KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Given how many times "friends" split to fight each other, it's nothing I'd be interested in. Also Cena is WAY ahead of Ziggler so there isn't much to see there.
Are you expecting a better RVD than we saw in his last few months in TNA? They're really making him seem like a huge deal, maybe he gets motivated to bust his ass.
Are you expecting a better RVD than we saw in his last few months in TNA? They're really making him seem like a huge deal, maybe he gets motivated to bust his ass.

It's in Philly so they're going to cheer him no matter what. He should be at least decent, so yeah better than what we got in TNA.

with Dolph getting face reactions will AJ Screw him at MITB?(i think it's about a 80% chance of it happening)

Which is more gruesome to look at, Taker's blood in The Cell Match with Lesnar or the gash in Holly's back against Van Dam on ECW?

Do you think either MITB winner this year will hold the case as long as Ziggler did last year?

Has Sheamus as a face run its course yet?

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