KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Quite. HHH wasn't putting Jeff over so they gave Edge a quite title reign instead.

I assume if Triple H puts you over it's a big deal (Daniel Bryan) Do you reckon Jeff Hardy/CM Punk would have benefited better if Triple H had put them over clean?
I've started it but I'm already losing interest in ANOTHER interview show and ANOTHER show about how awesome the Attitude Era was.
More Countdown type stuff. There's a ton of stuff you can do with that but they won't for some reason. Also instead of Wrestlemania Rewind, there's Summerslam, Survivor Series and Royal Rumble Rewind. More WWE 24 stuff too as those things are amazing. Coliseum Video of course.

And I still want a random button.
A lot of the time I have no idea what people are talking about in some of the old reviews. I've already reached the point where I start a review and have to go look it up to realize I've done it before.
A lot of the time I have no idea what people are talking about in some of the old reviews. I've already reached the point where I start a review and have to go look it up to realize I've done it before.

That's another reason I don't see the point in commenting. I'll know what I'm referring to, having just read the review, but to you it's probably more like "Which Hogan v Savage match is this? Piper said what?"

I don't review shows, and it all runs together. I applaud you for trying lol
How many men older than Sting have received a match for the WWE Championship (in either that form or the WHC form)? I don't think either Hogan or Flair were past 56 the last time they received WWE title matches.
Do you believe TNA is done at the end of the year

Is it too late for someone else to come in and re-brand a much damaged product if the Carter's sell. If someone was to come in and run the company starting from the bottom who should it be

Is it time that the majority of the INDY's re-form the NWA concept so they can financially survive. I think with NXT and the recent signings clearly WWE has a problem with any wrestling company and if the little ones don't stick together much like the territory days they will be picked off one by one
VKM has always wanted RAW's Ratings at least 2.5 (Pre & Post AE) and as of now they are outside that bubble so do you think with the pressure from Comcast he will change a little. I think the only thing that keeps him from changing is the contract language with a few sponsors

Most of the AE content with certain story lines wasn't needed so I am not saying TV-14 even though the super majority of tv shows are that rating. I am a big fan of the Brand Extension and to convert SD into NXT would be a smart move. Smaller venues would cut costs rapidly. IMO too many repeat matches from weekly programming to PPV's and I think they need more NXT talent. In fact the roster should double within the next 6 months so a brand split could work
When the WWE title was unified with the WHC title, it was quite clear that WWE wanted to make the World champ be The Guy in WWE. When Brock had the title, he was definitely The Guy and clearly on top, however, with Rollins, I can't help but feel his reign has sort of devalued the WWE WHC to an extent, given he portrays an outright coward, who seems like a dumbass also, and also loses on both RAW and SmackDown.
Ntm, RAW and SmackDown ratings are lower than ever, and I can't help but feel people are just bored of the Main Event story which is supposed to drive the show, but(lMO) has just become quite repetitive and has seen Seth Rollins lose loads of momentum in the last couple of months especially(even his general segment have started to seem repetitive and he hasn't been portrayed as an Architect for quite a while now).

Is there time for a shake-up of sorts at the top now, or should WWE ride it out with Rollins as the Scumbag Champion?
More Countdown type stuff. There's a ton of stuff you can do with that but they won't for some reason. Also instead of Wrestlemania Rewind, there's Summerslam, Survivor Series and Royal Rumble Rewind. More WWE 24 stuff too as those things are amazing. Coliseum Video of course.

I've felt the WWE 24 stuff should be longer, they're so great but so damn short. More Rewinds would be cool, I'd also like to see more Rivalries, I like that show & it seemed like one they could keep going with for years, as there is endless content for it. I wish instead of doing one on one interviews they'd do more Wrestling Roundtable type stuff, I love the idea of legends telling stories & sharing memories. I'd also like to see a show where they have one wrestler come on, past or present, & have them give their five favorite matches, & then for each match they talk about the build up to it, show the match, maybe have them do commentary over it, & then talk about the fallout. Maybe call it Fave 5 & have it hosted by Booker T. I'd also like to see both Corey Graves shows get more time, like bump them up to at least 15-20 mins. long.

And I still want a random button.

This sounds interesting, would it be for matches, shows, or both?
Do you believe TNA is done at the end of the year

Nah. They somehow keep surviving.

Is it too late for someone else to come in and re-brand a much damaged product if the Carter's sell. If someone was to come in and run the company starting from the bottom who should it be

Yeah it's too late. The fans aren't stupid enough to buy something just because it has a different name. Anyone would be an upgrade over Carter.

Is it time that the majority of the INDY's re-form the NWA concept so they can financially survive. I think with NXT and the recent signings clearly WWE has a problem with any wrestling company and if the little ones don't stick together much like the territory days they will be picked off one by one

No. The indies are doing fine as they're now a glorified feeder system for nXT. WWE benefits from having them around in that sense so they're not going to come after anyone unless those companies are stupid enough to go after WWE.

VKM has always wanted RAW's Ratings at least 2.5 (Pre & Post AE) and as of now they are outside that bubble so do you think with the pressure from Comcast he will change a little. I think the only thing that keeps him from changing is the contract language with a few sponsors

It's hard to say. The ratings right now aren't an indication of what the show does. Also with so many other ways to watch/recap the show, it's not clear what a normal number should be anymore.

Most of the AE content with certain story lines wasn't needed so I am not saying TV-14 even though the super majority of tv shows are that rating. I am a big fan of the Brand Extension and to convert SD into NXT would be a smart move. Smaller venues would cut costs rapidly. IMO too many repeat matches from weekly programming to PPV's and I think they need more NXT talent. In fact the roster should double within the next 6 months so a brand split could work

The repeats are a problem but making Smackdown into NXT wouldn't work.

When the WWE title was unified with the WHC title, it was quite clear that WWE wanted to make the World champ be The Guy in WWE. When Brock had the title, he was definitely The Guy and clearly on top, however, with Rollins, I can't help but feel his reign has sort of devalued the WWE WHC to an extent, given he portrays an outright coward, who seems like a dumbass also, and also loses on both RAW and SmackDown.
Ntm, RAW and SmackDown ratings are lower than ever, and I can't help but feel people are just bored of the Main Event story which is supposed to drive the show, but(lMO) has just become quite repetitive and has seen Seth Rollins lose loads of momentum in the last couple of months especially(even his general segment have started to seem repetitive and he hasn't been portrayed as an Architect for quite a while now).

Is there time for a shake-up of sorts at the top now, or should WWE ride it out with Rollins as the Scumbag Champion?

They'll probably have to ride it out, but you're completely spot on with the problems. It's basically turned him into the Honky Tonk Man but the fans today are smart enough to know that the title isn't changing hands on Raw. Why would I want to see Cena vs. Rollins over and over and over with the champ losing most of the time while we watch him going through his daddy issues with HHH? They've gone out of their way to keep him from looking like a strong champion because, as I've said dozens of times, the writers don't know how to book a strong heel champion not named Brock Lesnar.

I've felt the WWE 24 stuff should be longer, they're so great but so damn short. More Rewinds would be cool, I'd also like to see more Rivalries, I like that show & it seemed like one they could keep going with for years, as there is endless content for it. I wish instead of doing one on one interviews they'd do more Wrestling Roundtable type stuff, I love the idea of legends telling stories & sharing memories. I'd also like to see a show where they have one wrestler come on, past or present, & have them give their five favorite matches, & then for each match they talk about the build up to it, show the match, maybe have them do commentary over it, & then talk about the fallout. Maybe call it Fave 5 & have it hosted by Booker T. I'd also like to see both Corey Graves shows get more time, like bump them up to at least 15-20 mins. long.

That and someone doing commentary on a match. Austin did it a few times and it was great. Have someone come in and do commentary like a director on a DVD. You could do that remotely even.

This sounds interesting, would it be for matches, shows, or both?

Thing is, it has boggled my mind how they have virtually dropped the Architect part from Rollins' character, and now he is just a coward and also a dumbass.
For eg, you have KO walking out of matches, yet I still get the notion that KO only fights selectively given his "I'm a Prize Fighter schtick and I DGAF".
Rollins, however, since before his cash-in, in the rivalry vs Orton where he "outsmarted Orton in 3 hrs", has been a protected weasel character, who seems to have sold/lost his brain somewhere.

Essentially, given I still actively play TEW, it is like he had an A level gimmick pre-cash-in, and since winning the title, he has been given a C level gimmick.
You just can't drive your Main Show with a Top Champion who uses a C-Level gimmick.

Also, at this point, I do wonder how they plan to pull of an effective Face turn for Rollins, and still do an effective storyline feud for the SHIELD 3-way many continue to clamour for, possibly in the near future.
Thing is, it has boggled my mind how they have virtually dropped the Architect part from Rollins' character, and now he is just a coward and also a dumbass.
For eg, you have KO walking out of matches, yet I still get the notion that KO only fights selectively given his "I'm a Prize Fighter schtick and I DGAF".
Rollins, however, since before his cash-in, in the rivalry vs Orton where he "outsmarted Orton in 3 hrs", has been a protected weasel character, who seems to have sold/lost his brain somewhere.

Essentially, given I still actively play TEW, it is like he had an A level gimmick pre-cash-in, and since winning the title, he has been given a C level gimmick.
You just can't drive your Main Show with a Top Champion who uses a C-Level gimmick.

Also, at this point, I do wonder how they plan to pull of an effective Face turn for Rollins, and still do an effective storyline feud for the SHIELD 3-way many continue to clamour for, possibly in the near future.

For me, the problem keeps coming back to the Authority. Rollins keeps running back to them for the save at the drop of a hat, which comes off like a way to praise the two of them at all costs. That's one of Raw's biggest problems (to be fair it's toned down a bit lately): everyone turns into an idiot coward around the Authority because they're just so amazing and everyone must be in awe of them. Rollins isn't immune to this and somehow he's supposed to be redeemed when he finally rises up against them, which he's supposed to have done for months now.
The above conversation is basically why I never got into Rollins as champion. He's outstanding and his face turn will be a sight to behold, but I was dreading his cash in because I knew this is how it would play out. He just has not been an interesting champion and that's not on him, but what he's given to work with.

We have seen this cowardly heel champion with "authority" back up time and time again, except you know, better. Rollins comes off as a poor man's Edge. Shit La Familia was more entertaining than what I've watched on Raw with Rollins and the Authority.
Might as well ask a question since I'm here.

Pertaining to a recent thread, what are your thoughts on Dean Ambrose? Could he be a major headliner one day? Do you feel he isn't seen in the same light as Reigns and Rollins?
For me, the problem keeps coming back to the Authority. Rollins keeps running back to them for the save at the drop of a hat, which comes off like a way to praise the two of them at all costs. That's one of Raw's biggest problems (to be fair it's toned down a bit lately): everyone turns into an idiot coward around the Authority because they're just so amazing and everyone must be in awe of them. Rollins isn't immune to this and somehow he's supposed to be redeemed when he finally rises up against them, which he's supposed to have done for months now.


^^ That was sickening, given the guys that were in the ring. To me, there are some guys whose characters should have dictated them not being part of that group.
To their credit, I don't think Bray Wyatt was out there for that segment. But neither should Reigns/Ambrose, lMO. Little things like that help elevate certain characters, but as you pointed out, the Authority is held above each and every Superstar's head and none of them can ever seem to put one over them. Heck, even Sting had to put HHH over at Mania and ended up praising him up on his return post-SummerSlam.
You would never think that WWE's Most Popular character was the guy who used to "Whip the Boss' A**!"

^^ That was sickening, given the guys that were in the ring. To me, there are some guys whose characters should have dictated them not being part of that group.
To their credit, I don't think Bray Wyatt was out there for that segment. But neither should Reigns/Ambrose, lMO. Little things like that help elevate certain characters, but as you pointed out, the Authority is held above each and every Superstar's head and none of them can ever seem to put one over them. Heck, even Sting had to put HHH over at Mania and ended up praising him up on his return post-SummerSlam.
You would never think that WWE's Most Popular character was the guy who used to "Whip the Boss' A**!"

The whole problem for me was summed up on the go home show for Wrestlemania.

Sting: Now of course this isn't about the Monday Night Wars. Those ended fourteen years ago and it would be stupid to keep fighting about them.


Sting didn't get in another word.

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