KB Answers Wrestling Questions

1998-1999 is better than 1997 and 2000.

1999 didn't have good drama. It had drama like Mark Calaway forgot he really isn't The Undertaker. That weird thing he did with Viscera. Trapping Mideon in a cave and somehow the cave having a camera. Beaver Cleavage (complete with breaking kayfabe). Remember how Austin got run over? That was the second time someone got hit by a car that year. Two attempted murders in one damn year. The Higher power angle. Ivory challenging a fan and saying don't be scared, wrestling is fake. Lots of other crap too. The last 2 months of 1999 improved at a drastic rate. Why? Vince Russo left.

Was the WWE 1999 roster the most misused roster ever?
I don't think you can say that. Not with how well the numbers did. I'd probably say the most misused was Raw 2003, which was just so stupidly done to placate HHH.
What the hell was up with Zach Gowen back then? Like they just took an amputee rookie and threw him straight into the crossfire of people like Piper, Hogan, McMahon, Lesnar, and a severely downplayed Sean O'haire. Where was that going, or where was it meant to go?
I can't imagine it was meant to go much further. Apparently his ego got out of control and they dropped him soon after. The problem with someone like that is the handicap is the extent of their character. It's the same with Melendez in TNA: once you get past the handicap, there's really nothing to talk about with him.
Was the Million Dollar giveaway at SummerSlam '97 the most convoluted, & poorly organized & executed giveaway WWE has ever done?

Lets pretend for a minute that Jericho agreed to do a run in NXT similar to what Rhyno is doing. Who would you like to see him work with down there.
It beats anything else for seconds place. I just watched those again recently and I have no idea what I was seeing.

Breeze by far.
Who's feuding with Bram right now? I mean besides the cops in Florida of course. I'm just curious as to who just let out a string of expletives since they're probably going to be edited off TNA TV for awhile.

If ECIII/Johnny Curtis ever made it back to WWE, for whatever reason, would they even acknowledge his Johnny Curtis character?

Your favorite feud of all time?

What's one feud you wish could've happened?
Who's feuding with Bram right now? I mean besides the cops in Florida of course. I'm just curious as to who just let out a string of expletives since they're probably going to be edited off TNA TV for awhile.

If they have to do that, given what's coming for him........yeah that would pass WCW 2000 for ineptness.

If ECIII/Johnny Curtis ever made it back to WWE, for whatever reason, would they even acknowledge his Johnny Curtis character?


Your favorite feud of all time?

That's a good question. Sting vs. Vader but I'll probably have a different answer tomorrow.

What's one feud you wish could've happened?

I think I answered this yesterday. Barry Windham vs. Randy Savage in 1988/9.

Johnny Curtis = Fandango........

Derek Bateman= EC3.....

*Yeah that.
I'm overseas and apparently there's been a lot of news recently? Can you give me a recap of what's happened?
Is Paige as bad as the Bella Twins at this point? She complains about the crowd being "disrespectful" while she does the same thing in the ring every week. The constant clapping while standing on the apron during tag matches is also annoying.
With all the talk of a Seth Rollins face turn vs the Authority. Is it possible that HHH goes babyface instead and puts over a Heel Seth Rollins(possibly in a WWE World title match)?

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