K.O. Finishes in WWE


Mr. Wrestling
With finishing moves like CM Punk's GTS, Big Show's WMD, and Barrett's newly renamed Bull-Hammer, Would you like to see knockout finishes in WWE? Have the ref check his arm to see if he goes limp. Maybe a ten count to show how devastating the move is. I think it would bring more excitement, and add more realism to the product. Thoughts?
With the number of times Supercena has or will kick out of those, people wont buy these moves as legitimate knockout finishers. Case closed. No way in hell are those kind of finishes going to happen in a long time. Though I'm interested to see what Big E. Langston can do.
Well..we already have a last man standing match. and even if the idea is used,sometimes things are going to look more fake. supercena will always rise up. It may be a special stipulation in some match, and let the powerhouses go at it...but dont see it happening anytime soon though..
Now that I think about it scratch the 10 count. More of a ufc ko where the ref waves off the match. And to posters above it doesn't have to be a John Cena match. It could be Barrett vs. Kingston, or Big Show Vs. Sheamus.
I remember that during an Evan Bourne vs Randy Orton match that took place on RAW, we had a knockout finish. Randy gave Bourne a devastating RKO while Bourne was still in air, going for his finisher. As soon as Randy hit the RKO his music started playing, with no pinfall or submission happening. I guess that was a KO finish.

Also during The Undertaker vs The Big Show feud in 2008, Show knocked Taker out at No Mercy using the WMD.

So knockout finishes have taken place over the years.
We have seen the occasional knockout finish, and I believe there is a place for them at certain times. I think Big Show should utilize the KO finish more, and I think it could have added to Mark Henry's dominant push last year if he knocked a few people out along the way. I don't think we should see one every week, but if used in the right times sure why not.
I remember that during an Evan Bourne vs Randy Orton match that took place on RAW, we had a knockout finish. Randy gave Bourne a devastating RKO while Bourne was still in air, going for his finisher. As soon as Randy hit the RKO his music started playing, with no pinfall or submission happening. I guess that was a KO finish.

Also during The Undertaker vs The Big Show feud in 2008, Show knocked Taker out at No Mercy using the WMD.

So knockout finishes have taken place over the years.
Those were after a match I think, those types of rkos look awesome but may not knock you for that long.

I like knock outs but prefer to watch the 10 count. I knock out win for Barrett look good with being a bare knuckle fighter. Big Show does it in promos so why not a match or 2?

Dont know where your going with the GTS but does a sick looking high kick sometimes.

Casaro looked like he was knocked out, experiment with that brogue kick!
Those were after a match I think, those types of rkos look awesome but may not knock you for that long.

I like knock outs but prefer to watch the 10 count. I knock out win for Barrett look good with being a bare knuckle fighter. Big Show does it in promos so why not a match or 2?

Dont know where your going with the GTS but does a sick looking high kick sometimes.

Casaro looked like he was knocked out, experiment with that brogue kick!

Speaking of Cesaro, I wouldn't be averse to having him pull a knockout finish or two with that damn uppercut of his. Sheamus looked quite a bit dazed after flying off the turnbuckle right into an uppercut...Hell, it even put a little color into his face!
With the number of times Supercena has or will kick out of those, people wont buy these moves as legitimate knockout finishers. Case closed. No way in hell are those kind of finishes going to happen in a long time. Though I'm interested to see what Big E. Langston can do.


Big Show KO'd Cena for Laurinitis to pin him of all people. You were saying?

I don't see the number of KO finishers going up too much in WWE. Big Show's is a special one to showcase his size and strength. But I don't think the 10 count is a good idea. It'd just slow down the pace of a match if the ref goes for 10 counts very often because eventually you'll have to show people breaking out at the last second.
I love how the first two responses bash Cena by saying he would ruin it as if he is the only wrestler that ever kicks out of a finish. Any reason to hate on him I guess.

It wouldn't bother me too much. At first I was thinking kind of skeptical at first because I was thinking it would have to have more consistency than finishers now but then I started thinking about some UFC fights and how a guy can get hit by the same punch/kick in the same place and may or may not get knocked out. I guess it would add another element of interest.
Absolutely this is a great idea if done correctly. The ref needs to dive in like what happens in MMA. The bell should be ringing as the ref dives in like what use to happen in PRIDE KOs. I think it can be a pretty dramatic effect.
With the number of times Supercena has or will kick out of those, people wont buy these moves as legitimate knockout finishers. Case closed. No way in hell are those kind of finishes going to happen in a long time. Though I'm interested to see what Big E. Langston can do.

It's not case closed because you say it is. Big Show's K.O has been used a fair amount of times including against "Super Cena". It works for him.
As much as I like Big Show, the WMD doesn't do it for me. Even casual fans observe that even though he might throw several punches during a fight, it's only the WMD (with no discernable difference to a regular punch, except the theatrics), that wastes the guy. I know Paul Wight could most likely knock most men out cold with a stiff punch, but not if all his other punches have little effect (kayfabe-wise, of course).

The GTS, on the other hand, would legit knock a man out cold, or even kill. As would the SCF. And isn't the whole point of the Sleeper Hold to make the guy pass out? Just to name a few... However, it is my opinion that for a believabable KO, a new finisher should be used, one we haven't seen Cena bounce back from. I think that's the way to go.
For Me ide rather see big show deliver a huge open hand chop sending his opponent into "shock" or something. Most fans have seen guys take a million punches without even looking like hes trying to block them. So im not big on striking kos. I like the idea of refs jumping in on submissions, but then people would complain that wwe is somehow copying ufc.
I like this idea. I think it could be a great way to bring in Kassius Ohno. His whole gimmick at the moment is about knocking people out. You could bring him in have him
knocking people out and the stopping it then somehow have him petition for it to become a official rule in WWE.
We have gimmick matches for that. Unless it’s a submission and someone’s finisher you know the hand it coming up. I mean the WMD is not going to knock cena out and the ref checks his arm for 3 that’s only going to happen to a mid carder. We are lucky of it takes 1 or 2 finishers to put the upper card players down. It would be pointless. I would like someone to pull a King Kong Bundy and say they want a 5 count.
Why the hell would anybody disagree with this? You wanna talk about an easy way to get wade barrett or Ryback or even Kingston over fast? Let them hit their finisher and knock out guys like randy orton/kane/alberto del rio and for gods sake John Cena. I respect what the mans done but he of all people should kno the fans want him to change it up a little bit! Anyways a decent 25 minute match with a ko finish would be exciting and the bull hammer is the perfect move for it.
I don't know if this is something that I would like to see come back in a big way, seeing it every week or even once a month might reduce its effectiveness. However there is one person for whom I could see this becoming a regular finish.

I think the Big Show could sell finishing most of his matches by knockout. Boxing training and his sheer size make it perfectly believable. And I may be in the minority that liked it, but that spear he used for a while, along with the WMD punch, would really sell this for me.

I look at either move and think, 'That person really shouldn't be able to walk right now'.

For most people it would be saved for special occasions but I see the Big Show as an exception to this rule.

Just My Opinion
Knock out actually is a standard method of winning a match by wrestling and WWE "rule". You can notice how it could come into effect when both wrestlers are knocked the the ground and the ref begins a 10 count that would lead to a double count out and a no contest. Knockouts have been used to win matches in the past as well. If you recall Tensai's debut and push earlier in the year he would beat his jobber opponent to the point of unconsciousness. The ref would call for the bell like in a MMA fight. I've seen similar methods used by other wrestlers in the past,it's used this way sometimes to show a powerful wrestler dominating a weaker opponent.

I like this idea. I think it could be a great way to bring in Kassius Ohno. His whole gimmick at the moment is about knocking people out.

I agree that this could be a good way to push a new wrestler after his debut. He could talk about how powerful he or his move is and after doing his finisher the ref would start a 10 count. This could go on for a while to establish his character and then push him into a last man standing match for his first feud.

I could never support this being a regular thing happening because it takes too long for a 10 count and MMA style KOs and TKOs would just be silly it most cases because if a guy in a real MMA fight took as long to get up as a pro wrestler does from any slam really the fight would be over instantly. It just doesn't make sense in wrestling.

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