Cena always gets boo'd by at least half the crowd. This is nothing new, it's been happening for a long time. If you've just noticed then I don't know what to say to you. And please where did Orton get boo'd last night, or any other night lately for that matter? Since his face turn, he's getting cheered everywhere he goes. As a heel he was becoming nothing less than boring. Besides aren't fans supposed to boo heels?
You can't blame fans or the IWC about the Diva's division, that falls solely on the shoulders of the WWE. Both Bella's while they have improved, Jesus Christ they couldn't have gone any other way, have been the only ones highlighted for a long time now. If you watched the match last night, Brie Bella was out of her league in there with Charlotte and Banks. Both the NXT girls were so much better. And it's because in NXT they are actually allowed to have matches that are worth watching.
All of the NXT girls can flat out go in the ring, and the Diva's from the main roster, other than Nattie and Paige, pale in comparison. Even Naomi who is one of the most athletic Diva's they have, has absolutely no personality. So she wins on one side and loses big time on the other. Oh and it's not bias it's talent.
But you said that people in NXT get cheered, because of their hard work, yet I pointed out that Cena works probably harder than any worker in the company, including the NXT roster.
People cheer Orton, but also say here that they are bored with him, or with Sheamus. I bet if Sheamus had been in NXT, or ROH, he would get a lot more love than he does. He is just as agile for a big man as Kevin Owens is, yet people boo Sheamus.
Also, I watched a match on NXT the other day to see what the hype was all about. They had a match between Charlotte and Sasha Banks, two divas who people here mark for. I found the match to be very average, especially by Charlotte, who moved across the ring very slowly, and her timing was off. She also paused a couple of times before putting on her next move, like she was trying to remember the next part of the match. I saw Brie last night at "Battleground" run really quickly across the ring and do a flying dropkick. Now, don't use the excuse that Charlotte is still learning, so be patient, when many here didn't afford the Bellas any patience when they first started out. Just because the Bellas are hot, and thought of as models rather than wrestlers, whereas neither Charlotte, Sasha or Becky would be considered classic beauties, and the IWC mentality is :- beautiful women = crap wrestler, average looking women = great wrestler.
A great example is how everyone marked for the Ascension in NXT, yet when they join WWE, you all turn on them, and also on Adam Rose, who many here loved in NXT.
Name me one person who you think that the gimmick they have got since moving from NXT to WWE is a vast improvement, and you think they are much better since moving up the roster. I'm waiting!
People like NXT because NXT is like ROH, with the dark lighting, small venue feel, that pool hall wrestling companies are now for. It is like a rich version of ROH. Because WWE is big and successful, and NXT is smaller and full of people you aren't sick of yet, you think that everything NXT does is golden, whereas everything WWE does is poop. Just admit it, and it might at least respect you for your honesty.
I am a fan of people who came up from NXT, like the Shield guys, the Wyatts and Kevin Owen, but I base it on seeing them in WWE, not because they were in NXT.