KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Edge had just returned from his injury and his entire style had changed. People really didn't like it and thought he was being pushed too hard despite not having the abilities (at the time) to back it up.
Why dont they have Enzo just accompany Big Cass to the ring while he waits to be cleared to return? Surely it would be a better way to keep them both relevant as oppossed to having Cass constantly reminding us of Enzo?
He's always been the guy that works with the star. As for how he should be rated, I'd go with about where he is: talented but not the top level name.
Is Hideo Itami ever coming back? He injured his shoulder about this time a year ago, & from what I read around that time, the recovery time was expected to be 6-9 months I believe.
It's a bit early to judge, but how do you see Gallows/Anderson's career's playing out in WWE and how long do you see them sticking around for? For instance, do you see them cementing themselves as one of the better tag teams of this "generation" or splitting off eventually? Maybe even going back to New Japan one day?
Who SHOULD & WILL win the MITB briefcase?

Chances for Barrett, Sandow and Riley to join TNA?

Is Ryback's WWE career over?
It's a bit early to judge, but how do you see Gallows/Anderson's career's playing out in WWE and how long do you see them sticking around for? For instance, do you see them cementing themselves as one of the better tag teams of this "generation" or splitting off eventually? Maybe even going back to New Japan one day?

A few years at least. Maybe.

Who SHOULD & WILL win the MITB briefcase?

Chances for Barrett, Sandow and Riley to join TNA?

Is Ryback's WWE career over?

No idea at this point.

Barrett yes, but that's it.

If Styles wins WWE WHC will he have help from new member of The Club. Who should be that member. I was thinking Rollins

Which company gets sold 1st UFC/WWE. If either is sold who should by each one. I was thinking in WWE's case WB or Disney

35th Anniversary of Starrcade is coming up I think its time WWE does anthology set

Would you like to see WWE add to the digital department and after each customer pays for its custom order a Build Your Own DVD/Blu-Ray

VKM sold $40 mill stock for estate purposes so does than mean Physical HOF
Not Rollins as he's still way too injured.


Nah. Not with the Network. People wouldn't have much of a reason to buy it. And that's not for two more years.

They have that already in the form of the Network.

I doubt it.

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