KB Answers WZCW Questions

Nah. Just several Summerslam reviews back in the day.

Yikes. I actually think I remember those. When I was writing NSCW, I had lost almost my entire first show, and it almost killed it before it even started. The rewrite was actually better though, thankfully.
Have you read Kingdom Come VII? Your thoughts, if you did?

EDIT: Might I point out that S.H.I.T. v Barbosa seems to be heavily influenced by OCW?
You must read Garth VS Abel. The match I liked the most. I'm in love with Garth's story. Read KC ASAP!

Looking at thread title, how much did you like Garth VS Abel?
EDIT: Might I point out that S.H.I.T. v Barbosa seems to be heavily influenced by OCW?

My influence was wanting to write 1 more barbaric match between SHIT/Barbosa worthy of KC, similar to Consty/Show. Those two matches/feuds have happened before but never had a match at KC so I just went balls to the wall.

I cannot remember anything about OCW outside of KB writing it during the dark period of WZCW. I hear OCW was pretty bad, too.
I cannot remember anything about OCW outside of KB writing it during the dark period of WZCW. I hear OCW was pretty bad, too.

OCW was fun, whether it was good or bad. The kinds of things that happened in the matches, are very similar to most of the spots (and the entrances) in their match at Kingdom Come.

I think OCW should get dug out of the archives, and stickied somewhere.

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