Kevin Owens sucks and this is why

Grill me all you want, but from what I've seen of this Owens so far, I'm not impressed. True, there have been fat guys in wrestling before like Foley, Andre, Bam Bam, etc. But those guys at least had that personalty, and character to get over with the fans. You could say they used their fat to their advantage.

This Owens just comes across as another dull, bearded IWC lovefest guy. Only cause he was in ROH, and now The E do you ppl love him. If he was in TNA, you would all be hating on him. Don't believe me? Just look at Samoa Joe. Nobody cared about him, or thought he was anything while in TNA. He shows up on The E, and suddenly he's the best up and coming guy there.
This Owens just comes across as another dull, bearded IWC lovefest guy. Only cause he was in ROH, and now The E do you ppl love him. If he was in TNA, you would all be hating on him. Don't believe me? Just look at Samoa Joe. Nobody cared about him, or thought he was anything while in TNA. He shows up on The E, and suddenly he's the best up and coming guy there.

The difference with Samoa Joe is that in TNA, after an electric start, he got treated increasingly like he was just another guy so that is how he was perceived by the majority of fans. When he was in ROH, Joe was looked at as essentially a god and in his nXt debut he was made out to be a big deal so the crowd reacted as such.

Owens has been treated as a big deal from the very start in nXt and the main WWE roster - he turned on his friend and got the better of John Cena.

The success of Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose show that the crowds are willing to get behind those who not fit the body-builder or giant cookie cutter. Owens is of that (lack of) mould, although he does represent another facet as he is now being needed to get over as an unorthodox looking heel straight off the bat, which might explain his pairings with Sami and Cena, the two biggest baby faces in their respective brands.

So far, the signs are good as Owens comes across as a thoroughly detestable human being. The big challenge though is how he gets on in the ring, not in terms of his talent, which he definitely has, but in how he deals with not being bigger than the majority of his opponents.

I fully hope and expect him to be the biggest cheater once he figures out that he cannot man-handle the likes of Cena - eye gouges, low blows, begging off, feet on the ropes, conning and complaining to the ref.
If anything, Charisma is the only thing Owens does have lmao.

He knows his character and thats why it works.

I wasn't a fan of him in ROH/Indys but now that HHH and Dusty have gotten a hold of him, he found his missing piece for me. Everything he does makes sense now.
Kevin Owens sucks, and I will explain it, and why people may relate to him.

We got a fat person without charisma in the ring with the biggest face perhaps the last decade in WWE. Owens looks like just a bad b-version of Tank Abbot.

I think some of IWC can relate to him, he's fat, he looks like them.

I see a pattern in this, when fat or common people without charisma from indies getting a breakthrough. :shrug:

Clearly overrated

Let me tell you why your a troll....Your gonna preach all this yet i bet you like Bray Wyatt...and they are similar in size but both are like a army tank with a Lamborghini engine...Owens character is a realist and we all know it...I don't see myself in in 30 yr old Jewish Canadian Father of 2...but you know what i see...a man who wants to fight and will fight....You wanna talk about how the IWC wants fat guys in WWE we also wanted short guys,tall guys and hell we want Asians Black Guys with out stereotypes so this pattern you point out isn't sir are just a troll and bad one at that.
Owens has a workers body for he's thick and built to take bumps. Let's see how his character develops before we get down on him.
We've got to give the guy a chance.....not deciding he 'sucks' before he's even had an official match on the main roster.

Yes, his body sucks....he looks more like a bouncer in a bar by the docks than anything else, but sometimes guys like that can turn out to be most entertaining acts in a wrestling ring. Honestly, the guy's gimmick isn't going to be flexing his muscles or ripping off his shirt during a match (a la Jeff Hardy), so if Owens' physique stinks, we need to see what he can do with the tools he's got before condemning him.

On the other hand, KO has the rare advantage of beginning his main roster tenure against the 'guy who runs the place'.....there aren't going to be preliminary matches for this guy to prove himself before being inserted at the top level.

For that reason, if he 'sucks' then the WWE hierarchy is totally wrong about him and they'll pay the price. In this case, I'll give the braintrust the benefit of the doubt and presume the guy's got to have something, despite his substandard appearance.

Fortunately, Owens is in against a guy who is expert at putting others over....and I believe he's about to do that deed for Kevin.
lol pretty much your whole basis is that he is fat. people like him cause they relate to him. but other than that he sucks because you say he sucks.

I like Kevin Owens. I don't watch ROH. I watch the NXT takeover events, but not the weekly show. So I don't like him because he is an "Indy Darling". I don't relate to him because he is fat. Im just short of 6 feet tall and weigh 125lb, Im far from fat. I am living disproof of your theory

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