Just A Thought

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Dark Match Winner
Looking back on wrestling now, do you think that HBK should of ended the Undertaker's Streak?
Should the match have been a Streak/Career vs Career match?

Pros: Undertaker would probably make more apperances, preferably in a managerial role. He would be able to actually heal. They both would go out on a high (not saying that HBK didn't go out on a high note).

Cons: We wouldn't get to experience HHH vs Taker II. I guess there may be people out there that actaully tune in to see if Taker makes an apperance.

Interesting idea, but no. Absolutely not. Michaels should not have ended the streak because he had nothing left to prove and he got to put over Taker's streak while stealing the show one last time. The person who ends the streak (if it ever ends) would inherit likely the biggest push of all time. Michaels obviously did not need that. The loss did not tarnish his legacy, yet instead it added an exciting conclusion to his career. As for not getting to see Taker VS Trips II this year, that isn't really that big of a con. It was the one good match in an otherwise awful Wrestlemania. That made the match seem better than it was. Missing out on that if Michaels HAD ended the streak is hardly the end of the world.
No. The Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania has gained such prestige that when it's all said and done it means more than any World Championship in the company in this point in time. Shawn Michaels will always be a wrestling legend, and didn't need to beat Undertaker to prove that. What else was there for HBK to do? What would it have mattered if Michaels beat Taker? He was already well established, and will be remembered in the WWE. That's how I knew Triple H didn't stand a chance; he was already established.

If anyone will beat Taker (which I bet no one will), it will be someone who needs that win to get over. Hell, the last time I thought anyone had a ghost of a chance at ending that streak was Randy Orton in his "Legend Killer" gimmick. At least that gimmick called for it. But now I can't believe anyone will. Not even a dream match with someone like Sting, Goldberg, John Cena, or even a young Hulk Hogan can end it now.

So in closing no things wouldn't look as good if Michaels had beat him. Lest we forget Shawn was gone half the time that year anyways; his retirement was imminent. Why bury a legacy when you're already one foot out the door?
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