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Juan Cena


Apparently, John Cena is still going to be participating in WWE house shows under the name of "Juan Cena", who is being advertised as "John Cena's Mexican cousin". Basically, it will be John Cena wearing a mask and, I'm assuming this part, different wrestling gear than his usual jean shorts and wrist bands. I know, I know it sounds stupid.

At any rate, it does at least appear that John Cena will be taking a hiatus from WWE television for a while. I just hope and pray that "Juan Cena" won't be making any appearances on Raw. It would just completely ruin this entire angle and I'm hoping the WWE is smart enough to know that. It didn't work in Crockett Promotions when Dusty Rhodes was "The Midnight Rider", it didn't work several years ago in the WWE when Hulk Hogan was "Mr. America" and it won't work for "Juan Cena".
I don't know how to feel about this. If he does make appearances on Raw, it'll at least add more to the plate of his feud with Wade Barrett. Plus, I don't see "Juan Cena" winning any championships, which is what we really hated Cena for in the first place. If this helps Barrett stay relevant and keep the feud alive effectively, then I don't mind. That being said, there'll have to at least be a hiatus, at least a short one, before they begin this on TV.
I think this would be great because remember how Hogan was Mr. America for months. People loved it because you knew it was him and the Stefane knew it was him. But, just messing with her was the fun part. I would love to see this happen, and rename him to Juan Chena or how santino pronouced it Chon Chena. This would be like a middle finger to barett PG style.
This would just ruin the legitimacy of this feud and turn it into nothing more than a comedy act. I really hope he doesn't show up on RAW as Juan Cena. Cena has had such great promos lately because they felt real instead of his usual "hustle, loyalty, respect" promos where you could just tell he was reading from a script. Since Vince apparently thinks that Cena is this generation's Hogan, I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena pull off Mr. America part II...At least we got DVR.
This has been done way to many times before. hell the miz did it just a few months ago. There are plenty of other ways this could be handled and this isn't one of them. as you said it didn't work for all the other named superstars, why are they even attempting it with Cena?
I think it's great. You know they are going to run angles with him in the audiance on RAW, but it would be unfair to all the people who bought house show tickets for him not to wrestle. I also dont think that the legitamicy of the angle is important. Remember, there are only three types of people who watch wreslting; little kids who would be heartbroken if they didn't get to see their hero, casual fans who don't know the storyline anyway, and adults like us on forums who all know that he isn't really fired. Juan Cena is a clever way for all the kids who love Cena and bought tickets to see him him perform.
Hopefully this will be just like Miz's Calgary Kid, and will result in Cena finally going back to "proper" ring gear, I'm sorry but I f**king hate Cena in his jean shorts!

I know he's a merch selling machine, but is the white rapper get-up still necessary.
For house show's its perfect because it's house shows!! And the rule is what ever happen's there it doesn't mean it does on TV. House shows are like a non canon video game anything can happen and it wouldn't effect the main canon story. That's what should happen here all house show things shouldn't be ever talked about on the main TV show (Unless a title changed hands) and also kids will go home happy knowing they got to see Cena and no harm is done.

But if it gets added to TV this could be bad because that promo was so good that Cena coming back right after it is just going to kill everything that he said on monday if the promo was bad then it would be ok but it was so good that him coming back too soon is not good at all. On his twitter he (Kayfabe) has tickets to monday's show and to be honest i am not happy that he is appearing that soon he should leave for a while and build up to a big return.
Picturing John Cena as his mexican cousin Juan Cena reminds me of the time Edge and Christian posed as the Conquistadors.I think it would be successful as ratings go because Juan Cena would be too funny to take seriously knowing that it's Cena under the mask,plus it will appeal to the younger audience.As far as how it will play out in the feud with Wade Barrett and Nexus,I would pay to see Juan Cena fight Lucha Libre style against all of Nexus.
No, this is quite frankly a very stupid idea. No way in hell should John Cena start to portray himself as Juan Cena on Raw. Not only would this be a fucking stupid thing to do, it would discredit the entire purpose of the Survivor Series story. the whole entire feud between randy Orton and Wade Barret was built upon the foundation of whether Cena would let Orton win or whether he would let Barret win. If Orto won, Cena would be fired; if Barrte won, Cena was free to leave Nexus. Now, what the fuck was the point of that if John Cena just comes back as if nothing happened? And even worse, as a portrayal of something that has happened numerous times before and miserably failed? Nah-uh. I am very against this happening.

Jhon Cena coming back to Raw as Juan Cena is the equivalent of shitting on the face of the Survivor Series storyline as well as the credibility/success that the WWE has gained within the past few weeks. Right now, WWE is on fire; they have so much going for them. But for them to fuck it all up by adding such a stupid thing? Hell no. Just simply, Hell no.
well i went to a smackdown house in australia and as i remember it was about a week after one night stand 2008 (undertaker was banished) at the beginning Justin Roberts announced that undertaker was originally scheduled to compete and Mr. McMahon has said he will compete in the main event. this gave hype for the hole night. i think this would be a much more appropriate way to have Cena be in the main event
Just like with NXT, WWE's inadvertantly stealing something someone else made first


I thought it had to be a joke when I first heard it. Something almost bordering on racist. I want to see Juan Cena come out just like on the twitter page's picture, with the thick eyebrows and big mustache
To me this is hilarious, i just couldn stop laughing, the idea of seen cena in a super cliche mexican wear its super funny, we have to wait and see how is this intyroduced to the raw storyline with nexus.
Well, WWE has to pander to the kids as usual, and I don't blame them so from a business point of view it will work. Cena has enough comic timing on the mic to pull this off and maybe he will get to display a different move set and then sneak-in a five knuckle shuffle to get a pop. This will be a smart move from the E and they can sell some Juan Cena masks to the kiddies in the bargain.
What else can WWE do with Cena otherwise? Surprise entrant at the Rumble? Isn't that original. WWE can't afford to have Cena out of TV for a really long time unless he is injured or shooting for a movie or some such. To me Juan Cena is a logical, bordering on smart, choice.
This has been done way to many times before. hell the miz did it just a few months ago. There are plenty of other ways this could be handled and this isn't one of them. as you said it didn't work for all the other named superstars, why are they even attempting it with Cena?

It's dumb as hell. Just shows win you come up with a dumb ass storyline in the first place with no real plan b this is what happens. Wow, no way this will work. Just keep Cena off tv period until you come up with a logical plan b, and not a "plan dumb ass shit".
First of all, Mr. America was awesome. Everyone knew it was Hulk and the E didn't try to hide it at all. Thats why he still did all of his ring antics and why they did the lie detector segment. I agree with you that the Juan Cena thing wouldn't work, but they won't put him on TV as "Juan". No one can be that dumb.
I agree with everyone that this is a stupid idea. From a story standpoint Cena needs to be kept off TV for a while. Think about it, he just got fired from the the job that he loves, his passion. Barrett was the main reason he got fired by forcing him into the position where he would choose between doing the right thing or keeping his career. So Wade cost him everything, and Cena will want revenge. Now if Cena came back next week all that would be meaningless.

I say give Cena time off till after the rumble, let Barrett gloat about it as one of Nexus' accomplishments and build heat while in programs with Orton and other big faces. When Cena comes back the fans will go crazy and you will have top returning face vs. dominant top heel in time for Mania.
Apparently, John Cena is still going to be participating in WWE house shows under the name of "Juan Cena", who is being advertised as "John Cena's Mexican cousin". Basically, it will be John Cena wearing a mask and, I'm assuming this part, different wrestling gear than his usual jean shorts and wrist bands. I know, I know it sounds stupid.

At any rate, it does at least appear that John Cena will be taking a hiatus from WWE television for a while. I just hope and pray that "Juan Cena" won't be making any appearances on Raw. It would just completely ruin this entire angle and I'm hoping the WWE is smart enough to know that. It didn't work in Crockett Promotions when Dusty Rhodes was "The Midnight Rider", it didn't work several years ago in the WWE when Hulk Hogan was "Mr. America" and it won't work for "Juan Cena".

Yeah, that does sound real stupid. It sounds real stupid to have thousands and thousands of your fans buying tickets to see your house shows and finding a way to let them see their (or their kids) favorite wrestler despite him being fired on TV. It sounds real stupid to have him provide some comedic relief by wearing a mask and foiling the heel's attempts to get rid of him. It sounds real stupid to give your fans a good time when they come to the house show which, the majority of the time, is the first and only chance these fans get to see you in person. REAL stupid. Wait, no it doesn't. It'd be stupid to not to that. My bad. You REALLY didn't think that through, huh?

As for him taking a hiatus from TV, that's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? I mean, assuming he wasn't lying when he said he bought a ticket to this week's Raw, it's kind of hard to call it a hiatus when he doesn't miss any shows. And thank you for pointing out that you weren't watching when Hulk Hogan was Mr. America, considering that went quite well until they had to rush the ending when Hogan had to leave. But that's besides the point, obviously Juan Cena is a house show thing.

EDIT: Seriously though, why the hell would Cena take a hiatus? That makes no sense. You've got this great storyline with Barrett building up, and you're just going to throw that away because the internet morons don't like him and want him gone? You can't pander to the vocal minority, the idiots that are always going to be unhappy no matter what you do. It'd be ridiculous for them not to continue this Barrett/Cena storyline starting on Monday.
Come on kids, this is wrestling! The mask gimmick is GREAT! Do any of you remember the old "loser leaves town" matches? I think the kids will eat up the whole Juan Cena angle. The WWE knows the fans aren't stupid and remember, it is called ENTERTAINMENT, right?
I hope he doesn't show up on raw as Juan Cena, cus like many have said before me it would ruin the whole SS storyline. I am not a Cena fan but the last promo that he did was very well done. I just hope that when John does return it is not the same crap that he has been stuffing down our throats for the past few years because that is really getting sickening.
As someone who hates Cena.. I may actually watch WWE again.. As a wrestling fan for 25+ years... I finally stopped caring or watching.. take ur pick.. once the whole Nexus angle started.. I only make a point to catch Smackdown and TNA.. now that Miz is Champ.. even more of a reason for an old school fan like me not to watch, but I dont want to stir the pot.. Cena not going through his usual routine may prove funny, for if nothing else a Cena hater like me has to acknowledge his talent for humor on the mic...
I actually will be very intrrigued to see how this will play out. I mentioned this to a friend of mine who will be going to see a Monday night Raw in the next month or so, and he said it advertised a Juan Cena, and he remembered it like the old days from Smackdown when there was the Mr America (?...hope that's right) when it was controversy between Hogan/Mr. America. I would be VERY entertained to see the explanations that will be abound on this angle. It does make me remember an angle when Miz was dressed up as Calgary Kid vs Eugene for the contract on a pole match like last year I believe. However this turns out, knowing Cena's natural talent and charisma, I hope this works out well. :) I'd love to see it eat away at some of the heels there. Especially Miz. lol
this is as stupid as hilarious, as much as i hate cena, i laugh at thinking he will wear a mask and be called Juan cena xD...

PD: it's still stupid as hell...
Its not going to be on Raw. WWE is not going to mess with their biggest angle going by inserting Cena as a comedy figure. For house shows, it's a good thing.

House shows are simply about wrestling. They aren't about advancing storylines. It's about seeing the wrestlers go out and do their thing. This is just a way for people to be able to see Cena without the obvious storyline gap that Cena was fired.

I think what we'll wind up seeing is Cena still appearing on Raw every week. But it will either as a paying customer, or as an invitation from the "guest host". This will play out until Cena's obvious re-instatement. Unless it's a dark match, the "Juan Cena" character will never see the light of day on Raw.
True, as much as we don't want it to become the new 'anonymous GM' shtick, or the 'fake McMahon kid' who are we kidding? It probably will end up doing something like that. Especially considering Cena has already outed some of the plans and said that he already bought tickets to the RAW for this Monday. So I guess he probably kind of ruined a bit of the surprise maybe?? Unless he needs to not twitter his upcoming plans, that could defeat the purpose of the whole 'Juan Cena' thing that creative is trying to do.

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