Kaval released


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World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of WWE SmackDown Superstar Kaval (Brandon Silvestry) as of today, December 23, 2010. We wish Kaval the best in all future endeavor

I must say this is a genuine surprise though he hasn't really hit the heights after he won season 2 of NXT he's a good worker and seemingly he was in for the longer term.

Obviously I was wrong.
I'm a bit shocked to hear that. It seemed like Kaval was a good guy for the E to have their higher midcards beat up on due to his size, but he usually put on a hell of a fight. My guess is this was a mutual release as creative probably had nothing for Kaval and he probably wanted to look elsewhere if they had no real plans for him.

I'm a bit upset as I was a fan of Kaval and thought he'd make a solid midcarder for the WWE and a potential IC/US title holder down the road. He could put on solid matches with pretty much anyone and the crowd usually cared for him. Despite me liking him it really isn't that big of loss for them, as his role could be replaced by someone else.
Wow this is a huge shock. I am a big fan of Kaval/Low-Ki and I can't believe they are pulling the plug on him already. He didn't really get a huge push coming off NXT2 and was injured pretty soon after which hurt him even more. I know I'll be waiting to hear more about this in the coming days and waiting for him to surface again in the indies.
Holy shit. He hasn't even been on the roster that long. Wonder why they gave up on him so quickly. Granted, he hasn't been doing anything, but there are much more deserved-to-be-released stars on the roster. This leads me to believe he most likely asked to be released or just decided not to re-sign his contract.

Either way, he is talented and shouldn't be leaving so soon. Not that it is really much of a blow to the roster, but sucks anyways.
I want a goddamn link for that. Otherwise I'm just going to dismiss as bullshit. Now if it's true, I'm going to be fucking pissed. They hamstrung his push from the onset and he's not really doing much of anything at the moment.
I can't say I'm surprised. He was in what..one title match against Dolph Ziggler on PPV and lost every match besides (to my knowledge) a tag team match and surviving 5 minutes in the ring with Big Show on Smackdown (which I don't class as a genuine win)

If I'm being honest, I never really saw anything in Kaval. I always said that he should never have gone to the WWE. There are some people in my opinion, that, despite WWE being the juggernaut of wrestling companies, it ruins some wrestlers. Kaval is a true athlete, and not an entertainer. He isn't somebody to be going around dancing with Hornswoggle and make a name for himself, he's pure talent and I knew from the second he was on NXT, that he was going to win, and I knew he was deemed to fail.

That was abruptly obvious after his first 2 or 3 matches. Alas, I wish him well in his future endavours.
Massive surprise. I really thought that he was going to be a useful signing for them. He is a real talent and he works a realistic stiff style. Due to his size I never saw him as a World champion level talent but he would have been a very useful midcard/tag team level worker.

I guess it is fairly obvious that there are extenuating circumstances here and there may well be a lot of speculation about it.
WOW. This really sucks and I'm shocked that he has been released I'm a Huge Kaval fan and I think he is capable of puting on really good matches, this also doesn't make sense because Smackdown does not have alot of mid-card faces. So much for the Next Breakout Star.:(
I imagine this had a lot to do with Kaval's attitude, as opposed to them just not having anything for him. That retweet about his misuse was pretty telling about his attitude, and this early in his WWE career, that shouldn't have been his attitude.

They hadn't given him that much of a chance to get over, but that didn't mean that he was never going to be pushed. There were comparisons that he could be the next Rey Mysterio, and I think to an extent, it could've happened. His lack of patience got the best of him, something that seems to be happening all too often in superstars lately.

This was a surprise, but I can't say that it'll make that much of a difference. So long, Kaval. I liked your kicks, and your theme music was great. Never forget.
I'm not really surprised to be honest. He didn't seem like the type of guy WWE would've ever gone on to truly push. Sure he got a bit of airtime, but hardly anything noticeable.

Either way, it's not like it's a big deal. I never truly found Kaval that exciting in the ring, considering the fact that he might have been energetic and quick as hell. But that's about where it ends, he had his spots and all that, but there are many others that have spots as well, and are much more exciting to watch in the ring.

I'm guessing this means he'll be wrestling in Ring of Honor soon enough.
Like Theo, I'm also shocked to hear this.
Kaval was a really fun and intresting charachter to say the least. He was good in the ring, and had some good mic skills. Ok he wasn't tall or anything, but from the little we have seen from him on Smackdown, he looks like he could hang with the big guys.

However, thinking about it, should we have seen this coming? If you think about it, I say a fair few of us were totally suprised when Kaval beat Ziggler to get his intercontinental title shot, and if you thin kabout it, WWE could have been planning to release him in the future, and decided to get his contract title shot out of the way, meaninglessly...

But really, I can thik of many other people that should go before Kaval, regaurdless of whether or not he was going to be used in WWE's short term plans.
Kaval really wasn't doing anything, he was losing each and every week. The only person that he put a fight up against was Dolph Ziggler, but he wasn't taking his title. He lost his Team Smackdown spot, after taking a beat down by Big Show to earn it. While he may have won NXT Season 2, he wasn't doing anything but losing. Can't say I'm shocked, he was good in the ring. But do the WWE need him, no. They may need to move another mid-card guy to Smackdown, but they don't need Kaval.
Wow. This is a bit of a shocker. Everyone was pretty excited when he signed with WWE. Things were looking even brighter for him when he was excelling on season 2 of NXT. He looked like he had a bright future at least as an upper midcarder.

I dont know why he was fired. He seemed to be performing well and working pretty good. He was pretty over with the crowd as well. I suspect that some backstage stuff is the cause for this. I would think that they would have at least sent him back to FCW if they needed to. Its just a bit strange to me. But I'm sure all the ROH marks are gonna be happy to see him back there.
Really WWE?? Really?!
This just shows how much winning NXT really means, lets recap Kavals career on the WWE roster. He won NXT, he made his debut, he lost an IC title match and then got realesed, damn this is a real bring down to me, R.I.P Kavals WWE career, We hardly knew ye!
We don't know all the details behind this, so take what I write with a grain of salt. But this isn't the first time WWE released a guy that apparently creative had nothing for. Maybe its time for Vince to reevaluate his lousy creative team full of Hollywood writers instead of automatically blaming the talent for not getting over.

I don't know what the plan ultimately was for Kaval, but knowing WWE and their writing, they probably didn't have one.

I also hope that this is an isolated firing and not the start of a firing blitz. I would hate to see 8-10 guys lose their jobs 2 days before Christmas.
This could go one of two ways. It could be a legitimate release, and we may see Kaval resurface on the indies, or even in TNA. Or, it could just be a swerve by WWE and we may see Kaval back on Raw or SmackDown some time down the line.

Either way, it'll be interesting to see where this goes.

Also, for the person who wanted a link, here it is: http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/kavalreleased
This is a boneheaded move by WWE on many accounts, and I'm frustrated, upset, and not at all shocked by this decision.

Kaval had a lot of major draws. He was quick, not afraid to do the dangerous spots, unique, and he had grit. He was decent enough on the stick and was fantastic in his ring. His PPV match with Dolph Ziggler where he kicked Dolph's head into the middle of next week was very good, one of my favorite matches of Survivor Series.

Furthermore, the crowd was behind him. He hadn't been coming out to massive pops and Smackdown, but you can blame that on the fact that he wasn't exactly being pushed very hard. The truth is, he won NXT Season 2 mostly because of his exciting ability and the fact that the crowd knew he had potential, potential that he was seeming to fulfill by having tremendous matches on Friday nights and at Survivor Series.

He was also probably the best high flyer on Smackdown save Rey Mysterio. He was most certainly better than Evan Bourne whom, while exciting, does not have nearly the same intensity as Kaval. He was also better than Justin Gabriel whom really hasn't shown much out of his high flying arsenal besides a few weird kicks and a 450 splash. The rest of the high fliers in the WWE are barely high fliers, more guys who can use the ropes and make top rope moves look decent, which includes JoMo and Kofi among others. While I'm not saying Kaval is better than either JoMo or Kofi, he brought more to the table as a high flier than either of them.

However, I'm not surprised. He had a very lackluster push coming off of NXT. He got in his PPV match, which was good, but he also got bumped from a PPV by a newly re-debuting Tyler Reks, which really pissed me off at the time and it does today as well. He also probably could have been thrown into that Ladder match for the IC title. It was already a triple threat, why not throw in one more guy, and it's not like it was some new guy who had never jumped off a ladder before. The WWE totally blew his momentum coming off of NXT, and that's what got him released. I guess they felt they might as well send him off before they let his character become a burden to creative.

The WWE blew a huge opportunity here by letting a tremendous talent go. I hope they also know that they totally devalued NXT, as winning it no longer means that you will be WWE's next breakout star. Winning it means you may very well wind up WWE's next future endeavored.
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of WWE SmackDown Superstar Kaval (Brandon Silvestry) as of today, December 23, 2010. We wish Kaval the best in all future endeavors.

I was initially surprised by it. I know that Kaval hasn't really been doing anything on Smackdown (He got squashed by McIntrye on Tuesday). WWE never really gave him a chance on Smackdown. He was in FCW for a couple years where he seen as one of the guys that would definitely go to the main roster and then on NXT he was a fan-favorite. I'm interested to see if there was another reason for his release and the way he was being booked because he could easily be a current mid-card champion & even a world champion in the near future.
Finally! Its not that I dont like Kaval I am just happy hes gone from the E. WWE made him look ridiculous with his gimmick, in that he didnt look credible at all, just some catoonish jobber. Now he can go back to being Low Ki on the Indies and in Japan where he can have awesome matches and be a badass
Wow, so nice of them to release him 2 days before Christmas. Should have seen it coming though after Tuesday. Usually after someone gets squashed like he did, they are usually released in the next few days. Drew crushed him. It does stink, I always thought he could step into that Rey Mysterio spot when he was gone. Rey doesnt have that many years left in him, and they should have invested more time in someone like Kaval who would be around for years to come...
I dont see the surprise here. He basically called WWE out for not pushing him by re-tweeting about said topic. It didnt get Matt Hardy very far, did it? The internet is the wrong vehicle to air your complaints, warranted or not.

That being said, it was obvious that WWE had little interest in pushing him. They made him appear lucky that he defeated Dolph Ziggler to set up his title match with him. He was buried ever since, and even generally took the pinfall in tag matches. He's just doesn't have the size, look, or charisma to have gotten a serious push despite being extremely over. Kaval did progress in terms of Mic skills and charisma as the season went on due to his affiliation with Lay-Cool, and I enjoyed his aerial ability, but he was essentially a one trick pony.

This may make one thing clear: The fan voting for the next breakout star is legitimate. If not, then WWE would likely have gone with someone they had far more investment in, like Joe Hennig, which certainly would have added a twist to the Nexus angle. A shame to see him go, but he's not young and likely wouldnt have amounted to much more then enhancement talent.
"WHO WILL BE THE NEXT WWE BREAKOUT ST--oh, what? He was fired? Well, that was a waste of time..."

Yeah, that basically sums up my entire feelings on the matter. I was never a fan of Kaval during his run on NXT, nor his run on Smackdown. I found his wrestling boring, and I found his mic work boring, but they way they'd been promoting NXT, you'd think they might have given him a little bit of a push before they got rid of him.

But no.
I too must admit that I am fairly shocked that this happened to Kaval. Kaval had so much potential; he could have amounted to so much more than the role that he was currently partaking. In his few weeks that he was on Smackdown, the guy did nothing but job to other talent left and right; and now he's released? Figures. This goes to show how much credibility NXT actually has. Next break-out star, my ass.

When Kaval first joined NXt, he seemed rather awkward--he would always do these ninja poses and had a hard time on the mic. But as time went on, Kavla learned to gain the accpetance of the crowd. He was even to the point where he had aconsiderable amount of pops whenever he would walk to the ring. Slowly, Kaval progressed on the mic to what could be considered acceptable in the world of he WWE. And then you had the fact that Kaval was an amazing in-ring worker; which says alot judging by his side.

My point being, is with all the progress Kaval had made, it's a shame he was released. But of course, the fact that he was made a jobber in the end, didn't help his progress. Regardless, Kaval could have been a strong mid/upper-mid carder playing the role of the under-dog just as Mysterio once did. But no, Kaval was released and we [probably] won't hear from him again any time soon from the WWE. Oh well...goodbye Kaval, we will miss you.
Kaval is a solid, well rounded guy and he was being given some more TV time, winning people over (see KB's reviews/ask him a question thread), however he decided to do what a lot of people do sadly, and decided to complain about the lack of time he was getting. Kaval was getting a slow push into the IC title picture, it was pretty obvious, but a combination of getting injured, causing injury AND moaning on twitter about a segment on a PPV has caused his own downfall. I don't feel any sympathy for Kaval here, however I do wish him the best in all his future endeavours.
I want a goddamn link for that. Otherwise I'm just going to dismiss as bullshit. Now if it's true, I'm going to be fucking pissed. They hamstrung his push from the onset and he's not really doing much of anything at the moment.

well, it's from WWE.com, so i'd say it's legit http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/kavalreleased

and i'm very shocked about it as well, "the next breakout star," yeah, whatever.. all Kaval ever did was job to everyone in WWE anyway, so maybe it's a good thing he's not in the crap called WWE now... NXT should really call it quits if this is what they're gonna do to their next breakout star, is release them after a short time

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