Kevin Nash Article

Definitely a great read and more then just a piece to promote Nash. I don't know how much to believe coming from Nash, he's never seemed like the most humble man in the world but I enjoyed the article and learned a lot. I hope he doesn't have substance abuse issues.
That was truly a great article. I never knew he had a 161 IQ. No wonder Nash did what he did in terms of backstage politics, he was always the smartest guy in the room.

And I actually have to kind of agree with him on his opinion of benoit and gurrerro. It truly makes sense when you think about it.
Ive posted many times, mostly about Hogan & HBK but it applies to Nash too with regards to back stage politics. I never blame a wrestler for looking out for his character. These guys often are at the mercy of bookers & promoters who could be motivated by a million different things, including another wrestler's "backstage politics". You dont excell due to your success because the matches are not real. Your ability to look good often depends on your opponent who if he isnt good or the crowd doesnt believe in or care about him they wont care about your match. Sometimes you have to be able to protect yourself because no one else will.

When "backstage politics" goes wrong or gets out of hand I blame management. The stuff that Hogan & Nash pulled in WCW never would have flown with Vince McMahon. This is the guy who fired The Ultimate Warrior in 1992 when he was headed for a title run. The guy who let Austin walk in 2002 when he refused to put over Lesnar. Vince certainly has made plenty of concessions over the years to appease certain talent but Eric Bischoff let the coyotes run the hen house. Weak management is to blame in these cases, not backstage politics by talent.

Remember, these guys dont have a union to protect then, no collective bargaining rights, no retirement or pensions and no health care. Arena Football players get better benefits provided them than WWE wrestlers.

I didnt like a lot of the self serving decissions Nash & Hogan made that alienated the audience and the other wrestlers in WCW but I dont blame them one bit. It was up to management to fix or control or rain them in and that obviously failed.
Thanks for your link to find this articles .I have been looking for those link form some days.
and finally i found this articles its helps me a lot o know about him.

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