WWE No Way Out 2012: John Cena VS Big Show

I am so pissed at this match. AND IT'S THE MAIN EVENT?
Dear God, no.
This is a big step down for Cena from his match with Lesnar (match with Laryngitis does not count), and in addition, here is my rant...
Sure, Cena is the face of WWE, but would it hurt to drop him to midcard for the sake of the prestige of the gold?
That is all; sorry if I went out of line there.
Conclusion: NOT looking forward to it.
I am so pissed at this match. AND IT'S THE MAIN EVENT?
Dear God, no.
This is a big step down for Cena from his match with Lesnar (match with Laryngitis does not count), and in addition, here is my rant...
Sure, Cena is the face of WWE, but would it hurt to drop him to midcard for the sake of the prestige of the gold?
That is all; sorry if I went out of line there.
Conclusion: NOT looking forward to it.

Yeah honestly Bryan/Punk/Kane, deserve the main event with the storyline and work they've put into it. There is no doubt in my mind that they will steal the show and it should be the main event.

I normally don't mind Cena being the main event, he's above anyone else for the most part. Wrestlemania I totally understood, even Brock and Johnny I understood it. But now it's like they don't trust Punk and Bryan and I can't see why.
With the announcement that Cena will be "fired" if he loses at No Way Out, it's not as cut and dry as it was. I know the idea of Cena taking some time off right now seems extremely odd, what with Orton out for 2 months for failing a drug test & his future with the company being in jeopardy as well as Jericho being out for a bit. At the same time, however, Cena is someone that might need some time off regardless of how inconvenient it is to WWE at the moment.

Cena is in the process of going through a messy divorce, it's going to get messy as there are former WWE wrestlers giving interivews talking about some of Cena's antics witho ther women out on the road. Former WWE wrestler Kenny Dykstra, real name Kenny Doane I believe, has said that Cena had a thing with Mickie James several years back and even broke up his relationship with her. While stuff like this might have no bearing on the divorce procedures, it's still potential ammo his wife can use. Also, Cena does push himself awfully hard and tirelessly promotes WWE. Having Show go over him at the ppv could give Raw even more of an interesting hook. Some wanna see Big Johnny get the boot but Cena disappearing from WWE television for a while could be a must see event, not to mention good for everyone involved.

If Big Show doesn't go over Cena tomorrow night then, in all honesty, most of this feud has been for nothing. I remember reading a few reports back around when Show began his latest heel run that the plan was for him to feud with Punk over the WWE Championship. If that is still the plan, then it makes it more likely that Show will go over Cena, send him home for a bit and then go into a feud with Punk. Otherwise, it'll just be like Punk getting Cena's leftovers.
The match will be okay because every match Cena has is at least pretty good but overall, I can't get too excited about it. I think Show wins and Cena gets time to straighten his life out and hopefully come back before too long.

Personally I'd like to see a no contest but if it's the main event that would pretty much kill that idea. Show wins after interference.
Like it has been said before, I could care less about this match. John Cena will beat Big Show for the 9,732,618th time. Even if somehow he loses, he wont be fired just like every other bullshit "if Cena loses, he is fired on monday" storyline. Its really getting old wwe (every John Cena storyline).

Go ahead and bash me or give me negative rep. I am sick and tired of everything being all about Cena. And no I am not going to stop watching wwe because of it so don't bother with that line.
Some points:

1. Cena has lost to Rock and then Johnny... and Tensai... does he lose to Show?

2. Maybe the ratings dive has been blamed on Johnny and so they will just stop the people Power storyline and "fire" Johnny and move forward with someone else as the GM.

3. Cena seems to be on the firing line every two months it is getting quite monotinous (sp?) and really annoying.

4. Big Show is this monster heel that Brock was... how many monster heels does WWE want to have? Instead of spending big $$$ on Brock maybe they should have just had Show doing this the whole time.

5. Everytime I hear a Big Show promo I think of him throwing Cena through the huge spotlight a few years back... and just shake my head.

6. Has creative got this great new thing where they mention how long someone has floundered for 15 years... Mark Henry did it and now Show... (the man who was feuding with Henry during those promos)

7. I just hope Cena gets "fired". I really want Big Show to knock him out and send him off our screens for awhile. Cena needs to start putting over guys like Daniel Bryan now. It is time he started giving back to the other talent. Instead of burying them e.g. Miz

8. And yes apart from the stipulations... I guess I don't care too much for the match itself. I can just see Cena AA'ing Show once again to show off how superpowered he is! Vince fires Johnny and we get a new GM... Edge maybe????

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