the problems in WWE and how he took care of one of them in Kofi Kingston who won't be appearing tonight. Send a lovable Cena-like face down to take down the Klansman only to get swatted in the head and knocked out by a blackjack or spade. After this the Klansman reveals himself to be:


It's clearly Kofi but he has shaven all his hair off and put himself in complete whiteface. The can even call him Triple K. He can join up to tag with Swagger and have Colter do his talking for him. Maybe have Cesaro join them as a Nazi (Americans don't know the difference between the Swiss and Germans anyway).

Idea #2 - promote the return of the NWO and when it is time just have Kofi come out alone and claim to be the new leader. He can be a complete joke saying all the douchey catch phrases, trying to sell the shirts, talking about the good old days, and comedy jobbing the whole way through. After three weeks he can have split personality come out only start the NWO Black and Red that is going to feud with himself.

Idea #3 - have him change his name to be the same as the most hated man in the world. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Kanye Kingston. He can even have a big bootied pregnant valet name Keri Karfashian. He can dance to the ring in bizarre clothes and jewelry and talk about loving fish sticks. Maybe he can take out Heath Slater to become the new frontman of 3MB.

Idea #4 - simply have him talk about his lack of success as a good guy. Decide good is dumb and just start doing ordinary and extraordinarily bad things in his life and in the ring to find success.

Idea #5 - make him a Heyman guy like everyone else on the roster that people in IWC seem to suggest.

Idea #6 - don't change a thing. The kids love him and he does a great job getting heels over.
Not a fan of his, but he's fine where he is. As GSB said, kids love him and he does a decent job putting over heels.

Then again, if they feel he's good enough to pull it off, go ahead, he can't get any worse. I don't think he has the range, but I've been wrong before (Mark Henry and R-Truth).
YES TO THE KLAN GIMMICK! Triple K, hilarious! That's how you make a racist gimmick work, I love it! (he was actually in a short Klan superhero/ horror movie you can see here:


It seems like everyone else is saying, "Why don't they just retread?" If I have to hear one more Big Show style "I've turned on the fans," or one more reuniting of a faction (NWO didn't work either of the times it was brought back and revamped, and the ONLY reason people remember the Nation of Domination was because the Rock used it as a stepping stone to the top, leaving everyone other member in the dust).

Kofi reminds me of Triple H during the Attitude Era; already becoming a seasoned veteran, NOBODY believed he would step up to the big leagues despite being beloved by the crowd. Rocky was his foil and got to the top much faster than him. I remember when HHH turned heel, nobody bought his main event rise for at least the first year, hell he even played second fiddle to Austin during the 2 Man Power Trip, grabbing the IC title. Look at Triple H now. I guess what I'm saying is, as long as Kofi gets gay married to Shane McMahon, he will someday main event a WrestleMania.
This is Kofi were talking about here! I like Kofi i really do but to think Kofi can go heel i just dont see it happening. Kofi IMO would have to have a complete overhaul to his character,his mannerisms to go heel. Kids love him,face it hes the type of guy you would want your daughter to date. Kofi is just too jolly to go heel i really dont see it happening.

WWE has tried to make Kofi serious remember that supposed dark side that aggressive side of Kofi when he feuded with the Viper some time ago? That worked for all of what three weeks and Kofi went back to his usual ol Golly ah shucks self.
the best way to get that full heel heat is to destroy somebody so beloved that u cant help but to hate them. enter rey mysterio. even if rey isnt fully ready to return, perhaps a short match where rey looks like hes in trouble and have kofi come down to "help" him only to shelve him for "good" he could go on to say he was tired of being better then people like rey only for them to get the title shots and so forth. that could also set up a fued with sin cara, but that part is for another thread

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